Crossing the Continent in the Eighteenth Century

Chapter 94 The Domineering Assassin

"We are not pleasing to both sides, is Count Werner going to say that, please continue."

"Yes. If we are not keen on competing with the Russians for Poland's heritage and are too keen on the western issue, yes, this will help us compete for those small countries in the German region, but in this way, we reveal that we want to intervene too much The ambition of internal affairs in the German region. The first one to quit is the Habsburgs, because we are too close. Therefore, based on the Polish alliance defense agreement between the Russians and the Habsburgs, this will only push them further to Russia People." Foreign Minister Werner pursed his lips and said bitterly, "So, we have fallen into a paradox, the harder we try to achieve our goal, the farther away we will be from the original goal. If we don't work hard at all , it is impossible to achieve the goal at all.”

Turning my hands away, looking at the sky above my head, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Werner nodded right.

What caused this weird thing to happen was that we declared war on the Russians.The Russians are really picky about time, they don’t come early, they don’t come late, but after eating the big meal that divided Poland, they remembered that there is a dessert on the coast of the Black Sea in the south.

Quite speechless, and then, the gap between the Caesar, the cheap daddy, and the foreign minister, Werner, came out.Imas said that the answer given by Daddy Cheap was to use the Polish alliance agreement between the Habsburgs and the Russians to promote the armistice agreement among the Roman Empire, Habsburgs, and Russia.

"Leon." The guard captain, who is more professional than Assassin, took a few steps forward and waited for the order behind me.

Soon, the two guards at the door also saw that something was wrong. They held guns and yelled at the people who were gradually surrounding them to retreat, but when they found that there were more guns around them than them, the two guards, who were alone and alone, stood up tightly. In addition to yelling loudly, they had no choice but to hide in the door and ask for help from the Austrians in the distance.

The Austrian cavalry were watching, at a loss, because the steward was not there.

Turning around and waving, I signaled Leon to start. Leon took out a roll from the back box of the team to wrap things in cloth, and then threw it on the ground.

After a few bangs, the contents fell out, and several blood-stained Russian army flag general caps and expensive swords fell in front of the Russian embassy.

I stepped on one of the military flags with the coat of arms of the Russian Kingdom: "Tell your ambassador that the Romans have brought gifts from Poland all the way. I hope they like it."

There was a big fuss at the Russian embassy, ​​and there was no need for us to stay here. The horse team set off to our ambassador's residence.

After getting out of the carriage, I gave Leon a large bag of gold and asked him to distribute it to the guard soldiers, and gave orders for three or five groups to relax around.

I smirked and said, "If you find a Russian, you know what to do and try to cause disputes."

"A beating?"

"As long as it doesn't kill anyone."

Leon understood, took the money and left, and went to the side to call the guards and attendants.The attendants and guards are all men, so they naturally understand the meaning of relaxing around.After getting the money, I couldn't help cheering heartily.

Feletlia walked out of the carriage wrapped in a warm woolen blanket. Because of her stuffy nose, she spoke in a low voice: "How can you send your men to a brothel as soon as you come to other people's territory!"

I took a playful look at the seriously ill German female Wenqing: "The cousin of our Prince of Prussia is here because he has no money and can't go to the brothel, so he is jealous and envious of others? Hahaha, it doesn't matter, if you are short of money, Tell me, can I lend you money, one thousand, two thousand soridos, or three ore?"

Three Ore...

This young German girl felt as if someone had poked her sore spot, her cheeks twitched, her face turned red, and she was about to pounce on her with baring teeth and claws: "You are not allowed to mention that thing again!!!"

With the debuff of cold and fever, Felicia's lethality was reduced by at least 90%!The soft fist, without any lethality, I grabbed lightly, and she staggered and fell over, and then I grabbed her left arm and wrapped it around the back of her neck.In the end, she still refused to admit defeat, and tried to push me with her right elbow. She is really the master who does not shed tears when she sees the coffin. .I pressed her elbow with my right hand, and now she couldn't move her hands.

"Stop making trouble, so as not to fall." Considering that this girl is very likely to use her feet and the back of her head as a weapon, I let her go first.

She compared that fist, grabbed the wool warm blanket on the ground and wrapped it around her body.In the next second, there was a loud sneeze, and a stream of snot shot from the nose to the mouth.She subconsciously reached out to touch it, and then there was a black line on her head.Her whole hands were dirty, she didn't wipe her body, she didn't wipe it off, then she raised a pair of extremely resentful eyes and looked at me.

Damn, I didn't ask her to reach out to catch the snot.

I took out a handkerchief, come on, now that handkerchief has to be sacrificed generously, I said, "Come here."

She walked over reluctantly.

"Take it." I said.

"I can't use my left hand. And I don't want to touch my nose with a dirty handkerchief after wiping my right hand clean."

"Okay." I took a handkerchief and pressed it against her nose, through the handkerchief I could faintly feel the snot from my nose, which made me speechless, this girl definitely did it on purpose!

"Then I'm going to start."

"If you want to do it, do it early!"

Fuck me, begging others for help is actually such a big temper... "Believe it or not, I will pack and mail you back to Constantinople immediately."

"I'm the cousin of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold III. It will be good for you if I go with you. Isn't that what you mean by asking me to come with you!"

Mentioning the Holy Roman Empire in front of the Romans is really a pot that can't be opened, and a pot to mention!

Blow your nose...!

There is still a little bit on the side of the nose, I folded the handkerchief and wiped it, twisted it, ok, everything is done.

I sent Wenqing away to the ambassador's mansion to choose her room. It was Assassin's turn. Her appearance almost made my jaw drop to the ground.

A humanoid creature full of exotic styles walked up to me. Well, the so-called exotic style is a new idea in Rome, a hodgepodge of Asia, Europe and Africa. Zytec cannibals reverted to Viennese abilities.

Assassin's whole body was wrapped in white fat trousers full of Arabian style and a long jacket that exposed his lower abdomen. His head was wrapped in a thick turban, revealing only a pair of charming eyes. He was dressed as a graceful Arabian dancer.My eyes swept across the lower abdomen of the arrival, and the traces of eight-pack abdominal muscles were clearly visible on it, which made me swallow involuntarily.

"You Assassins have a requirement for fixed clothing when you appear on the stage?" I pointed to Assassin's clothes, "Can you change them? Your dress, your appearance, are too non-mainstream. Wherever you go, you will turn heads." It's all [-]%!"

"Your Highness, don't you think that standing next to you in this outfit will make you unique?" Assassin's answer almost made me drool, it is different enough!

"If I need to show off, not to mention catching a lion from the Royal Zoo, even a hippopotamus next to it is no worse than you! Besides, as an Assassin who walks in the dark, You exposed your abdominal muscles, and I said that you are telling the enemy clearly that you are very powerful! Didn’t you teach you how to hide your strength in Assassin?" You, a macho man in a suit and sunglasses, stood behind me and posed, that is called momentum , but what is a beggar with a cane behind him?Of course, Assassin is not as horrible as a beggar, but to be honest, her Assassin's attire, especially the faint eight-pack abdominal scar that is extremely cruel to a woman, is very cruel.

Assassin was very aggrieved: "I thought you would like it, it would make your face longer, but if you don't want it, then I'll just change it."

I'm completely powerless to complain.

Sighing, I said, "You Assassins have some influence in Vienna?"

Assassin nodded and said softly, "It's okay."

"Let them send people to follow our people. If our people are attacked, remember, as long as they don't die, they will follow those attackers first."

Werner walked over in a panic: "This is not good, send all the guards out, what if the Russians get a chance to retaliate, Your Highness, this is not a smart choice!"

"Why do I have to be a smart person?" I asked with a smile.


I patted the foreign minister on the shoulder: "On the battlefield, there is a tactic called showing weakness to the enemy."

Werner said anxiously: "Okay, Your Highness, let's go upstairs to discuss how to deal with it, but the Russians rushed to Habs' summer palace every few days to encourage Leopold III to expel us!"

I asked, "What instructions did Caesar give you before we came?"

"Contact the Swedes, the Bavarians, the Saxons, and let Leopold III throw the mouse."

"The idea is correct, so why are you anxious?"

"Now that you are the person in charge, of course we have to ask you for instructions and show you the information we have!"

"Uh, that's about you and Viscount Imas, it's none of my business, haven't you guys done a good job in the past few months, so you can do what you should do, I have something very important There are important things to do in life," I laughed.

Werner opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Huh? A lifelong event?"

"Of course!" I said with certainty, isn't it important to lose your virginity?

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