forbidden place

Chapter 133 The Ancient Mirror Boy

A powerful aura rises from the northeast corner of Mocheng. As soon as this aura appears, it shakes the sky and the earth, causing the clouds in the sky to disperse.

An old man with a white beard and hair, wearing a white long robe, holding a soul-flavoring streamer taller than a person in his hand, densely covered with runes, this old man can cover a distance of hundreds of miles in one step, and appear on the black and red ground in three steps. On the big blood cocoon.

As soon as the old man appeared, he was using his spiritual sense to watch the dozen or so ecstasy masters in the City Lord's Mansion, all showing surprise expressions.

"There are masters who have returned to the realm. These little boys of the Demon Sect are going to be in trouble. Immediately inform them that they will produce two families of Wang and Liu, and they will be razed to the ground. I will tell my colleagues to do it together!" The eyes of an old man with a long sword on his back flickered.

This is also an elder of Jianzong. He did not attend the meeting and hid in the stronghold of Jianzong. He did not expect such an accident to happen to the city lord. Also roughly see.

With so many masters, including the generation of legends of the Yin Yang Sect, He Gu Zhongli and Qiu Yu all returned home without a feather, struggling to damage their cultivation base, and barely rushed out.

Even if he breaks in, it will be a dead end, and suddenly he loves you, his own bloody soul, and dedicates it to everyone in the Demon Sect.

He has already cast a secret method to send a message to the mountain gate, to inform the Jianzong clan and the head teacher of the natural gate, and let them come to rescue quickly.

However, the mountain gate of Natural Gate is thousands of miles away, even if the transmission speed is extremely fast, it will take several days to receive it there.

If you organize people to come, I'm afraid it will be too late, and everyone including the elder of Jianzong will become the blood of the demon sect.

Just when he was helpless, the old man showed the cultivation of the return state, which made him see hope. At this time, the only ones who can turn the tide are the returnee masters.

His body trembled, a flash of sword light emanated from his body, and he rushed out of the sky in an instant. Following him, there were dozens of disciples of the Sword Sect, all of whom were like lightning, rushing towards the courtyard of the Wang and Liu families.

At the same time as Jianzong was acting, in every corner of Mocheng, the remaining masters in the state of ecstasy rose to the sky one by one, and also rushed towards the courtyards of the Wang and Liu families.

On the one hand, they are eager to eliminate demons and defend the Dao, and eliminating demons is to protect themselves. On the other hand, the Wang and Liu families must have some secrets as the secret stronghold of the Demon Sect. Obtaining these secrets will definitely help in the future war between Dao and Demons.

At this time, Han Hui was in the blood-colored cocoon, and he could see clearly, looking at the elder of Jianzong, the sword slashed across the sky, and the Wang family suddenly became a ruin.

None of the qi trainers stationed by the Wang family could resist the sweep of the sword glow. All of them were smashed into pieces and turned into blood mist by the sword glow.

The old man in the Guihai Realm lifted his body into the air, came to the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, and stretched out his hand to grab the blood cocoon below.

The blood cocoon was squeezed into the middle by a huge pressure, and it doubled in size, becoming redder and blacker.

At the same time as the old man made a move here, a powerful aura came from the desert, covering a distance of hundreds of miles every moment, almost in the blink of an eye, that aura of destruction descended on the sky above Mocheng.

The white-haired old man raised his eyebrows, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and swiped towards the void, and a black light bombarded towards the destructive breath.

There was a shock in the void, and a thin old man wearing an earthen Taoist robe, with a strange crescent-shaped mole between his eyebrows, staring at a half-foot-high ancient crown appeared.

After seeing the white-haired old man, he snorted coldly: "Unexpectedly, there will be a master of returning to the sea, and a master of returning to the sea has already been buried in the desert, so I will send you to accompany him!"

The master returning to the sea he was talking about buried in the desert was Elder Tao, the pottery merchant of Jianzong.

"Big words, the remnants of the Demon Sect, instead of hiding in the mouse hole to spend the day, you want to come out to make troubles. Have you read the lessons of the year? The heads of your holy kings are still hanging in the Demon Suppressing Tower!"

Hearing the issue of the Holy King's head, the thin old man's eyes flashed coldly, and he stretched out his hand to grab at the void. A wave of scorching breath descended from the sky, and the temperature of the entire desert city suddenly rose by dozens of degrees.

The Qi practitioners are alright, they just feel dry and hot all over, but those mortals feel that they have come to the stove in an instant, and their whole bodies are hot and aching.

In the distant sky, a desert seems to be suspended nine days away, rolling towards the desert city. The strange tornadoes in the desert rolled up thousands of sand pillars and shot straight into the sky, which can be seen clearly.

"The disciples of the Demon Sect are really cruel and merciless, and the heaven and the earth will not tolerate it. Why do you involve innocent people in the battle between you and me?" the white-haired old man shouted.

"How do you say that? They are protected by the heaven and the earth, so they naturally have to accept the punishment of the heaven and the earth. Thunder, rain and dew are all the way of heaven!"

"Furthermore, the vitality of the world is limited, and these people are doing nothing. Apart from wasting the vitality of the world, they are useless. It is better to offer their blood sacrifices to the ancient demon gods, so that the power of the demon gods can reappear in the world!"

The white-haired old man seemed to be well versed in the logic of the Demon Sect, and he stopped fighting with his tongue. His body shook, and the soul-calling banner in his hand shot up into the sky, and bombarded towards the desert deep in the Nine Heavens.

At the same time, his body also disappeared, and it was already nine days away when he reappeared. The eyes of the short and thin master of the Demon Sect flashed, and the earthy yellow Taoist robe suddenly bulged, as if it was full of air.

With a "bang", like a balloon that burst, the whole body turned into yellow sand all over the sky, and the person disappeared.

Nine days away, there were bursts of roaring, two extremely powerful auras flickering non-stop outside the sky, and everyone's hearts were jumping with fear as the ecstasy masters in Mocheng.

The elder of Jianzong led people to easily razed the Wang and Liu families, but found nothing of value, and his face was extremely gloomy.

At the same time as the great battle broke out outside the sky, the blood-colored cocoon suddenly swelled up, growing more than ten times in an instant, and then shrinking in an instant.

One length, one contraction, like breathing.

Han Hui suddenly felt the world tremble suddenly, and a wave of wild sand suddenly appeared in the black and red cocoon.

In the blink of an eye, the black and red sky was covered with yellow sand, turning into black, red and yellow, and a handsome young man appeared amidst the rolling yellow sand.

This boy was about sixteen or seventeen years old, his eyes were gentle and gentle, and there was no strong aura emanating from his body.

However, standing in the void, the three colors of black, red and yellow all worshiped him, thinking that he was the king of the world, the only ruler of the world of these three colors.

After this person appeared, he stretched out his hand and waved toward the void, a dazzling light appeared in the three-color world, Han Hui saw this dazzling light, and his body shook suddenly.

It's a mirror!

Like the crazy sand mirror in his arms, it exudes the breath of the desert, but the breath of this mirror is countless times stronger than his crazy sand mirror.

After the mirror appeared, Han Hui felt that the Kuangsha mirror in his body seemed to see his mother's child, beating non-stop in his storage bag, tearing the storage bag suddenly, and flying out.

The young man saw a ray of light suddenly appearing from the void, with a look of surprise on his face, he stretched out his hand and waved lightly at the Kuangsha Mirror flying out of Han Hui's arms, and the Kuangsha Mirror obediently flew into his hand .

His eyes suddenly burst out with divine light, and he swept towards the direction where the mirror appeared just now. After a while, the divine light in the young man's eyes disappeared, and there was a trace of doubt on his face.

"How did this mirror appear here? Some time ago, it was reported that the mirror was lost, and the sub-altar son was killed by someone, but now this mirror appears here. Could it be that one of these people snatched this crazy sand just now?" Mirror?" The young man muttered to himself in bewilderment.

Suddenly, with a turn of his body, the entire three-color world suddenly condensed, gathering towards the real mad sand mirror in the void.

About an hour later, the entire city master disappeared, and the bloody cocoon disappeared. There was only a handsome young man in the sky, holding an ancient mirror, and hanging this other ancient mirror above his head.

The two mirrors are similar, but the aura they emit is different, like a king, a courtier, or a father and a son.

The three-se world was miraculously entered into the real mad sand mirror, but Han Hui did not follow, as if his body was not from the same time and space as the three-se world at all.

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