"Hey, isn't this a combination of our plans just now?"

"Some things were removed, and some things were added. It sounds like there is a possibility of implementation."

Several generals were whispering in the background. In fact, they combined a large amount of information and then gave the most feasible suggestions. This is what Valens is best at.

"Why buy instead of requisition?" An old general standing behind the commander of the Second Byzantine Army came out and asked.

Valence explained lightly: "Considering the enthusiasm of the Poles, I think it is more appropriate to use and buy. Expropriation will make them feel that they will not get any benefits if they lose something for nothing."

Uncle Zimiskia didn't give any comments, but asked directly following the words: "Who thinks he is qualified for this task?"

No one said anything, and the generals of the three legions who were raging all shrank their necks.

I think these people know that those who stay mean that it is basically impossible to go to the front line in this battle, and there is a high possibility that they will be appointed as the person in charge of the supply base.Moreover, I don't think they are qualified for such a job. After all, they are not aristocrats with professional civilian backgrounds, so it is difficult for them to do a job full of complex calculations.

Still Valens, this guy said with a blushing face, "I think I can try."

Uncle Zimischia's eyes tended to turn white. A group of generals who were silently erupted suddenly, and what they said meant nothing more than one meaning. Valens was not experienced enough to be qualified for this job.

After discussion, a quartermaster from the Eighth Mograine Legion was sent out as the main person in charge, while Valens was sent as the deputy, but everyone could see that this guy was thrown out of training qualifications.

Then Uncle Zimiskia gave the generals a series of details about going north, and appointed a series of accompanying officers in the army, and assigned the trainees to the army.

As a battalion commander, I worked part-time as his trainee staff officer and deputy military officer.

Finally, Uncle Zimischia stated the order of the expedition. The main infantry regiment of the Second Byzantine Legion will be the first, followed by the two artillery companies and three infantry regiments of the Legion, and the third Spartan Legion. The four infantry regiments and six artillery companies followed closely, and the main infantry regiments of the Legion followed the main infantry regiments of the Eighth Mograni Legion, and the remaining two infantry regiments of the Eighth Mograine Legion and two An artillery company protected the baggage going forward.

The Second Byzantine Legion has a balanced military force, including infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The Third Spartan Army has more infantry and artillery. The cavalry has only one cavalry battalion and one heavy cavalry. The foreign generals were all stripped out for unified command. There are two artillery regiments and three infantry regiments in the Eighth Mograine Legion. Most of the cavalry in the cavalry regiment are chasseurs, so they will cruise on the way forward of the legion brigade. Cooperate with the Chasseurs of the Second and Third Legions to scout the enemy.

A total of 12 people in 15150 infantry regiments, 10 people in 1520 artillery companies, 60 cannons, 3 people in 1640 heavy cavalry battalions, and 7 people in 2750 cavalry battalions. This is the strength of the Kiev army group going north this time.Of course, the actual number is more than this. For example, I brought 80 cavalry guards alone, plus some civilian staff and logistics, so the actual number of the whole army will be around 23000 instead of 21300.The army will start immediately on the morning of the third day, food and grass will be mobilized from Odessa, and will be mobilized before the assault team reaches the right bank of the South Bug River.

The military meeting ended in the afternoon.Then Uncle Zimiskia left us and a few nobles in charge of food supplies in the city hall to continue the discussion.I thought of some other things while they were discussing, and then asked Valens to prepare the old man Sviatos and the things from Alexander when he was mobilizing the supplies of our army group.Because I think they will build a supply stronghold at the bend where the Dnieper turns.When the time comes, Valens will have everything the old man Sviatos needs ready, and he will definitely get a good evaluation.

Later, I went to see the heavy cavalry battalion that belonged to me in the Second Byzantine Legion.

Rome, where the phoenix is ​​reborn, now likes to be named after the legions left by its predecessors such as Sparta, Byzantium, Nicaea, Molegney, Kaelsas, Kaspersky, Waglian, and Alexander.Don't think that my predecessor only had this little imagination. According to the manuscript, there were legions named Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt, and Mussolini in his time.However, these names have since been dropped.Because the names of the legions that the Romans can continue to use today have one characteristic, that is, these legions have not been defeated or wiped out.

According to records, Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini suffered heavy losses in 1323 AD. Later, Stalin and Mussolini were killed in Asia Minor in 1324. After 1335, there was no new Stalin.Next comes Roosevelt, the last mention of which comes in 1354.As for Hitler, Hitler died after 1361.

However, compared to the messy naming of the large army, the battalion under the army still retains the ancient tradition and is named after the area where it was formed. The heavy cavalry battalion I am serving now is from Anatolia, named Atalandi .

Just as I wondered what the cavalry battalion looked like, the men in the cavalry battalion also wondered what kind of person I was.

After checking and entering the camp, I rode over all the way, and I saw many people stop their work and look at me curiously.Outside the battalion command tent, the lieutenants of the cavalry battalion stretched their necks even more.

Countless arms were raised, and after the salute, there was a loud shout: "See sir!!"

"Glory to the Empire!"

A large group of uncles in their 40s and 50s. There are fewer uncles in their [-]s. There are also a few uncles with gray and silver hair. They wear the iron and brass helmets of the Imperial Cavalry and wear a black leather A smooth breastplate, uniform white breeches and knee-high black riding boots.

The imperial cavalry helmet is a fusion of the Prussian helmet and the Corinthian helmet left over from the predecessor.The shape of the Corinthian helmet is very similar to the male organ of a man. After the fusion of the Prussian helmet style, the Corinthian helmet has no nose guard and ear guard, and a thick copper plate is added to the forehead. The helmet is in the middle of the helmet.Probably due to the fact that the red cap tassel hits all the cute spots of men, the helmet still retains its mane after a thousand years.

The empire called the classic design style of military uniforms classical style, which means drawing inspiration from ancient Rome and ancient Greece.You know, since Rome after Hellenization abandoned Latin culture, the infantry tradition of classical Rome also disappeared.The military district system replaced the Roman legionary system that had been reformed by Marius in the past.Hellenistic Rome was not really Rome in every sense.But after the former Yitong messed around, Byzantium, Dongluo, whatever you call it, this country began to return to ancient times.

After hundreds of years, the suspended title of Augustus was restored, the Greek title "Basilis" was abandoned, and the title of Caesar was respected again.Ancient Rome had a road called "Road of Glory" during the period of the Roman Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire. The current empire also has its own road of glory after continuous bureaucratic reforms.

Ancient Roman military traditions were also revived.

Like right now, I'm standing in the Cavalry Battalion Atalandi, it's a tradition.My grandfather served in this battalion as a young man, so as a descendant of his, the battalion he served in will be my first choice to join.

The advantage of such a tradition for ordinary recruits is that, under the name of the sons of former comrades-in-arms, they come to unfamiliar military camps, can be taken care of by veterans, and can easily be cultivated as comrades-in-arms.

For me, it was a bit different. The group of veterans who fought with my grandfather were either retired or passed away. It was difficult for the rest of them to get acquainted with me all at once.What's more, my identity as a royal family is there. Although this group of cavalry has not seen the world, they are also more restrained.

Restrained, depressed.

The generals of the Atalandi Cavalry Battalion just stood in the tent with tense faces, not knowing what to say.

But with the fact that my grandfather had served in the cavalry battalion, I was able to say something.Let me remember a period of my grandfather's time, and then reveal the good life of those active people who performed well during my grandfather's service, and then use them as an example to imply the lieutenants of the cavalry battalion, as long as you work hard, the future will be similar, Paint a grand picture with a bright future.The group of young cavalry lieutenants were elated when they heard it.

After getting rid of the group of young lieutenants with ambitions, it was the turn of a few old men, and I lifted out the old scumbags.

I revealed my identity as his student, and told me about some of the tragedies he had repaired. The wry smile I showed stunned the group of young lieutenants. While the old men looked nostalgic, their eyes softened.

It seems that I did the right thing. The old scumbag was a warlord back then, and he made imperial military reforms. The cavalry he trained went into the sea. Those old men were right to be driven to death by the old scumbags. up.

The relationship between the two levels has climbed down, and the young lieutenants will speak well of me when the soldiers are dissatisfied with me, saying that there are benefits of having this paratrooper.Those old men are basically the authority in the battalion, the elders, their words are more important than ten sentences, plus they have all been taught by old scumbags, so they naturally know how powerful old scumbags are, and their evaluation of my ability will make an evaluation in my favour.In this way, I, a royal family, parachuted into the cavalry battalion at a young age and became the battalion commander. The negative impact will be minimized.And this is also the purpose of my coming to the camp today.

The deputy commander of the battalion took the roster and introduced to me the identities and names of the lieutenants of the cavalry battalion one by one. I called everyone in the camp and conveyed to them the order from the commander of the group army.

The army will set off within two days. Everyone is free to move around today, return to the camp before the afternoon of the second day, rest for one night, and it is time to go out on the third day.I then proceeded to issue my first orders to the Atalandi Cavalry Battalion as Battalion Commander.

With an ambiguous smile, I took out a bag full of Ores and held them in my hand. I asked the captains of each cavalry squad to step out and hand over five Orees to them.

This made everyone bewildered for a while.

"Okay, everyone! Now, accept the first order from your battalion commander! Groups of five, go to your squad leader to collect your bonus! I don't care how you spend the money, you are going out to find Whether you are having fun or drinking and making trouble, I have only one request for you, and that is, don't let this evening be wasted! Spend every penny in your pocket! Got it!"

When a bag of Oresa is sent out, hundreds of imperial gold coins will have a huge effect. After a few seconds of astonishment, the entire cavalry battalion burst into loud shouts: "Yes! Sir!!!"

Seeing that there was still a lot left in the money bag, I handed the money bag to one of my deputy battalion commanders on the spur of the moment. I smiled and pointed to the group of guards I brought, and asked him to take them out to have a good time. Play.

Leon refused: "I will stay here for the safety of Your Highness."

I smiled disapprovingly, and I said, "It's only a day. Besides, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm just in the Governor's Mansion to handle the marching supplies for the legion commander Marquis Zimiskia. You know, we We will be leaving in two days. There is another [-] kilometers away from Odessa to Kiev. The time is very tight. We have to work overtime to deal with those matters. If there are assassins, they will all be assassinated in the city hall, and you will be paid for one more It's better to lose one of you."

Leon backed down and said, "Okay, at least let us escort His Highness back to the city hall together."


I obviously updated yesterday, but I didn’t post it at the starting point... As a criminal, I’m sorry... I made you worry...

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