Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 39 The feeling is coming!Can't stop it!

() "Your Highness..." By the entrance of the palace on my floor, a guard poked his head and waved, "Your Highness..."

Ignoring a group of bastards in the house who were in a state of frenzy, I went out and asked, "What's wrong?"

The guard said: "There is a young lady looking for you in front of the palace gate."

"A lady?" I wondered, I don't have any female friends.

The guard said: "Miss Jimiski, there is a very beautiful man with her, um, really beautiful!"

"I'm going to meet them."

A very beautiful man, the guard is hinting at me?Am I not pretty?

I touched my chin, I am a man, how can a man be described as beautiful, and I don't want to make a living by selling ass.

Just wondering, I walked out of the triple palace gate, and the beautiful man next to Penny Weiss who was in the courtyard touching the flowers in the courtyard made me smile, why did the German Frederick come?

"I came to your house to talk to you about something." The literary girl heard my footsteps from a distance, and put away the ease of the master's absence.

"Really?" I looked at the two of them carefully. Well, if Frederick is really a man, then it is undeniable that his appearance is really pleasing to girls. "I didn't expect your relationship to develop so quickly."

"What's the relationship?" Pennywise asked confusedly.

"What relationship can there be between a man and a woman, of course it is love. Yes, young man, congratulations on finding a real..."

"What?!" "Me and her?!"

The two people involved had a big red face.

The literary girl opened the parasol and said angrily: "Don't drag the topic too far! I came to you today to talk about your plan. Is it convenient for you to go out? I don't want to be here by your friends." bump into."

"Okay." Just in time, I also want to talk to her about those things.

Love is a thing, first of all, it is possible for the man and woman to see each other in order to develop.The people on my side complained to the noble ladies on Pennywise's side, and the best way I could think of was to change people.

I have no intention of asking Pennywise to find another group of noble ladies from other places. There are only so many noble ladies in Constantinople. It is Dione's crisis to be able to pull out more than thirty beautiful noble ladies at a time. events are possible.Such a good quality means that the courts in other parts of Europe are all top-notch goods, so what I mean by changing people is to respond according to the experience of each meeting, and arrange the same noble lady to meet different people.

"That's the only way to go!" The literary girl sighed dejectedly, "We have a lot of complaints here!"

"It turns out that this is your awareness of protecting precious things. I think it's not surprising that Dione Street was demolished." I stimulated her.

"That's not true! We girls are all working hard, but it's you! Are you deliberately making things difficult for us! From noon to dusk! Father God, have you seen that noble lady chattering for such a long time, and the boy The partner who keeps silent? It’s fine if you don’t say anything, the worst thing is, someone reacts, your companions are not gentlemen at all!” The literary girl is like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on, and the reaction is very fierce.

I asked nervously, "Why aren't you a gentleman..."

"It's not your job gentlemen to make the whole meeting fun? But what about them? No! Not at all!!!"

Fortunately, as long as it is not a violent beating, in fact, anything is fine!Frederick snorted next to me, which made me quite embarrassed. It seemed to mean that the high-ranking nobles of the Roman Empire couldn't even pick up girls: "There is a reason for this."

"what reason?"

"Some words, I don't know if I should say..."

"Say it or not, it's up to you!"

The existence of Frederick made me a little apprehensive, but thinking that the literary girl had a high chance and would reveal it sooner or later, I thought of a more euphemistic expression before continuing: "You know that in the classical city-state era of ancient Greece, there was a A city-state called Sparta?"

"Sparta, isn't that a plain that can be planted? I seem to have seen it in that manuscript." The literary girl thought for a while before answering.

Generation gap, absolute generation gap, whoever mentions Sparta now, doesn't immediately have the image of a muscular madman wearing shorts, but here, it's actually a farmer spring!I couldn't laugh or cry: "If you really care about why they are like this, I can only answer that we have been treated in the Spartan model since we were young. It is the first time for most of us to go out alone with noble ladies."

"Well, it's the first time for many of you! I think I've got the point. It's really strange. Are you all Puritans? The kind of Puritans who put an end to all joy and entertainment?" Frederick's question made it difficult to answer.Puritans, ghosts are that kind of people, if you really want to put an end to happiness, why do those guys still go to bed?Oh, I forgot, the Puritan teaching was to go to bed** not for pleasure, but to produce more followers of God...

"You two, we have come to a crossroad. Where and how should we go?" Penny Weiss touched Frederick with a parasol, and the latter said, "I will ask you."

Then, I saw two pairs of expectant eyes... Uh, who can tell me what they are looking forward to? <, the years play a passionate melody, people, you have to make a good choice, any choice will be the first step in the journey of destiny! "

Frederick, your hands are very strong, and you can slap a flying mosquito away, but why are you singing poems again?Is Shi Xing Dafa?But, what's with this bizarre sense of desolation that is about to go away and never look back?Is there an ambush ahead?Was there an assassination?The other side of the future is calling?Are you hungry?There are a lot of coffee shops up ahead, are you implying that I'm going to buy you something to eat?Don't you have any money with you?

"How about it, have you made a choice yet?" the literary girl urged impatiently.

I wondered and asked back: "Why me, it's fine if you don't make a decision."

"Gentlemanly, gentlemanly! Decide quickly, any choice you make is dictated by fate." Frederick said.

I rolled my eyes, what I said, gentlemanly demeanor is a big killer: "Since any choice is already a destiny-ordained trajectory, then why have I ever made a choice, um, straight ahead, let's go..."

I couldn't see the one who took a step first. The literary girl was stunned when she heard the words, and Frederick's pupils shrank after that. Immediately afterwards, not only their necks and faces flushed, but they were also shocked with excitement. .

Frederick breathed heavily excitedly: "Did you hear that just now?"

Penny Weiss nodded like a bird pecking at water, and she exclaimed excitedly in a low voice: "I heard it! I heard it!!! This must be remembered! It must be used!! We really didn't come in vain! !! Awesome! Frederick, you are a genius!"

"Since any choice is already a destiny-ordained trajectory, why have I ever made a choice." Frederick pressed his hand on his chest habitually again, and he felt it!He felt it again!Satan had no choice but to degenerate, from the head of an angel to the king of demons, in just one sentence, he had exhausted countless bitterness and suffering, and opened his eyes again, with tears shining in his eyes, he felt it!Yes, the feeling is coming!Come continuously, overwhelming! !

Realizing that the two of them failed to keep up, I turned around, and a dazzling light blinded my eyes. After that, I saw two people, no, their state can no longer be described by human beings!The two stood on the street crying and laughing... so what?madman?Well, at this moment, wouldn't it be better if I could express it with art performance lovers...their eyes are full of unstoppable tears!

what's the situation?

sweat!Why are you crying!Can anyone tell me what's going on? !

You will never be able to feel the shocking mood I felt at that moment...

Facing all the strange gazes cast on me, I could only shout in my heart... Nima, I didn't do anything! ! !

My tailor probably didn't tell me after watching the sky at night that it is really not suitable for me to go out today, because this is just the beginning... Of course there are worse things. After this, I basically can't understand Frederick, a literary youth and What are the literary girls talking about...Although these two guys are clearly speaking Greek...yes, they are clearly speaking in human language, but why can't I understand what these two people want to express!If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Even though the private tutor who taught me the language was quite famous in Constantinople, he simply didn’t have the ability to transform Greek, a language similar to English, into profound classical Chinese. ah!God, how much artistic attainment does this **** need to complete such an astonishing grand project? !

The difference!


The combat effectiveness is huge!

It was only this morning that he said that he was the scum of Zhan Wu, it's embarrassing!

"A person who lives for a lifetime owes God a death. Darkness, so dense that it is almost impossible to breathe, fills the entire space. There is almost no clean place on the ground, and blood is everywhere. If there is a so-called hell on earth, this place will be yes."

"The past is our dying mother, not a dead thing. Our future keeps her present in our minds. The gun was thrown into the sky. At his command, the gun split into seven identical guns .Seven spears, seven sins, arrogance, envy, rage, sloth, greed, gluttony and seyu!"

"Walking forward slowly alone, sad on the ground, I will freeze your face in my memory! The helplessness of the devil, the hatred of Satan, and the longing for the kingdom of heaven, thousands of words can be expressed in one sentence, the original language It can be so great! Art, what is hidden in the depths of your palace?!"

Both hands stretched up to touch the foreheads of the two literary youths who were probably in a daze...

Not hot... ah!Strange... Do you really have to take it to the church for exorcism?

"what are you doing?"

Thank God, the two of you finally had something to say...or did you just have the idea of ​​taking them out of the demons and the demons all went away?

Ignoring the dissatisfied eyes of the two literary youths, I withdrew my hand: "See if you have a fever. If you have a fever, I'll go back and call the doctor."

"You just burned it, and you have to apologize for the barbaric behavior that interrupted my immersion in the ocean of words..."

"Yes, yes!"

"I'm going home first." You two can play however you like, please do whatever you want, I will withdraw first...

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