forbidden place

Chapter 109 Iron Cards

After testing the qi invigorating pills one by one, the old man showed a shocked look on his face. This old guy is a person who has built a peak together. He also has a certain status in Baoguang Tower. Han Hui really has millions of qi invigorating pills prepared on his body.

After the old man left, Han Hui said with a smile: "This time, I am really troublesome brother Ximen. If you have anything to do, you can go directly to Mount Mang to find my God's Whip Mercenary Group."

After getting these two things, his trip is still complete. After returning, he can refine the armor of the scorpion puppet. Once the refining is successful, he will go to the ancient tomb to have a look.

After Ximen Qing heard Han Hui's words, a happy smile appeared on his face. It is naturally a great thing to be able to make friends with people like Han Hui, and Han Hui can clearly indicate the location of the God's Whip, which makes him even more so. Very happy.

Han Hui asked him to find God's Whip for something, not simply because of gratitude, but mainly because after seeing Tolo City, he felt that God's Whip could not just stay in Mocheng for development, but should go to a big place.

Of course, you can't let God's Whip just eat and not work, and let them support themselves in the future, and make themselves famous by the way.

Although the following items are all treasures, Han Hui no longer needs them. He has already checked with his spiritual sense. After going out, there may be a big battle. Scarface wants to find him, and he also wants to know how to use swords Scarface, I came here, I spent so much qi invigorating pills, I have to get it back.

This Tolo City is a place with kingly law and empire management. Besides, they are afraid of disturbing the city lord's mansion, so they definitely dare not do anything in Tolo City, and Han Hui doesn't want to do anything in Tolo City to disturb others.

After coming out of Tolo City, the carriage galloped all the way, leaving the city thousands of miles away, and came to the road between the mountains.

With Han Hui's consciousness, he found several figures approaching here like ghosts hundreds of miles away, including the man with the scar face and the tall, thin middle-aged man.

In addition, each of the four people followed, and these four people, like Scarface, had a sturdy aura exposed from their bodies.

Han Hui smiled slightly. If he fought recklessly, relying on his strength alone, he would definitely not be an opponent. Maybe he would be injured by people's joint efforts in a face-to-face encounter.

He was viewed as someone who blocked him from the peak of Yuyue or was regarded as a master of ecstasy. As long as he made a move, it would definitely be a thunderous blow.

Wherever the consciousness goes, Hanhui can attack, and the flying sword in his hand can fly hundreds of miles across to take the enemy's head.

However, these enemies were too tyrannical, and the flying sword passed by, but it was useless. He flipped his palm, and six scorpion puppets appeared in his hand.

He has now cracked all the twelve scorpion puppets, and the six scorpion puppets were thrown into the sky. There was a sound of "click", "click", and "click", each of them became three feet in size, and then fell silently on the ground. The thoughts of the cold society rushed towards the rear like lightning.

Suddenly, Han Hui's body froze, and the galloping scorpion puppet stopped instantly, and entered the stone walls on both sides of the mountain road silently.

"Slow down!" Han Hui said.

He suddenly discovered something just now, the other party's spiritual consciousness can also cover a hundred li radius, and the scorpion puppet will definitely be discovered during the attack. If those people escape, his identity as Chen Hongdan will be exposed immediately.

That's why I terminated the scorpion puppets immediately and let them enter the rock wall. Those people will definitely not pay attention to any changes in the rock wall behind them in order to catch up with themselves.

As the speed of the carriage slowed down, those people tracked it within a hundred miles, Scar's face showed a ferocious smile and said: "Here is already covered by his spiritual consciousness, go forward with all your strength!"

As they spoke, the six of them exerted their strength at the same time, their bodies were like lightning, and they were more than ten miles away in a flash. In just a few breaths, they passed the ambushing scorpion puppets and rushed towards the carriage.

At the same time, several people raised their hands, and Han Hui said: "Enemy attack, run for your life!"

Wang Weiyi and the others are veterans who have fought for a long time. Hearing this voice, he knew that Han Hui was afraid that they would get in the way, so he didn't stop for a moment.

Rays of light hit the carriage at the same time, the carriage shattered on the spot, Han Hui's figure appeared several miles away, the surrounding light was floating, and yellow sand was rolling.

Several people didn't stop after making shots, and were about to attack Han Hui in the distance. Suddenly, one of them turned around, as if they found something behind.

Just when there was a look of doubt in his eyes, his body froze, his eyes darkened, and he fell from the air.

Just as the other six were about to make a move, they were all shocked when they saw the people around them fall instantly, and they were all on guard and looked behind.

It's just that at this moment, the five were attacked at the same time, and five rays of light pierced through their heads instantly, making them fall from the air like five stones.

In the blink of an eye, all six diving masters were killed!

Seeing the power of the scorpion puppet again, Han Hui was still extremely excited. This is simply a sniper rifle on the earth, and it is as simple as killing ordinary people.

Sweeping over with his spiritual sense, he couldn't feel the slightest breath of life on them, so Han Hui's figure hurried over and searched several people.

The carriage has been destroyed, and the horses pulling the cart have also been smashed and annihilated into nothingness. The only horse of the king has the same fate.

Put the storage bags of these people in Mangdang Mountain, and told Wang Weiyi and Ada: "Let go!"

The people in Pentium Realm let go of their identities so fast, they rushed to Mount Mang within a day, and Han Hui stopped them and led them into Mount Mang.

After passing through the magical formation, four people walked out of the cave next to the formation, and bowed down in unison: "I have seen the master!"

Wang Weiyi and Ada were taken aback. Why does Han Hui still have a bunch of servants here?

Especially Ah Da and the others, their hearts suddenly became happy. Look, this is also in the Pentium state, it is not the same as being a slave and calling it a master.

Han Hui waved his hands, and entered the cave in the depths of Mount Mang with ease. After entering, Qin Qing came out with people to greet him.

"You guys chat here, I'll go in!" Han Hui ordered lightly.

He wants Mount Mount to be the stronghold of God's Whip, so when passing by, he must come and check it out.

It was the first time for Wang Weiyi and the others to come to such a place, and they felt that the vitality of the world was ten times stronger than that outside, and their eyes stared like copper bells.

Qin Qing knew these people. When he robbed them last time, he saw them with their master, with smiles on their faces, making Wang Weiyi very comfortable.

Even Ah Da and the others felt the general feeling of being someone else's master, and they were in a good mood. They felt that it was a kind of luck to be a slave early.

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart that if I could practice here in the future, the joint construction of the realm would be just around the corner, so I had to go to Han Hui to beg to see if I and others could stay.

Entering his own cave, Han Hui took out Mangdang Mountain from his arms, and with a movement of his body, he entered Mangdang Mountain.

The vitality of heaven and earth in Mount Mangdang is more intense, and all the restrictions in the entire Mangshan Cave Mansion have long been dilapidated. The reason why the vitality of heaven and earth in this mountainside is so much stronger than the outside world is because of the role of the shrine and Mount Mangdang.

It can absorb a large amount of heaven and earth vitality, so the heaven and earth vitality in the entire mountain belly is ten times thicker than the outside world.

Open the storage bag harvested today, just take a look at the qi pills, know the approximate amount, and throw it in the corner.

He wanted to find out the origins of these people, and whether they had any iron-blood formations with them, because according to Scarface, they could arrange real iron-blood formations.

Suddenly, he found an iron plate with various runes engraved on it, and at the same time a chilling aura hovered over it.

Han Hui's eyes shot out light and wanted to observe carefully, but he couldn't see what was going on because of the turbulent murderous aura.

With a light touch of a finger, a wave of essence is input, and everyone's restraint is like a bubble, which disappears instantly, and a shocking murderous aura pervades.

This murderous aura was so strong that Han Hui couldn't help shivering.

In front of his eyes, a long knife appeared. This long knife exuded the aura of beheading everything, and Han Hui's consciousness was almost burned.

The soul sitting in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly opened its eyes, and Han Hui saw clearly the appearance of this long knife in an instant, which was composed of densely packed forbidden runes.

As long as it is a restriction, there is nothing he can't open. With a thought, the long knife in the sky shatters!

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