Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 20 The Imperial Confrontation

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After finishing the little farce with the noble ladies of the empire, I had to pull myself together early in the morning of the next day, because today, I will attend a scheduled meeting every Monday as an auditor.

The entire Prince Caesar's Palace was very lively at this time. I woke myself up with cold water, did dozens of push-ups on the ground, put on the clothes hanging on the hanger last night, and rubbed my face vigorously. I came to the dining hall .

On the hot white lace bottom tablecloth, there is a breakfast made by the palace chef with seafood and mussels, and there are also fruits such as grapes, apples, olives, and figs to balance the diet.

Before the sun climbed over the walls of Constantinople, Cheap Papa rode Alexander and I up the road to Augusta Square.

On a cool morning in Constantinople, tall Greek oaks stand proudly on the pale bluestone Augusta Square.

"Hail! Caesar!!"

At the entrance of the square, two rows of red-robed square guards wearing Imperial Eagle Cross half-length iron armor saw us put down the muskets in unison and raised one hand high!

Arms flew out immediately.

No need to think about it, this is the hand-raising salute stolen by later generations of Hitler. The predecessor who liked to spoof was tossing about, and there was no reason to let the hand-raising salute be missed. It is said that as early as the era in which he lived, the Romans met each other directly with a salute. A hand salute instead of a handshake.Thinking about it so far, it still feels very convulsive.

The huge square is surrounded by buildings that have stood for more than a thousand years, and the large Roman gate with cold bluestone colonnades has replaced the white marble buildings of the past. The tens of meters high vault is faint and flickering in the dim light , On both sides of the corridor extending in all directions, there are rows of candlesticks piled up, and the continuous light of white candles fills the courtyard with a soft atmosphere.

The meeting place of the United Front Work Department was in a small three-story building on the inner level of Augusta Square.The conference hall is very simple. A red-backed gold-edged imperial cross-eagle flag and a royal purple-gold-patterned royal banner are erected next to the huge empire map, surrounded by several portrait statues, which belong to the ancestors of our Theofano family. .There are many well-dressed people standing in twos and threes in the corridor. They are the important ministers of the Roman Empire today, but like the guards outside, when they saw us, these guys retreated to the two sides and raised their hands again. Souvenir!

As a spectator, this is not the first time we have entered this place, and upon closer inspection, we can see that they are all familiar figures from various departments of the empire.Keeper of the Royal Seal Sclenus, Chancellor of the Exchequer Erics, Secretary of the Navy Vattakis, Minister of State Theodore, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Leo.

I used to make a more intuitive division based on the models of several mainstream stand-alone games when I was idle.According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms model, none of these important ministers has an ability value exceeding 85.If it is the mode of total war, the initial value of the ability of several ministers is basically three stars, and the honesty attribute of Sclerenus, the minister of the royal seal, adds one star to him, and the veteran of government affairs handling for 20 years adds two stars, and the overall six star.The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ericsson, is similar, with one star for audit veteran, one star for honesty, and six stars for the overall rating.Everyone else is pretty much the same.

It is relatively excellent. This is the level of the entire empire's administrative organization, and it is also the closest to the real level. It is basically impossible for a large group of players with full stars or ability points over [-] like games.Maybe when old scumbags came in and out of this place before, the old guy's value could pass the big threshold of ninety.

The guards pushed open the dark Greek mahogany gate with cross-carved patterns, and amidst the roaring sound, the most dazzling stage of the Millennium Empire called Rome opened!

Red, bloody red is everywhere, wool blankets exported from the Greek dyeing workshop pass through the entire conference hall from the gate, and six flags of Theophano family with red background and black border hang down from the high beams of the dome .

An eagle, a crown, this is Theofano's house!

On the main seat in the middle, two huge black curtains covered the things inside.

When it is lifted, the red curtain will replace the black curtain on the outside, and then a huge map will be displayed!

Europe, Asia, Africa, and the New World.

However, no matter how they have names and descriptions, the forces on that map have only one title, enemy!

France, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Castile, Holland... the entire continent, all forces can be enemies!Those who are far away, those who are close, those who are strong, those who are weak, those who can cooperate temporarily, and those who must be eradicated!

On the left and right are two marble busts of my and Alexander's great-grandfathers and grandfathers.In the future, if Daddy Cheap is in a good mood one day, he can have someone make one for him and put it here.

People in twos and threes entered the gate one after another.At this meeting, a total of 11 figures at the head level appeared, and all deputy ministers and other deputy ministers attended, a total of 21 people, and more than half of the head and senior officials of the Roman Empire appeared here.

A very familiar model, if I remember correctly, this kind of organization that brings together senior officials from various departments of the government to discuss policies is called the cabinet.The names are different, but the meaning is still the same. In recent decades, the policies of the empire have been made by the United Front Work Department rather than the so-called imperial meeting hosted by the emperor.It can be said that the United Front Work Department let our Theofano family bypass the imperial meeting to issue orders to the entire empire.And it was my grandfather who came up with the idea.As for the opportunity, it has to start with the Muslim Mahdi, and of course it is also related to the previous two hundred and five emperors.

The ancestor of our Theofano family, to be precise, is my great-grandfather, a nobleman of ordinary military aristocratic origin, who successfully entered the imperial family through military service, that is, the Theofano family that has existed since before the Macedonian dynasty.After that, with the support of the Theofano family, an ancient family that had produced several queens, and the background of the original military background, the Mahdi, who had confronted Muslims face to face when his great-grandfather was the undersecretary of military affairs and concurrently the governor of the Syrian defense area, was not at a disadvantage. , but these are not the reasons why our family was able to evade the emperor.

During the Muslim madness in the seventeenth century, the empire suffered two major defeats, and more than 15 people were shed on the battlefield. Later, the idiot emperor had to use my great-grandfather again.In order to mobilize the power of the whole country to reverse the strategic failure, the United Front Work Department appeared. After that, the military operation that tried to regain Aleppo and the Muslim Mahdi Dada battle made the United Front Work Department, which can deploy various departments of the empire to cooperate, slowly overtake Above the various departments, my grandfather finally reached the pinnacle of his life through a reform, and his United Front Work Department formally replaced the Imperial Imperial Council to manage the entire empire.

But my grandfather still failed to become emperor.In the final analysis, it was because my great-grandfather was an ordinary military noble who married into the Theofano family.Coupled with the decree promulgated by the previous emperor, the rich and powerful royal family held more or less military power at that time. Once a fight broke out, the civil war in Rome would only allow France to annex Castile smoothly, while the Muslims at that time still had the strength to fight. The civil strife in Rome is likely to allow them to reap the benefits of fishing.

Bloodlines are a pain in the ass, but they are the rules of the game that everyone must abide by.In the end, the helpless grandfather had no choice but to support a royal family with a relatively marginal bloodline, and then through marriage the closest to the current emperor's bloodline family, we two brothers moved closer to the forefront of the heirs to the throne.

For such a moment of trance, everyone in the hall had gone through a formality and entered the topic of this meeting, the problem of rising food prices caused by the poor supply of food in the empire.

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