In contrast, the terrain to the north was not as good as the French, but not much worse.There is a farm on the high ground on the right. Our position occupies a road leading to Paris. This road passes through the French army's position and runs through the battlefield. It is a very suitable place for us to launch an assault.

"How about it, is the fight going?" Constance asked.

I replied: "I have only seen flags from Normandy, Le Mans and Paris. It seems that the French have more troops than this. Let me look again."

"Okay, we don't have much time!" Constance said after urging, "I think we should attack from the east side. You see, the French army has fewer defenders on the east side. Moreover, the terrain is not as good as the west side." It's a good side, that's a good opening."

"But why did the French army only deploy so few people on the east side?" I picked up the binoculars and looked at it. I was sure that there were only about 5000 to [-] French people on the east side.

"Perhaps they have been notified of reinforcements. If we occupy that area, as long as the French army maintains the main position without being defeated, we will be flanked by front and rear." Constance thought for a while and said with a frown.

"The French are having reinforcements coming to us. It seems that we really don't have much time. Well, in this case, we will hurry back and attack the French when the land is still wet Remember to tell the soldiers, draw out the bayonets, rush to those trembling Frenchmen, and defeat them! After this, we will rush to Versailles! Plant the eagle flag of the Empire on Versailles! Put the Fifth Spartan Legion The Eagle's flag is planted on Versailles!"

Some of the group of Roman generals following me burst into roars: "Put the eagle flag of the Empire on Versailles!"

"Long Live the Empire!"

"Long live Your Highness Nikifrus!!!"

"Yes! Long live the Empire! Ladies and gentlemen, don't forget to tell our soldiers that the Roman Empire of our Romans is a great empire. In the past, the Roman legions of Caesar and Augustus used their victories to challenge their enemies Clear proof of this! Here, let us. Romans from Constantinople, Theophano's Roman legions win this victory for our great empire. A small victory! Yes, I call it a small victory! Because in the future, we will lead to a greater victory! At that time, we will stand on top of the world together! Disperse! Soldiers! Defeat the enemy on the opposite side, we will March on Versailles! Trample the worst enemy in all of Europa!"


At nine o'clock when the sun was gradually rising, amidst the cheers of "Long live the Empire" and "Glory to Rome", I put 16000 people into formation.

The Mustaches and Hessians were to the west, the Fifth Spartan Army was in the center, and the Saxons were to the east.

Wait until these four troops enter the predetermined location according to my request.Line up, the time is 10:[-] am.

Looking at this colorful and tattered army, it's up to them whether to eat porridge or eat in this life.

"Pass my order, the two infantry battalions of the Saxon Infantry Regiment took the lead in attacking 700 meters in front of the highland position on the east side of the French army, and the Fifth Spartan Army followed closely. Then they spread out to the left. Two Prussian cavalry regiments Following the Fifth Spartan Army, Mustache and the Hessians and two Prussian cavalry regiments move quickly to the front right. The Hessians monitor the enemy in front of them. Mustache and the two Prussian cavalry regiments are in case the French army appears .”

The order was issued quickly, and the 2170 infantry of the two battalions of the Saxon regiment immediately rushed to the French high ground, and the three artillery companies of the French army on the high ground immediately fired at this force.

The first cannon rang at 9:52.

"The French army on the east side is so well-prepared. There are about 5 artillery companies and 30 cannons firing from the sound of the guns. There is also a geographical advantage. I am worried that at most the Saxon regiment as an auxiliary force will not be able to afford this trip to the east. The task of launching an attack from the side," Constance said.

"I also know they won't be able to attack."

"Then you still ask them to go up? If they retreat, I'm afraid it will shake their morale?" Constance worried.

"I think even if the morale is shaken, that's what shakes the Saxons. Not the Fifth Spartan Legion and the Hessians and the Mustaches. You know, the Saxons have always been regarded as underdogs among our troops. Their failure will only be taken for granted."


The two battalions that took the lead in attacking the Saxon regiment seemed to know that they were looked down upon, so when they charged, their battalion commander took the lead and bravely led the five leading companies to charge to the high ground under the French artillery fire.In addition to five artillery companies, the French army defending the east flank had two infantry regiments composed of royal court guards, an infantry regiment that looked like a provincial province, and a corresponding number of cavalry regiments. The commander, I I don't know who commanded it, but I know that in the woods in front of the highland, the French army has almost deployed a defender of nearly an infantry regiment of about 5 infantry.

The French in the highlands organized 2 mounted artillery companies and 3 infantry companies with a total of 18 guns to meet the Saxon regiment. Due to our lack of cannons, we were unable to mobilize artillery to fight back.Fortunately, the French artillery did not exert much power on the soft ground.

More than 5 people from the 400 companies of the vanguard company of the Saxon regiment were shelled and only a few casualties were shelled, but soon these more than 400 people were flanked by 1090 people from two French battalions.

After a round of volleys, the vanguard Saxon group fell down hundreds of people, but this force did not retreat immediately, but continued to charge.

"Attack! Continue to attack!"

Then launched a counterattack at a closer distance, but because they had too many casualties in the early stage, their salvo did not cause much damage to the French army.However, because of their cover, they bought a lot of time for the 1600 people who rushed up later.It's just that it doesn't make much sense. The first five companies of the Saxon regiment, whose morale is not very high, chose to retreat during the second round of French salvo. When they retreated, they caused great damage to the troops coming up behind. It had a big impact, and after a while, when the French army fired their guns in the third round.The first offensive of two Saxon regiments was broken up.

I looked at the time, and felt that within 20 minutes, the two battalions had more than 2000 people, and nearly 200 casualties were increased due to white, and they were forced to withdraw from the battle.The French army holding the position burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Look." Constance sighed.

I don't care about the result: "Perhaps it would be better if we add some artillery support to this attack?"

I placed 5 cannons captured from the French army behind the next wave of the Saxon attack, and provided artillery support for the next wave of offensive attacks that were still 3 infantry battalions.However, the fact is that this wave of attacks could not last longer than the previous wave, and more than 3000 Saxons retreated in just 20 minutes under French artillery and gunfire.

At 10:45, the Saxons launched two attacks.All were repelled, and the French appeared to have the upper hand.This setback made Alexei and Hippias of the Fifth Spartan Legion a little impatient. They strongly demanded to launch a replacement for the waste-like Saxon regiment and let them launch a fierce attack.

I vetoed their idea, and the third wave of attack was still undertaken by the Saxons, but the Hessian regiment also launched an attack on the French army on the west side.

on the east side.This time, the Saxon regiment seemed to repeat their previous two defeats.Just this time.As soon as they retreated, loud cheers erupted from the French army's position, and the French on the high ground chose to charge collectively.Yes, it was not a short charge like a defensive counterattack by one company, or two companies, but an entire flank broke away from their position and launched a pursuit to the retreating Saxon regiment.

The French army on the high ground didn't seem to want to let them retreat so smoothly and return to the original place to attack again.

Constance was a little taken aback: "What's going on?"

"Have you noticed? The French army on the west side is a hastily recruited ordinary provincial army, but on the east side, the French army's troops are royal troops. The flags and clothes used are many times better than those on the west side. According to The east side is easier to defend than the west side, and we are very likely to attack the logic of the west side. The Prince of Condé must have wanted to put these ancestors on the safe east side and let them have fun."

"So you let the Saxons go up and lure them down?" Constance suddenly realized.

"I didn't know that the French were so cooperative. I just wanted to show weakness through the Saxon regiment and make Prince Condé misjudge our combat effectiveness. But it's not the same thing now."

I waved and called Alexei and Morris: "Turn up a cavalry regiment to open the way, Morris, you take the second-line Fifth Spartan Legion First Infantry Regiment and go up, don't let me down. Let Those French guys know how good we are! Artillery, artillery, change solid bullets, ready to fire on the French army according to my order."


However, the impact of the rash and unauthorized offensive by the French flanks has not yet ended. In the main position of the French army, the French army suddenly walked out of a series of cavalry.Seeing this scene, I was taken aback for a while, and then I felt lucky, and I was happy that Prince Condé had a group of pig teammates.

The rashly attacking French army blocked the path of their own cavalry offensive in this way!

Then the French cavalry, who were unable to attack the flanks, just ran into my front like this!Dare to feel that in the eyes of the French cavalry general, as long as it is advancing, it is an attack?

God help me too!

Facing the oncoming cavalry, the Second Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Legion on the front line formed a square in accordance with the standard infantry tactics against cavalry, facing the direction of the French cavalry with one corner.

Each side of the frontal square is composed of a company. The soldiers in the front row take a squatting position, with the butts of their guns on the ground, and the bayonets pointing obliquely upwards, forming a sharp defense to block the momentum of the enemy cavalry. The soldiers in the back row just shoot, and the soldiers behind them is responsible for loading the bullets.It is impossible for ordinary cavalry to break through the phalanx formed by experienced infantry with high morale, and don't forget that although we do not have large-caliber artillery, we still have some small-caliber portable infantry artillery.With the infantry artillery and the tight infantry formation, the French cavalry, which was originally used by the Prince of Condé to disperse the flanking enemy instead of launching a frontal charge, was smashed at once.

The precious strength of a whole cavalry regiment was wasted like this. It is estimated that Prince Condé over there is now furious and yelling at his father!


On our side, at the moment when the Saxon regiment could not withstand the onslaught of the right-wing French army, the Prussian cavalry came galloping and took the lead.

Rows of charging horses galloped crazily between the lines of the French army like cathartic mudslides, but in an instant, three lines were knocked away and several companies were defeated.In the French lines further back, they tried to use infantry against cavalry tactics, but they failed to fully form a defensive formation before the cavalry arrived, which gave the Prussian cavalry an opportunity.

Attacking the first 530 people with 2710 people, the Prussian cavalry passed through, and then it was the turn of the First Infantry Regiment of the Fifth Spartan Army composed of 2000 people! (To be continued..)

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