In the early morning of February in the Eastern European Plain, the sky was gray.

At the end of the march, I took off my boots against a rock, and the skin on my feet peeled off.

Sometimes the team members are more capable of killing people than the enemy, especially Assassin, what kind of romance is playing at such a critical moment.But silk cloth and cotton are really powerful.

Putting on the boots, the injury on the foot can only be tolerated, anyway, it will not take many days to reach the safe south.

I couldn't sleep, so I opened the map and roughly determined our position, which was more than 70 kilometers due north of Ulyanovka.Due to the route I set these days, we were lucky not to encounter any Russians. Although we inevitably encountered some Poles, we had to move their heads to keep them secret, but before we killed them, we still had to We know a lot about what happened in this generation.

The main force of the Russians went southward along the Dnieper River to pursue Uncle Zimischia and the others. Everywhere they went, they sent cavalry for food requisition as guides first, and then infantry followed.If we had taken a long detour back then, we might have encountered cavalry from the Russians who came out to search for food. Once or twice would be fine, but if it happened four times and three times, it would be difficult to guarantee that our army of less than [-] people would fall here.But now, just past today and tomorrow, we are out of the danger zone.

Knowing that I can bring back all the people who are still alive in my hands, I can go back with a sigh of relief.

Walking outside the camp, the tired soldiers leaned against each other to rest, the stinky smell and dirty clothes made them very embarrassed.But their morale is very good, because the fact that they can go home with honors gives them hope for the future.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside Linzi's camp, and a flustered sentry was ushered in: "Command! We found a lot of smoke and gunshots in the hills ahead!"

With a serious expression on my face, I immediately sent someone to call the battalion-level commanders who were resting and went to the forest to the high ground. I took out the binoculars, and without looking carefully, I could see a frightened bird flying out of the forest more than ten kilometers away. There was the dull sound of shelling.

"It is very likely that our people are fighting the Russians!" I judged.

"Are you going to attack?" Several battalion-level commanders were eager to move.

On the battlefield where manpower can only be used to transmit information, the eyes of the commander can only be sentry and what can be seen with both eyes. If I can clearly get all the information of the enemy, I will be able to make a good judgment, But at this moment, we can only roughly know that someone is fighting.

number?I don't know!

Troop deployment?have no idea!

How is the situation?do not know!

His eyes were smeared, and he rushed into the battle rashly, but there were only two results. One was to scare the enemy and cause consternation, which became the biggest bargaining chip to turn the tide of the battle.

"Tell the soldiers to end their rest! All are on standby!"

I have three infantry battalions and one cuirassier battalion on hand. In a battle of 5 to 1000 people, if this force is placed head-on, it is only an insignificant force for a charge. , Not too many more than [-] cavalry, about two charges will be exhausted.But now, I am in the dark, and the enemy is in the open. If this force is used well, it will be more effective than the actual number!Even if you can't defeat the Russians, you can keep the army and retreat!

When the soldiers mobilized, another sentry brought the news.

"Deserters! Some deserters!"

"Russian?" I said delightedly.

The sentinel showed a look of embarrassment, and he whispered: "It's a Roman."

"How could it be!" I subconsciously thought it was impossible, because the soldiers under my hand performed so well.But soon I convinced myself that no matter how high the sense of honor is, it will collapse in the face of death. For example, during the Napoleonic Wars, there were a lot of French people who collapsed after being beaten. You must know that France at that time was full of opponents. [Revolutionary] passion, ordinary people are easily deceived by those rhetoric, thinking that they are really fighting for great beliefs and ideals, and their morale may not be lower than that of the Romans. Of course, it was under the leadership of Napoleon When the enthusiasm for the initial great [revolution] has not faded.

I asked in panic, "Is it the main force?"

"It's not clear, but so far, we've only found people from the Fifth Spartan Legion!"

"What!!!" The two battalion-level commanders from the Fifth Spartan Army were shocked.

Why is the Fifth Spartan Legion here?

What are you kidding?The good impression given to me by the people of the Fifth Spartan Legion made me subconsciously think that a rout would never happen to them. It seems that I still took it for granted.

"The Fifth Spartan Legion is defeated? This is impossible!"

The battalion commander from the Fifth Spartan Legion said excitedly: "There must be another reason for this!"

The appearance of Hippias, the commander of the legion, appeared in my mind, and I said seriously to the surroundings: "The situation is not as serious as I imagined. Only a small number of routs doesn't mean anything. Listen to the sound of the guns, the fifth The Spartan Legion is still fighting."

"What should we do now?"

Yeah, what now?

Someone suggested: "Why don't we hide our tracks until we get close to the Russians and then attack?"

"No, if the two sides are evenly matched, our presence may turn the tide of the battle, but now we are at a disadvantage! Also, don't forget, Russia's hand-to-hand combat is very powerful. We are only 3000 people. Once we attack, we think we have to fight the Russians. Hand-to-hand combat broke out!" The appearance of defeated soldiers shows that the Russians have controlled the situation of the battle, rather than being evenly matched, so in this situation where the morale of the Russian army is high, if this little force under my hands rushes in, it will not only increase the Russians. A little trouble, probably because of Maozi's increase in the number of enemies killed.

"Before the Russians find us, let's retreat!" said the leader recommended by our Polish hussars.

Want to run away?

"I said, don't forget, we are very close to Ulyanovka. The Russians defeated us. Do you think they will spare the villages and towns in the south? You know, they are short of food!" I sneered Looking at the group of Poles, their faces changed drastically.

"Then what should we do? It's impossible to beat him, but he can escape..." A Polish man shut his mouth when the fierce eyes around him stared at him.

I had a flash of inspiration here and asked, "Did the deserter not be chased?"

The sentry who was asked frowned and recalled, and said with certainty: "Yes! But not many!"

Hearing this information, I calmed down. How should I put it, to use a better description, "I smell victory!"


A group of battalion officers looked at me spontaneously. Those eyes meant that I was so amazing!

"Commander, please give the order!"

"You trust me that much?" I asked back.

All the battalion officers looked at each other and nodded.

Being so trusted by others, but I am actually still playing drums and hesitating, because I have two options: one, use the life of the Romans who are still fighting as a stepping stone, if everything works perfectly, I will be able to completely defeat that enemy Army, but it will undoubtedly push the Fifth Spartan Army and its commander into the abyss.But what's the difference between running away from us and ignoring them like this!


I made up my mind, stood up, put on my gloves and said, "Poles! Listen."


"Search for branches around, wrap them in cloth, and drag them behind the horses! I'll give you three and ten minutes! Within three and ten minutes, I want to see all your horses tied up, and then divided into two teams, One team is at the end of the team! The other team, I have orders."

"Yes." "Yes." "No problem." The Pole responded in a confused voice.

"Atalandi Cavalry Battalion!"


"Put on your breastplates! You will be the first battle order, trotting ahead to open the way! Remember, blow the battle horn while running!"

"It is my honor to serve Rome!"

"You guys." Looking at the two battalion commanders of the Chasers, I said, "Divided into two lines, you are responsible for advancing rapidly, it is best to go around behind the Russians, but remember, I don't want you to really rush in Big camp for the Russians! Just want you to pretend we're going to eat them! Run as far as you can, and if the Russians stop advancing or backing up, follow them at a safe distance! You bring your men People follow around the brigade, and as soon as they see the Russians, don't hesitate to shoot at them and scare them."

"As for you, take the infantry, unload the goods in the carriage, and then line up in a column of six people wide, and run behind the cavalry! Do you understand!"

"It is my honor to serve Rome!"

I went back to put on the breastplate, and told Wenqing and Assassin about the situation, and asked Assassin to take care of Wenqing so that a Prussian heir would not be in the Roman army. I waited anxiously for another half an hour, and the whole The army is complete.

Turn on the pocket watch, the time is around 35:20 noon, and the report from the sentry is around [-]:[-], we wasted almost [-] minutes, I don’t know how the battle is going ahead, in order not to let the enemy Sensing something strange, I withdrew my scouts.

In the distance, the rumble of dull cannons is still going on, but the frequency is getting less and less, and we can't wait any longer!

I took a deep breath and gave the order to the trumpeter of the Atalandi Cavalry Battalion to expose the entire army: "Blow the rally and attack!"

The long horn sounded in this valley, startling many birds that inhabit the woods not far from us.



I rode my horse back and forth and shouted: "There is a battle ahead! But I can tell you clearly that Rome is at a disadvantage!! And there will be many enemies! But!"

"Soldiers! Will you stand by while we Romans are massacred by barbarians? Will you stand by and see our eagle banners taken? Will you watch the glory of Rome trampled underfoot? "

"Perhaps some of you will ask, since we have already lost, what else can we do! Can't we pretend that nothing happened today? Then I can tell you clearly that the fighters in the battlefield ahead are just like you. The family members also have wishes, and they will also be Romans!"

"Today we run away like cowards here, and in the future, what face do we have to continue calling ourselves Romans?" Joining the fight would kill many of my men, even myself.If we don't join the battle, yes, we will be able to live, but what face do I have to continue leading these simple and simple Romans in the future?

"In a short time, I will harvest my crops in my hometown." I remembered who the Roman who was also named Maximus was in my memory.

"I said to my son, I'll see him soon, keep your heels down when you ride. As for my wife...that's none of your business."

Thinking of the Roman general who was only loyal to his duties from the beginning to the end, but ended up with his family ruined, although I am a bit perverted, at least I still have my own conscience!And now hundreds of thousands of soldiers like him who only serve the empire out of duty are about to face doom, how can I sit idly by!

"We are proud Romans! We will not leave our people to the slaughter of barbarians! Other generals, I don't care what they will do, but for me, I will not turn a blind eye to it! Not in the past! Not now Yes! I will not in the future!"

I reined in the horses and stood them up on both sides of the team.

"Soldiers, let us advance to the battlefield! Before the main force comes, let us rescue our brothers who are fighting hard! If today is our day to die, then let us fight until the last moment, until the arrival of reinforcements, and die an honorable death for Rome Everyone! All the Romans present! Soldiers! Today, a supreme glory is before our eyes! We will change the fate of the entire war! What are you waiting for?"

"Romans! Let us march to the field! For honor! For Rome! Onward!"

The attack horn of the cavalry battalion sounded again.

"Long live Rome!!!"

Under the yelling of their deputy battalion commander, the cuirassier battalions lined up drove their horses, and the continuous sound of hooves resounded throughout the sky.

The morale of the cuirassier battalion was as high as ever even after such a long march.

Three battalions of infantry followed the cavalry in wide marching columns of six, followed by the army's baggage, and then the Poles with their heavy drag.

As soon as it moved, it seemed that there was really a scene of a large army marching towards the front line of the war.

But I took a big risk in such a formation. The cuirassiers who are too scattered may be exhausted in a single charge, and the infantry columns that are too concentrated behind cannot be expanded into an infantry line. Not only that, but the width is also large. Too thin, giving up the advantage of shooting against Mao Zi to fight the bayonet, it is destined to be a tragedy.Will the Poles in the back risk their lives to help when we reach the big mold?I think it is possible for them to turn around and run away. It is possible to run back to the territory and change the flag.

But I can only bet on the tenacity of the soldiers of the Fifth Spartan Legion, and on the fact that the troops invested in Russia are not all the main force in today's battle, but the most important thing is that the person who will be the Russian leader this time is Vanessa. Siri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky, bet that the people he admires have almost the same qualities as him!


Another [-] words...damn...exhausted

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