Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 34 Pig Teammates Everywhere

( ) Walking all the way to Mnemosynes, I saw an old acquaintance, the foreman who had the misfortune to work while we were kicking Dione.He saw us approaching from afar, and his expression became confused for a moment. What kind of eyes did he look back vigorously?I turned around and looked, nothing unusual.

"Long time no see, give us a seat." I greeted.

The foreman almost cried and asked: "You, you are here again to observe the loopholes in the coastal defenses of Constantinople?"

It seems that the feat of more than 30 of us kicking the goddess on horseback has most likely left an indelible psychological shadow on this handsome foreman.

"The last time it was just an ordinary outing, this time it's more serious." Just as I finished speaking, the handsome foreman on the opposite side was trembling all over, "Please don't destroy the world, okay!"

Uh... I will not ask why the foreman would connect the word serious business to the irrelevant aspect of destroying the world, and pointed to Morris behind him: "He is in charge of this, you talk to him."

Leaving the two people who didn't know where they were in the place staring blankly, I walked up to the second floor slowly, and I ran into two acquaintances after revisiting the old place again.

The literary youth and the German Hans, I had someone find them a good hotel, and I haven't asked them about their situation for a while, and I didn't expect to meet them in this kind of place.

As soon as I raised one hand, I realized that the literary youth looked at me very unfriendly.

What happened to me? ...glaring at me?Still turning away?

I didn't let go of the emperor's resentment spirit of the enhanced version of the bastard spirit of the five-member group of Ba Yewei's collapse. I looked at Hans in a daze, and this guy smiled wryly and winked at the box on one side.

"Penevis! Your actions are like opening the gate of Constantinople to the Crusaders! I have known you for so long, but I never thought you would be like this. It really makes me sick!"

The voice was angry, and a good voice was thrown out of tune by the shrieking.The object of insult, I know, is a literary girl.

Pennywise was arguing?The insult of opening the gate of Constantinople to the Crusaders is equivalent to being scolded by the Chinese as a lackey who led the way by the Japanese. This comparison is used, and the contradiction between the literary girl and the other party is very deep.

"I'm doing this for everyone!"

The literary girl is suppressing her anger, I can hear it.

Inexplicably, what tricks are they doing?

"For everyone?! Just because you say it for everyone, so everyone has to bow down to others like a smuggling black slave without dignity? Just because you say it for everyone, our dignity and self-esteem will be trampled on? Because you said it was for everyone, so you want everyone to swallow it? And you said that as long as you endure it, it will pass? What a ridiculous and absurd reason!"

Alexander said with a low smile: "This quarrel seems to be related to you. Let me think about it, um, the moderates' compromise ideas conflicted with the hardliners?"

"Do you want to take advantage of the contradictions between the two factions to break them one by one? Or, win over one faction and attack the other?" I asked half-jokingly.

Alexander imitated my tone as someone who stayed out of the matter and said: "Take care of the trouble you caused, and clean it up yourself."

Depend on…

"Come on, Taiyes, I think Pennywise is really for us."

"You, also stand by her side?"

There are two female voices in front and one behind. The former is soft, and it is easy to imagine how delicate a girl with such a voice is, but the latter, the chilly voice coming out of the box It froze the smiles of me and Alexander.

"Both of you are very important friends of mine."

"If you help her, we will no longer be friends! I am ashamed to be with such a person."

"That's enough, Taiyes, you're just targeting me, I have nothing to say. But you have to limit your unreasonable troubles!"

"Penevis, you are saying that I am making trouble for no reason! In terms of power, everyone in Constantinople knows that there is another prince besides Theofano family! As long as His Majesty the prince can stand on our side Here, we don't have to be afraid of those villains at all!"

"But what if you don't succeed?"

"Penevis, you're disgusting with your Anna Komnena flattery! Let's go..."

In the blink of an eye, an angry noble lady with chestnut hair came into her eyes, her pretty face was tense and looked very serious.If I didn't know their previous conversation, I thought she would face some kind of parting of life and death.Looking back, she was followed by several girls of the same age.


The literary girl appeared, and the moment she saw me, she froze in place.Grinning, I stepped out of the way, and the art girl friends and friends of friends just glanced at us and went downstairs.

The lingering sound of the girls' kitten-like footsteps was still lingering in their ears, and the heavy footsteps of Morris, a humanoid bulldozer, came up.Seeing that we were still at the entrance and exit of the stairs, he poked his head into the hall and said, "I just heard someone mention Anna Komnena's face. What's going on?"

Valens poked him to shut up.

There was a time when the whole empire was very disgusted with everything from the west.

The face of Anna Komnena, the term used to describe the disgusting face of the Leading Party, was born in that period. It is said that the reason for its birth was that Her Royal Highness the eldest princess of the Komnene dynasty wrote in "The Biography of Alexei" and all Many of the works in the book left a lot of praises for Western European knights, which was called hype.Among them, the most famous one is "A full-speed charge of a Norman knight can open a hole in the wall of Constantinople..."

Here, anyone familiar with the siege of Constantinople in 1453 will know that the Ottomans at that time hired people to build a huge cannon.The giant cannon is more than 8 meters long and about 75 centimeters in diameter, and can fire 544 kilograms of shells to a distance of 1 mile.It was such a powerful cannon that shot Constantinople for six weeks, and it was shot until the cannon was damaged, but it was not smashed to pieces. You can count on a full body armor and horses, but the total amount is only 500 kilograms, and the kinetic energy is greater than that of the cannon. The pitiful few Western European knights smashed the walls of Constantinople?It is possible to die 8000 people, but so many people died, there is no country in this world that has so many knights.Therefore, I think the city wall that His Highness the Eldest Princess mentioned might mean something else.

A small moment of silence for the green hat of the husband of the Eldest Princess of the Komnenian Dynasty. Perhaps Her Highness the Eldest Princess has tasted the ferocious spears of many Western European knights before expressing such admiration for their bravery.This matter is very likely. You know, Her Royal Highness has always been famous for her admiration and obsession with everything in the western world. In the end, she also pushed his father, Alexis I, to carry out the...reform of the enfeoffment and vassal system in the Eastern Roman Empire?

Let's use reform to describe that kind of historical retrogression behavior. I have seen people who like to keep power in their hands, but I haven't seen people who package and distribute power in batches.There is no doubt that Her Royal Highness is another woman who sold her teammates in the history of the Roman Empire.I've seen some of the feudal lords she gave to the major powers in Western Europe.The so-called pig teammate was probably just like her. The letter described Dong Luo's situation as miserable and pitiful, as if the country might be destroyed at any time the next day.Miss!I beg you to have a little IQ, but those princes in the west are not the United Nations. Do you think you can get more aid if you write more miserable?

The eldest princess of the empire does not have a high IQ, but she has good literary attainments. Anyone who has read her letters, as long as she does not have a problem with IQ, can basically have an understanding of Dong Luo at that time.The empire called Eastern Rome is dead, and if you don't do it, you won't be able to grab it!Then the Crusaders came, and they came with a large number of people, continuous and continuous.What are you here for?Of course it's a persimmon!Who is the soft persimmon... Of course it is what the princess wrote in the letter...

A very sad woman. Fortunately, Alexis I had a good IQ and did not get a vassal in Western Europe. Fortunately, she failed to seize power...It turned out to be her husband who accused her of conspiracy. I think this is the revenge of the giant green head.... Of course, it may also be an act of righteousness and relatives in consideration of the overall situation.If history allows Anna Komnena to successfully seek the throne of his brother John II and become the emperor of the empire, I don't think Byzantium will die before the [-]th century without waiting for the Fourth Crusade.

Bloody history tells us that as long as human beings do not become extinct, no, as long as there are more than one human being, then human beings will never be able to prevent the birth of pig teammates, a magical profession that has killed countless heroes since ancient times.Right now, the literary girl is facing a problem, a suspected pig teammate appears on her side...

"You expected this kind of situation?" Alexander looked at me meaningfully and asked.

Looking at the ceiling, I'm an honest person, and I don't know what Alexander means: "It depends on which situation brother is talking about?"

"Since we're here, let's go over and say hello."

Alexander is very general demeanor, or he is very easy to get along, and he doesn't know how to live or die? ?Walking into the room where the literary girl was, and greeting more than a dozen aristocratic ladies in it one by one, Alexander said that we ran into each other by accident and that I brought them here on purpose.What are you here for?Naturally, it is to see what the streets of Dione, which the noble ladies vowed to protect to the death, are all about.

Have a show?I think that group of noble ladies think so!

A team of three or five people came around, Alexander was surrounded, Constance was surrounded, Valens was surrounded, and Morris was surrounded!

Four members of the five-member team of Ba Ye Wei are in danger!Through the windows of my soul, they sent out the most longing needs of the essence of the inner world to me, help!Urgent need for backup!

In the future, will the most valiant generals of the Roman Empire be frightened by the enemy's women's team?I don't bother to care about them... Even women are afraid, so how can the world be safe.

And right now there is a very sweet little girl who desperately needs reassurance.First of all, let me state that I am not forgetting friends after seeing se, although today's literary girls are very beautiful.Dressed in a very quiet way, she wore a warm lace dress with sleeveless tulip tattoos on her body, without too many gorgeous accessories, it still made her very dazzling.Seeing me coming, she got up and left the chair, looked at me, but forgot to say hello if she was worried.

I couldn't wait for a greeting, so I didn't wait. I encouraged: "You worked hard and did a good job. From you, I see hope."

"But is it really okay for me to do this?" Penny Weiss, who frowned slightly, was depressed.

"Right, it will be judged fairly by history, but I think sometimes a small step back can take a big step forward."

"She's my best friend."

The literary girl's voice is frustrated, and her mood, I understand: "Trouble and tribulation are like to friendship.. Olive oil is indispensable for every meal we eat."

Damn olive oil, goddamn lubricant…

"Sharpening? Tribulation?" Two slender plain fingers appeared, the fingertips shining with pink crystals, pinching the corner of my clothes and pulling, I looked up and saw Penny Weiss's expression of pity The pleading light in his eyes immediately turned into a TNT intercontinental missile equipped with an unknown number of tons.She fired, hit, and there was a bang, damn it, the line of defense was almost flattened, "Don't bully her, okay?"

"She scolded you just now, Anna Komnena's countenance, are you not angry?"

"She didn't mean it." Penny Weiss pouted and turned her head, and then she added, "Anyway, you just can't bully her."


weekend, two more

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