As a battle that would be enough to make my name go down in history if it was successful, I would like to make this half-battle more heroic and more brutal, but the fact is that because of the retreat and weakness of my Saxon regiment on the flank, the French The human flank thought we were just vulnerable and rushed out.Then, after the flanking attack without authorization, all the orders issued by the Prince of Condé came to this stage of execution, and they were all distorted by the very constructive French into another appearance.

Although I originally thought that the group of French people who had stayed in Versailles for a long time and their heads became funny would become two, but I never expected that they would be able to reduce the dominance value of a generation of strong generals from 120 to 40 This degree of exaggeration.Sure enough, the combination of idiots and idiots is not a 1+1 effect, but a geometric upward trend?

So this battle is how stupid the bastards in the French army are?

No, maybe I should describe it more appropriately by how powerful the Prince of Condé is on the opposite side.

Facing the retreat of the entire east flank, the offensive in the center was completely disintegrated, and the enemy occupied the high ground, the condescending disadvantage. With only two infantry regiments and less than 5000 people, the Prince of Condé in France seemed to be gradually showing his strength. Worthy of France's number one tactical star, France's strongest strength.

The troops we entered into the highlands engaged in the counterattack were the provincial infantry of the Kingdom of France. According to the designation, they were from Normandy, the 2nd Battalion of the Normandy Infantry Regiment.The 8st Spartan Infantry Regiment led by Morris rushed to the main position of the French army from the east slope, and was immediately bombarded by [-] cavalry artillery companies of the French army. Side wanted to support Morris, but was blocked by Prince Condé as expected.

Facing the offensive I wanted to launch from the front, the artillery mobilized by Prince Condé fired very intensive firepower.Block the main force of Alexei's Fifth Spartan Army outside.

"What's going on! There's confusion among the [-]st Infantry on the flank! Quick, send someone to the front!" I called to Constance.

Several fast horses flew out of us quickly, and in my binoculars, the attacking flanks were constantly retreating, but the soldiers did not seem to be shrinking back.

Constance yelled in my ear abruptly, "Could it be something happened to Maurice?"

"How is it possible!" I couldn't accept it!

"Impossible!" Constance said harshly, "That's a dozen cannons!"

"You two, don't be nervous! The front line has resumed its offensive! And it's even fiercer than before!" Alexei shouted.

I quickly picked up the binoculars, and sure enough, the faces of the soldiers who were retreating a moment ago were even more horribly distorted, and they were under the eagle flag next to the head of the [-]st Infantry Regiment.I also saw Morris, this guy is not dead!

Thank goodness!

But even so, the casualties of the Fifth Spartan Army gradually increased.First of all, the two tenaciously advancing companies were all sacrificed. The battalion commander of the 2rd Battalion of the Saxon Regiment died in battle, and the 3nd Battalion was defeated again.As long as the first battalion is still on the front line to contain the French army on one side.When the artillery of the Fifth Spartan Army was pulled up to the high ground, it was attacked desperately by the French cavalry.

The Prince of Condé seized the moment when my artillery unit was not completely covered by infantry, and sent out the only remaining cavalry of the French army.

The cavalry, with less than 300 men, rushed down the ridge under artillery fire.Killed and dispersed a battery of the Fifth Spartan Legion.The infantry of the three companies behind rushed up, and they could only drive away the French cavalry and rescued 11 of the 5 guns of the artillery company. The rest were all nailed to death by the French with hammers. The introduction of the lead wire was lost, and the company responsible for the casualties was many, and no suitable gunner could be found to operate it.

By 12:30.We still have not occupied the front line of defense of the main French position. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Saxon Regiment all suffered more than half of the casualties.With the loss of 1 artillery pieces, the fire support that our few cannons can provide now is even less, and the disadvantage of lacking artillery is even more obvious!

The French army estimated that there were 5380 casualties and casualties. There was such a disparity in the loss ratio, mainly because the French army was too chaotic in the first two hours, but when the troops commanded by Prince Condé were reduced to less than 5000 people Well, the number one tactician in France will save trouble, for him, it seems that he just needs to hold the position, so he seems to be playing a single machine and fighting micromanagement, which makes me burnt out.

Well, let's put it this way, I can't beat the Prince of Condé in terms of micromanagement, but I understand what he is thinking, he is making a comeback.

Waiting for the arrival of French reinforcements.

As long as we attack the main French positions for a long time, once the reinforcements arrive, we will lose our energy, and the only way to go is to retreat.

Being able to retreat is very much in line with my appetite, but what I want is the kind of retreat that can leave people with infinite reverie and regret, the kind of retreat that will immediately change the entire history if I do something !The best example is Napoleon's Waterloo, where he lost his entire empire because his reinforcements came one step behind the enemy!

In other words, why do I keep thinking of that great god today?

Is it because our situations are so similar?

Or did the great god's eyes descend on me through countless parallel worlds?

The cavalry sent to the front to inquire about the situation returned: "Master Morris, unfortunately he was injured before! After simple treatment, he led the soldiers back to the front again!"

"We must deploy more troops!" Constance suggested looking at the helpless battle situation, "The Hessian Regiment or the Mustache Regiment, whichever you want!"

"No, the French army still has thousands of troops on the west side. If we move, we must launch an attack on the flank to contain the French army over there, but in this way, we have no way to defend against the French reinforcements." Reserves. So, we can't move those two troops, we only have these troops! Constance, send the order, the [-]rd infantry regiment of the [-]th Spartan regiment! Call me the Prussian cavalry. Come back and regroup, tell Morris, keep putting pressure on the East!"

"I'll take the [-]nd Infantry!" Constance added.

"you sure?"


"Don't die!"

"What's the difference between dying now and dying in Versailles later? No, it seems that there is a difference! Never mind. Anyway, my whole life is for this moment! No matter what moment this moment is!"

Constance left to oversee the battle.

The two Prussian cavalry regiments withdrew to the rear to regroup.

At 1:10, the 4rd Infantry Regiment marched south. Morris and the Saxon regiment continued to contain the enemy on the flanks. There are four Prussian cavalry regiments, barely making up 2000 Prussian cavalry regiments, although there are less than [-] people.I ordered this cavalry to turn around to the east and descend from the high ground.Taking advantage of the time when the French army was shelling, they launched an offensive to the shelling positions on the left and right sides of the frontal French camp.

The remnants of the Saxon Regiment retreated first, but this time, the Saxon Regiment was completely defeated, not retreated.This army, which had been repeatedly attacking and retreating from the beginning, finally lost the confidence to continue attacking.I can only watch those Saxons flee one by one.But Morris' [-]st Infantry remained.

The only remaining French cavalry fought cavalry battles with my Prussian cavalry in order to prevent the cavalry from attacking the artillery positions.Saber against saber, uphill versus downhill.But my loss is greater.Because the French had cannons, but the French cavalry still let the cavalry retreat, and the remaining Prussian cavalry killed about 1500 people in the French position.

Morris's infantry regiment was still advancing steadily, with the support of the highland artillery, plus it was condescending, and the flank artillery was not transferred to attack the [-]nd and [-]rd infantry regiments in front.It was threatened by the Prussian cavalry, and they finally made a little progress. They were finally able to enter the French position and launch hand-to-hand combat against the French infantry on the flank defense line.

The breakthrough was opened in this way, and the battle has entered the most critical time at this time.I brought up the [-]th Infantry, ordered reinforcements to Morris, and continued to expand the Russian breakthrough from the flank.

This infantry regiment is already the last reserve of the Fifth Spartan Legion. I have no reserves except for the remaining 200 cavalry.If you still can't beat it, I will do it myself!

At this time, the critical turning point I expected finally came.

Looking through the thick gunpowder smoke, looking at the eagle flags flying over the [-]nd and [-]rd Infantry Regiments who were about to board the main position of the French army and were about to enter hand-to-hand combat, I shouted to the people around me: "Everyone follow me!"

Driving the horses to run forward, I shouted while driving the horses: "Romans! Follow me to attack the enemy's position!"

"Long live!"

"Long Live the Empire!!!"

The guards around me were completely insane, and they shouted hoarsely!

The road to the front from the rear was not long, and soon, after three or four shells flew over my head, I was in the main French position.

There was a mess everywhere, under the billowing gunpowder smoke, the corpses of French infantry in champagne uniforms, Prussian cavalry in pure black uniforms, Roman infantry in red uniforms, and Roman cavalry in crimson uniforms were all over the place. ridge.

Under the waving flag, the soldiers were still falling, but after entering the hand-to-hand combat, the soldiers of the Fifth Spartan Legion showed stronger combat effectiveness than the newly recruited farmers of the French.After my appearance, the already high morale of the soldiers became even more brutal.

I searched with my eyes and plunged into the shaken French defense line.

I didn't come here to kill people.

Get rid of the cavalry behind you, then find a chance to get off the horse, draw your gun and give yourself a shot, this is what I have to do now!

Alas, this kind of strange event of going to the front line and shooting yourself a gun probably only appeared in the World War I soldiers who hid in the trenches and played tunnel warfare.But I didn't expect to let me get it out in advance now.

I was pulled by someone suddenly, only to hear Leon shout: "Your Highness, you rushed too far!"

I know, if you don't come forward, how can you distract your attention, and then I will do it for myself!

"French reinforcements will appear at any time. If you defeat the French army a moment earlier, you will be one point closer to Versailles, don't you think?"

"Everyone, come with me!"

Even if it is the battlefield where the winner is about to be decided, the battlefield is the battlefield, and open and hidden arrows are everywhere.It won't give you any time to breathe, and soon, in front of the bayonets and sabers that appeared in front of the left and right, I almost forgot what I was here for, for me!

Feeling that the French army seems to be relying on a place with fierce firepower to launch a counterattack, I looked at the last artillery position of the French army and mobilized troops to attack while shouting: "Attack, just take down that artillery position of the French army." , Victory belongs to us! Attack! Attack!!"

"Cannon! Get down!"

"Lie down!"


Is this shouting at me?

I turned my head and saw that the muzzle of a cannon of the French army was facing me... (To be continued..)

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