Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 148 Have We Been Tricked?

My armies are engaged in a violent brawl.

The parties to the quarrel were the Prussians and Constans.

The reason for the quarrel is also very simple, that is whether we should move on.

We defeated the Prince of Condé, but the opponent still retained a lot of troops on the western flank. During the pursuit, because they could not bite the opponent in time, the French army who left the battlefield still had a high combat effectiveness, and according to the investigation , The enemy has converged, and at a place 70 kilometers away from Paris, there is another army of more than tens of thousands of people on defense.

Faced with this situation, the Prussians proposed to end the senseless fighting and withdraw from France, since it was no longer possible for us to take Versailles.Not only were our casualties too high, but the enemy was too numerous.

Constance still insisted on continuing to fight!Destroy the enemy even if the entire army is wiped out!Plant the eagle flag of the Roman Empire on the head of Versailles.

The Prussians said that they would not accompany them.

Then, the two parties who could not settle down had no choice but to find a random place and use clean water to wake me up from the coma.

I was very unlucky. On the battlefield, I was not stunned by the cannonball. Instead, because of Leon's push, I hit my head on the ground and passed out.And when I woke up, I found that someone had slapped my thigh coldly.I can't ride a horse because of my thigh injury.Who did a good job?

But compared to Morris, I'm pretty good. That guy was beaten to pieces the entire palm of his right hand and had to be amputated.

It's just that Felicia didn't come back, and without her, now I can't retreat as planned!

"Your Highness, Your Highness?" Alexie's voice made me raise my eyelids. I just woke up, and my head was still groggy.

"The casualties are coming out."

"Oh. Read it quickly."

"We fought hard for a day, defeated the enemy general Prince Condé, and completely defeated the enemy's flanks and main positions. The enemy's casualties were about 5000, and the prisoners were more than 1000. Our casualties were more than half of the Saxon regiment. The fifth Sparta About 2000 people were killed and injured by the Dajun Army, and 700 people were killed and injured by the Prussian cavalry. Our reduction in personnel is about 4500 people."

Hippias complimented: "Your Highness, please allow me to congratulate you for such a major victory. You defeated the French No.1 general, Prince Condé the Great."

"is it?"

Have I defeated the Prince of Condé?

That's a pretty ironic joke.

Let most of the people around disperse, and only Constance, Alexei, and Hippias, who are relatively high-level people, remain in my resting place.

Facing these people, I said: "The prince was not defeated by me, but by his own people."

"I think so too, I didn't expect the French to be so stupid." Alexie said.

"Stupid? Maybe I'm too sensitive. I think it's weird." Constance frowned and thought for a while before saying. "As a prestigious marshal, it is impossible for that prince to be unable to restrain the group of nobles under his command. But why did those nobles still rush out?"

I think what Constance said is true.We are under the hands of old scumbags, one or two of us are as good as daughters, that prince killed so many people, and the nobles under his hands are not court bosses. The prince's order.

"I seem to remember. Our Assassins have a plan to ruin the reputation of that prince in France. Right, Leon." I looked at Leon, he should know something.

Leon replied: "Yes. It is said that His Royal Highness was replaced from the Netherlands for this reason."

"Then the King of France sent his Dauphin to the front again and again in order to increase his prestige?" Constance said to himself.

"Once and again?" I was a little surprised by Constance's words.

"When we were pursuing, we encountered the troops of the French army. The French resisted very tenaciously. We suffered a lot of losses. However, after identification, the troops that appeared on the front line were the crown prince of the Kingdom of France. As a kingdom Prince Chu, it's very unreasonable for him to be so close," Constance said.

"Unless they know the French will be defeated." I seem to understand, "Constance, it seems we are being used."

Constance's face became more and more ugly: "It seems that the whole thing is too much of a coincidence. If this is the case, we are very likely to be borrowed by the Sun King as a knife to wipe out many French nobles in one fell swoop. .It also damaged the prestige of the Prince of Condé, and improved the prestige of his crown prince by defending Versailles. If this is the case, it seems that the French nobles on the flanks launched an offensive without authorization, which seems to be explainable."

"Those nobles have died so many people, I'm afraid they will put this debt on us and that prince. Even if the prince wants to rebel, I'm afraid it will be nothing." It’s all our loss, “Constance, what do you think will happen if we go on the offensive but are defeated?”

"Whoever defeats us will undoubtedly become the hero of Versailles, receiving flowers and cheers." Constance stared at me intently, "You want to retreat?"

To this friend, I have nothing to hide: "Seeing that we have no hope of taking Versailles, going forward is just dying in vain. I don't want to be another Prince of Condé raised by the French to give their crown prince great prestige."

"Then why did we risk our lives so much in front of us? Did Morris's hand just get cut off for nothing!" Constance was very excited.

I asked back: "Then we just watch our Romans die meaninglessly like this? The French have deployed tens of thousands of people in Paris. There is also an army on the flank, and the troops in other provinces are still there." In the rush, we have another Duke of Luxembourg behind us. What about us? How many of us are left? Blow them all out and watch the French and the French crown prince get this great honor for nothing? Constance, The old scum once said that if we fight a war, we will end it! Now we have too many casualties, and there is no hope of occupying Versailles!"

"Retreat, what can we get if we retreat?"

I replied: "A victorious general who defeated the Prince of Condé the Great, and a heroic army."

Constance was startled, I think he can understand how precious a victorious general who defeated Prince Condé is to Rome, "But you never thought that once you issue such an order, what will happen to you?" How much damage was done to the soldiers who followed you here!"

Yes, as the initiator of the proposal, since I gave the order to advance, I shouldn't give the order to retreat. In that case, what would the soldiers think of me?



With these two reputations on his back, what is the use of a victorious general who defeated Prince Condé?

"I'm here to give the order to retreat!" Constance said at this time.

"Nikis, the injury still hasn't woken up, I will give you the order to retreat. But we retreat like this, I am not reconciled!"

"I'm not reconciled either!"

After receiving a report from an officer, Alexei turned to me and said, "Your Highness, those French prisoners, I have something to tell you."


On the battlefield, the air was filled with a choking smell of smoke.What was originally a green grassy field in the French countryside has now become a smoky purgatory.Thousands of French corpses were scattered all over the battlefield, and various flags, weapons, and dead horses could be seen everywhere.

Soldiers from the two battalions of the Hessian Regiment were cleaning the battlefield, and from time to time they could hear the cries of soldiers calling for military doctors to rescue their wounded who were still alive.There are also some soldiers who are collecting rifles and ammunition discarded by the enemy on the enemy's corpse. They pile up the damaged ones and put the intact ones neatly aside.

There was not much ammunition in the army, and if necessary, the fifth Spartan regiment's standard muskets were to be replaced by French-made standard muskets.

Looking at the blood-stained field in front of me, I felt neither pain nor sadness. It was very strange. Logically speaking, I should be in pain when my friend lost his palm and sacrificed so many soldiers.However, at this moment, looking at the wounded who are supporting each other in small groups, I don't feel any sadness.

I turned around and walked slowly towards the open space where the prisoners of war were concentrated. The officers followed me silently. (To be continued..)

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