The Russians arrived at 10:[-] p.m., which was earlier than expected. In fact, the Russian army stopped advancing within [-] minutes after the Russian cavalry was wiped out.It took them a lot of time to collect battlefield information, and they came to the conclusion that they were being tricked. Finally, after two hours of interrupting the unfinished battle, the Russians returned.

In order to thank the Russian commanders for giving me the time and ability to annihilate their cavalry and artillery, and to suppress the fear of the cowardly Russian commanders, I asked Leon to come to the middle of the battlefield with a white flag and greet the exhausted Russians. He expressed his cordial greetings to see if they were tired, and then asked the captured Russian prisoner to bring a cart of wine barrels to give him the red wine we seized from the Polish landowner's wine cellar.

However, the Russian army didn't accept my kindness very much. The Russian commander who was so angry was just like all men who are enjoying the intense "pumping" but were forced to interrupt the "pleasure" by some accident, eager to get the worst. Then a little bit can climb to the top.The Russian army violently let his Russian infantry attack at [-]:[-] in the afternoon. If I hadn't accidentally joined the battle, he was so scared that he had to interrupt the extremely enjoyable battle from beginning to end. At this point in time, the Russians had planted their flags on the roofs of the villages, winning the joy of victory.

The general of the Russian army rode out and stood far away on the messy battlefield in the middle and expressed his angry greeting to me: "You despicable person!!!"

I poured out a glass of red wine, and I toasted to each other and drank it. Once again, the Russian army established the impression that their general was incompetent. status hours ago.

Throwing down the wine glass, I shouted to the soldiers in the village: "Romans, those barbarians from the north are back after being fooled! Look at their sweaty faces, and look at them again!" Being so stupid, I really wonder if the freezing weather in the north froze their brains! Otherwise, how could they be so stupid? Are you right?"

The nearby soldiers roared with laughter.

I signaled them to stop laughing: "Okay, although they are stupid, but one thing, I have to admit, their charge is very powerful! Later, they will launch a fierce charge again! Are you ready to meet it!"

"Get ready!!!" Regardless of whether that person is a professional or not, anyway, he stirred up the atmosphere, "It's not like we haven't defeated their charge before!"

"That's right! Just like what we did at the Zhitomir Ferry, in fact, as long as we hold on to the first wave, the Russians are nothing to fear!"

After finishing the morale boosting, I found that Felicia was gone. The battle was imminent, and I had no time to control her. I walked around with Hippias to check the arrangement, and Assassin came over at this time.She whispered: "Your friend's mood is very unstable."

"Who?" I didn't respond for a while.

"Your German tomboy is hiding in a room, wiping his nose and shaking."

"Forget it, don't bother with her, she has a nervous problem."

Tens of thousands of Russians lined up in fifteen phalanxes according to the command. The Russian army has an infantry who is brave and good at fighting. However, it is undeniable that due to their own economic problems, they are poorly equipped. It is different, so they are often at a firepower disadvantage in salvo, but in this era when muskets do not occupy an overwhelming advantage, Maozi "Ula" can use a large number of infantry seas to drown all the infantry blocking the way.They are more Spartan than the Greeks. If Darius had such a group of hairy soldiers back then, he would have been able to go south and blow up Athens and Sparta, and treat the Greeks as meat [poop] tools. Feel free to ntr.

Well, let's compete head-on with Maozi. Even if Maozi loses the support of artillery and cavalry, Maozi will smash us into scum, but right now we are not on the plains relying on the defense of the small town.

Let me place the carriage loaded with luggage in front of the village roads, right in front of the village where Maozi fought fiercely. This place has the widest space and is the most suitable for Maozi to launch a large-scale charge, so it will be very difficult to compete for this place later. Fiercely, the Maozi and the cannon and several six-pound guns protruded very conspicuously, and they were placed in the forward position.On the left, a few cannons can be fired to the front just by turning the muzzle, and there are a few more cannons hidden in the position for me, three infantry battalions, standing here.

After observation, Maozi decisively pressed ten infantry phalanxes to the front, and then three infantry phalanxes moved to the left.

Amid the melodious military music, the generals of the Russian army chattered for a while in the army formation, and then following the Russian officer's order, the soldiers cheered up one by one, maintained a dense formation, closely followed the officers, and followed the team's order. The military flag is coming towards us step by step.

Hippias said at this time: "It seems that the Russians like to use this large square formation."

Compared with the relatively long and narrow infantry columns in the empire, the Russian phalanx is a true length equal to width phalanx. I thought for a while and said: "Maybe this is a style of play developed for the Swedes. The impact of this phalanx It is indeed a big deal. Orders, artillery, use solid bullets to shoot at a distance of 200 meters. Let's try it first!"

"Load solid bullets! The target distance is 200 meters!"

Maozi had only walked more than 500 meters, and I ordered a test fire of 200 meters to prepare for the better close-range bombardment of Maozi later.The four gunners standing next to the ammunition box cooperated with each other and completed the loading of the ammunition within 1 minute. At this time, Maozi's first infantry phalanx walked more than 100 meters.

The gunners of the six-pound and eight-pound guns lightly touched the thin matches on the gun ports. After a few seconds, the fire flashed, and a huge cloud of white smoke was ejected from the front of the two guns of different calibers, followed by a powerful blow. The recoil caused the artillery to retreat several steps.

Compared with the bullets, the thick and long shells were shot out, passing over the plain, at a very slow speed, as if a person could hold it with just a slight lift of his hand.

The shell hit Maozi quite far away, stirring up a piece of dirt and flesh and blood. The gunners of the test firing reported the data just now, and then adjusted it. For the second test firing, they reported a series of shelling data first. I ignited the fuse of the artillery. This time, the two shells still failed to hit Maozi, who was already very close to the 200-meter line.

The artillerymen reported the data again. This time, everyone adjusted the angle according to the latest data, but within ten seconds, the artillerymen, who had blushed for a long time, made the waiting artillery emit violent flames!


The results of the eight-pound gun were much better than those of the six-pound gun. With one salvo, a dozen limbs and bodies flew into the sky, and the internal organs and blood exploded above like fireworks.

Maozi has only entered 200 meters, and this is not the best time for our musket to fire.

Hippias also used his loud voice to stabilize the soldiers with flat-bore muskets, but in this place, the boys fired first, and the two phalanxes in the first row fired a volley, hitting us There were sawdust and wall dust everywhere, and two unlucky guys were shot and fell to the ground.

I reined in the horse, which was frightened by the artillery, and shouted to the infantry on the front line: "Steady!"

Two more infantry phalanxes came up, this time they fired at a distance of 170 meters, and several of us hiding behind the carriage were shot again.After that, Maozi fired a shot every ten meters, and when they reached 150 meters, they simply stopped moving!

I only heard a bang. I didn't understand why at first, but in the next second, I realized that I was covered in cold sweat. , this can be hit, did I make a group mockery today?

About 1 minute, it was time for our artillery to roar again. The shells bounced in the hair, sweeping out a row of gaps, causing a commotion. I exhaled softly, if our artillery hadn’t caused more damage to the Russians , Maozi will take turns firing guns at 150 meters. Of course, after this shelling, the Maozi stopped playing and they moved forward again!

"Shotgun ready!!!"

The shouts of the artillery commanders were heard throughout the village.

"Flat end of the musket!"

After enduring for about a minute and paying the price of more than ten people, it was finally our turn to fire!

But it was not the best time yet. Seeing Maozi crossing 130 meters, I shouted: "Steady!"

"Contact the enemy 110 meters!" Hippias shouted.

"Steady!" I still haven't given the order to fire, the closer the musket is, the better, but today, I'm not going to shoot at the 30-meter line.

"Catch the enemy 100 meters!"


Someone pulled the trigger nervously, and then a few more people shot out. Seeing that this trend could not be stopped, I shouted helplessly: "Fire!"

A row of gunshots fired, and white smoke filled the army. The three battalions in the front row pulled their triggers. My ideal distance was 90 meters!

Maozi in the dense queue was shot and fell in a pool of blood.

A volley of less than a hundred casualties, but it doesn't matter, we still have a chance: "Tell the artillery not to fire after loading the ammunition!"

60 meters, the soldiers almost finished loading ammunition.


When my palms were sweating, I only heard a shrill cry from the Russian phalanx.


I was about to swallow my saliva when I heard Maozi yell out in shock: "Ula!"

Just like the moment when the seawall collapsed, and like the gate valve venting the flood, only after shouting in this lifetime, hundreds of thousands of Russians rushed out like a raging sea.

"Contact the enemy 40 meters!"


This time, our muskets caused Maozi huge casualties. The next second when our muskets fired, Maozi was shot and wounded, plopped and fell to the ground three times. Like a gushing spring, it burst out and splashed all around. Although comrades in arms kept falling beside the officers and soldiers, Mao Zi still launched a formidable charge with awe-inspiring momentum.

"Artillery!" At more than 20 meters away, I could even see the clear facial features of the Russians calling out to our artillery, "Fire!!!!"

The cannon roared, and for a moment, I couldn’t hear anything, white smoke was all over my eyes, countless tiny particles flashed, stayed for a very short moment, and then flew to the distance at an extremely fast speed!

Shouts of grief resounded through the sky, and the Russians fell in a pool of blood.


Holding the eagle flag, the frontline officers drew their sabers.

"Kill all the Russians!!!"


There was a battle roar on our side, and we held the bayonet under the carriage to meet the Maozi who kept climbing over the carriage, stabbing back and forth, the blood smeared the battle line like a Shura field.


The manuscript is about to bottom out day by day... Sang Xin, I went out for a wild day today, and halfway through the swing, I suddenly realized this reality, and the night show was turned down...

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