forbidden place

Chapter 129 Crystal Ball

Han Hui had seen the Wuji Fog of Joy before. When he first met Song Shixiong, he was surrounded by the Yin Yang Sect in the valley, and the red mist of joy filled the valley.

It's just that the mist of joy was controlled by the people of Hezhujing, and its power is not very powerful. This time it is the mist of joy at the highest level of the Yin Yang Sect - the mist of hell and bliss.

The Bliss Fog can make people feel upside down, and enter the world of great joy. The whole person is full of joy from the inside and outside, and the soul is blissful.

Those masters of ecstasy who flew to the Yin-Yang Envoy were all respectful and respectful, their souls had been washed by the bliss mist from hell, and they completely surrendered to the Yin-Yang Sect.

This heavy fog is the foundation of the Yin-Yang Sect, and it is also the reason why the Yin-Yang Sect is not tolerated by the empire. Unlike the major sects, the Empire has its own advantages in the top combat power. No amount of it can resist those fairy-like characters.

The empire is different. They need to control the whole world. Everyone in the world has become Yin-Yang followers. They are loyal to the Yin-Yang religion, and they still rule.

This time, this yin and yang envoy did not know what method he had used to easily control so many Yuyue realm masters.

Even the eyes of several masters in the ecstasy state were blurred, and they felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally, without any fighting spirit.

The battle outside was in full swing, and it was not easy for Han Hui to hide in Mangdang Mountain. He had just landed, and his hairs all over his body exploded. With a flip of his hand, a big iron rod appeared in his hand, and he looked at the people who followed him into Mangdang Mountain.

Cui Zhongqing quickly shook his hand and said, "Master Chen, don't misunderstand me. I have no malicious intentions. It's just that the situation outside is urgent, and I have no choice but to follow Captain Chen here."

After speaking, he raised his head again, looked at the cave above his head, and exclaimed: "Could it be that this is a treasure of the cave? With such a strong vitality, the practice here must be twice the result with half the effort. No wonder Captain Chen is so young. Such astonishing accomplishments."

"Hehe, my accomplishments may not be considered astonishing in Brother Cui's eyes. There is a world of difference between me and Brother Cui when I practice Qi for nine levels and one level for heaven." Han Hui said with a smile on his face.

"My dear, it's actually able to block the prying eyes of my spiritual sense. I can't get out of my spiritual sense here, so I don't know what's going on outside?" Cui Zhongqing said.

Han Hui knew that his spiritual sense could not be detected here, but his spiritual sense could, and even become stronger.

Song Shixiong and the others couldn't get their spiritual consciousness out of Mangdang Mountain. This was not because Mangdang Mountain was naturally like this, but because Han Hui began to sacrifice the city's natal treasure, so it had the function of shielding other people's spiritual consciousness.

Han Hui looked at Cui Zhongqing with a half-smile and said: "Brother Cui is so concerned about the outside affairs, why don't I send Brother Cui out to have a look?"

Although he said this in his mouth, Han Hui didn't dare to be careless in his heart, and secretly urged the mad sand mirror, and if there was any desert phantom brewing in the mad sand mirror, he could strike a fatal blow at any time.

"It's dangerous outside, so Head Chen is safe here. As long as Head Chen doesn't turn away customers, I will stay here and never leave. One day of practicing here is equal to ten days! Head Chen is a good teacher!" Cui Zhongqing looked at it Around, said nonchalantly.

"This kind of means may be something to boast about in front of others, but I'm afraid it's not worth mentioning in front of the Cui family. Brother Cui is a master, why don't you stay outside and fight, kill the remnants of the demon sect, and enjoy a little joy with me?" It would be disgraceful for Qi practitioners to escape together." Han Hui said.

"I wait for Qi practitioners to fight against the sky for my own life. Although it is important to kill the remnants of the evil sect, it is not as important as my own life." Cui Zhongqing said naturally.

"Brother Cui's words are right. I also cherish my life. Brother Cui came here with me, and it has posed a threat to my life."

As he said that, a purple-gold armor suddenly appeared on Han Hui's body. This armor completely covered him, and even his eyes were completely covered. In Mount Mangdang, Han Hui can see everything without eyes.

At the same time, with a flick of the sleeve, twelve formation flags flew out in an instant, swaying one by one to cover the sky and cover the sun. When the armor appeared on Han Hui's body, Cui Zhongqing turned his palm and wanted to do it. Palpitating stress.

Under this pressure, the mountain and river fan, the treasure of his life that he stored warmly in his dantian, buzzed and hummed. His face changed, and he opened his mouth to spit out. The mountain and river fan flew into his palm, exuding the breath of mountains and rivers. pressure against.

At the moment when Mangdang Mountain's aura was suppressed, Han Hui had already set up a large iron-blood formation, and the boundless murderous aura was almost substantive, pressing towards Cui Zhongqing.

This large formation transformed the soul of a ecstasy master, and transformed the souls of more than a dozen diving masters. The murderous aura inside was unbelievably strong, and it is difficult for the military's iron-blooded formation to have such a murderous aura.

"Head Chen, wait a moment. My Cui family has absolutely no intention of making enemies with Head Chen. If Head Chen can save me here, I am willing to offer a treasure!" Feeling the murderous aura of the iron-blooded formation, Cui Zhongqing Feeling cold all over, he hurriedly said to Han Hui.

I don't know where it is, whether it is a treasure of an artifact, or they have returned to Han Hui's lair, no matter what the situation is, it is very unfavorable to him.

Han Hui's strength is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, the coercion directed at the soul just now is enough to pose a threat to him.

I don't know how many follow-up methods are hidden here, and now Hanhui has sacrificed this iron-blooded formation again, making him decisively decide to bow his head.

"What treasure? There is no treasure in the world that weighs more than life. I said you threatened my life, so??????"

Han Hui's words are very clear, I want to kill you, I don't need your treasure!

"Wait a minute, Commander Chen, brother, I'm really sincere, you have to look at my treasure first!" Cui Zhongqing waved his hand lightly, and a crystal ball appeared in his palm.

The crystal ball exudes a charming color, and Han Hui's eyes are now covered by the armor made of purple gold python, all of which are observed through his spiritual consciousness.

"I got this crystal ball by accident. My consciousness cannot enter it. I put it in the dantian to warm it up, which can increase the power of the natal treasure. And the natal treasure has been closely related to me through xingming. The natal treasure Strong, you will be more confident when you break through the trance to return to the customs."

Cui Zhongqing hurriedly explained: "I'm already in the middle stage of ecstasy, and I bought one foot in the late stage of ecstasy. With this treasure, I'm at least [-]% sure of entering the Guihai Realm. Now I'm dedicating this treasure to Captain Chen. You should be able to see my sincerity!"

Although the eyes can't see, Hanhui's spiritual consciousness can see the crystal ball clearly, and when the spiritual consciousness penetrates into it, he feels infinitely vast.

Han Hui raised his eyebrows and strengthened his spiritual consciousness. In this Mount Mangdang Mountain, his spiritual consciousness could be extended for thousands of miles. When he opened his eyes suddenly, the sea of ​​consciousness surged, and a large amount of spiritual consciousness rushed towards the crystal ball.

Twelve hundred miles, a full twelve hundred miles, Han Hui still didn't find anything. Could it be that this crystal ball is also a space treasure like Mangdang Mountain?

How generous is Cui Zhongqing?By the way, he said that his spiritual sense could not penetrate, it seems that his spiritual sense could not penetrate into it, and he did not discover the mystery of this crystal ball.

"Hehe, I didn't find anything different about this crystal ball?" Han Hui said with a smile while keeping his consciousness.

"Regimental Leader Chen is really capable. If I close my eyes, I won't be able to see the crystal ball. I can't see it with my spiritual sense, so I feel miraculous and put it away."

"I also know that Commander Chen treasures a lot of four-star treasures, but the preciousness of this treasure is probably no lower than that of four-star treasures!" Cui Zhongqing continued seductively.

Han Hui's consciousness didn't find anything abnormal in the crystal ball at all, the helmet above his head moved slightly, revealing two eyes, and saw the crystal ball with his eyes.

When Han Hui saw the crystal ball, he had a shocked expression on his face, because he saw one in the crystal ball.

There was a vague shadow of a woman, as if a woman was sealed in a crystal ball, but he entered the crystal ball with his consciousness, but he didn't see anything.

Seeing Han Hui staring at the phantom of the woman in the crystal ball, Cui Zhongqing hurriedly said: "This is another strange place in the crystal ball. I can vaguely see the phantom of a woman. I don't know if it is really a seal. Whether it's a woman, or something else, anyway, I can't research this treasure thoroughly."

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