forbidden place

Chapter 122 Autumn Rain

An autumn rain fell on Mocheng without warning, washing away a large amount of dust in the air of Mocheng. Because the army is close to the desert, Mocheng itself has extremely little precipitation. This autumn rain is enough to make many people happy.

The autumn rain was getting heavier and heavier, and gradually no one on the street came out excitedly to soak in the rain. Every household closed their doors and closed their doors. Listen carefully, and you can hear the voices of yelling, drinking, guessing, and playing orders amidst the sound of wind and rain.

In front of the unremarkable City Lord's Mansion in the city, the four standing guards also hid under the wide eaves, looking up at the autumn rain all over the sky.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and then a muffled thunder sounded. Along with the thunder, rows of black figures appeared neatly in front of the four guards.

The armor that was as dark as night completely covered the tall and strong Qi practitioners, only revealing a pair of eyes like sharp swords.

These people's footsteps were as one, and there was no difference in each fall. The raindrops dripped on the armor, and it slid down gently without splashing a single drop.

The eyes of the four guards widened at the same time. These are the black armored elite soldiers of the empire, all of whom are elite Qi trainers. They are the regular force of the empire to shock the world, and they are directly under the emperor's majesty.

Everyone has heard the legend of the black-armored elite soldiers, and they, the private soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion, have even heard of the glorious legend of their counterparts.

Although no one saw it with their own eyes, when they saw it for the first time, they immediately knew that this was the black armored elite soldier of the empire.

Thousands of black-armored elite soldiers seemed to be walking steadily and slowly, but in fact, they arrived at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion in just a few blinks of an eye.

A man in black armor with an extra black cloak on his back than ordinary soldiers came out of the camp, looked at the four guards and said, "Xu Wenchang, commander of the imperial black armored elite soldiers, please see City Lord Sun!"

The four guards straightened up at the same time, as if they were infected by the black armored soldiers. The one on the far left stepped out of the steps, drenched in the rain, gave a standard military salute, and said loudly: "I have seen Mr. Xu, my subordinate Now report it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around in a standard manner, opened the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and galloped away. During the gallop, his mind was agitated. The City Lord's Mansion was weak, and it was simply a decoration. Any big family could suppress them, even some small families They also don't take their City Lord's Mansion seriously.

Now, the black-armored elite soldiers of the empire are here, and his aura alone makes him dazzled. This is the soldier of the empire, and soldiers should have this kind of aura.

Xu Wenchang was lying high in the study at this time, holding a volume of Taishang Qi Practicing Sutra in his hand, looking at it leisurely, suddenly his ears moved, and a gleam of light flashed in his indifferent eyes.

A bodyguard walked to the door of the study and bowed to report: "I want to report to the city lord, there is a thousand men in black armor outside the door, please see me!"

While speaking, the guard couldn't help being agitated. When he just received the report from the gate guard, he almost fell off his chair.

When did the empire think of Mocheng? The city lord's mansion of Mocheng was ignored by the empire and became the most incompetent city lord's mansion in the whole world. Now suddenly the black armored soldiers of the empire appeared, and the guards in the mansion could not be excited.

City Lord Sun reached out and put the Taishang Qi Practicing Sutra into his arms, walked leisurely, opened the door of the study gently and said, "Come out with me to welcome you!"

Seeing the city lord's leisurely look, the guard wished he could kick the city lord into the rain. The city lord's mansion was oppressed by others, but the city lord was lying in the study all day long, not caring at all.

Now that the black-armored elite soldiers of the empire came, they couldn't see any emotion on his face, as if it was just a poor relative from the countryside who came outside the door.

In the remote city lord's mansion, a group of black-armored elite soldiers came. In the secret room of Li's stronghold, two people also came in the rain. One was wearing a black Taoist robe, holding a white jade-handled whisk, The three thousand silk thread hangs down, and he looks about 40 years old. His face is kind, like a Taoist priest in an ordinary Taoist temple who is responsible for greeting pilgrims. Only a pair of eyes are shining with a clear light, telling people how extraordinary he is.

Beside the old Taoist, stood a young man, about 25 or [-] years old, with a slender and straight figure, wearing a brocade robe, with a face like a jade crown and a nose hanging like a gall, and a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

"Someone dares to capture me, the Hegu man. Could it be that I, Zhongli Qiuyu, have not shown up for many years, and everyone in the world has forgotten the power of me, Zhongli Qiuyu?" The young man in brocade robe stood respectfully at this man Zhu Ke beside him said.

Senior brother Zhu, who was respected by everyone in the palace, didn't dare to breathe, and Deng Xiwen, who was behind him, even lowered his head, not daring to raise his head.

"This disciple is incompetent. He has lost the face of the Yin Yang Sect. He put the seven sons of Hegu and Junior Brother Gonglin in prison. He deserves death. I hope Elder Zhongli will punish him!" Zhu Ke pleaded respectfully.

"God's Whip! What a majestic and domineering name, whoever gave it a domineering name would die early!" Zhongli Qiuyu gently pretended to move away.

His consciousness was like autumn rain covering the entire Mocheng. After a while, he asked suspiciously: "The Wang family doesn't have any masters to hide, and the Li family doesn't even have a master of ecstasy, not even a Qi trainer of the Dingmai realm. There is no such group of people in Mocheng as you said!"

Zhu Ke's face changed, he would not doubt Zhongli Qiuyu, this legendary Hegu master has a very high status in the Yinyang sect, he is talented and crowns a generation, he said that if the Wang family and Li family don't have masters of Dingmai, they certainly don't have one. There is no one in the entire Mocheng that fits their description of a pulse-setting master. Could it be that the person from the Whip of God escaped?

The middle-aged Taoist priest standing next to Zhongli Qiuyu waved his hand whisk lightly and said: "These people dare to imprison the disciples of my Yin Yang Sect, they should know the price they will pay, and it is not uncommon to escape early, only a few The servants are guarding the courtyard, so naturally we can't lower our status and go to trouble these people, it's just a laughingstock."

"Zhu Ke, tell me, you have been in Mocheng for so long, what is the most likely force behind this God's whip?" he asked gently.

Zhu Ke didn't show any disrespect because of the gentleness of the middle-aged Taoist priest. He bent down deeply and reported, "Elder Guan, according to our speculation, the person behind this whip of God is very likely to be a member of Luo Tianzong!"

"Luo Tianzong? They dare to challenge my Yin Yang Sect? Do they really think that their Luo Tianzong has inherited Luo Tiangong's orthodoxy?" Zhongli Qiuyu said with a cold snort.

Zhu Ke's body trembled. He had vaguely heard about the legend of Luotian Palace. At the beginning, Luotian Palace was tyrannical, but because of external gods and internal ghosts, it finally collapsed. The three sects inherited the orthodox tradition of Luotian Palace.

One is the Yin Yang Sect, and the other is the Luo Tian Sect.

Luo Tianzong and Yinyangzong have been at loggerheads for a long time, so Zhu Ke heard about this legend.

Suddenly, Zhongli Qiuyu frowned, and then the eyes of the middle-aged Taoist priest Guan Elder also froze.

Tens of miles away from the Wang family compound, figures like lightning pierced through the curtain of autumn rain and came to the gate of the Wang family compound.

The leader stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a long spear came out with a dragon cry. Then his arm sank, the spear shook, and amidst the buzzing sound of tearing the air, the gate of the Wang family shattered.

Following the shattering of the gate, there were dozens of meters of courtyard walls, and the granite paved in the courtyard also collapsed, and the thousand-year-old trees in the courtyard were instantly uprooted.

A master of the Wang family who was guarding the first courtyard came out of the dodge, the long knife in his hand shook, and pointed at the man in black with the gun.

The two sides had just confronted each other, and the leader of the man in black didn't even shake his spear. The autumn rain in the air suddenly shot, and the long knife in the hand of the master of the Wang family suddenly flew into the air. The wind blows out.

"The Wang family has taken refuge in the evil God's Whip. From today onwards, the Wang family will be permanently removed!" A voice came from nowhere and spread throughout Mocheng.

Zhu Ke's expression also changed, and someone started to attack the whip of God.

"It turned out to be a member of the Li family. It seems that the Li family can't bear it anymore. The empire finally extended his palm to Mocheng. In order to maintain their dignity, the Li family will inevitably collide with the empire. What sparks!"

Zhongli Qiuyu looked at Qiuyu outside the sky and said softly.

The dozen or so people in black are all masters of Yuyuejing, and they can destroy a courtyard with a wave of their hands. Although the Wang family's courtyard is vast, it also blocks a few breaths.

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