forbidden place

Chapter 14 Avatar

There was a cold glow in his eyes, and he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. Don't make trouble, but come to the door by himself. Han Hui lightly flipped his palm, and led the stiff Luo Jiu towards the evil tiger hall.

Walking to the entrance of the main hall, I saw Han Hui following Luo Jiu, and the guards on both sides looked at Han Hui with pity on their faces, as if they were looking at a dead person.

There was chaos in the hall, an old man in a black robe sat motionless at the side, and there were more than a dozen innate masters standing around him.

Both Xue Ying and Qin Tianhu of Jiuhuan Mountain were sitting and standing, their faces rolling with anger, but that Lei Hong was standing in the middle of the main hall and talking loudly.

"The current situation must be known to everyone. It is the best if people from Huxian Valley can come today. However, Huxian Valley wants to buy me, but they don't know that Luo Jiu has long been mine. Master Han wants to poison me , ruined Jiuhuan Mountain and the two members of the Evil Tiger Gang, and dominated Yudian State, I did not agree!"

Speaking of this, Lei Hong looked at Qin Tianhu and Xue Ying and said: "I am a nostalgic person. Now that Yudian State has undergone major changes, we should unite. I married Miss Qin, and I am in charge of the Evil Tiger Gang. Fox Immortal Valley Leave it to Luo Jiu, now he is also an innate master, and he can completely control the field, as for Jiuhuan Mountain, does Master Xue not mind being my assistant?"

Everyone glared at each other, only the owner of the Fox Immortal Valley was calm and sat there without any reaction.

At this moment, Han Hui and Luo Jiu walked in, the moment Lei Hong saw Han Hui, a look of joy appeared on Lei Hong's face.

"Miss, is this the person you said was the one who was appointed for life? I'll let him say it in person now, he has nothing to do with you!" Lei Hong said looking at the terrified young lady.

He had already agreed with Luo Jiu that if Han Hui said it in public, he would bring Han Hui here, and if Han Hui did not agree to betray the eldest lady, he would kill him on the spot.

Now Lei Hong is extremely domineering, and he also has the capital to be domineering. He advanced to Qi trainer early this morning and succeeded in condensing his Qi.

Among the three major forces in Yudian State, there is not a single Qi trainer, so he naturally has the final say, he can kill whoever he wants, and Huxian Valley was also calculated by him at once.

Han Buyu, who has always been known as the unparalleled intellect, was also tricked by him, not because of his high IQ, but also because no one thought that a small chess piece could suddenly transform into a god and become a Qi trainer.

"Boy, let me ask you, what is your relationship with Miss Qin?" Lei Hong looked at Han Hui and asked.

Miss Qin's heart skipped a beat all of a sudden. Lei Hong and Xue Wuji have been proposing to her for the past few days, and even Hu Xiangu also got involved. Miss Qin Qing didn't like any of them, so she found Han Hui as an excuse, anyway Han Hui was seriously injured and would die at any time. After he died, he said that his heart was cold and he would not think about these things for the time being, so he would not offend these people.

Unexpectedly, things changed suddenly. At the banquet tonight, Lei Hong made a strong appearance, showing the strength of the Qi Condensation Realm, and shocked the audience.

At this time, he proposed to Miss Qin again, and said that Han Hui's matter was a scam at all. Miss Qin did this to destroy the future of Ehushan.

If the eldest lady can marry him, Ehushan will become the general alliance of the Raindrop League, he will be the leader of the alliance, and Qin Tianhu can be the deputy leader, which is even more prominent than now.

Seeing that Han Hui came here unharmed, Qin Qing wished to jump forward and kill him. Hearing Lei Hong's question, Qin Qing snorted coldly when he saw Han Hui and was about to speak. She shot out a cold light and said: "Han Hui, don't forget the oath you and I made, if you dare to say anything, I will kill you today!"

Han Hui was happy, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, I am the boss who passed through, otherwise I would not be forced to death by you today, and I would have killed me!"

Seeing that Han Hui was still smiling, Miss Qin became completely angry. She tapped her toes lightly, and her body shot out like a horse. When she was walking in front of Luo Jiu, her body parted and turned into two people, one of them attacked Luo Jiu Nine, one kills Han Hui.

Not only Xue Ying from Jiuhuan Mountain showed a shocked expression on his face, but even the owner of the Fox Immortal Valley who had no expression on his face showed shock.

"Avatar incarnation!"

This is a very high level of lightness kung fu, and even Qin Tianhu and Xue Ying can't do it, let alone Luo Jiu, who just advanced to the innate level, is not an opponent.

At the same time as everyone changed color, Lei Hong's body moved, and the granite paved in the palace exploded with a light tap of his toes, and the stones turned into streamers and flew towards Qin Qing.

He was the only one present who could stop Miss Qin. It was too late for others. Lei Hong was also afraid for a while. He had heard that Miss Qin was a genius before, but he never thought that she was so talented. After a while, Qin Qing might really advance to Qi practitioner.

If Qin Qing became a Qi trainer, he would not have to be the leader of the alliance. At this time, he finally understood why Qin Qing refused to marry them, how could someone who can become a Qi trainer without using pills bend over Just them.

If a Qi practitioner is a swan high above the sky, a congenital master is nothing but a toad. There is an insurmountable gap between the two.

Lei Hong is angry that he is also a Qi practitioner now, why Qin Qing still dismisses him and finds out Han Hui as an excuse.

"Crack" "crack" "crack" "crack" Qin Qing waved his palms again and again, colliding with the flying gravel, smashing them into pieces.

Under the bombardment of the stone, the phantom was also pierced by another phantom. It was not a clone, but it was an illusion of phantom formed by the extremely fast speed that deceived people's retinas.

Qin Qing's body was forced to retreat, and he didn't get close to Han Hui, but flicked his fingers repeatedly, "Chi Chi" pointed to the wind shooting towards Han Hui's Achilles' heel.

A flick of a finger in the air is enough to pierce a stone!

This has reached the edge of the Qi Condensation Realm!

Lei Hong's complexion changed drastically, Qin Qing has reached this level!

Pointing to the wind like lightning, it hit Han Hui's Achilles' heel, Qin Qing's body swayed, like a lotus in the water, dodging aside gracefully.

She has absolute self-confidence, as long as Han Hui does not dodge, this kind of force hits the fatal point, and she must die, even a congenital master can't stand it, let alone Han Hui, a wounded person who just got up from the hospital bed?

All the masters who watched the battle felt that Han Hui was going to die, but he didn't dodge the fierce finger wind at all. Was it because he was injured too badly, his bones didn't recover, or he was just a waste?Or have too much affection for the young lady?

Anyway, at this moment, all the innate masters who understood this matter were churning with various thoughts in their minds.

Suddenly, Qin Qing's expression changed, Lei Hong's expression also became strange, and the expressions of many other innate masters became strange, as if they had just seen Lei Hong showing the strength of a Qi trainer.

"Hehe, this kid is weird. Although Miss Qin is really talented, she is really suitable to marry me. I am the only one who is worthy of Miss Qin in this Rainy Point State!" Lei Hong laughed after being surprised.

No matter what Han Hui's situation is, he has no reason to be afraid. He is a Qi trainer, and he crushes an Houtian warrior to death like an ant.

There was an unbelievable light in Qin Qing's eyes, Han Hui stood there safe and sound, and her finger wind had clearly shot into Han Hui's acupuncture points.

Lei Hong glanced at Qin Qing, who had a weird face, and then at Han Hui, who was as calm as water, and said with a laugh: "Although the eldest lady is talented, she is a woman after all. If you want to kill this kid, I will do it for you!"

As he said that, Lei Hong flicked his body, and his whole body rose into the air, as if gliding on the ice, and he arrived in front of Han Hui, pointing his fingers straight at the acupoints that Qin Qing hit just now.

He wanted to use Fang Hanhui, the method Qin Qing had just used, to let everyone see that what Qin Qing couldn't do, he could do, and that he was the number one expert in Yudian State!

The finger wind was as sharp as a sword, Han Hui's clothes were hit by the strong wind, and several acupoints were sunken, and everyone could see clearly this time.

After the point kill, Lei Hong didn't even look at Han Hui, stopped about a foot in front of Liu Fei, and cupped his hands around, especially Qin Qing, with a proud face, as if he was already The leader of the Raindrop League has already married Miss Qin.

He found that the eyes looking at him were full of strangeness, like a clown watching a street performer.


He turned his head and looked at Han Hui, Han Hui's clothes were fluttering, standing there as stable as Mount Tai!

Lei Hong's face became pig liver color on the spot, and a pair of eyes shot out a vicious light. This is a shame, a great shame.

As a Qi practitioner, he made such a big shame in front of everyone. The key is that Qin Qing is still watching him triumphantly.

Lei Hong, who was ashamed and angry, said to Han Hui with a face like a pig's liver: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Boy, you really have some skills, but no matter how you have skills, I will crush you today!"

As he said that, with a swing of his body, he passed through a distance of ten feet, his fist missed Luo Jiu's body, and reached Han Hui's face.

With a movement of Han Hui's arm, Luo Jiu, who was standing beside him, appeared in front of him in a mysterious way, blocking Lei Hong's fist.

After all, Lei Hong was a Qi trainer, and his fist had already reached Luo Jiu's face. In his busy schedule, he withdrew his fist suddenly, turned his fist into a palm, and slapped Han Hui who was hiding behind Luo Jiu's head.

Luo Jiu's body twisted, his feet left the ground, and he slammed his head towards Lei Hong fiercely. Lei Hong's expression changed, and his body backed up abruptly, avoiding Luo Jiu's impact.

Although Luo Jiu was controlled by Han Hui, he knew very well in his heart that his heart would burst with anger, but his body was out of control.

Han Hui didn't move, and flicked his fingers hidden in his sleeves, Luo jumped out like a puppet, and inserted two fingers straight into Leihong's eyes.

As soon as Lei Hong stood firm, he saw Luo Jiu's finger pointing towards his eyes, and in an instant, he was furious.

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