The Romans went to war without declaring it?

And even ran to French territory!

"Is it the south? Is it from the Aragon region of the Iberian Peninsula, or from the coastal area in the south of our country?" Luwa, the minister in charge of the entire French government, subconsciously thought that this was the group of annoying ghosts from the east. Landings were made in the south where he was prepared, but the next second he realized he had said the wrong thing.If the enemy landed in the south, even if he couldn't receive the news one day before the king, he could at least receive a reminder when His Majesty the king got the news!

"The enemy has captured Luxembourg and crossed the Ardennes!"

"What?" Luwa almost suffocated and crossed the Ardennes area?Where did this group of Romans come from?

"So where are they now?"

"It's probably being exported in the Ardennes right now, here."

The Keeper of the Seal of France pointed his finger at the protruding border in the northeast of the Kingdom of France close to the Netherlands, Roy stared at the map, and calmed down from his panic at this moment: "Phew, I thought it was something Big deal. Don't panic, I guess this is the Romans trying to pass through the Ardennes area, and then march towards our military material hoarding area in Strasbourg. The Romans' strategy should be to take advantage of our main force in Vienna, Wanting to destroy our military supplies in the rear forced our frontline main force to fall into a predicament with cannons but no ammunition and gunpowder."

"Do we have a countermeasure?" The Minister of Seals asked, and then glanced at the silent king.

Roy said: "Yes, although there are only a few infantry regiments defending Strasbourg. But the fortress of Metz is prepared for this. Because I have long expected that the enemy may use this kind of attack. Indiscriminate tricks, so two infantry regiments were deployed in the Metz Fortress, and Metz was used as the main front line to consolidate Strasbourg's flanks. In addition, if you want to go to Strasbourg, you have to pass Nancy, which is also a very strong fortress, and around which our levies must gather. Epinal, as long as we hold, Strasbourg is very safe. It may also be that the Romans want to pass It is also possible to raid and destroy our supplies for the army in the Netherlands. You see, Liege and Aachen are in our hands. If we bypass these two, the Roubaix and Arras we have deployed in the rear This regionally-set operation center is easily exposed. But anyway, I think the Roman attack was just a quick, quick, hit-and-go raid."


Luwa thought of one of his achievements and was complacent: "The reason why I made these conclusions is because the Romans were unable to transport the supplies they needed through the Ardennes. Even if their food could be found there. But because I am responsible for the revised Cannonball system. We use a different measurement system from the Romans’ cannons, cannonballs, and muskets. Even if the Romans seized our cannons and ammunition, they still cannot be used. Therefore, as long as we stand firm in various ministries and deploy troops to strengthen their Defensive force. The Romans caught us by surprise, but we soon drove them off, relying on our great superiority in interior combat."

Because this is a battle that must be won.The Crown Prince of France was appointed as the Governor-General's head of domestic defense.It's just because most of the famous French generals were sent out by Roy, and the Kingdom of France must find a capable and experienced marshal to guide the crown prince. It is said that he is the eldest prince who has been recovering from injuries , Prince Condé served as the Crown Prince's deputy.

The order to deploy troops from several provinces to strengthen defense was issued on the same day. Just when Luwa thought he could rest easy, several successive news came from the front.

Tyonwe was captured.The high days were occupied, Verdun fell into the enemy's hands, and the French army, which exceeded the size of two French infantry regiments, was routed.Is the enemy advancing on Versailles?Or are you trying to lure us into sending troops in this way?

"March to Versailles!"

"March to the heart of the Kingdom of France!"

"Let our bayonets pierce the heart of the Gaul!"

Fanatical officers brought high morale to the soldiers, and we crossed the Ardennes Plateau.After breaking through more than a dozen towns in a row, Verdun was right in front of my eyes.

Verdun, the First World War in the parallel world was a very tragic war in this region, millions of people died in the battle, but today, in this world, Verdun is just a very ordinary Small town, on the traffic line, Verdun is only one of several channels leading to Paris.

The dirt roads and potholes in the country are really different from the main road that guards the east leading to Paris in later generations.But even so, the roads of Verdun are enough for my army, which does not have too many large-caliber cannons and supplies.

As the first Roman legion to plant the eagle flag on French territory, the morale of the Fifth Spartan Legion was overwhelming. Lu's military actions, ignoring the fact that the current French are just Germanic people who ate snails and ruined their stomachs.

However, as the commander of the entire military operation, I am very pleased to see the morale of the main force under my hands maintain such a high level, but it is also very sad.

Because the entire Fifth Spartan Army knows that this is a suicide attack that is very likely to have no return.

On the day the attack on the Ardennes was ordered, I stood on the high platform full of people and told them the real purpose of this military operation.

But just as I expected, because of the slogan "Life is for this, even if you die without regret", this group of people has been fascinated by the heroic deeds of their ancestors since they were young, and they think that Rome is them, and they are Rome. , the Romans in Anatolia, who wish to conquer the whole world for the Roman Empire, regard this action as a symbol of the resurgence of our Roman Empire, as a noble heroic act, and as the purpose of their lives. The end, and Versailles is the stage for them to shine the most dazzling brilliance in the last scene of their lives, and the entire Roman Empire will benefit from their actions.

In this way, an eighteenth-century kamikaze was created by me.This kind of advanced weapon is very powerful in this era where courage is more important than logistics. In just over ten days, we conquered five fortresses in the Principality of Luxembourg.

We caught the Duchy of Luxembourg by surprise, and the French were attracted by the attack of the Netherlands. There are not many defenders in the Ardennes, but this does not mean that the strongholds we captured were very easy. It is known that these strongholds are built on the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain of the Ardennes area.However, this problem of easy defense and difficult attack was solved by the crazy Fifth Spartan Army.The desperate charge of the Fifth Spartan Legion is the key factor for us to be able to step out of a passage in the Ardennes area so quickly.

In order to get out of the Ardennes area, the Fifth Spartan Army lost nearly 1000 people and lost more than one-tenth of its combat effectiveness. Even so, the Fifth Spartan Army still maintained a very high morale.All the obstacles that tried to block our progress were all smashed into ashes by the army led by Alexei.Obviously, the combat effectiveness of the Fifth Spartan Legion will remain in this state until the decline is completely revealed and the failure is irretrievable.

As for the other troops, the Hessian, Mustache, and Saxon regiments, I chose to conceal the destination of the operation, for I was afraid that if I told them they would desert that night.And now these three troops have maintained a fairly good morale after a series of arduous marches. The reason why they still have this morale is because I have won many victories with them before.I'm thinking they're selectively deceiving themselves, and I'm leading them to another victory.

The morale of the Prussian cavalry composed of Prussian nobles is not bad. These people have not escaped until now. I think part of the reason is because of my record. Another reason why the Prussian cavalry are still following me is that I made a deal with them. As long as they complete this expedition, I will guarantee that the Roman Empire will not force them to carry out more meaningless conquests in the future.But there is no doubt that the Prussian cavalry is the unit with the weakest morale among these three units, and it is also the unit most likely to lose the chain at a critical moment.

It's just that I never wanted to attack Versailles from the very beginning! (To be continued..)

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