forbidden place

Chapter 112 1 Sword Outside the Sky

Han Hui smiled wryly. Unexpectedly, Song Shixiong and the others cut off the Li family's stronghold in Mocheng.

"The two of you must know what a mercenary is? We have no grievances with the Li family, so naturally we will not deal with the Li family for no reason. You should go to the right master." Han Hui said.

Hearing that Han Hui's tone softened, and the aura on his body also subsided, the man in green shirt wiped the sweat from his head and said, "You killed our Li family, so you just want to forget it with an understatement?"

"Oh? What do you mean? Let the members of God's Whip Mercenary Group commit suicide immediately? Don't forget that this is a desert city, not a desert!" Han Hui's aura burst out suddenly, and his eyes fixed on Qing The man in the shirt is like a tiger that chooses and devours.

The man in the blue shirt trembled in his heart, he opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

The old man interrupted and said: "Head Chen misunderstood, we just want to know who hired God's Whip to fight against my Li family! Presumably the head Chen doesn't want to make an enemy of my Li family, and that person obviously wants to frame God's Whip!"

Han Hui nodded, lost his momentum, his eyes became gentle and calm again, the man in green shirt felt his back was soaked, and he didn't dare to speak any more.

"I'm very sad about this matter, but what I'm doing is mercenary sales. Because of the rules, you can't tell the name of your employer, but the stronghold of the Li family must be very secretive. Who can know your hiding place? ? Didn’t you find out at all?” Han Hui said slowly.

The old man sighed and said: "Now there is an undercurrent in Mocheng, I don't know how many forces have infiltrated in, we really didn't find the slightest clue, otherwise, we wouldn't come to ask the leader Chen, but since the leader Chen is inconvenient to say , we bid farewell!"

Han Hui nodded and said: "Those two go well, I won't send them off. During this time, our God's Whip Mercenary Group will take on new missions."

This can be regarded as an explanation. The person who killed someone has to explain it no matter what. After all, it is the Li family, the Li family of Megatron Desert.

The old man nodded, waved his Taoist robe, turned and left with the man in green.

Han Hui's face sank like water, and the air in Mocheng became more and more tense. God knows what will happen tomorrow, and the Li family will definitely not let it go.

These days, the God's Whip Mercenary Corps wanted to consolidate their realm and would not accept the mission at all. He decided to arrange the Wang family well to prevent accidents from happening.

After calling Wang Weiwei, he asked him to buy enough formation base materials according to his instructions, and prepared to protect Wang's family formation.

When Wang Weiyi heard that he was going to set up an army at Wang's house, his face was full of joy. These days, he also felt that Mocheng was full of rain and wind.

After finishing the order, Han Hui went to the backyard to look for Mo Bailian, just as he walked into the backyard, he saw Mo Bailian walking over in a hurry, almost colliding with Han Hui.

Looking up and seeing it was Han Hui, Mo Bailian's face was full of joy: "Senior, the first piece of armor has been forged, and I'm going to notify senior!"

Han Hui was overjoyed, he had already ordered to build the armor of the scorpion puppet first, because the scorpion puppet with protective ability was more important.

He now has a twelve-flag iron-blooded killing array, and if he arranges it, not to mention trapping and killing masters, it can definitely disturb the sight of people watching the battle outside. When the time comes when the scorpion puppet hides in it, it will definitely block and kill the gods. Block Buddha

He was able to win many battles now, mainly because others didn't know his strength, and they didn't even know that he had such a heaven-defying thing as a scorpion puppet in his hand.

Once this thing is exposed, his situation will become extremely dangerous, and it is unknown how many forces will find him.

As long as a scorpion puppet is armed, he will not be afraid, at least there will be no problem when there is no return to the sea realm master.

Wanting to understand this, Han Hui also had a happy face, and was about to step into the courtyard to look at the armor made by the scorpion puppet, when his complexion suddenly changed, and he raised his head strangely.

The consciousness is released, and the ambition is being directed. After his consciousness reaches the peak of Yuyue, he can use it with all his strength to cover a thousand miles. Of course, it will consume more power.

As soon as the divine consciousness was released, Han Hui found a long sword driving straight into the northern sky, exuding a murderous aura all over the sky, and came towards the Wang family compound without any scruples.

Because the sword came in a big way, without any concealment, many people noticed it, and one by one released their consciousness, and covered it towards the sword in the sky.

It was the first time for Han Hui to feel other people's consciousness, just like seeing rays of light. Although he couldn't touch it, it was actually there.

As soon as these consciousnesses touched the sword, they were like snow on a red-hot iron, and instantly became invisible. There were several hidden places in the desert city, and the masters of Yuyuejing opened their mouths to spit out blood.

Only Hanhui's consciousness was safe and sound, and Bao Jian didn't seem to notice it, or someone else's consciousness was like snow on a red-hot iron, while Hanhui's consciousness was like a person's eyes pouring on On the soldering iron, no matter how red the soldering iron is, can it still burn people's eyes?

Not far from the Wang family compound, the two of the Li family who had just visited Han Hui suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sky. The long sword carried the power of the ages, and slashed at the two of them.

The man in the green shirt couldn't dodge in time, his body froze suddenly, and his head was swept to the ground by the sword light. The eyes of the landed head were still wide open, and there was a look of horror in the eyes.

The old man in the early stage of Yuyue suddenly shook his hand, and the Buddha dust hanging on his waist appeared in his hand instantly, and the dust whisk burst into thousands of golden lights, and twisted towards the sword that shot from the sky.

Like boiling soup and Wo Xue, the golden light of the whisk appeared and then disappeared, the three thousand white threads on the whisk were cut off at once and scattered in the wind.

Originally in the realm of Yuyue, the potential of life was greatly stimulated. Even if he was cut in half, he would die, at least not immediately, but when the sword cut off the old man, it emitted a strange power, destroying the old man's whole body in one fell swoop The meridians shattered the old man's lungs and caused the old man to die on the spot.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. After Baojian finished all this, he spun up the sky and disappeared into the depths of the clouds in an instant.

Han Hui looked pale, what kind of state is this?

Thousands of miles away, the flying sword is urged, and the master of the realm of cutting fish and jumping is like searching for something!

Could this be ecstasy?I have beheaded Elder Trance before, but Qi is the Elder Trance of Jianzong, how could it be so easy?

Suddenly, Han Hui seemed to realize something, his face became gloomy like water, and the joy of successfully refining the armor just now disappeared into nothingness.

Mo Bailian didn't know what happened yet, but seeing Han Hui's complexion suddenly changed dramatically, he couldn't help but look at him suspiciously.

Han Hui shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you, let's go, let's go and see that armor!"

In the hall is a three-foot-sized armor, which is completely modeled after the shape of a scorpion puppet, and can completely wrap the scorpion puppet.

"This armor is the most perfect piece of work in my life. Of course, it's mainly because of the high-grade material provided by senior!" Mo Bailian said happily.

"In the blank space, I left enough space for seniors to draw runes. I dare not say how hard this armor is now, but it is at least ten times and a hundred times harder than a two-star treasure!"

The scales of this desert purple gold python are so strong that even the light from the tail of a scorpion puppet can't be pierced. Without forging, it is ten times harder than a two-star treasure.

After being mixed with many refining items, after being forged by clever refining techniques, this armor is at least comparable to a four-star treasure in terms of its hardness.

"This armor has been completed. Seniors can describe the restriction in the blank space. It is best to describe the restriction on moving force and changing the size. Changing the size is basic for no treasure, and the moving force is to prevent excessive external force. Although It can't break the armor, but it can damage the things inside the armor." Mo Bailian said courteously, obviously, he was very satisfied with the armor.

Han Hui patted him on the shoulder and praised: "Don't worry, I will not break my promise to you, you continue to refine the armor, let your son help me refine the twelve flying swords from the scale armor of the purple gold python. "

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