forbidden place

Chapter 124 The Gathering in the City Lord's Mansion

Elder Guan's brows seemed to be frowned, and he said suspiciously: "Where does this person come from? He actually has two four-star treasures in his hand, and a set of flags from the Imperial Army's Iron-Blooded Formation. Could it be that he is a member of the military?" people?"

"It's possible that this big iron-blood formation is full of murderous intentions, and my consciousness has been affected in it, so I can't spy on everything inside. The most important thing is that everything happened too fast, but within a few breaths, a dozen people All the masters of Yuyue Realm will fall, unless there is a master of ecstasy hidden in the formation." Zhongli Qiuyu said.

"Could it be that he is really sent by the empire? What is the basis for the empire to stretch its hand into the desert city carelessly? Could it be that it is afraid of the alliance of the seven sects and six bandits in the desert, and they should strike first?" Elder Guan waved the whisk in his hand, Said pacing.

"Even if the Seven Sects and the Six Bandits unite, so what? Don't they dare to kill the Middle Earth? Their invasion is not only aimed at the Empire, our Twelve Great Factions will not sit idly by! The Empire has no reason not to greet us, alone Make a move!" Zhongli Qiuyu shook his head and said.

"What should we do? Go and explore?" Elder Guan asked.

"No, this is a matter between the empire and the Li family. Those seven little bastards are not self-cultivated enough, and they dare to stand up for their opponents if they don't know their opponents. They should suffer a little bit." Zhongli Qiuyu said calmly.

An old man with white beard and hair suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes: "There is no way someone is hiding in the formation, what's going on? The formation flags are all flying out of his sleeves, it is impossible to be in a daze The master of the realm is hidden in his sleeve."

Listening to the old man's voice, it was the man who just told the whole city that he was going to destroy the Wang family, an elder of the Li family.

Han Hui hid in his own cave, closed his eyes gently, and didn't bother to check the things he got from the dozen or so masters of the Li family.

He was seriously injured just now, and a dozen people teamed up to attack, and he took it forcefully, and then he had to preside over the Iron Blood Formation, controlling so many scorpion puppets to attack at the same time, there was no time to heal his injuries.

It wasn't until three days later that the head of the Wang family, Wang Weiwei, came out of the central courtyard and began to greet the Wang family to repair the courtyard. People from all the shops also sent people to help repair the courtyard.

At this time, Han Hui has been practicing in secret, and under the attention of all Mocheng people, he beheaded more than a dozen Yuyuejing masters, completely establishing his prestige.

The surging undercurrent in Mocheng will not flow to him for the time being, and he has won the most precious time for himself.

After resting the courtyard, for half a year, many major incidents occurred in Mocheng, but the Wang family courtyard was never affected by the battle.

On this day, Han Hui was playing with an invitation card in his cave. The invitation card was made of pure gold, which showed the richness of the person who sent the invitation card.

This invitation came from the City Lord's Mansion. I invited the God Whip Leader Chen to go to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss important matters. There was already a clue about the incident in the ancient tomb of the desert.

Han Hui was quite hesitant. In this Mangdang Mountain, the vitality in the air was ten times stronger than outside, and half a year was comparable to a good year of cultivation outside. Although he still had a while to fully consolidate his meridians, after taking two pills, It is estimated that the meridian can be completely consolidated.

However, the Mangdang Mountain in the dantian has not been completely refined from the heart, and now it is advanced to the ecstasy state, and it is not sure to raise the Mangdang Mountain to a higher level.

Not to mention missing a huge opportunity, I'm afraid there will be problems. The natal treasure cannot follow the owner to improve its strength. If he is not careful, he may be blasted into powder.

Received this invitation card from the City Lord's Mansion today, Han Hui was very hesitant, no one disturbed him for half a year, now the trouble finally came to him.

He doesn't need to go, if he doesn't go, there may be more temptations coming one after another, and he doesn't have time to practice, but if he goes, can he, a qi trainer in the diving realm, protect himself?

Suddenly, Han Hui flipped his palm and put the invitation in his arms, he decided to go!

Even if no one bothered him, he couldn't sit in the cave for decades. He didn't have that patience, so it would be good to go out and have a look.

Three days later, Liu Qianshan came to the gate of Wang's house with a dozen elders in a long gown. After a while, Wang Weiyi greeted him from the door. Behind Wang Weiyi was Han Hui's carriage.

A group of people went straight to the dilapidated City Lord's Mansion!

Today's City Lord's Mansion has a golden wall glow. After half a year of renovation, the City Lord's Mansion has been expanded by more than ten times. The families around the City Lord's Mansion are unwilling to sell their land, and as a result, without exception, they have seen the power of the black armored soldiers.

Now, the two people guarding the gate were both wearing black armor and had cold eyes. As soon as they stood there, there was a murderous aura coming out of their bodies.

When Han Hui arrived, more than [-] people had already arrived in the city lord's mansion, and many of these people were masters of ecstasy, sitting upright.

There are also some Qi practitioners who are at the peak of Yuyue, sitting among these ecstasy masters, they are a little depressed, they are all in charge of each force in Mocheng, and it is said that they will not be afraid of any ecstasy masters, after all, the sect has given them a lot Great support.

However, if there are too many ecstasy masters, it will be impossible to avoid pressure on them, not to mention that each of these ecstasy masters also has amazing backgrounds.

Han Hui walked into the living room, and looked at him one after another. These people had watched Han Hui's series of battles in the city with their spiritual sense, and none of them didn't know him.

"Everyone, this is Captain Chen of God's Whip, the newly rising master of our Mocheng, the representative of the mercenaries." Sun Yaoyang, the city lord who welcomed Hanhui in, said to everyone.

In the past six months, the strength of the City Lord's Mansion is not only due to the presence of black armored soldiers, but City Lord Sun has also contributed a lot. In the past, the courageous City Lord who was shrinking like a tortoise in the eyes of everyone suddenly became strong and slaughtered a man drinking tea alone. A family with many foreign aids.

Only then did the entire Mocheng wake up to the fact that City Lord Sun was a tiger sent by the empire, but because the timing didn't come, he kept pretending to be a sick cat.

Today, City Lord Sun has been welcoming many distinguished guests at the door, but only the masters of ecstasy can send him to the living room.

"There are too many guests today, so I won't greet you here for the time being. Everyone, drink tea and chat first, and I will continue to welcome the distinguished guests at the door." Sun Yaoyang said, bowed his hands to everyone in the living room, and Shi Shiran walked out .

Everyone was looking at Han Hui, but no one took the initiative to speak. Han Hui didn't know anyone, so naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to speak. He just found an empty seat and sat down, took the teacup from the maid's hand, and gently swiped it. He opened the tea leaves suspended above, put them on his lips and took a sip.

"Head Chen, I have admired your name for a long time!" A middle-aged man who looked about 50 or [-] years old sitting next to Han Hui said, cupping his hands to Han Hui.

Han Hui said with a smile: "You're welcome. I don't have any name. I'm just the head of a mercenary regiment. It's not easy to earn a living by going through life and death. I haven't asked your name yet?"

"I'm Cui Zhongqing, a guest of the Cui family in Damo. I'm here to do something in Mocheng this time. I just happened to come across this matter, so I'll come and have a look." Cui Zhongqing said with a smile.

Cui's family in the desert!

The seven sects and six bandits are all extremely powerful, especially the Li family, who once swept across the Middle Earth and established a generation of empires, but the oldest family in the desert is definitely the Cui family. There was only one family in the northwest back then, the Cui family in the desert. .

"The name of the Cui family is powerful in the world, Chen has saluted." Han Hui said, stood up, and lightly saluted Cui Zhongqing.

Cui Zhongqing didn't stand up, but quickly waved his hands and said, "Tuan Zhang is the head of God's mercenary group, so it's absolutely impossible to do that."

Seeing the hypocrisy of the two, an old man with a white beard and hair rolled his eyes and snorted coldly: "Hmph, Yuyuejing salutes us in the ecstasy state, what can't be done? No matter what sect it is, you always know What is the world of difference, not to mention saluting, even bowing down is the right thing to do."

Holding the teacup, Han Hui turned his head with a smile, looked at the old man a few times, and knew that this was the master of ecstasy who declared that Mocheng and the Wang family would be destroyed.

"My man, I want to ask a question, but I don't know if it's okay." Han Hui said solemnly.

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