Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 23 History 1 is long, tragedies will naturally happen

() Because of the problem of sensitive words, I think everyone knows what the green education in this article is


After leaving Augustus Square, it was already afternoon. Alexander looked at the crowd coming and going outside the window in a daze for a while, and said with emotion, "What do you think will happen in the future?"

What will the future hold?

All the moves made by France today are affected by a war between several Nordic countries not long ago.That war was called the Polish King's War and lasted five years.

As for the reason, as long as Russia does not make troubles, the War of the Polish Kingship cannot be fought.But in the final analysis, it was because Poland withered.

In Poland, people who love this country generally like to call it Pingdu Town Lu Grandma.It once achieved a very short-lived revitalization by merging with Lithuania, established a prestigious hussars cavalry regiment, and achieved the glory of pushing past Moscow, Russia.But these still can't change the fact that the Great Rebellion is actually a subject. The country was restored three times and divided up three times.

Poland in this world is worse than in that world.Thanks to the Mongols, the Russians became Sparta, and the result was that they flattened the Teutonic Knights. Before they had time to advance to the point where they would kill themselves, they were dragged down by the rising Sweden The rice was rolled on the street.

It's just that the tragic scene has just begun.As I said before, the big **** is a subject, it is a subject, and there will always be an inexplicable [pleasure] feeling when being attacked. No, the big **** has just been attacked by Sweden, and the Russians are riding on the big ****. Sweden behind the buttocks was pulled off the horse, and he didn't feel sorry for the big ass chrysanthemum that was still hurting so badly that he inserted the powerful tentacles in it!The King of Poland, who was nominated by the King of Sweden, was immediately replaced by something that the Russians liked, and the Russians were better at tossing than the Swedes, so Great Britain has been so painful and happy for the past ten years until 1714, The Russian king of Poland is dead.

The three daughters of the former king of Russia who staged a coup d'état, Elizabeth Petrovna, who has become the queen, unilaterally appointed one of her lovers as the king of Poland, ignoring the opinions of the nobles and parliament of the Polish kingdom when the old Polish king died. .

The Poles have been soft for decades, and finally they are tough here!Even with the threat of the Queen of Russia, they elected their own king.The Russian army soon entered Poland, and the lover of the Russian queen became king with the support of the minority.Part of the Polish nobles won the support of the Kingdom of Sweden and supported their own king to declare war on the Kingdom of Russia. The other part called themselves the parliamentary faction and declared war on both sides.But no one took them seriously.

A woman's boredom caused the Polish kingship war to gather the protagonists, so it is time for all countries to make their debut.But who would have thought that just when Austrian Habsburg and Prussia expressed their support for Russia, and Denmark and Saxony expressed their support for the Kingdom of Sweden, the French descended gorgeously from the sky, with falling flower petals and melodious music, to help the king's father-in-law In the name of recovering the country, war was declared against Austria and its allies.

The countries fought for five years. After negotiations, the Warsaw Treaty was born. The heir to the throne supported by France and the heir to the throne supported by Sweden declared to renounce the right to inherit the Polish throne.The countries participating in the war, the Kingdom of Russia, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Austrian Habsburgs, Prussia, and Saxony each cut off a part of the Kingdom of Poland. The Austrian Habsburgs transferred a series of territories close to the French border to France as compensation.On the basis of the Warsaw Treaty, the Kingdom of Russia and the Habsburgs of Austria signed the Austria-Russia Alliance Treaty, and the two sides formed an alliance.The Principality of Prussia was promoted to the Kingdom and signed an alliance agreement with Austria. So far, Poland has been dismembered to less than one-eighth of the original area.

In that war, it was difficult to say who was the real winner, but there is no doubt that the Austrian Habsburgs could no longer withstand the French offensive in Western Europe!And anyone who tries to dominate Europe will be the enemy of Rome!

It's just that this enemy makes me feel inexplicably afraid!Yes, France, our enemy, whose king is Louis XIV, the Sun King!A Frenchman called God on earth!

Facing such an enemy, I feel very complicated!

In fear, in excitement, and in anxiety!

Because even though I was a Chinese in my previous life, far away from France, even if there is a gap between French and Chinese between me and that civilization, I can still learn the name of the French king who lived more than 300 years ago , it can be said that Louis XIV had a great influence on the course of history, so great that even in the Eastern Hemisphere, people still feel the aftermath of the Sun King's dazzling light!

Yes, the rays of that French sun are harsh and hot.

When it comes to the reign of Louis XIV, no one will know that it is definitely the prosperous age of France!

The most powerful period in history, extremely strong, with the most powerful army in the whole of Europe, the best commander, the strongest fortifications, and the most complete financial system, the "Romans" who once had the hegemony of Western Europe The Emperor", that is, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was in constant panic under the light of the Sun King. The Dutch, the overlord of the sea, trembled at his feet. Give and take in his hands....

I am the country...

In this world, France, which has the hardware to dominate the world, is also inevitably rising and is seizing, no, it is only a few steps away from seizing the hegemony of Western Europe!The history is so strikingly similar. The man who brought France to the top was also named Louis XIV, and he called himself Apollo and the Sun King like the history I know well. He was entrenched in the Palace of Versailles in France, just like The scorching sun hanging high on the sky, bursting with dazzling light, bloomed and radiated in all directions with France as the center, scorching the Western European powers, even in Constantinople, you can still feel the aftermath of the French Sun King's hegemony.

Because of the butterfly effect of the predecessor, God knows whether France will follow the old path of history!You must know that it is now 1718. At this point in memory, Louis XIV died long ago. The multi-country war in Western Europe surrounding the Spanish throne war became a duel between France and Habsburg in Castile. Throne Wars!We are involved in the struggle for the throne of Castile between France and the Habsburgs!We have tried our best to integrate the Kingdom of Castile into France after Louis XV ascended the throne, but the result is still unsatisfactory.All this is because we were stumbling, and everything was caused by the green teacher Mahdi.

The man who made the Green Cult countless female animals fertile is really amazing. We have been fighting against the Green Cult for most of the last century. My great-grandfather, grandfather, and two whole generations have spent their time in Ada in the south The bottomless pits of Na and Aleppo were able to regain the disadvantage. This was the result of the early death of the green sect Mahdi.

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