About the French spreading rumors behind my back, although I already had a vague sense of what the French were doing and why they were doing it, I found another time and called Constance He and Eugene came together to help me analyze and refer to the French rumors this time, and Feretria also came, because this matter is also related to her.

It’s just that Eugene’s appearance baffled Leon and Constance. Regarding the vigilance hidden in the eyes of these two people, I said: “Leon, how much do you know about the French spreading rumors this time, tell them all , don’t worry, everyone here is my trustworthy friend.”

Leon looked at Eugene and said: "About the rumors spread by the French this time, the French made up that you are a murderous maniac, and your favorite thing to do is to kill cunning rabbits and cook like dogs, and they also said that you are not Caesar's own son, but was born by Caesar's wife having an affair with someone else..."

Constance slammed the table angrily before finishing speaking to Leon: "Bastard! How can those damned Frenchmen insult Caesar and us Rome like this!"

This arrangement is very familiar, isn't it what Marianne said at the beginning, I nodded to show that I understood: "There are more. Just this rumor, it seems to be harmless."

Of course, the rumors of the French are not limited to this. They spread the original Marian's story and mentioned many things. For example, I seem to want to establish an independent kingdom in Prussia because of this. Fishing in troubled waters in this battle, then rising up, competing with Rome and France for the hegemony of Germany, and mentioning my past marriage contract with Assassin.They turned my unequal marriage contract with Assassin into a deliberately arranged exclusion just because I was not my own son.

"And that's all?"

After listening to Leon's report, I decided whether Leon had any other information.

Leon stated the reason for their interception of the French operation: "The spies of the French seem to divide the spreading area of ​​the rumor into two parts. One is Rome and the other is Germany. But it seems that the main direction of spreading is not the direction of Rome, but the We are here. That’s why our Assassin here got the news so quickly and became vigilant.”

I looked at Eugene and Constance: "What do you think?"

Both Eugene and Constance spoke at almost the same time, but after the two collided, Eugene chose to back down.

"I think it's the French who are shaking the German princes in our army." Constance said with great certainty.

Eugene agreed: "I think so too."


Constance said: "Now our army is mixed, it is not composed of a single unit, and the others are German princes doing their own things. Naturally, they will act for their own interests. When encountering good things and favorable winds , they can still work together, but if something bad happens, they'll have their own agendas. Well, the French obviously don't want us to attack south, then."

Eugene said at this time: "It seems that the battle in the south has reached a very critical point! Are we going south? Aside from the German coalition forces, lead the Fifth Spartan Army and the Prussian troops. This may beat the French one by one. Caught off guard."

Felicia shook her head involuntarily when she heard this.As the secret insider of the two of us, she certainly knows that this is impossible: "Your Excellency, we Prussians have suffered too many casualties. If we attack rashly, I am afraid that those nobles and soldiers who have already worked hard will become war-weary."

"Really? Eugene's idea is indeed very tempting. If I have all the Roman legions under my command, I will do it." I did not veto Eugene's idea of ​​going south to attack the French in one breath: "But I also agree with Prussia According to the regency, Prussia has been at war and suffered so many losses in the battle with the French. I think not only the soldiers, but even the nobles who are fanatical about war will get tired of the war. They need a period of time to rest. "

"Then what are your final thoughts?"

I thought about it and said to Eugene and Constance, "I don't think so, but I have to talk to you first."

"Talk to me?"

At my cue, Leon, Constance, and Eugene all left.

In this room with only the two of us left.I can finally let go and talk.

"After all the calculations, in the end, I was let by the French. Sure enough, I am still very naive in judging the political situation. Maybe people like me should be a general in this life, not a king."

Felicia said: "The matter is not impossible to solve, is it? Originally, our plan had no intention of going south."

"Yes, our plan is not to go south. Moreover, we just want to frighten the French in Hessen so that they dare not come up. Then let the Prussians lead the army to annex Saxony, and I will stay in Hesse with the coalition forces. Sen, wait for the arrival of the Roman legion. But it is a method used by such a Frenchman to prevent me from marching south, and a method used to divide our coalition forces. It is also their unconscious move, which hits my nail! You let me How to solve it? Do I have to go to Versailles and tell the French that I am not going south and let them take back the rumors? In this way, I will use the power of Rome to subdue the German princes?" After finishing speaking in one breath, I suddenly found that I was angry One point, it wasn't her who annoyed me, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken my temper out on you."

Said that I am not a legitimate son, and said that I have the idea of ​​rebellion and independence. In addition, the French also said it clearly and provided clear evidence.Combining the opinions of Eugene and Constance, the French undoubtedly just wanted to use this rumor to make those German princes and small lords suspicious of each other.If those German princes followed me at this time and stood by my side, if something happened in the future, they would also be unlucky with them.

The French let them hang the tail at this critical moment, which made our army in the Sino-German coalition scattered.Because of my instability in the army, I was forced to be unable to lead this multinational coalition army to the south.As a general, I am well aware of the combat effectiveness of an army that is suspicious of each other.If someone escapes during the battle, the entire front will soon collapse.

Abandoning the multinational coalition forces and leading the Prussians and Romans to the south alone will guarantee combat effectiveness, but compared with the French, even if this number is troublesome, it is still an acceptable trouble.Don't look at how mixed the German princes are, but in this era of platooning guns, victory will always prefer to stand on the side with a large number of people.

Well, none of that is the point, what drives me crazy is the aftermath of the rumors spread by France.

Because I am the son of Caesar, and the entire Roman Empire is behind me, so when Felicia restored women, it was also the time when the entire Kingdom of Prussia was uproar. If I support it, all those who oppose her inheriting as a woman Throne resistance will be reduced to a minimum.But my family knows my own affairs.My attitude towards that cheap daddy is uncertain, and the reason why I want to leave Rome is because I have more freedom in Prussia.But if you want to break away from Rome, you must have a reasonably powerful Prussia.Integrate the surrounding Prussian lords, and then pull the Prussian army out for several times through the war between Rome and France.That was one of the things I used to force Cheap Daddy to compromise.And if you want to take Prussia as your own, in addition to the support of Felicia, it is not enough, you must also have the support of Rome.But if you want to have the support of Rome, you must first integrate Prussia into my hands.

Going around, this seems to be another problem of which came first, the chicken or the egg!

But in the face of this kind of difficult problem, I had to face up to the difficulty, thinking that what stood behind me was not the scene of the Roman Empire.If Felicia regained her identity, I am afraid that the male collateral relatives of the Hohenzollern family will flock to Prussia the next day.If you want to rebel, rebel if you want to rebel.In the future, even if I can inherit the throne, public opinion will most likely not be on my side, as does legitimacy. These two points have a great influence on the Prussian army.And I can't call the Roman Legion, let alone go out to expand the territory, just dealing with internal affairs is enough for me to burn out.

But it's not that I don't have a solution, it's just that the solution is very expensive.

Many people need to die.

I don't know if it's worth using the lives of the Roman soldiers that I valued in the past as a tool for the sake of Phyetria, and after doing that, I'm still less than half sure that I will marry Phyetria in the end.In fact, the chances of success in this kind of tightrope walking with small and big things are very small.

"Don't do this. Seeing you in trouble makes me feel bad." Felicia stepped up and grabbed my hand. The warm palm once made me think that it would be nice to let her hold my hands like this in this life. I saw her biting her lip, showing a sad expression.

Seeing Felicia's pitiful look, I couldn't help but feel soft-hearted. At this moment, she seemed to have made up her mind: "Or, let's elope! Find a boat, and let's go to the New World! No matter what What country, these wars, whatever else, just the two of us!"


When I heard this, I felt embarrassed, there was no way, this kind of rotten thing that other people used actually appeared on me, what did this girl think?

He also ran to the New World, which is a place where birds don't shit!

And what are you doing there?

Play mud with Indians?

Go crazy with Felicia? (to be continued..)

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