Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 63 Poland's Leading Party

On the third day when I came to Odessa, on October 1718, 17, the Imperial Army had a total of 3000 people, a total of 12 infantry regiments, 10 artillery companies, 3 heavy cavalry battalions, and 7 chasing cavalry battalions. Headed north in a mighty way.

Leaving Odessa, that is, leaving the territory of the Empire, and marching northward for less than half a day, we entered the borders of the remnants of the Kingdom of Poland.The province of Ivanovka was the first to surrender to the empire, and the core city of Ivanovka gathered in front of the city gate to cheer for the arrival of the empire.

Along the way, the Chasseurs, who acted as guides and scouts, happily ran around in the forest.Among these three legions, probably only these cavalry hunters are the real elite.The Empire's Chaser Battalion has always adopted a rotation system. Every year, several battalions are sent to Aleppo to fight against the vagrant tribes of the Green Cult to gain experience.But infantry and artillery are different. The reason why these people can rush to Odessa in a short period of time is because they are close to the north, and the elite of the empire are the most capable of fighting and the most capable of fighting to the death. Natolia, in Aleppo.The reason why the old man Sviatos waited was probably because he was waiting for those elites.

After passing Ivanovka, looking from a distance, many serfs in the farmland raised their heads curiously when they heard the movement of the army.

The territory of Poland has a lot of plains, a lot of farmland, a lot of serfs, and a lot of corpses.In the villages I passed by, many people hanged on trees could be seen everywhere.The corpses were in tattered clothes, and those who died must have been serfs trying to escape.

These people are the most numerous on the southern border of the empire.The restraint of landlords and nobles weakened, and serfs had a chance to escape.But even so, there are very few Polish serfs who can escape to the south of the empire every year, and those who are caught, very few of them are unlucky enough to hang on trees as a warning.Warn those serfs who try to escape.

Most people were shocked by what they saw along the way, after all, it was basically impossible for them to see such a terrifying scene in the empire.

The country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, and countless Polish serfs who were hanged were the portrayal of the plight of the Kingdom of Poland.

As we got closer to the city, there were no more hanged serfs, but we saw many Poles on the streets.

Unkempt, they begged for alms on the side of the street, and a large number of prostitutes from Poland filled the street corners.

"This is what they asked for." Wearing a dark brown three-cornered hat, Assassin wore a high-necked windbreaker to cover his face. His horse was on one side, with a ponytail hanging behind the hat, swinging back and forth with the horse's pace. , the image is very cold, it seems that Assassin is really continuing her glamorous buttocks and beautiful breasts for Rome.

I heard gloat and disgust in Assassin's tone: "You hate Poland?"

"I have a quarter of Polish blood flowing through my body, but I haven't set foot on this land before today, and I can't say how much I hate this country, but as a Roman, I think this kingdom is just a joke now."

"According to the geographical division, the land under our feet is not Poland, but Ukraine."

"It doesn't matter if it's Poland or Ukraine, anyway, the nobles here are idiots and trash."

Assassin's views are very extreme. Yes, the United Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania was a very powerful country in the past. Its territory reaches the Baltic Sea in the north, the Black Sea coast in the south, the Oder River in the west, and the area east of the Dnieper River in the east. , with a territorial area of ​​more than 121 million square kilometers, larger than Russia, can be called a powerful country in Eastern Europe, and it is the main force to resist the Mongols' westward conquest.In the [-]th century, he entered Moscow to put a liar of unknown origin on the position of Grand Duke of Moscow.It is said that in that era, the humblest Polish serfs all went to the highest-ranking ladies of the Ross people, and the hussars even panicked the empire for a time.However, the current downfall of this country is not only caused by the nobles and big landlords, but it is still inseparable from the nobles, and all of this began around the rise of the Jagiello Dynasty in the [-]th century .

Poland was unified in the fourteenth century, but the unified king had no heirs, so the Polish nobles had to find the king's nephew to be the king.I don't know whether it was intentional or not, the king's nephew still has no male heir, only one daughter.In order to make their daughter a queen, the price that the Polish royal family used in exchange for the support of the nobles was tax exemption for the nobles.

This is a big step in the concession of royal power, but this is the first step, because in the fourteenth century, Poland had a serious problem, and that was the ever-expanding Teutonic Knights.In order to resist the Teutonic Knights, the Polish nobles changed hands and sold Queen Lolita, whose father had just died and was less than 14 years old, to the King of Lithuania in exchange for the establishment of the United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania.In order to stabilize the rule, the newly established kingdom continued to grant privileges to the nobles to gain support.At the beginning of the fifteenth century, Poland's confidant was finally defeated. Now, the nobles who contributed to the victory were naturally unavoidably rewarded.Poland has a vast territory, but the aristocrats are extremely large because of the combination of the two royal families. Coupled with such a reward, the royal family, which was already weaker than the national aristocracy, became even weaker.The strong became stronger and stronger, and the weak became weaker and weaker. Later, the nobles simply established a very unique bicameral system, and the duty of this parliament was to compete with the king for power.The king cannot decree, conquer, declare war or peace without the sanction of Parliament and the assent of both Houses.

This is very similar to the current British royal family. The Polish royal family is simply a display.

When the last king of the Jagiello dynasty passed away, the Polish nobles with real power simply let the Polish throne be elected by everyone, so the free election of kings was born.

For the votes, checks were naturally written, so the nobles directly rode on the king's head, and behind that, the wonderful veto power was also born.

The Roman emperor who was in power at that time was so happy that he made a gloating complaint on the spot: "Poland, after today, there is nothing to worry about."

After that, the kings elected by Poland often did not put Poland's interests first, so Poland fell into an endless loop: the king was elected, the king sold Poland's interests, the king was elected again, and Poland's interests were sold again.However, due to the aggressive Polish nobles and huge cavalry, the United Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania will not die for a while, but because they continue to expand food production, more and more pastures and grasslands give way to farming.During the Swedish-Polish War in the sixteenth century, the number of Polish hussars was less than a third of that in the first half of the fifteenth century, far less than a quarter of that in the second half, and their performance was even worse.When the Swedish lion Gustav bites, there is no residue left.

However, the Swedish-Polish War, the Swedish-Russian War, and the Polish King’s War, which lasted through the half-sixteenth century until now, are mostly confined to the area north of the Dnieper River, and the entire south of Poland is still relatively prosperous.

The leading party brought the empire's 3000 troops to a city called Kounsky.Before the army got there, the local area had already provided enough food and more than 70 heavy carriages confiscated from nearby areas.

But the further north we went, the more small movements the local Poles made. On the fifth day, we left the urban area along the coast and arrived at the area where the big Polish nobles and landowners were located. Looking at the past, it was all farmland. There were many rural farms, but there were no cities. several.

Not long after entering the territory, the chasseurs cruising around reported that there were several groups of men on horseback trying to peep around. They seemed to be locals, and the number of each team was between 20 and [-].

Uncle Zimiskia obviously had an idea, but he turned to us in front of the chasseur who was passing the message and asked: "What should we do with those cavalry?"

"These cavalry should be formed by the local landlords to protect the land." I said my judgment, and the officers next to me nodded in agreement for a while, and then some trainees suggested that since they were my own people, let them look after them, but It was also suggested to continue to disperse them.

I followed Uncle Zimiscia, and I had a very simple view of those arrogant Polish nobles: "Teach them a lesson. Send a battalion of chasseurs to surround them, capture them, and then kill them with gangsters, bandits, etc. No matter what they say in the name of the government, beat them up first, and then take them to the village to meet their relatives."

"Well. The reason why the Poles turned pale when they talked about the Russians is because the Russians are barbaric. If we want those nobles to stay honest for a while, we have to let them understand that we are not much worse than the Russians when we are fierce! "Uncle Zimischia nodded, and then gave the order.

At night, a group of battered and bruised humanoids were dragged to the local nobles who were negotiating with us.We briefly mentioned what happened on the road.Anyway, passing by the Roman Empire, we acted bravely, killed the local civilians, and captured a group of gangsters and bandits. Out of respect for the local authority, we handed over these people.

A group of humanoid creatures who finally saw their relatives opened their mouths and wailed loudly, and then they seemed to be children who ran to their parents to sue them.These brats are all there to pour bitterness and grievances.It is said that the cavalry of the empire went up and grabbed them without any explanation, which was a violent beating without any explanation. Not only did they beat them, but they also took away their horses.

Uncle Zimischia called the commander of the patrolling cavalry battalion and the squadron leaders of the cavalry squadrons who committed the crime. When the cavalrymen opened their mouths, the faces of the local snakes changed drastically, saying that the guys on the ground were suspected of spying on the military situation. , and then a few imperial nobles jumped out and glared at some local snakes, telling Uncle Zimischia that these people are all bad guys who want to spy on our information and then send it to the Russians!


Does anyone use windowsphone... The school seems to have a strategic partnership with Microsoft...

Tomorrow, people from Microsoft will come to the school to check and inspect. By the way, there will be a workshop that teaches us to use the software development tools of windowsphone....

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