Little Siegmund's words caused a burst of booing from the accompanying cavalry.

"Shut up! You are worthy of insulting Rome!"

A guard finally couldn't bear it anymore, and more than 30 people on our side were completely separated from more than 400 cavalrymen of Siegmund's family because of this scolding.

Little Siegmund's expression was surprised, and there was also a hint of disbelief. I think he didn't understand how our group of lame Romans dared not give him face. You must know that they are local snakes here.

I galloped my horse between little Siegmund and the guards who were at war with swords, and remained silent for a long time.

"Hand over that person, come over and apologize, otherwise, don't blame us for not talking!" Little Siegmund's attitude was very arrogant.

"What made you think the Roman army would give up a Roman soldier, what made you think the Roman army would give up a Roman woman, and finally what made you think the Roman army would give up land that belonged to Rome? "

At this moment, I felt a slight vibration in the ground.

"Is it because we are not strong enough?"

"Or are you too stupid?"

"Or, are we not cruel enough?"

When the guards heard my threatening words, they held down their flintlock pistols and looked around coldly.

"It's up to you?! Dare to threaten me?" Little Siegmund laughed angrily.

"Yes, it's up to us."

A long bugle sounded from a distance, and the imperial cavalry came.

The sound of hoofbeats, the billowing of smoke and dust, under the sun, the fluttering imperial eagle flag fluttered in the wind, cavalry poured out from the left side behind us like a tide, and on the side directly behind us, my cuirassier battalion Atalandi It also appeared, under the raised eagle flag of the cavalry battalion, the shining cavalry breastplates shone with dazzling brilliance, one row, two rows, three rows...

The eagle flag pointed out that there is nowhere to go, and the tall horses rolled forward with the sound of a tidal wave hitting the shore, devouring every piece of land under their feet.

Little Siegmund stared at him, and I teased, "Do you dare to say these words to the Russians once?"

On the side of Siegmund's group of cavalry, another cavalry not inferior to them was moving, blocking their retreat.The mob panicked, and then looked at little Siegmund. This guy looked straight at the cavalry that kept pouring out, his face very ugly.

"You short sissies are nothing compared to the terrible Russian army! Only we can fight the Russians!"

With a sneer, I said, "It seems that you dare not. Listen, it doesn't matter who the owner of this land used to be, but from now on, this is Roman territory."

"Your land? Huh, this is the territory of our Siegmund family! Long before you Romans set foot here, our Siegmund family has already established a foothold here!"

"That is to say, the Siegmund family does not recognize this as Roman territory."

"Yes, what can you do!"

Little Siegmund's attitude remains the same, but even if his attitude changes, it can't make me change my mind.

Turning my hands away, I signaled to the cavalry behind me to prepare to shoot, I shrugged: "It's nothing, we will only do one more thing... Raze the Siegmund's house, then this place will be Roman territory."

Pulling out the flintlock pistol and raising my hand, I only caught the unbelievable moment when the eyes of little Siegmund flashed. I pulled the trigger. The horses under the crotch were frightened, and they dragged the little Siegmund who was headshot and ran away. I looked at the group of dumbfounded cavalry.

There was a sound of gunfire behind them, and the group of cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and the frightened horses scattered.


Of the three options of turning and fleeing, staying still, and meeting the unsuspecting horse thieves charging up, I chose the latter.I have no way out, retreating will give these horse thieves the courage to fight, and not moving will block the charge of the cuirassiers behind us. Only by charging can our blow shock the enemy and completely destroy their morale!

Pulling out the saber, the sharp blade glistened in the light.

The distance of more than 30 meters is enough for us to drive the horses to charge!

The group of guards behind also raised their sabers, and I felt their anger!

The anger of being insulted made them, the Romans who grew up in the Roman Empire, full of anger!

"Long live Rome!!!"

Before we had time to think about it, we rushed to the opposite side in the blink of an eye.

The group of more than 400 cavalry who made Siegmund a negotiating condition was leaderless at this time. Seeing that more than 30 of us had launched a charge with a very small number of people, they chose to avoid us instead of blocking us. There were a few people in the way who were so shocked that they barely moved, and their heads fell to the ground with just one knife.

But for a moment, the depth of more than 400 cavalry was cut like thin paper, and we were lucky to kill them without any damage.

At this time, the chasseurs who appeared first had already circled from the right.

"Turn!" After running hundreds of meters, we reversed the momentum of the team and pointed the saber at the enemy's back again.

The group of hunting cavalry quickly blocked our way. I saw these guys raised their carbines at a distance of more than 50 meters, put them on their arms, and shot at the Siegmund cavalry standing still in motion.

The old scum has implemented the reform of the cavalry very well. In the past, it is estimated that these chasseurs would rush forward. Now shooting the enemy first can not only deter the enemy, but also loosen the enemy's dense cavalry for the cuirassiers who are about to charge. formation.

There were loud gunshots, and not many people fell off their horses, but these people were even more scattered. A group of 20 people tried to escape on horseback, and some people shouted to go back to fight to the death, and some people went to kill the chasseurs. In this situation, the cuirassiers charged.

Unlike the hasty charge launched by me and the guards, the Atalandi Cavalry Battalion was somewhat prepared and had enough distance to adjust.

There are four rows, 90 people in each row, and the distance between the two rows is 40 meters. From the horses running in small steps to speeding up, and then thousands of horseshoes making an overwhelming sound, all of this is done after we charge and turn around. In an instant, thousands of iron hooves stirred up dust all over the sky.

"For Rome!"

The sound was like thunder, and the leader of the cuirassiers in blue robes yelled, swallowing the Siegmund cavalry group like a rolling iron stream.

The first row of cuirassiers collided fiercely with Siegmund's cavalry, and the sharp sabers easily cut through the bodies of those Ukrainians, but more people were crushed by the surging horses and fell to the ground. Trampled to death, many frightened mounts scurry about in panic without their riders manipulating themselves.

The cavalry of Siegmund's family immediately fell into chaos. They were frightened out of their wits by the sudden blow, and the already scattered team was even more torn apart.At this time, the hunting cavalry who were hunting aside had already followed one after another, brandishing their sabers.

The saber is the best weapon in melee.The design of the imperial cavalry's saber is mainly to swing and slash in a strong arc from the shoulder to the elbow. Their length is about 82-84 cm, which is relatively long among the sabers of various countries. The width of the entire blade is from head to elbow. The tail is almost the same, but narrowed at the front and double-edged near the tip.But the most important feature is the handle of the saber, which is also the excellence of the design of the saber.Needless to say, the knife grid is extended into a handguard, and its unique feature is the introduction of the design of the thumb ring.The thumb ring is riveted to the tongue and tenon of the handle. When holding a steel knife and slashing hard, the force added by the thumb through the thumb ring can make the striking action more accurate and powerful.

These well-trained cavalrymen formed a squad in groups of three or five, and cut the chaotic cavalrymen who were regarded as treasures by these local snakes into countless messy small pieces.

The bloody massacre began, but this was a battle that had just begun and had already ended.

The other chasseurs did not join the battle because of the battle field. I sent them to block the Siegmund's castle, and the people there hid in the castle in panic when they saw the massacre.

Open the pocket watch, 21 minutes later, the battle is over.

The cavalry of Siegmund's family and his allies did not die, but most of them surrendered. Our casualties were very small, but more than ten cuirassiers who charged forward still died.

The cavalry was divided into five parts, surrounded the entire castle, and thousands of serfs were guarded together.

The unrecognizable body of little Siegmund was found three or ten minutes later, his head decapitated and a spear stuck out of reach of a flintlock.

Inside the castle, an old man poked his head out of the castle's lookout window, looked at the messy battlefield in a daze and said: "Why! We have promised to become the subjects of the Roman Empire! Why are you still beating us?!"

Except for my more than 30 guards, the other people who just arrived were unknown, so many people's attention was caught for a while.

If you promise to become a citizen of the empire, you can wantonly insult the empire, insult our women, and hand over our territory?

What a joke, the Siegmund family is completely suicidal.

"You killed my son, I will fight you to the end! I will let you have no peace in this land! I will unite with the Russians! I will kill you with the Russians and enter Constantinople !"

The old man's crazy shouts echoed in the huge castle grounds. If in the Middle Ages, our group of cavalry could only stare at the old man Siegmund's castle, but now, it is not our fault that the old man is huddled in the castle. You're welcome.

After sending out the liaison staff, I waited for Uncle Zimischia to send help, I looked at the castle and called Assassin, maybe the bodyguard sent by Daddy Cheap is the kind that only appears in novels and often follows a few tenths of a second Fighting genius: "How is your fighting ability?"

Assassin asked, "It depends on the target."

I nodded approvingly. For a fight, of course it depends on the target to make a judgment: "The most powerful level."

"The most powerful level? I should be more than enough to deal with you." Assassin chuckled lightly.

I was stunned for a moment: "Why is it that I am the most powerful opponent you imagine?"

Assassin's laughter was very meaningful: "Because I think our fight will be very intense one day in the future. Fighting or something is not worth mentioning compared to this, so I have to make far-sighted preparations for defeating you in the future, After all, in a fight, I am on the defensive."

An hour later, a regiment of infantry and a battery of artillery arrived in the afternoon.Six cannons, two eight-pound infantry guns were laid down to the north at a distance of 400 meters, two four-pounders were set down at a distance of 300 meters to the south, and two five-pounder howitzers were erected.

The cannons are in place.

"Directly ahead, the local Polish aristocrat Siegmund colluded with the Russians to conspire against the country and sent an order to raz Siegmund's house."

The flashes of the cannon flashed on the plain along the Dnieper, followed by the roar of thunder.

With red tile eaves on the top of the tower and round towers, the castle of the Siegmund family is a traditional Eastern European style castle.These are all features, but soon, these features are gone.After the gunpowder smoke passed, several large holes appeared in the castle of Siegmund's family, and the screams of women, the cries of children, and the curses of those local snakes came from inside.The Siegmund family was helpless, because they didn't have cannons, which had been tricked out of Siegmund's lips a long time ago, and this guy wanted us to send them a few at that time.

What stupid fellows.

After an hour of bombardment, half of Siegmund's castle collapsed.

An hour and a half later, there were fighting sounds inside the castle.

Before noon, the Siegmund family walked out of the local snakes who came to help, each holding a head.One or two of these people were trapped in the castle. Seeing that there was no hope of survival, they simply arrested Siegmund's family and killed the old man Siegmund to plead guilty.

Looking at the group of women kneeling on the ground crying and crying and the blood of the Siegmund family, I only have one feeling in my heart, if I knew this before, why bother.

"Kill all the men..." I glanced at the hateful eyes of the children who came out, "It doesn't matter how old you are. As for women, keep them."

The direct line of the Siegmund family must be uprooted, but considering that they still have a large group of relatives and other creatures, we have to deal with them as well. The few guys who came to help are the best guides and manpower. source.

Leon was left at the ruins of the castle to take stock of the spoils, and I went back to meet Uncle Zimischia and briefly recounted what had happened.Considering that the Siegmund family is deeply entrenched here, the army will stay here for a few days.

The Leading Party took us to encircle and suppress those associated with the Siegmund family.

Nearly half of the chasseurs were sent out, and each infantry battalion led an artilleryman to start the campaign without even eating dinner. Throughout the night, the sound of shelling resounded throughout the night for dozens of miles around Siegmund's house.

During this time, we have not been idle. I am organizing the serfs, and they are the ones that Valens will come to build the stronghold.Uncle Zimiskia issued an order to collect eggs, and the army asked for them from door to door.

We don't want eggs for food, but for traveling.

Fortunately, since Siegmund's family was wiped out, his inventory was not stored in the castle but in several nearby warehouses. The eggs from their family alone met all the needs of the army.

These are part of the wealth of this local snake.

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