Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 37 Under the Vengeance Full of Literary Flavor

() After such a thought-expanding suggestion, all the noble ladies present put aside their reserve, or opened the Pandora's box to resist the dark side.The constructive suggestions one after another overwhelmed the German Hans, and quietly walked out of the house!

so horrible!

It turns out that women can become so terrifying after mastering the knowledge!

Oh my god, can you imagine a delicate and noble lady solemnly describing how to make lightning to kill a living person?

In other words, will this work?Just put the kite with iron bars in the sky, and let that Nikephoros hold it, and the lightning can strike him!Is this a trick of the devil?

Of course, this kind is only more imaginative, and the most practical one belongs to the point proposed by a noble lady to seduce his father and then become his stepmother... But fortunately, both parties are in the point of who will be the stepmother Disagreement appeared on the Internet, and many people felt that this proposal was too vicious, otherwise, Nikephoros would be in bad luck.

However, the noble ladies of Constantinople put forward more suggestions to use rituals, mysterious rituals!Solomon has 72 pillars of gods, King David has 36 guardian demons, and Emperor Constantine has eighteen blessing angels. In other words, do those mysterious things really conform to the teachings?The content is exaggerated one by one, and the sacrifices are more terrifying than the one! ! !

But all the fingers point to one point.

Hans stared at the ceiling with trepidation. What kind of books do these noble ladies of the Roman Empire usually read? ! <, it must not be too much, and it must be able to deceive people's eyes and ears, and it must be full of artistry that suits our identity and status!This is really difficult! "

"We are now punishing people, punishing the pain that the villain inflicted on us, how can we be so particular about it."

Indeed, punishing people, how can it be so particular!But they are the most beautiful future nobles in all of Constantinople, aren't they?If you let people know that they are just like ordinary nobles, except for a few curses, what superiority is there? !So what stops the noble ladies is not other things, but how to reflect the elegance of their noble ladies when punishing them, but without losing the strength of punishment!

"Needless to say! I already know!!!" Frederick stood up from the crowd when many noble ladies were about to quarrel again, his eyes burning, "I already know what to do!"

Frederick asked: "Do you still remember how Lucifer was beaten to hell in Paradise Lost?"

Seeing his serious look, all the noble ladies who were about to speak fell silent again, and someone said: "Lucifer, before falling into heaven, was the incarnation of light, one of the twelve archangels, and has "the greatest angel around God" Waiting for a series of titles, but did not kneel down to the Son of Man because of excessive pride, and then led one-third of the angels to betray the kingdom of heaven, and was finally knocked down, fell in chaos for nine mornings and evenings before falling to hell!"

"Why do you force me to worship him? I will never worship such a despicable thing that appeared later than me. Before he was formed, I already existed, so he should pay homage to me." Frederick closed his eyes, Pressing his five fingers on his chest, he felt, felt the arrogance of these words, "Proud, even arrogant! So arrogant!"

A noble lady asked: "Well, indeed. This is "Paradise Lost" written by the British poet Milton in Constantinople, but what does it have to do with us?"

"Everyone, you have also met Niki Rufus in the cafe, don't you think that the two are very similar? If, one day, I want to leave a name in history, I will declare war on God! It is also arrogant One refuses to kneel down to the Messiah, the Son of Man, while the other speaks out loudly, saying that he wants to declare war on God! The same evil, one later becomes Satan, and the other covers up sin! What could be more apt than the two? contrast?"

"Also!" Penny Weiss recalled the tampered version of "The Hypocrite". She told the ending that Nicky Rufus had modified, turning a good comedy into such a horrific tragedy. Se changed, "Only people with such a dark heart can come up with such a sinful plot. God is above me. Thinking about it now makes me feel creepy. It's too scary. I really can't imagine such a thing happening in the world!"

Some people were still puzzled: "In my eyes, he is even more hateful, but what does this have to do with our revenge on him?"

"We can write a story with the devil Nicky Rufus!" Frederick said plausibly, "No, a novel! 50 words? 100 million words? Who knows, but we can make this fictional story and content Record the evil, darkness, and horror of human beings! So that future generations will know that in this age we live, there is such a devil in human skin!"

After Frederick finished speaking, he looked down and saw a fierce light flashing all around, as if he was in the middle of a pack of wolves in an instant, especially Penny Weiss, she swallowed, shaking with excitement !

"Frederick, you are a genius!!!"

"Okay, sisters, the plan is settled like this, we want everyone to know what the villain has done!!! Yes, not only can we write about him, I can add ourselves to the story Middle! We are the side of justice! That’s right! We are fighting against the devil! Isn’t it our role now! We have to fight the devil and his men if we want to keep the Dione block! After reading this book and seeing our story, they will understand how hard-won the existence of Dione Street is! It is because of our efforts that we can keep this street! Well, sisters, don’t cry Tired! Let's cheer up!!!"

The aristocratic ladies who are excited by the group are immediately excited, yes, what else is there to write everything they have experienced into the story, as for revenge, wouldn't it be better for everyone to remember the evil called Nicky Rufus ?This is all revenge, let him be spurned behind!

Frederick said: "Let's start right away! Let me think about it, what name should we name him, anyway, we can't use his name directly! This will cause very bad consequences! I have already thought about the subtitle of the opening chapter. Now, it’s called, how about “Crawling in Hell and Looking Up at the Kingdom of Heaven”?”

"The abyss where the light can't reach, engulfs the earth with ice-coldness. At the deepest bottom, a pair of wings mixed with darkness spread out, and evil scattered all over the ground. Only the owner of those wings could hear the cold voice. Sing it in a low voice."

"Satan, what should we do with a newborn baby?"

"huhhuuh...we can put him in a sack and throw him in a boiling water pot at dawn, when the sun is rising..."

"Everyone ask again in unison, Satan, how should we treat that newborn baby?"

"...when the sun hangs, at noon, we may cut out his heart and liver with the sword, and feed the hungry mice..."

"Everyone ask again, Satan, what should we do with that newborn baby?"

"When the sun sets and the darkness spreads across the land, I can walk out of hell and capture him. Here, we can look up at the heaven on earth and in the sky together..."

"What a wicked prayer! It's too dark! But it's very apt! Frederick, you're quite a poet!"

Things went smoothly, but after a while the noble ladies discovered a problem. Because they didn't know Nikephoros very well, they didn't know how to create...restore the most real villain.

"Making it up?"

"No! Then, wouldn't the devil in this work just have an empty body and no soul!"

"so what should I do now?"

"Let's ask the parties when we have time..."

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