() "Very good. I will announce the quota for the expansion of the army later. In this way, I will send the Third Fleet of Rhodes Island and the First Fleet of the Black Sea to cruise the Western Mediterranean, replenish some supplies in the Italian states along the way, and arrive in Aragon Then return. The King of the Seas and the King of the Seas, the battleships of Rhode Island's Third Fleet, are first-class warships with ninety cannons each, three second-class main battleships, thirteen third-class main battleships, and The First Fleet of the Black Sea, this imperial fleet has a total of two first-class warships, four second-class warships, twenty third-class battleships, a total of 26 sea monsters, such a lineup, even if it meets the French Toulon fleet There is also a fight.”

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said with a sad face: "But in this way, the fleet will increase the military expenditure."

The Under-Minister of Military Affairs immediately seconded the proposal, which aroused dissatisfaction from the Secretary of the Navy.

Daddy Cheap waved his hand to signal not to argue about it, because the money was worth it.

There is nothing more shocking than a huge army figure. The huge sea monsters entering the port are obviously the first choice. Those battleships and black-holed cannons are the real hard power of the empire!As expected of a cheap daddy, after the Imperial Navy, which is not inferior to the French Toulon Fleet, has shown off its power in the Western Mediterranean, there will be news of the expansion of the Imperial Army, which will lay the foundation for our next plan.

After that, Daddy Cheap left behind the Minister of the Navy, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of State, and the Under-Secretary of Military Affairs, and at the same time he also left Alexander.

It was kind of weird, and it meant I had to go home by myself.

Walking in the corridor with smooth marble surface, the sound of a heavy footstep made me almost think that Morris was coming.

"Cousin, wait!"

Looking back, it was the cousin who was in his 50s and weighed more than [-] and was rushing over, panting.

"Cousin Marcus" I have no sympathy for this guy who sits on the postmaster's seat. If it weren't for the fact that our family now judges a person's official position by loyalty, he would never be able to sit on it. that location. "What's matter?"

"Well, you see, cousin, we are all relatives, so it just so happens that the weather outside is sunny and sunny, and I want to go to a place with you to enhance the intimacy between our royal family." Cus leaned over and said with a smirk.

Anyway, I had nothing to do, so I asked casually: "Where does my cousin take me to contact and enhance the family relationship between the royal family?"

Marcus smiled so that his eyes narrowed into a straight line. He rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Of course I went to have fun! The best room in Constantinople, by the Daphne River! It is said that the old man of Justinian lived here There he found his true love, Empress Theodora!"

The guards guarding the two doors rolled their eyes, and I didn't need to look at their eyes to know what the expression meant, "I heard about the royal family, but I didn't expect my cousin to bring his cousin to the ji courtyard to enhance their relationship. God knows what to expect." It’s about whether they’re playing back and forth, or up and down.”

"Cousin is implying to me that I will marry a [ji] girl from [ji] courtyard as the princess?" I asked slowly with a smile.

"Ah? No, no, no, no!!!" Marcus gesticulated in a panic, "I mean, the courtesans over there are very beautiful! Very beautiful ones, a few red cards cost five thousand soridos a night!"

"Five thousand soridos, the meat sold by those people is really expensive, so, since it is to enhance the relationship, we will not go to that kind of place, and save tens of thousands of soridos for the cousin, now the cousin is Aren't you very happy? Do you feel that our cousins ​​are getting closer." I teased.

"Yes, yes, I suddenly felt that my cousin is so caring!"

"Okay, what exactly does the cousin want to discuss or solve with me, let's talk while walking outside."

In the empty courtyard outside, Marcus explained his purpose.As a royal family, as a royal family with aspirations and ideals, as a purple-clothed royal family who is close to the Theofano family and is extremely noble in blood, he feels a lot of pressure, and he doesn't want to sit in the position of postmaster. die.

Shocked and stunned, with all kinds of feelings, when did this drunken big fat pig have this kind of awareness?

I wondered: "I want to know the reason."

"There are many reasons. You see, at the recent meeting, everyone discussed so intensely that I couldn't get in the way. The tariff increases and decreases, tax rate revisions, bonds and stocks you mentioned are all in Greek, but once you get into the My ears, I just can't figure out what that means." Marcus moved his plump lips, his face was flushed, and it took him a lot of perseverance to be ashamed to admit that he couldn't do it.

I subconsciously looked at the trees on the street outside.

"Cousin, what are you looking at?"

"I'm looking for a pig climbing a tree."

"Did you find it?"


Probably because the expression on my face was too playful, Marcus couldn't bear it, his eyes dodged, and he rubbed his hands uneasily: "I'm telling the truth, I actually want to be like Caesar! The noble man I'm pursuing My wife said she could only accept me if I became a man as great as Caesar."

"You obviously have a long way to go." I didn't pierce the lady's small thoughts, "Then you prepared the proposal at the meeting?"

Marcus couldn't figure it out: "Yes, but I don't understand why Caesar didn't approve it. It's obviously very good. It can not only reduce expenses, but also increase the efficiency of operations."

I asked my naive cousin, "Do you know the price of a horse?"

"I know, the postman doesn't need to buy good horses, and a bad horse costs seventy to eighty soridos. Even if you buy a hundred horses, it can still be offset by the funds from layoffs."

"Does that cousin know how the postman works?" I asked again.

"I'm not sure about that. It must be that the postman is always waiting for the letter to be delivered. Those lazy guys, even I know that the letter is not likely to appear frequently, and sometimes they don't have to work at all!" Marcus replied .

This cousin is really talented in being a salary thief. He has been the postmaster for more than ten years, and he doesn't even know how the postman under him works!I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him: "My cousin's intentions were good, but he forgot what time it is now."

"It's afternoon, hahahaha, I haven't forgotten!"

I kind of want to smoke people: "I mean, now is the time when the empire is facing a food crisis! During this time, no one can, and it is best not to fire anyone!"

"Ah, why?"

"Suppose my cousin is a person who lives in Constantinople and works for the empire, and only gets 15 soridos a month. At this time, the price of grain rises, and the grain that a piece of soridus can buy becomes It's two Soridus, what do you think."

After thinking about it, Marcus said, "Shouldn't you be very happy?"

"Okay, then the price of food will return to the original price, but you have lost your job. What do you think?"


"Then you understand now?"

"Understand what?"

"We can't deprive some citizens of the empire of food in order to stabilize the food price of the empire. Those postmen, with a monthly salary of only 3 Soridus silver coins, are doing part-time and relatively easy jobs! As long as the locals and It is enough to be able to walk. Now my cousin’s proposal says that some people will be fired. This has little effect on the young people. They can still find jobs in the local area when they are young and strong, but those who are old and weak, they are extremely vulnerable. Might be counting on doing this errand to support yourself and your family! Now you're sending seven or eight thousand people at once, my cousin, how many wives do you want to tear up? Have you thought about doing that Consequences!" As I spoke, my voice grew louder unconsciously.

With a sad face, Marcus explained anxiously: "God, Lord! I didn't mean to hurt anyone! But Caesar would think I did it on purpose! Believe me, my cousin, I just want to be in front of Caesar Behave better, it's all because of those consultants! They suggested me to do this! What should I do, what should I do now..."

Seeing this big fat cousin walking around in a hurry, I sighed, he is such a waste, it really damages the image of my cheap dad.

The big fat man bowed his waist and pulled my sleeve and begged: "Cousin help me!"

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Because I think cousin, you are a genius! A genius who can lead me to become a great man like Caesar!"

"Okay, I'll try my best." I rolled my eyes, being praised by such a person, I couldn't find any sense of accomplishment.But there is no way, this person is a staunch supporter of our faction no matter what, if he does not do well, people will say that my father does not know anyone, even though he has been a postmaster in name only for more than ten years.

Marcus was ecstatic: "What to do now?"

"Get another reasonable proposal. Also, didn't my cousin say that you want to find out the number of people who have concealed the report? Go ask the people in the political affairs court for a copy of the imperial household registration record, and then transfer a national copy from your postal court. The list of postmen from all over the country. We will audit and check it slowly. By the way, call all your consultants. Let them help together!"

"Is it still too late to make another proposal?"

"It's too late. The official document will be conveyed at the imperial meeting in a few days. As long as the cousin can finish it during this time, it will be fine."

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

The big fat cousin didn't know what kind of self-care and thankless job he would accept, and looked at the figure who left in a hurry.

I laughed, this kind of person should be a corpse or a corpse.

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