Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 129 The Battle of Boknam: Boknam Descends

The sound of launching an attack suddenly resounded throughout the front line of the left wing, and a large number of infantrymen lined up followed the banners held high by the standard bearers and advanced with the momentum of Mount Tai.

On the left flank of the French army, the [-]nd Infantry Battalion of the [-]st Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Army in a skirmish line fell silent the moment their own camp blew the attack horn and drums. The troops composed of veterans heard their most familiar voice from the seemingly messy sound, they, the attack signal of the Fifth Spartan Legion!

Many people raised their bayonets and almost rushed out the moment they heard the signal, but soon, all the soldiers of this unit realized the situation in front of them.

They are not line infantry in a dense formation!

They are now scattered in a large area in skirmish lines!

On the other side, the object of the charge is a whole area, a large area, of French soldiers waiting in full force!

If you launch a charge, this is simply a dead end!

Could it be that the higher-ups want them to seek death?

Many soldiers of the Second Infantry Battalion of the First Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Legion reacted quickly and looked around, thinking that they might be calling others to charge.However, the reality broke their luck. As far as the eye can see, there is no army holding high the eagle flag of the Roman Empire.Obviously, the signal from the left wing was for them to charge!

"How to do?"

You ask me how do I know what to do?

Stunaras really wanted to kick the recruit next to him who was at a loss and asked him questions!


is to die!

Don't rush!

It is disobedience to military orders!

Stunaras was subconsciously looking for the battalion leader's position!

Battalion leader, yes, many people are looking for the position of the battalion leader, but because there is no identification of the eagle flag, the [-]nd Infantry Battalion of the [-]st Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Legion could not find their battalion leader at all!

How to do?


Stunaras clenched his teeth and shouted!

"What?" Not only were the recruits beside him stunned, but even the old comrades looked at Stunaras with astonished eyes.

"I said draw the bayonet. You idiot! Do you want our [-]nd Battalion, [-]st Infantry, [-]th Spartan Legion, to lose face in front of these foreigners!"

"Oh oh oh~"

Stunaras drew his bayonet and put it on the muzzle of the gun. Seeing that everyone was almost ready, he said: "Let's trot towards the French! And gather the people around! Now, everyone, come with me !"

In the next second, he shouted with all his strength in his life: "Romans! Assemble!!"


The team that Stunaras was in was not the first to launch a charge. Before they launched a charge, someone had raised their bayonets and ran to the flank, but there were so many people inside.He was also the first to realize that even in order to charge, he still had to gather enough people and trot.


Seemingly inspired by Stunaras, some people began to send signals to the scattered comrades to move closer.

The more than 1000 Romans scattered on the flanks slowly changed from a small group of three or five to a size of four or fifty people in just a few minutes, and these slowly thickening teams will continue to converge sign.It's just that the French army is not far away.

Fear continued to expand in Stunaras, but at this time.He has no way out.

In order not to tarnish the reputation of the Fifth Spartan Legion.In order to maintain the pride of a Roman, he has no choice but to charge, and now he can only feel better if he releases his fear by shouting.

"Long live Rome!!!"

I don't know who yelled at a place more than 70 meters away.As a result, the entire second battalion, which was keeping trotting forward, entered a high-speed charging state.

"Come on!"

An infantry battalion was divided into four assault teams of different sizes, each of which had nearly 300 people. It was simply courting death to attack the left flank of the French army with more than 1000 people with less than 6000 people, but luckily.At this time, the left wing of the French army collapsed rapidly due to the rapid collapse of the first-line infantry regiment, causing their attention to be focused on the moustache and scumbags trying to tear apart the second infantry line on the left wing of the French army.By the time they realized it, the second battalion where Stunaras was located had already narrowed to a distance of more than 100 meters.


The left flank of the French army was charged, but due to the Second Battalion of the First Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Army, this impact could not cause much damage to the French army. The French troops on the second and third lines were a little confused.

Especially the French army on the second line, due to the rapid defeat of the first line, the line infantry on the second line were attacked by the enemy who suddenly appeared without knowing what was going on, and started hand-to-hand combat inexplicably. The attack of the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]st Infantry of the [-]th Spartan Legion, they thought they were caught on two sides.

But this is not the impact of the [-]nd Battalion of the [-]st Infantry Regiment of the [-]th Spartan Army joining the battle. The left wing of the French army was repulsed by the mustache slag regiment. The first line of infantry, followed by the Saxon regiment Seeing the sudden appearance of the Romans, their morale was high. Not only did they help the moustache scumbags to tear apart the second line of French infantry, but they also joined the battle in the third line with incomparable enthusiasm.In an instant, the left wing of the French army was completely at a disadvantage, and it was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

At this time, the [White Lion] of the French army, like a hungry lion coming out of its cage, rushed towards Boknum, where the Prince of Dessau was located.

The air above Boknum is filled with the smell of sulfur after the gunpowder burned, which has covered the bloody smell below.The white lion of the French army still maintained a full fighting spirit after being hit by a barrage of arrows and bullets nearly 50 meters away. Under the leadership of noble officers, it launched a fierce charge towards the defense line of the Prince of Dessau.

In just three to ten minutes, the Prince of Dessau, who had a lot more troops than this infantry regiment, asked us whether he could retreat if necessary, because half of Boknum had been captured by the French army. occupied.If Boknum is completely occupied, even if the French army is defeated on the left wing, they can still win the war.However, that doesn't mean we lost.

The infantry regiment under Prince Dessau's command is full of veterans who have gone through several battles, and this unit cannot be defeated so easily.As long as the Hessian infantry regiment defeated the French army's "White Lion" and stabilized Boknum, the French army attacking on the right wing would be completely vulnerable.

At this time, the Duke of Villeroy had only two options left.

Either use the cavalry on the left wing and spend the last bit of troops in a meaningless battle, or use the cavalry on the right wing to attack in turn, depending on the results of the French cavalry.

"Let Count Schwerin put his cannons a little farther forward! His cannons aren't far enough forward!"

"What if the Hessian infantry cannot defeat the [White Lion]?" Eugene asked at this moment.

I replied with certainty: "As long as the [White Lion] can't bite. Boknum is still in our hands, and the victory in this war will still be ours."

Constance asked: "Why are you so sure that the Hessian infantry can inflict great damage on the [White Lion]?"

"You forget what I've sent a skirmisher battalion to Berknam for?"

Constance replied very positively: "Harass the enemy, snipe the officer."

"Then what is the most powerful thing about the [White Lion] infantry regiment of the French army?"

Eugene said: "Frenzied lethality?"

"Who caused the crazy lethality of the [White Lion] infantry regiment? Is it a soldier? Or an officer?"

"...Why don't you send the Fifth Spartan Legion?" Constance nodded, feeling as if the white lion was actually not a very difficult bone, "Isn't it better?"

"Don't we have another cavalry battle later?"

"If our cavalry can't beat the French, we can only rely on the Fifth Spartan Army if we want to hold on to the victory."

"But what about the sniper officer incident, what should we do if it spreads in the future? Your reputation..." Feretlia asked.

I patted Ferretlia and comforted me: "I still have such a reputation? Let's talk about it. We can push the matter to the French themselves. Anyway, they launched the attack themselves, and the bullets have no eyes." "

We speak very lightly in the rear, but it's not the same thing at the front.

Shouts, groans, guns, and swords intertwined.Boknum's battle situation was very tragic as soon as it started.The attacking French army had more casualties, and their corpses were everywhere, but this desperate way of fighting made the Prussian infantry regiment under Prince Dessau often retreat after leaving more than a hundred corpses.And the French army will take advantage of this short time to replace the troops behind.Hold your ground.The Prince of Dessau could only stare blankly at the constantly lost positions.

It is not that the Prince of Dessau has never organized a counterattack, but the Prussians are weak in melee combat. Instead of exposing their shortcomings, it is better to use their strengths and avoid weaknesses and continue to hold their ground.But this means that once the position is lost, it can never be regained.The Prince of Dessau, who had no choice but to find out a group of grassroots officers without soldiers from the disabled team, organized a supervisory team.Due to the appearance of the supervising team, the Prussian infantry could only bite the bullet and continue to fight, and the battle was temporarily stalemate.

It's just that those continuous French seemed to never see the end, appearing one after another, and they didn't know what could end this battle.Once the soldiers' fear of the enemy is much higher than that of the supervisory team under their command, regarding the bulge, Boknum, the defensive point that crucified the French cavalry, is lost, and the battle is very likely to fail.You must know that the reason why the French army did not use cavalry from the beginning was because the existence of Boknum blocked the field, preventing them from fully deploying cavalry.Without the power of a group charge, a single-handed cavalry can easily be eaten away by a huge infantry.

Just when Prince Dessau's position on Boknum was less than half of the original position, his pressure suddenly stagnated.

Seeing the unfamiliar flag appearing on the flank of the French army, the Prince of Dessau, who picked up the binoculars and looked at it for a while, was stunned before realizing that it was his own.

It turned out that the left-wing Hessian infantry regiment joined the battle. Hearing the sound of war drums and fighting from the rear of the French army, the Prussians in Boknum were greatly motivated. The Prince of Dessau rushed several times. Recaptured a lot of battlefields. (to be continued..)

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