"Versailles??? You are crazy! You are completely crazy!!!"

"Versailles? Hahahaha! As long as you enter Versailles, the whole world will belong to our Roman Empire! Why not go! Hahahaha!"

"Morris! Shut up, you pervert! Quiet all of you! Quiet!!!"

After I announced my real intentions, everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, followed by the entire military tent as if it exploded, and there was a bang, it was completely chaotic. .But it was still Constance who barely suppressed it. After all, here, it can be said that he is the biggest besides me.

"Nikis! We're going across the Ardennes to Versailles! Isn't that right?"


"Crossing the Ardennes means that we have to abandon the cannons, and we also face the possibility of not being able to find enough supplies in sparsely populated areas. After arriving in France, the army can only rely on the gunpowder and bullets carried in the past. Gunpowder and bullets can It is said to use a little less. Even so, do you still insist on it?" Constance almost sprayed my face with saliva, and he was very emotional.



Facing the two scrutinizing eyes of Constans, I replied: "It's very simple. The French army has come out in full force. Everyone knows that three days ago, the French army defeated the Austrian and Bavarian coalition forces and crossed the The Principality of Bavaria has entered Austria and is about to launch the siege of Vienna. The total strength of the French is only about 40. The French army has gathered more than 15 people in Vienna, nearly 20 French troops, and more than 5 in the Netherlands People are dragging their feet. On the Italian peninsula, there are nearly [-] French troops. There are also about [-] troops in the southern provinces, and there is an unknown number of troops on the Spanish peninsula. So, how many garrisons are guarding the heart of France now? ? And how many people imagined that there is really such a lunatic in this world who crossed the Ardennes region and entered France?"

France is not without defenses against being killed into the country.The army they deployed in the southern provinces of France was concerned about our entering the French territory through the navy. In Strabourg, the French left an army estimated at about 2 people, while in the north of Nieder In Lan, the French deployed the strongest generals in France and an army of more than 5 people just in case.It can be said that wherever the enemy may appear.The French did all the arrangements.But only here in Strasbourg in the north and center of France, France has the smallest defensive force!But still, no one would have imagined that there would be such a lunatic in this world who would do whatever it takes, regardless of supplies.Across the Ardennes and into France!

"Okay. Our attack on France is indeed unexpected. But have you ever thought about it! The Netherlands, which is the closest to Versailles, also has French troops! The French troops there can definitely return to defend Versailles after receiving news of our invasion!" Jun Shi cried Tans.

I said: "Versailles is not in danger, and even if the French receive the news, they will not be able to escape in a short time."


"If everything goes according to plan, the Dutch army will cooperate with the Swedish army three days ago. Start the war to recapture the Dutch lowlands against the French army again. At that time, the French army who can return to the defense the most will be tied. Paris and Versailles will be ours if we are quick enough!"

Perhaps shocked by my news, the military tent that had been quiet for a while became noisy again, this time.Listen to the voice, someone has been shaken.

"Quiet! Quiet!! But don't forget, the French army is also recruiting troops inside! Who knows if we will face tens of thousands of French soldiers who are about to enter the battlefield!"

"Those recruits, do you think they can be compared with the Fifth Spartan Legion? Can they be compared with the foreign legion and the Prussian noble officer cavalry under my command who have fought many times and are even stronger than the elite French army?"

"We don't have cannons! Can you guarantee how much cavalry will be left after passing through the Ardennes?"

Facing the imminent entry into France, Constance put forward various disadvantages in the Battle of Versailles. There is no backup, no supplies, the army is not strong enough, the arms are single, and there is no large-caliber cannon. When the two armies are fighting, If the enemy cavalry charged us, we would be at a disadvantage, and even if we captured Versailles, we would not be able to escape.In short, Constans did not say clearly that attacking Versailles was a dead end.

Facing all kinds of sharp questions from Constans, I asked back: "Everyone here, are you afraid of death? Constans, my good brother, are you afraid of death?"

"I'm not afraid!" Morris was the first to stand up, and then, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he was complacent about winning No.1 for himself.

"I believe that, except for Maurice, my playmate, everyone is afraid of death. Everyone means me, too." For all kinds of resistance, I plan to convince the Romans first, the fifth Sparta Senior officials of the Da Legion, "But everyone, have you ever thought about what it means to be in this world? To be promoted? To get rich? For me, for the education I have acquired since childhood, what is the meaning of my coming to this world? There is only one, and that is to honor Rome and let our empire rise again! Constance, my partner, what is the purpose of your life in this world?"

"Like you, glorify Rome and let the empire rise again!" There is no doubt that Constance, who was educated in Sparta with me since childhood, is an out-and-out nationalist and supporter of Roman supremacy.

I looked at Alexei and his officers of the Fifth Spartan Legion: "So what about you? Romans here, you live in this world, why did you join the army?"

The latter was stunned, and then raised his hands together with other Roman officers: "Glory to Rome, let the empire rise again!"

"Very well, we Romans want to glorify Rome and let the empire rise again. This ideal and cry were shouted out by our ancestors more than 500 years ago, and more than 500 years later, our empire is still fighting for it. Yes Our empire is too weak, or are we too stupid? Or are we not working hard enough?...Neither. It is because we have too many enemies! Among other things, just 40 years ago, in the face of the heathen's attack on Anatolia Invasion. I think those of the Fifth Spartan Legion here, the Romans of Anatolian origin may be more aware of the scourge of the heathen than I am. Later, we won the war and paid a heavy price. More than Twenty Roman legions were withdrawn in that long war. Hundreds of eagle flags were seized by pagans, and more than 30 have not been recovered so far. The Romans who died under the swords of pagans, up to the prince, Down to the common people, countless....Thousands of Romans living in Anatolia were forced to leave their homes. So, if there is a chance to change all this, guys, you will watch it slip by Walk away without doing anything?"

"I won't! I was born in Theofano's family, and all the education I received was to glorify Rome and let the empire rise again. If I find such an opportunity, I will seize it! Rome can't let France dominate Right now, the raid on Versailles. Paris is such an opportunity! If we value our lives and save ourselves, we can stay still. But what will the result be? That is, our Roman legions will fight against the French in the land of Germany. Who will shed the last drop of blood first! You, can you imagine how many more orphans and widows will be in the entire empire by then?"

"According to my speculation, the elite of the empire will be scattered around the empire to maintain the defense of the empire. Be wary of Russia and heretics. Then, most of them who can be used to go to Germany to fight must be recruits or second-line legions. Therefore, it is necessary to do so !With the encouragement of Versailles being attacked. They can maintain higher morale and will not collapse in front of the French elite. Similarly, because of Versailles being attacked, the French army will be in chaos in all aspects. This also gives us a chance to take advantage of Maybe we can end the battle sooner and settle the wars on other frontiers! Yes, the situation is now against us in every way, and we can only have the effect of surprise. Once we invade France and march on Versailles, we will It is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out! And I am not fully sure to bring everyone out. But! To achieve such a result, where is it not for the glory of Rome?"

After drinking a lot, I calmed down and asked again: "Let Rome rise again. I, Nikifrus, came here for this. Even if I die, I have no regrets! Who among you would like to live with me? die?"

After the last question, I could only quietly wait for replies from Alexei, Constance, and Leon. However, after a while, there was still no sound. I was a little desperate but a little relieved close your eyes.

"Life is here for this, and even death is without regret!...Nikis, we have endured so much pain since we were young, isn't it just for today! Others are cowards, but I am not Morris! And for the sake of old scum, I I should support you too!!" Morrisby raised his hand and made a crisp sound with his heels together, "Glory to Rome, Empire, long live!!!"

"Life is here for this purpose. Even if you die, you will have no regrets! Glory to Rome, the Empire, long live!" Leon behind me raised his hand as the second supporter, which surprised me, but on second thought I was relieved when I thought that his family was not only Anatolian, but also that three generations of the family had fought against heretics in Anatolia.

"This is what life is for!" Constance said slowly, he closed his eyes, and raised his left hand, "Glory to Rome, even death is not regrettable!"

"Glory to Rome, life is for this, I, Alexei, die without regret!"

Looking at those two Romans who slowly raised their heavy left hands, repeating silently again and again, "This is what life is for, and death is not regrettable!", my eyes are moist, and my heart hurts. Everyone, I am sorry !

The officers of the Fifth Spartan Army were disbanded first, and they took a walk in the Fifth Spartan Army according to my request. The ultimate goal of this operation.The slogan I carefully concocted, "This is what life is for, and death is not regrettable!" quickly aroused great resonance among the Romans.


The slogan I chanted today was born for this reason. It means that the reason why our generation was born in this era is to make a contribution to the rise of Rome, the thousand-year empire, and it also has the meaning of our birth. This is God's arrangement. The reason why we exist is to launch a suicide attack on Versailles.

And a Roman in Anatolia was born to become a member of the Roman legion, not only to fight all invaders in the mountains and plains of Anatolia, but also to travel all over the country and fight with other soldiers. Fight the incoming enemy.This kind of conquest has only one meaning. After the United Front Work Department emphasized, this meaning is to protect the country they were born in, and to restore this empire to its former glory.However, restoring the former glory of the Roman Empire is not only the long-cherished wish of the upper echelon of our empire, but also the long-cherished wish of the Romans in Anatolia, because these Romans who have suffered from wars are very eager for a peace, a peace in the heyday of Rome!However, this desire has not been satisfied for hundreds of years. Fortunately, after the difficult [-]th and [-]th centuries, in today's [-]th century, we finally see the dawn of the revival of the empire!

At the same time, I also emphasized the strength of the French and the disadvantages of Rome, and created this battle in the minds of the soldiers. Once successful, it will give the entire empire a huge advantage in future wars against France!

However, even so, if the soldiers lack the consciousness of a nation and the sense of identity with the Roman Empire, no matter what I do, it will be useless.

After all, I owe it to my ex!

"The morale of the soldiers is very high!" Alexei reported back, "But..."

"But what?"

"A father and son quarreled." Alexei continued, "The father didn't want his son to participate in this battle, but the son couldn't let his father take away the honor that belonged to him this time. Then, both sides There was a dispute and a fight broke out. It was good that their company captain stopped it early, otherwise we would have lost two good fighters."

"So it is."

Faced with this kind of expedition that never returns, I vaguely remember that the father in the army who prayed for his son was called Stunaras, and that son seemed to be called Evheski.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked, looking at Alexei.

Alexei said: "Well, if Your Highness has any instructions, please tell me. In fact, I don't know how to deal with this kind of thing. After all, if we favor the father, we will offend that son, but if we let that son follow Father goes to Versailles with us, and we're going too far again."

"Let that young man come to my personal escort."

"Yes, Your Highness!!!"

A few minutes later, I saw a Roman who had been beaten into a pig's head by his father.

Looking at the face with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but with a happy smile on his face, I couldn't help laughing too. (To be continued..)

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