Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 108 The Ex-Boyfriend Followed 1 Up

ps: Everyone, don’t subscribe if the chapter shows that it is included. Also, don’t subscribe to this volume about Assassin’s counterattack. Just put it there. I’m busy with exams recently, and I’ll come back to change it later

"Yes, everything is expected. However, the specific plan is presided over by His Royal Highness Nikifrus from Rome, so I'd like to ask him to explain it."

Feretria kicked the ball back, and the two old ministers, Prince Dessau and Count Schwerin frowned upon hearing this.


Felicia's reaction was surprisingly quick.

"Then let me now explain our entire plan here. First, the first point, and the most important point, because our entire plan revolves around this point: His Highness the Regent once emphasized to me that all of you All of you are the hope for the revival and strength of the Kingdom of Prussia. Once France goes to war with Austria, as an ally that has signed an alliance with Austria, if Prussia does not want to tear up the alliance, it must go to the battlefield to support Austria. With Prussia's current strength, join the dispute between the two countries It will only become a pawn in the game of great powers and a stepping stone for others to succeed. But if it is involved in the dispute between the two countries, Prussia will bear the infamy of breaking the alliance."

After expounding on the prospect of Prussia going to fight as reinforcements and not gaining much benefit after fighting and dying, and comparing the plight of Prussia after treachery, I continued: "In order to avoid such a situation, coupled with the Because His Royal Highness arrested those Junkers and obtained evidence and information about their collusion with the French, the Regent of the Kingdom contacted me in the Netherlands at the time. So, there was a follow-up, the Regent of the Kingdom released Junkers and led the army The move to leave Prussia."

Hans next to Felicia frowned when he heard this, but he couldn't help it.What I said seemed to be that Ferretlia deliberately used Junker and deliberately broke his promise. The idiot suddenly became a conspirator.In all fairness, even a subordinate doesn't want his boss to stab him in the back.

"The Regent of the Kingdom once had a big dispute with me on whether to take away the army and intentionally create a riot for the Junkers. Now it seems that I won, and the Junkers who started the riot have already It proves that they are no longer loyal to the Kingdom of Prussia, and they no longer regard themselves as members of the Prussian nobles. Since they chose war instead of the peace given to them by His Royal Highness the Regent of the Kingdom, the future can only follow the path I am familiar with. Ladies and gentlemen. The Junkers and Prussian neighbors want war, so we will give them war."

Huh, it's not easy to clean up Phyetria and ensure my positive image. As far as I am concerned, the above words are already the limit of what I can do.

"Now. Because of the civil strife in Prussia, we are far away from the front lines of France and Austria. It is impossible to catch up with the action to support the Prince of Baden. Of course. Even if we catch up, it will be useless. Who let the French army on the front line have more than 15 [-] people. It’s [-] for the Prince of Baden, and we’re not enough to share it with the French.”

"15! Didn't the Austrians tell us to die!" someone shouted.

The Austrian's move to cheat his teammates annoyed the Prussian nobles present.

I grinned: "We're all dead. Wouldn't it be easier for them to fight below? I had expected that the Austrians concealed information, so I asked the regent of the kingdom to do whatever it takes after they marched to Augsburg. Even if I gamble my reputation, I will bring you all back."

"3 people, this is just a battle force on the South German front where the French and the Austrians clashed, but in the hinterland of China and Germany. 3 people have more room to play. But at this stage, There are only two things we can do, one is to suppress the rebel forces inside Prussia, and the other is to share the pressure on the frontline of the Austrians. The specific implementation plan is that we will divide our troops into two groups. One way, through the Nuremberg road, via Würzburg, the United States Frankfurt and Mainz on the Inn threatened the French army in Stuttgart from the flanks, forcing them to divide their troops to defend our road and protect their communication and supply lines from Metz to Karlsruhe. Although the troops on this road did not arrive Austria's front line, but its role is no worse than directly participating in the battle against France. I estimate that in order to ensure that their communication lines are not cut off by us, the French army must deploy at least 2 troops here. And While the French army has 2 people being restrained by us, the army along this route does not need to launch an attack. That is to say, we have preserved our own strength as much as possible while fulfilling the covenant. The other route, returning to Prussia, Cooperate with the Fifth Spartan Legion stationed there to wipe out all the invading enemy troops, and then return to join forces with another route, and then make plans."

The Prussians are not stupid. Faced with such a plan that can fulfill the covenant without dying, they welcome it very much. Of course, whether the Austrians can accept it is another matter.

But as the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast. In this era without telephones and mobile phones, it is impossible to consult the Austrian Emperor Leopold III.In order to be able to reach the communication line on the French side as soon as possible, the Prussian nobles quickly exchanged opinions and decided that this plan is indeed feasible.

Then the next step is to arrange the troops divided into two routes. Except for the cavalry regiment where the second and third sons of Prince Dessau belonged, all foreign legions will return to Prussia with the team, and those native Prussian troops will return to Prussia with seventy troops a day. The intensity of the march of kilometers rushed to the French flank.

Regarding those questions about why you chose the Foreign Legion to return to Prussia, my answer is simple, can you raise the butcher knife against those Junkers who were your friends in the past?

It was approved by most people, but many people still asked questions. In the second half of the night, I basically spent answering the questions of the Prussian nobles. After finally staying up until more than three o'clock, I came to the conclusion that the general was Five hours later the results of the departure, the meeting ended.

The military conference tent, which was very lively just a moment ago, fell silent, and it was only me, Feretria, Hans, and Prince Dessau and his son who seemed to have something to say to Feretria, and Count Schwerin and his confidants.

"I have something to say to His Highness Nikifrus first. If you have anything to say, we will talk about it later on the marching road. Now, step back."

Ferretlia has something else to tell me?

I followed her and approached her dark tent not far away.

Felicia raised the curtain.She signaled me to go in first, and I was thinking about what she had to explain, so I got in. The dark environment made my eyes lose their function immediately. , A pair of passionate lips stuck to it, followed by a pair of hands that seemed to want to strangle me to death, encircling my waist, and I also hugged my sister's waist.

The owner of the lips and uvula kissed me no less than ten times that night.We have done all the things that should be done, and of course we have not done the things that should not be done!But she's never been more aroused than today, and again and again the churning uvula digs deep into my mouth to hold her.Even if he was short of breath, he was still reluctant to back away.Wrapped around my mouth obsessively.

Kiss kiss.We fell on the bed by the entrance and exit of the tent.

Lying on the bed, Feletlia stopped asking for kisses, she took a few deep breaths and said, "You want me today."

"What?" I was a little dizzy from her kiss.

Felicia under me didn't speak anymore, but chose to take action. She stretched her hand to my crotch, and said in a shy and bold voice: "I want it."

Pushing the boat along the way and pushing away this girl?

I swallowed my saliva, and there happened to be such an impulse in my body.

no way.The girl’s request for a kiss just now has already made my little friend hard. Looking at such a more beautiful girl at a close distance, her female hormones are stimulating the continuous expansion of my man’s penis, but I still No loss of sanity.I reminded: "There are people all around."

"It's okay, I'll just keep my mouth shut and keep silent." Feretlia said, stretching out her hands.

"But do you think this occasion is appropriate?" I glanced at the pitch-black tent, this is not an excuse, in my imagination, the place where I took my sister's paper for the first time was not like this.

Felicia's hand stopped groping in my crotch, as if she hesitated, but soon she resumed trying to uncover my crotch: "It's nothing inappropriate, now I just know that I want to give you !"

There is no such thing as a woman’s sexual impulse, but Felicia is an excitable person. I bit her ear and took her hands: “I was so moved that I thought about making a promise with my body.” gone?"

"Isn't it possible?" Felicia asked back.

I kicked the ball back: "Yes, yes, so what can I do to thank a stupid girl who is willing to gamble a kingdom and her own reputation for me?"

"I'm not stupid."

"Aren't you stupid? You're lucky. You caught me. If not, you wouldn't even have a chance to cry."

"Yes, yes, I am a fool and a fool, so you must take care of me for the rest of your life, and you can't leave me alone!"

"Of course, so I want to give you the best, your first time, and I will take it on the night of the wedding night. I want to be in that brightly lit room, watching you in the bride's snow white Gorgeous dress, lying on the bed happily, showing a shy expression, and then I will kiss you from the neck to the bottom, look into your eyes, and be slowly watched by me under your expectant and shy gaze. Spread your thighs..."

"Stop talking." I only heard a slight groan, and I felt that Felicia's face was very hot and her breathing was very hot. I guess this girl who has read pornographic books a lot was shocked by the scene I described. It got wild.

"Why don't you say it? A very bold little girl told me just now that she wants it. At that time, I will give her what she wants, but before that, I will use the tongue in this mouth under her body that place..."

The most exciting part of talking about love is still the crazy talk between the two in private.At least that's how it looks to me. Watching Felicia being so shy and wanting to drill a hole by my crazy words like pornographic fragments, it's more comfortable than just grabbing a woman and giving it a hard round. , although the little partner in the crotch is very hard.

When I mentioned that I wanted to sting in on the wedding night with a little friend who could feel Felicia, she couldn't do it anymore, and she got into my arms like an ostrich, smelling the smell in her hair. I suddenly felt that it would be great if I didn't have to go out to fight.

After keeping warm for a while, I let go of Felicia, and then lit the oil lamp in the tent.

When the lights came on, looking at the girl who looked like a girl because of her short hair, but was a little more heroic than a woman, but less masculine than a man, I thought that if she had long hair, she would be a little more feminine.

After I sat down, the girl with a blushing face thumped me angrily, and said angrily, "When you don't know someone, you're like a crazy person, but after you get to know them, you're like a big pervert. Pretend to be a good person in front of me!"


"The devil will regret it."

In the following time, Felicia inevitably told a lot of things that must be paid attention to like all women, and then, naturally, the topic of piecing with kitchen knives was involved.

"Penevis will walk with you and watch you."

"You are not afraid that I will eat her first."

"Hmph, so I want Hans to go with you."

Well. (to be continued..)

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