Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 106 Conflict finally broke out

At the beginning of September, in this harvest season, Felicia, as an important prince in Germany, received a letter from Austria.

The Elector of Bavaria had declared war on Württemberg seven days earlier on the pretext that Württemberg farmers had crossed the border to harvest their wheat fields.Austria announced that it would join the battle. The reason was that Austria had an alliance agreement with Bavaria. When Bavaria was attacked, Austria had to cooperate with the attack. Three or four small tribal countries united with Bavaria also participated in the battle.

This autumn attack on the Duchy of Württemberg was led by Henry, the younger brother of the Bavarian Elector Maximus. The troops came from nearly [-] infantry mobilized urgently by the Bavarian Duchy, and [-] cavalry from the Austrian side. There are several troops.

Nearly more than 3 troops and more than 5000 cavalry jointly launched an attack on Württemberg. Even if the Principality of Württemberg sold out all its belongings, it is estimated that it would not be able to arm the same number of troops, but anyone who is not a fool knows that 3 people Left and right such a huge scale is only the vanguard of this great war.

It's just that the Austrians should have regarded Frederick as an idiot.In their letters, they bragged about the situation on the front line, as if they had already gained an absolute advantage, and all the troops blocking the way were wiped out by them. Wealth accumulated over the years.

Everyone knows that the French who are lying next to Württemberg are not satisfied no matter what, and Württemberg also has an alliance with France, so running over like this clearly shows that Austria wants to use Prussia as a weapon.

Faced with such undisguised deception and deception by the Austrians, the Prussian generals from the Prince of Dessau down to the new generation of Prussian nobles represented by the Prince of Dessau and his sons were very angry.

In this regard, their opinion is to shirk it. The reason is that Prussia only has an alliance with Austria, and the battle of Bavaria's attack has nothing to do with Prussia. The Prussian army will only be dispatched when Austria is attacked. .

It's a good idea not to be the first bird.But according to this rhetoric, once the French invaded Austria, wouldn't Prussia have to fight to the front?

The stubborn Prussian nobles are still not tactful and cunning enough, and their suggestions are not consistent with the idea of ​​preserving strength that I have discussed with Feretria. Besides, doesn't Feretria have their own ideas.

I didn't go to the Prussian internal military meeting, but only half a day later, Feretlia came back as if offering a treasure and told us that everything was settled.

I'm not surprised that Felicia took care of the group of Prussian nobles.Just convince two old ministers, the Prince of Dessau and Count Schwerin.The reason why the Prussians didn't want to move was not only because they didn't want to be used as a weapon by Austria, but also because they all knew that if they went far away, Prussia might riot.And when there is a commotion, it means that the far water cannot save the near fire.To know.These people are all in Prussia.If someone robbed them all, it would really be like crying without tears.

The Prussian nobles in the army were aware of that possibility, but Freiteria chose very directly to tell these two old Prussians about the situation in Prussia.

The situation in Prussia is very bad. The French have brought together Junker and the surrounding hostility to the Prussian country.

The country is unstable, and the two Prussian veterans are naturally even more reluctant to go to war when they hear it.However, Felicia quickly raised another issue that was as serious as a backyard fire.Is it necessary to tear up the alliance with Austria in this way?

Thanks to Philetia.The Prussians were put in a dilemma by her. When they returned to Prussia, they would face accusations from Germany, which was reasonable.Prussia should honor Austria, which helped Prussia recover.However, such a thing as being fat can only happen to Lei Feng, and it is impossible for anyone in Prussia to know who Lei Feng is these days.

You can't go forward, and you can't retreat. If it hadn't been for the scene that I was arranged to go out to save the scene, the two old Prussians would probably even have the thought of grabbing Frederick and beating them up.But after learning about this long-prepared trap, the two Prussian veterans are willing to use their prestige and temporarily cooperate to make a play for outsiders to watch.

The next day, the Prussian army stationed in Nuremberg set off the next day. We all set off together except Penny Weiss and Assassin who stayed in the manor.

Dozens of infantry regiments marched in columns, more than 5000 cavalry were divided into two, half of them served as outposts in the front, and the other half marched on the flanks of the army. Seventy cannons were divided into three units and arranged in the front, middle and rear. The method is very safe. Of course, the speed is not much faster. After walking for nearly six hours, it took less than 20 kilometers.

"About Wurttemberg, what do you think?" I turned my head and saw that it was Felicia running over on horseback.

"Bavaria and Austria took the lead in fighting, sending troops to Württemberg first. I only hope that Bavaria and Austria will be smarter."

"Be smarter? Knowing that you can't beat the French, you give the French an excuse to do it first. How smart can you be?" Feretlia pouted.

"Filletria, it is always best to burn the flames of war on other people's lands. If you can attack other people's lands, don't fight defensive wars on your own lands. The Bavarian Elector is targeting Württemberg's aggression can't be regarded as a wrong strategy, and autumn is the harvest season. If you rush to attack at this time, Bavaria and Austrian don't have to think about logistics. It's just that the Principality of Bavaria is obviously not ready for war... "

After asking one question like a curious baby, Feretlia asked another: "If it were you, what would you do in this aggression?"

"If it were me, I would take advantage of this good opportunity of being caught by surprise to cover up my unpreparedness, capture several key strongholds and important cities in Württemberg, accept it as soon as it is good, and then stick to it, refuse a decisive battle, and do not want to completely Destroy Württemberg to buy time for the mobilization later."

However, it seems that Henry, the younger brother of the Bavarian Elector Maximus, did not agree with my idea. The Bavarian and Austrian allied forces ran triumphantly all the way to the city of Stuttgart, the Principality of Württemberg. Many soldiers defended, and then on September [-]th, the Duchy of Württemberg fought the Battle of Stuttgart with Bavaria and Austria.

It seems that the Principality of Württemberg was sold by the French.

It is said that the Austrian messenger said yes, the Principality of Württemberg, which hastily responded to the battle and was reluctant to part with the capital of the Principality, recruited 3000 people to defend Stuttgart, but unexpectedly they ran into the Bavarian and Austrian coalition forces.The armies of the two sides involved in the battle were 4000 Bavarian and Austrian allied forces, and less than 2 people from the Duchy of Württemberg. The Duchy of Württemberg was defeated and Stuttgart was besieged. In the principality, another road besieged Stuttgart.

However, soon, the feng shui took turns. The Bavarian and Austrian coalition forces, which were already at a disadvantage and had to divide their forces, encountered the French army in Karlsruhe, the stronghold of Württemberg in France. The Bavarian and Austrian coalition forces were defeated. Last week All the fruits of the battle were vomited out.If the Prince of Baden hadn't led his army back from the Netherlands battlefield in time to pack up the defeated soldiers, set up a fortification in the small town of Göppingen in Württemberg, and withstood the attack of the French army, probably by this time, the French army had already entered Bavaria.

However, even if the Prince of Baden withstood the attack of the French army, the situation is not optimistic, because the Prince of Baden packed up only 2 defeated soldiers, and according to the investigation of the Austrian sentry, the number of the French army far exceeded that of the Prince of Baden. .

The intelligence of the Austrians can be ignored, but the intelligence obtained by Assassin in Rome can still be seen. If you don’t read it, you won’t know it.

The main force of the French army ready to go on the French-German border, and the main force of the French army deployed on the front line of Metz, a total of more than [-] French troops crossed the Alsace region and entered Germany.In the end, the messengers who came over told their intentions. Austria urgently needed Prussia to speed up its march and arrive at the front to support the Prince of Baden.

In the parallel world, how many troops did France have at most in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?


But here, this time, the French army made a move of 14, which was claimed to be 20. This did not count the more than 4 French troops deployed in Metz later.

The French army has a lot of wealth. The Dutch area has held back nearly 20 French troops. The French army in Provence and Toulouse also has nearly 20, but the French army can still send nearly [-] people, and these [-] people fight No, the French army can continue to recruit soldiers.If Louis' face is paralyzed, if he wants to continue to sell everything, at least he can gather an army of one million.

However, with the abilities of the four famous generals of the French army, it is difficult for Louis to rely on Austria alone in this war that completely ripped his skin and invaded Austria.

It can be said that it is inevitable for the French army to dispatch 14 at one time.This unprecedentedly large 14 French army is commanded by the Duke of Vendôme, with famous generals such as the Duke of Villeroy, the Count of Tarrard, the Duke of Catina, the Duke of Belvik, and the Prince of Comté. Admiral Duquena, who could not go to Shanghai, and the Duke of Marson, who presided over the war in the Italian peninsula, came two, like the Earl of Taral, the Duke of Catina, and the Duke of Belvik. But the ability is not necessarily weaker than the four famous generals.

With 14 wolf-like elite French troops and so many good generals, it is estimated that the Napoleon corps in the later Napoleon period will be even better. (To be continued..)

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