() It's so weird, the whole thing has a weird smell...

"Bastard! You all stop!" Constance yelled loudly, and jumped into the middle of the group of priests and noble ladies, both of them retreated a long distance in shock.

I quickly came to my senses, now is not a good time to be in a daze, I got off my horse, sneered and said, "Let me see, a cart full of loot, this is robbery? When will the church in Constantinople become a robber? With robbers? Or are robbers and robbers originally a group of priests?"

The leading priest was furious: "Brothers, I see that guy has been possessed by demons, his body has been taken over by demons, and he is already unconscious! Go and catch him! And him!"

The five priests who were going to snatch the brooch of the noble lady and the seven priests who were guarding the carriage rushed up immediately after hearing the news, four went to Constance, and the remaining eight all came to me, could it be Because I'm more handsome than Constance?Or did I make a mockery?

"Fuck 'em!" I burst out a swearword I picked up from an old scumbag, meant for Constans to let him go.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I quickly approached the priest who was rushing the fastest. Seeing me approaching, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and hastily swung the stick in his hand and was about to smash it on the head.I caught a glimpse of the gaps in his hands raised high, fingers clenched, and I punched his soft stomach.

I can't slap a person's teeth out with a slap full of hatred, but I can still beat a person temporarily incapable of fighting back with my fist.With a muffled groan, the priest immediately took a few steps back, clutching his stomach. When he bent over to hug him, he grabbed his hair and threw the thing out, hitting another person.The two fell to the ground, when the other six just realized that we were playing for real!

"Assault on priests! Defy the church! Catch them! Throw them all in jail!!!"

The two closest priests surrounded me, narrowly avoiding two falling sticks, and I stepped on one stick on the ground when I raised my foot. The priest was caught off guard and let the stick go away. As soon as he raised his eyelids, The soles of my leather boots were sent to his face.The other one took a few steps back, and only after the four backup members had come over did he rush forward with a stern voice and a yell.Five people attack together, it is very difficult not to pay a price, I am not a superman, let alone those super agents and urban masters pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, naturally I can't do those tenths of a second and break through human beings** Limits, of course, these are not my excuses for getting a stick on my arm. If you fight in groups, especially if one fights five, you will inevitably suffer. As long as the reward is greater than the effort, it is enough.

Fighting for a stick with my arm, I bullied into the target's side, and then removed one of his arms.The screams and wailing immediately soared into the sky, and the group of priests who had been eating and drinking in the church all day long relied on the advantage of numbers to hold on to the scene, and was attacked by me in a round. Going down, I heard a model rolling around on the ground in pain, and the six who still had combat power were immediately frightened. At this time, Constance also had a victory, and one of the fallen The priest's arm was twisted in a strange posture, and he howled one after another. Now, the remaining priests did not dare to attack again for a while.

At the gate of the main building, a figure dressed as a bishop walked out first. He should have heard the movement outside and walked out. His eyes scanned the scene and saw a group of disheveled priests. He immediately glared: "Who dares to block the church here?" Law enforcement!!! Do you want to rebel! I don’t know that going against the Church is going against Prince Theofano!”

"Bishop, be careful! They may not be human! We just moved things here, and they insulted the church when they came out! I suspect they are possessed by demons! Demons summoned by evil rituals that may exist in this building! Look at them Hurt so many of us, it's not normal! There must be devils, Satan who gave them terrible powers!"

The bishop at the door immediately shouted: "What? There really are unclean things! There are still fish that slipped through the net, everyone come out! Come out and catch those two guys who are possessed by demons!!!"

"A bunch of lunatics!" I kicked away a priest under my feet, shook my numb left hand, and bit my own dog, which was really unlucky.

After the bishop in charge yelled, the comparison between the enemy and us became 24 to [-]. If Morris was here, I would squeeze it directly, but now Constance is next to him, so I can only change my approach.I gestured to Constans that I was causing chaos and he had the bishop under control.

Constance nodded, then I will leave the rest of the matter to me. I am a little nervous. I have tried it before, but it is a bit difficult to fight twenty. , Constance was able to control that bishop.

The sound of a large number of cavalry coming came from the outside of the trail. Hearing the sudden noise, I subconsciously changed my position so that I could see the exit of the trail and take care of the group of priests. I hurriedly swept past the group of priests. , I saw Constance raised his eyebrows and showed a bright smile. I turned my head and looked again. At the exit of the path, Alexander rushed out first, and behind him brought more than 50 guards wearing Theofano's family crest.

Alexander got off his horse with a displeased face, and the bishop on the opposite side yelled, "Your Highness, be careful, the guy next to you may be possessed by a demon! Avoid him quickly, and don't let him hurt you!"

In a sense, the bishop was right.

Alexander glanced at me when he heard the words, his eyes were full of astonishment, then he patted me on the shoulder, and showed a cruel and cruel smile to the bishop who kindly reminded him: "What the bishop means, my dear brother, Possessed by a demon?"

Some of the guards drew out their guns and pointed at the priest not far away, while the rest got off their horses and drew out their rapiers to signal the priests to drop their sticks and stand aside.

"Why are you here?" I walked over and asked.

Alexander took off his gloves and said, "Constance went home before I came back. After listening to his message, he brought a team of guards and rushed here. How did you fight?"

"That group of priests over there, the one in the black robe, the one with clean clothes, yes, this is the man, arrest him and keep him under strict supervision!" I said to the chief guard, "They moved the whole building away. Forget about the things in the building, but you actually want to reach out and pull out the brooches from those noble ladies."

"You're not like a gentleman who is sympathetic to beauty..." Alexander finished teasing me with a smile, and suddenly he realized the consequences of doing so, his face immediately turned cold, "Teach this dog what the hell is thinking!"

The two of us walked up the steps with unkind expressions. The bishop in front of the door was sweating profusely, his face was shaking constantly, and he couldn't help swallowing.

I sneered: "The bishop is so majestic! I don't know when in the church, even an ordinary bishop has the ability to easily identify demons. Tell me, next time we meet, will I see you from the Bible?" Summon an angel from here?"

"Don't dare, dare not...Your Highness, I also listened to people's one-sided words. At that time, when I heard that evil spirits came out to harm the world, I was flustered. I failed the Lord's teaching that we should guard the sheep, so I gave orders without discernment. ’” The bishop was very articulate.

I snorted angrily, grabbed his collar, and asked viciously in a low voice: "Then why are the people under your command going to take away the brooches from those noble ladies? How do you explain it? You know, they are nobles! Their fathers serve the empire and have the honor they deserve! How dare you priests attack them and insult a group of nobles?! You know what consequences this will cause!"

If it is said that this group of noble ladies made some things that are taboo in the church, it is the nobles who made mistakes first, then the priest rashly started to attack these noble ladies and snatched their personal belongings from their chests, then the church was extremely unreasonable!The parents of these noble ladies may choose to give in to the former due to the majesty of Theofano family, but they will never tolerate the church riding on their heads to shit!It is very likely that the two sides will start a fierce conflict... and the Theofano family is the last to want to see this conflict.Because both sides of the conflict are our supporters... It will be extremely troublesome and tricky to deal with. If one is not careful, it may be a thankless situation for both sides...

The bishop turned pale with fright, and his lips trembled: "I didn't! I didn't order him to do this! Our original plan was to come here to remove things!!! Really, Your Highness, we just came here to remove demons Law enforcement! Because someone reported Satan worship and blasphemy here!!"

"Nonsense! We didn't!"

"Blood spurts!"

"Slander! Naked slander!!"

The noble ladies with bulging cheeks and staring eyes were all over the steps, and they received strong support, or maybe because they had suffered too much grievance, their arrogance also ignited.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, the bishop yelled: "There are clear proofs in the book! It's written in black and white! Your Highnesses, you can read it! Come on, bring me that **** that poisons the souls of the world!"

A black box was brought up, the bishop opened the lid of the box, and carefully lifted the white cloth wrapped on top, he took out the book inside and said: "The records in it are all words of condemnation! Take a look! , the first page! This is the beginning, Satan, how should we treat a newborn baby!!! This baby is clearly Jesus Christ! Look, they are going to treat that baby so cruelly!"

"That's an exaggeration to describe the evil and ferocity of the devil!" A noble lady argued in the downstairs room.

"And here, look here again! In the story, on the day Jesus Christ was born, Satan possessed mortals. Guess what the name is? Schwart! A German name, but do you know the meaning of this name? The victors! They arrogantly called Satan the victors! They actually wanted sin to defeat Christ! Great Lord!!! Blasphemy! Naked blasphemy!!!”

"It's the devil who thinks the victory belongs to him, so he named himself the winner! You're still a bishop, so you can't even see the meaning!"

I raised my eyebrows, isn't my name also a winner...

"Look, it says that when one of them mentioned the atrocities of Caligula, the Roman emperor, there is such a passage, he said, today, I am unknown, if one day I want to leave a name in history, I must Will declare war on God! Hahaha, the sword is held high, and the sound of killing is loud, today he is king, and tomorrow, I will be king too! Jesus Christ, forgive me for uttering these cruel words with my mouth, they actually They are delusional about overthrowing the kingdom of heaven!!!”

"That's Satan! Not us!!! We're just fleshing out the image of a character! Is it wrong to write stories? So what are those who carve statues and paint ancient Greek and Roman gods for paintings?" A nobleman The lady argued!

"Shut up!" Alexander suddenly yelled, even I was taken aback suddenly, "Bring it here, I will see for myself!"

After speaking, he grabbed the book.

The bishop added embellishments and said, "This book has been printed in hundreds of copies! There are more than 20 words in it!"

"White horse, white robe, black hair, gray eyes!" Alexander read this word by word, and suddenly raised his head to look at me. The next second, he threw the book in his hand to the ground, his eyes fierce Sweeping across the noble ladies at the bottom of the steps, being awed by his gaze, those noble ladies who were aggressive and aggressive just now suddenly froze. ______________________________________________publicity?Didn't I already write about it?Are there other ways to promote it?

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