forbidden place

Chapter 127 Yin Yang Messenger

Sun Yaoyang's eyes flashed, he looked out of the hall, and said in a cold voice: "Which Demon Sect master, please show yourself, how many years have passed, the Demon Sect still can't get rid of the problem of hiding its head and showing its tail!"

"Hmph, Demon Sect! What a big hat, I, the Yin-Yang Sect, really can't afford it. Do you, Sun Yaoyang, say whoever is the Demon Sect is the Demon Sect? You have been hiding in Mocheng for so many years, and no one knows your true identity." Strength, if you want to talk about hiding your head and showing your tail, you should first talk about yourself!" The sinister voice came from the courtyard, and an old man in a black robe and a white cloth belt wrapped around his head appeared.

Seeing this attire, the first thing Han Hui thought of was Dai Xiao, this attire really looked like Dai Xiao.

When he saw the old man, he thought it was ridiculous and weird. When others saw the old man, their faces changed. The elder of Jianzong said to an old man beside him: "It turns out that it is the Yin-Yang Envoy of the Yin-Yang Sect. I said to hide the method." Why is it so unpredictable."

"Your Yin Yang Sect may not be all disciples of the Demon Sect, but it is also closely related to the Demon Sect. At least your Yin Yang Sect has participated in the matter of the ancient tomb!" Sun Yaoyang said coldly.

"Are you a member of my Yin-Yang sect? Are you so clear about my Yin-Yang sect?" said the Yin-Yang envoy.

"The empire has already found the evidence. It was originally decided that after the evidence came, all the armies would gather in Mocheng and strangle you. However, I suddenly found out that you still have new moves, so I invited the world's masters to prepare to attack you. "Sun Yaoyang sneered.

"Find the evidence? I really want to see what the evidence is? Sun Yaoyang slandered my Yin-Yang sect as a demon sect, and it is already a sworn enemy. I must kill him today, and you will not stop me?" Yin-Yang envoy Looking at the people in the hall, he said.

The curator of the Yin Yang Sect said with a smile: "I haven't figured it out yet, so I don't think it's better not to do anything. Is it a magic door? Just wait for the evidence. Why should the Yin Yang envoy be anxious?"

The yin and yang master raised his eyebrows: "That's because they didn't slander your yin and yang sect as a demon sect. If he wanted to say that, I think the elder Guan would have made a move."

Elder Guan said in surprise: "You actually know this old man?"

"Others don't know you, but I know Elder Guan. Five hundred years ago, Elder Guan killed a Yin-Yang Envoy of the Yin-Yang Sect in Xiyun Mountain. I took over the position of Yin-Yang Envoy from that envoy. "

"Since we bumped into each other today, let's solve it together!" The yin and yang envoy said solemnly.

Elder Guan looked up to the sky with a long smile: "In that case, then I'll see if I can kill another Yin-Yang envoy today!" As he spoke, he stepped out of the hall, flipping his fists and bombarding the Yin-Yang envoy.

There is a great enmity between Yinyang Sect and Yinyangzong.

It is said that the founding leader of the Yin-Yang Sect was a powerful figure of the Yin-Yang Sect. Because he failed to compete for the throne of the suzerain, he rebelled against the Yin-Yang Sect and created the Yin-Yang Sect.

The two have been fighting for many years, and everyone expected Elder Guan to take action today, but everyone was shocked that Elder Guan was able to kill a yin and yang envoy.

Every yin and yang envoy has earth-shattering means, and at least they must be at the peak of Yuyue's cultivation base to take on it. Cooperating with the various ghostly and unpredictable methods of the yin and yang sect, it is possible to kill masters of the same level.

This Elder Guan is only in the middle of a trance now, how could he be able to kill the Yin-Yang Envoy 500 years ago.

With a sway of Elder Guan's body, he came in front of the yin and yang envoy. There was thunder in his palm, and an iron needle flew out of his palm like lightning. Everyone's eyes didn't even keep up with the speed of the needle. Feel it spiritually.

After the thunder, the iron needle pierced through the Yin-Yang master's head, Han Hui was taken aback for a moment, this Yin-Yang envoy was too unbearable, although the needle was extremely fast, he absolutely couldn't dodge it.

However, the Yin Yang envoy dared to appear in such an arrogant manner in front of the public, how could he not be so silver-colored and pewter.

As the iron needle pierced through, that yin and yang instantly shattered and blurred his body, and what was pierced by the needle just now was just a phantom.


A black ray shot from the void, reaching the top of Elder Guan's head like lightning.

These actions simply exceeded the limits of the eyes, unless one released one's consciousness, one would have to be harvested like wheat.

He also released his consciousness like everyone else, and once again felt the wonder of his own consciousness, as if he had opened a pair of magical eyes, and saw one after another divine consciousness scanning the audience, each of which could be observed clearly, but these divine consciousness I can't feel his presence.

At this time, everyone's spiritual consciousness is intertwined, and no one feels this intentionally, let alone knowing that there is an invisible spiritual consciousness observing them.

Following this black light, the figure of the Yin Yang Envoy of the Yin Yang Sect appeared from the void, with a pair of eyes, one black and the other white, looking strange and inexplicable.

Elder Guan was in the middle of his mind, and he dared to take the initiative, so he naturally had a few brushes. Seeing that the black light was about to penetrate his head, a purple bead emerged from his body, blocking the black light all at once.

The black light, like hitting the surface of the water, just makes the beads fluctuate, and then dissipates between the sky and the earth.

"Sure enough, it's as insidious as ever. The one you killed with the iron needle back then has seriously injured the yin and yang envoy? If you want to repeat the same trick, I'm afraid it will be impossible!" The yin and yang envoy who appeared appeared with a pair of weird eyes eyes, said speculatively.

"I was able to kill him before, but I can kill you today!" Elder Guan raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl. Following his howl, the purple beads released purple waves, enveloping his body.

"This purple sea pearl originally belonged to my Yinyang sect. It was snatched away by you and turned into a natal treasure. It seems that I can only get it back by obliterating you!" The Yinyang envoy said, with his palm facing the sky, A curved thing that looked like a knife, not a knife, like a flying sword appeared in his hand.

After this thing appeared in his hand, he waved it suddenly and swiped towards Elder Guan who was wrapped in purple light. An irresistible murderous intent, a sharpness that pierces through everything and cuts everything.

Even though the elder was as deep as a purple sea appeared, the invincible sharp edge began to hit the sea, deeply cutting the sea into a huge wave without end, but still couldn't reach the end of the sea.

Han Hui's heart was shaken, these masters of ecstasy were really not easy to deal with, and each of them could exert the power of four-star treasures to the extreme.

Although he has a few four-star treasures, and even an unknown star-rated treasure like Mangdang Mountain, he can't exert his power at all.

If it weren't for the scorpion puppet, facing such a master, he would have no possibility of resisting at all, and he would be obliterated if he met him face to face.

Just when the incomparably fierce murderous intent was exhausting, the black and white eyes of the yin and yang messenger suddenly turned, the black eyes turned into white, and the white eyes turned into black.

The yin and yang reverse power descended in an instant, and the purple sea protecting Elder Guan was suddenly turbulent. Elder Guan's expression changed, and his palms stood upright in front of his chest.

Then, his face turned miserable, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that the Yin Yang envoy was about to succeed, a black light pierced the sky and struck towards his body.

Han Hui saw Xu Wenchang wearing a black armor suddenly disappear from Sun Yaoyang's side, with a black long knife in his hand.

The black long knife emitted a pitch-black light, exuding a murderous aura in the army, like a big iron-blood formation, with an iron-blood aura, and slashed towards the Yin-Yang Envoy's body suspended in the air.

At the same time as he slashed out with the knife, the nearby house exploded, and each of the thirty or so people in black armor pointed a long black knife into the void.

The killing method in the army reappeared, and he was here with everyone, exerting a power far beyond his own realm.

Yin Yang kept his body still, and the weird weapon in his hand, which looked like a knife but not a knife, and a sword but not a sword, continued to strike towards the purple sea. The void around his body flickered, and a black curtain appeared on his body side.

This curtain is also black, like the color of the night, this curtain suddenly appeared, blocking the black blade light.

Everyone's consciousness flickered at the same time, and it felt like night was falling in an instant.

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