Everyone may know Bismarck's "Iron Prime Minister" because he made Germany a complete country through three foreign battlefields. These three battlefields were Denmark, Austria, and France.

Compared with Bismarck's contribution to the German nation, I think Bismarck contributed more to the rule of the Hohenzollern family in Germany.He was in power for 29 years and transformed Germany from a half-conference and half-aristocratic republic with weak royal power to an imperial power. In his own words, "all ministers are slaves of the Kaiser, not running dogs of the parliament." As for, when Wilhelm II came to power, the Germans had already thrown the slogan "Long live liberty, where there is a republic, bread, where there is freedom, money and beautiful wives" which was influenced by the French Revolution in the 70s and [-]s, to the public. In Java State, the shout was changed to "Long Live the Kaiser".

You know, in the parallel world, Prussia was beaten all over the place by Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars in the 1848th century. It returned to the previous level, and it was even worse in [-]. At that time, the Prussian Revolution broke out, and the King of Prussia became a prisoner directly.It was against this background that Bismarck actually made the Hohenzollern family the most powerful royal family in Europe at that time, so that the later William III had the capital to spend the First World War.

If the Russian Tsar was escorted by someone like Bismarck, he would not be drowned by the red sea of ​​people in the subsequent serf reform.It's a pity that my predecessor changed history, and I don't know if there will be a Bismarck in Germany, but even if there is a Bismarck, it probably won't be his turn to unify Germany.Because, I will probably finish this matter before.

It's just that if you want to carry out the Germanization of Prussia, you must first clean up the diehards in the country.

Probably influenced by the theory of backwardness of knights and the theory of population base, Hans cooperated a lot when he cooperated with us the next day.When making combat arrangements.I gave the [-]th Spartan Legion to use the skirmish line tactics that we generally use in Anatolia.The reason is that since the enemy no longer appears in a large scale, and considering that the environment of future combat locations will be streets, villages, and suburbs, the Fifth Spartan Army will break up into parts and enter Newmark, where Junkers are concentrated. Strategic units go, no longer take the array of lines and columns.

As the head of the Fifth Spartan Legion, Alexey knows the situation of this legion better than me: "The legion has added a large number of recruits. The basic training of these recruits in the past was all array shooting, and the officers at the grassroots level are not too Carry out systematic training in many places. I am afraid that such operations will lead to a decline in the combat effectiveness of the legion. Moreover, the terrain of Newmark is mostly flat. Unlike Anatolia, it is very vulnerable to cavalry attacks. I don’t think such terrain is very It is very suitable for us to use skirmishing tactics. Soldiers’ weapons are not mainly rifled guns, and the power of skirmishing tactics will be greatly reduced.”

"I have considered your concerns. That is why I want to use skirmish tactics in Junker's homeland. Because I may use them in operations in the mountains of central Germany. Moreover, your terrain in Neumark is not suitable for use. The idea of ​​​​skirmish tactics is wrong. Although the terrain is flat, it is mostly pastoral, and there are many ditches and buildings to provide cover for skirmishers. As for weapons and equipment, let me try to see if I can get enough rifled guns in Prussia .”

The terrain and weapons are not too big of a problem, but the quality of the personnel mentioned by Alexey made me pay attention. Skirmish tactics are a test of the response and tactical capabilities of soldiers and grassroots officers. If the Fifth Spar The Da Legion is a legion that has always been inflexible.It's better to line up and shoot honestly, it's easier than anything else.

In order to investigate whether the Fifth Spartan Legion is suitable for using skirmish tactics, I walked into the barracks for the first time to contact grassroots soldiers, which is ashamed to say.I have never done such a thing since the Fifth Spartan Legion came to Prussia for so long, and neither did the No.30 Third Spartan Legion.

I chose dinner as the time to enter the barracks, and gave the soldiers extra alcohol. Accompanied by Alexei, I walked into the barracks of the Fifth Spartan Army. Those soldiers had bread and broth, I drank some more wine, and now I am bragging to each other around the campfire. Listening to those voices, it seems that they connected the raid under the city of Berlin a few days ago with my rescue in Poland.

"I heard that the rescue was very difficult." Alexei said from the side.

Speaking of that battle, I still remember Maozi's charge: "Fortunately, because Hippias underestimated the enemy, he not only attacked the enemy with inferior forces, but also chose to engage in hand-to-hand combat. The Fifth Spartan Army was besieged. In the small village. I just showed up to scare the Russians, then dealt with their artillery, brought a small number of reinforcements to the Fifth Spartan Army, and boosted their morale. Finally, the artillery and the fifth The Russians were driven back only by the hard work of the Spartan Legion. I think the Fifth Spartan Legion would have escaped without me."

"Maybe, but I've always thought that if the Russians had had artillery, the war would have been very different. Because as far as I know, when they retreated to the village, all the large-caliber artillery was left on the field. Russia wants to intercept you. The camouflaged reinforcements only took away their light infantry artillery. You killed that artillery position later, causing them to lack cover for attacking. They could only use infantry phalanx to attack the entrance of the village that we defended with artillery and infantry. As for the heavy losses, we had to retreat."

Looking at Alexei, I smiled and said, "It seems that you are very clear about what happened that day."

"Of course, this is a military achievement that the Fifth Spartan Legion is proud of. The veterans who survived that war often boasted about it in front of the recruits."

"is it?"

Alexei first took me into the military tent where the officers were concentrated. The middle-level officers there were a little excited when they saw me. Yes, we are also comrades in the same trench after all, and left a good impression on me. If they are affected, they will probably think that they can make a fortune.

After praising their performance in the night raid, I quickly got to the point, but I didn't ask directly if they could use the skirmish line tactics.If I ask this question, these people will pat their chests to be brave even if they don't know how to use them.At that time, the troubles of the Fifth Spartan Legion will still be my troubles.

In order to prevent this phenomenon, my question is more to test the flexibility and coping ability of these officers in the face of emergencies.Fortunately, as I guessed, most "Romans" from Anatolia have such a natural cunning that even as an officer, some instincts honed in childhood are impossible to forget.

After finishing the investigation, due to the unexpected intimacy of the Fifth Spartan Legion, I did not leave the barracks immediately, but was surrounded by a group of officers and entered the lives of soldiers at the grassroots level.

over there.While I don't remember a single face, apparently the "veterans" remembered me.

The "veterans" of the Fifth Spartan Legion with their heads held high were so excited that they raised their hands in a salute like a sword being stabbed by a lunatic. It was full of exaggeration and danger. I was afraid that I would be accidentally caught by these The emotional guy hit his palm on my forehead and stuck his fingers in my nostrils.

Face these excited guys.I tried my best to praise them in front of those recruits, and then asked about future battles.These "veterans" immediately started dyeing workshops under the color I gave.

"Those Germans are just a race with only heads. Let our Fifth Spartan Legion cut it down. Under your leadership, I firmly believe that we can defeat the enemy and enter Paris!"

"Yes! This time, I will kill at least ten Russian barbarians! Enter Vienna! Let those heretics taste our power!"

"Only ten? I killed more than 20 last time. I want to make these people's heads into necklaces and take them back to my wife!"

"Please. You're an artilleryman!"

"Hahaha, I will be the first to plant the flag of the Fifth Spartan Legion in Warsaw!"


Bragging is fine, but I think it is necessary for me to give these bragging "veterans" a geography lesson and revise their distorted aesthetic concepts.How can anyone go home with a necklace of human heads from thousands of miles away?If there is a soldier who does this, I firmly believe that soldier will be slapped into a pig's head by the iron pan.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

Before I left, a soldier came to me and stopped me.

"Can I ask you to do one thing for me?"


The soldier held up the crucifix around his neck and said, "Can you bless my crucifix?"


"This..." The young soldier was a little embarrassed under the eyes of everyone. He blushed and moaned for a long time before saying, "I hope your blessings will allow me to avoid the bullets on the battlefield and bring me good luck." .”

I don't even know when I took this kind of ability. Just a blessing can make the blank weapon evolve into an excellent or excellent one, with the ability of bullet deflection.

"is it okay?"

The pleading eyes of the soldiers made it difficult for me to refuse, but if I gave it to one person and the others didn't, what would they think? Wouldn't it be necessary for everyone to give a copy?

I was so stunned that Leon seemed to misunderstand what I meant, and he was about to push the soldier away and let me stop him: "You want my blessing, I can give you my blessing, but soldier, I am very sorry Curious why you would do that, it's not our tradition in Rome."

"This, I heard from those Prussians. Their army can buy the ornaments ordered by the priest from the priest to ensure that they will not be harmed on the battlefield."

"Really? How about those effects? The effect of those ornaments on the Prussians." I asked.

"It doesn't seem to be very effective." This remark caused the others to roar with laughter.

"It may be that the blessings of those priests are not pious enough, and maybe God listens to His Highness's blessings instead of them!" The soldier insisted very much.

I didn't mean to embarrass that soldier: "Why don't I do an experiment with you first. If my blessing is really useful, I plan to give the blessing to the entire legion!"

"Thank you!"

"However, I always feel that on the battlefield, courage is the key to determining whether a person can survive."

The soldier blushed.

I took the cross necklace, and then I was dumbfounded. In other words, how should I bless?

Leon saw me standing still and quietly drew a cross on my chest. Seeing this scene, I came to my senses: "Soldier, your name!"

"My name is Stunaras."

"Original God heard my prayer, blessed Stunaras and his cross, let..."

"Wait, this blessing is not for me, don't read my name!!" Stunaras interrupted me dancing, I was stunned, it wasn't for him, who was it for?

"Soldier! It is already a grace for His Highness to bless you, why are you so picky!"

"No, Legion Commander, this is for my son!"

I was dumbfounded. (to be continued..)

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