Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 151 What If Here and What If Over There

On the evening of February 1720, 2, the Fifth Spartan Army entered the Netherlands. The short and hasty Versailles expedition only lasted for about a month before it ended.In fact, if the period from Germany to the Ardennes area and the Ardennes Mountains is excluded, the Fifth Spartan Army only stayed in France for less than 5 days.

But it was these 20 days that brought great changes to the entire Europa.

In southern Germany, troubled by the domestic situation, the 10,000+ French army, except for the Duke of Luxembourg, withdrew tens of thousands of troops to defend their flanks and supply points along the way. After the siege of Vienna was weakened repeatedly , although he tried to launch a successful siege operation with one blow, the Austrians were still defended.

In the Hesse region in the middle, the Duke of Hesse drove out the invading duchies of Hannover and Brunswick. This credit is my own.

In the northern region, the United Provinces of the Netherlands spent millions of dollars and tens of thousands of casualties, but they were still unable to achieve their strategic goals. With the arrival of the French reinforcements and the Duke of Luxembourg, they had no choice but to retreat.

In the area of ​​Germany, the changes are not big, but in terms of the international situation, the Roman Empire undoubtedly declared war on France.

As for the results of the battle, I can only say that I am very sorry. More than 3000 people were killed and injured in the Fifth Spartan Army, and the entire Sachs regiment was dismantled. After paying such a price, I still failed to achieve the original plan after more than 20 days of fighting in France. half of the effect.

Only let me kill and wound no more than 4 French, destroy several French strongholds, and burn a limited number of French supplies.The Duke of Luxembourg was pulled back to France from the front line of the French army.In addition, what can be regarded as a result of the battle is that the French army finally realized the defensive loopholes in the Ardennes area.They strengthened the area's defenses at a later date.And raised the army defending Paris to [-].

It was even worse for the Dutch, because they were used by Sachs and me, and they blindly launched an attack without any strategic significance.More than [-] people were killed and injured, and only a few useless fortresses were captured. In the end, they could only retreat with us in desperation when the French reinforcements arrived.

Orange William was furious, but something that shouldn't have happened also happened, he could only swallow the bad breath, and swallowed it in his throat.The whole thing is a temporary farewell paragraph with Sachs being dismissed.

Compared with the bleak scene on our side, the French side is more lively.Hundreds of thousands of useless nobles died, and because of the increase in the upper limit of the Paris garrison, just filling the vacancies of those dead nobles and buying and selling military officer positions made enthusiastic French businessmen busy competing for the vacancies. Believe in waiting until the moment the dust settles.The French treasury must be full of gold.

In the past, Prince Condé, who seemed to be a threat to the throne, lost a large number of nobles because of his defeat.Great resentment arose at Versailles.The crown prince because at a crucial moment.Deploying the defense after the Prince of Condé, the Prince of Condé was able to stabilize his position and build a second line of defense, which was greatly appreciated.

In addition, according to the information inquired by the Assassins, the Minister of Military Affairs Roy was demoted due to a series of mistakes, but he is still in charge of the military deployment of the entire France.The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Colbert, was not only in charge of buying and selling titles and military posts.He also had to preside over the construction of fortresses between the Ardennes and Paris.It seems that Louis felt paralyzed that our raid was too embarrassing for him, and he also issued an order for Colbert to prepare architects to inspect all parts of the country and build fortresses that can stop the enemy where necessary.

After all, it seemed that the French were the big winners in this raid.

The only surprise for me was that I beat the French No.1 player.

About the defeat of the Prince of Condé the Great.The eastern flank, which launched the offensive without authorization, bears a great deal of responsibility.

It can be said that the reason why Prince Condé was there was because of them. In order to defend the prince's invincible reputation, the members of the Prince Condé's family shifted the responsibility to the group of nobles who were in charge of the east side, and said, It's not that those guys messed up on their own, the Prince of Condé will not lose.Those nobles on the east side and their widows quit.This group of face-saving people are unwilling to take responsibility for this failure, but the fact is that, if it weren't for them, perhaps the Grand Prince of Condé would not have lost.Because everyone who was on the main front at that time knew that we Romans fought very hard.

Then, the responsibility was shifted, and the blame was shifted to someone who first shouted the slogan of attack and charge.It's just that due to the chaotic situation at the time, no one could remember which guy issued the order, which caused the French army on the east side to swarm up in chaos.

Soon, various rumors were popping up in the streets of Versailles and Paris.

Some people say that this is the king who framed the Prince of Condé, and the French nobles on the east side were just misled.

Some people also said that because the crown prince was afraid of the prestige of that uncle, he planted his confidants in the army on the east side, and that's why the nobles on the east side made such an incredible move.

But some people say that the whole matter was led by the chancellor of the exchequer, because he proposed to fill the vacancy at the first time, and he was also using the fact of providing the Paris garrison to buy and sell official titles and military positions. In addition to supplementing the national treasury, it also means solving problems for the crown prince.What is even more exaggerated is that some people even think that the Romans' invasion is inseparable from Colbert, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The reason why the Romans were able to cross the Ardennes was because of the deliberate connivance of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

These rumors all have one thing in common, that is, the reason why the French army failed was not because the Prince of Condé was not strong enough, nor was it because the nobles on the east side were disobedient.Because, it is really hard to imagine that a commander with such prestige and a member of the royal family like Prince Condé would not be able to control the group of small nobles under him.Now that this logic holds true, it is obvious that the French army on the east side was framed.

Under the two principles of not messing with the crown prince and not involving the king, the major conspiracy theories quickly unified their caliber, and Chancellor Colbert was out of luck.

No way, who made this guy make enemies on all sides.

Only by shifting the responsibility to Colbert, can the failure of the Grand Prince of Condé be counted as his failure, and only by shifting the responsibility to Colbert.The French aristocrats who attacked rashly on the east side can restore their reputation, and only by shifting the responsibility to Colbert can explain why the Chancellor of the Exchequer immediately promoted the two things of filling vacancies and buying and selling official titles and military positions. Similarly, it is only by shifting the responsibility to Colbert, which explains why Colbert has the motive for committing the crime.That guy has always disliked the nobles in Versailles.

Prince Condé, who had been silent throughout the whole incident, finally came out to speak. As the real party involved, he provoked all the responsibilities with an ambiguous attitude.

He admitted in Paris that under the circumstances at the time, even the nobles on the Eastern Front did not attack without authorization.It is possible that he hit me.It's just because I know the weakness of the nobles on the east side that it led to such a failure.Because the combat effectiveness of the Fifth Spartan Army is much higher than the infantry that France hastily recruited from other provinces.And to concentrate the nobles on the east side, the original intention of Prince Condé was to protect these nobles and let me attack the French army on the west side, but I didn't expect that I would do the opposite.The result is.Now like this, so.The reckless actions of the nobles on the east side.Being tempted to take the initiative is only one of the worst outcomes.

His Royal Highness avoided the trivial and "brought his own humiliation", and no one could say anything, so the turmoil in Versailles passed like this, although some people were still dissatisfied.At the same time, he also made a public statement about my assassination, saying that it was because of the sabotage of some despicable people.As a result, I couldn't win against him in France again. I expressed my regret and hoped that I could play an upright match with me again in the future.

When I received this information, I can only sigh with emotion.That prince really wanted to take advantage of me at this last moment.He clearly admitted that he lost to me, but shirked it as the disproportionate combat power of the two sides, not because I was too powerful and lost to him.But in any case, this time, I undoubtedly made him admit that I defeated him through the mouth of Prince Condé.

In addition, because a large group of humiliated nobles were waiting for me at the second line of defense organized by the French army, I was assassinated, which made them bear a shame.It is not difficult to imagine what kind of scapegoat the person who caused them to bear the shame would be.After guidance, the mastermind behind my injury became Colbert.As a result, Colbert, who had a bad reputation among the French nobles, became the public enemy of the French nobles in one day.

If I defeat the Prince of Condé, then I can be regarded as one of the top European generals, even if it is full of water.But the soldiers don't know, they only know one thing, if, if, if there hadn't been the assassin who shot, if I hadn't been "injured", maybe, they would have planted the eagle flag of the Empire over Versailles.

The morale of the army is still high, and people outside don't know my command level, so they only regard me as the youngest commander of the Roman Empire and the most representative of the empire's commanding ability.

It didn't take too long, Brunswick and Hanover in central Germany and a series of small countries sent me invitations again because of the pressure of the French army.

This time, they left without saying goodbye because of me last time, and also because of the fearful days later, their attitude was very sincere, basically to the point that as long as I go back and serve as the commander of the coalition forces, they will never fight west and never hit a dog. Not to the point of throwing chickens out.

I gladly accepted the invitation of this group of people, and then slowly headed towards central Germany with the remaining army.

Perhaps considering that I am a prince and have a high chance of becoming the supreme commander of the future German theater of the Roman Empire, principalities such as Hanover and Brunswick have sent their sons eager to join my army and become my staff.

In this way, after Hippias, Eugene, Sax and Alexei, the sons of the two German lords, George of Hanover and Henry of Brunswick, and several of their relatives became my subordinates, and then several The officer of the Fifth Spartan Legion who performed well in this battle was promoted, and my personal team came out like this.

It's just that before I went to the battlefield to have fun with this small team, there was news from the Prussian side that Alexander came, and there were 5 imperial regiments with him! (To be continued..)

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