forbidden place

Chapter 147 Strength Determines Fate

The rest of the people looked at Han Hui, they made up their minds to let Han Hui go, Han Hui began to mutter in his heart, it must not be that simple to enter Shimu Cave, although he didn't know what state the old man was, but Knowing that it has definitely surpassed the realm of diving.

I am a Yuyue master myself, so I naturally know some of the performances of Yuyue masters, this old man is at least a master of ecstasy, if a master of ecstasy enters Shimu Cave, there is a danger of falling, why should he enter?

Besides, this old man may not necessarily be a master of ecstasy, but he may also be a master of Guihai realm. After all, those two women seem very mysterious, and they don't pay much attention to Jianzong in their conversation. The characters are definitely not ordinary people.

If he really entered Shimu Cave, he would definitely have a dead end, and he had seen the secret place, so could they let him go?

Even though he was a little scruples about Jianzong, would Jianzong fight to the death with such a character for himself?

Han Hui was thinking here, and Zhang Shouli had already looked at Han Hui: "This matter is difficult to decide. You are the person who was escorted by the law enforcement elders. No one dares to let you enter Shimu Cave. What will happen among us?" Who enters Shimu Cave, let them decide!"

"How can the fate of our Jianzong disciples be decided by outsiders? We should choose who to go to Shimu Cave by ourselves. According to our Jianzong's rules, when there is no way to judge and decide something, we should decide everything with strength!" A Jianzong disciple interjected.

He was flattering Zhang Shouli, Zhang Shouli would not dare to ask Han Hui to go to Shimu Cave, if Han Hui died inside, the law enforcement elder would kill him for his own sake.

If only one person is really needed to enter Shimu Cave, he, Zhang Shouli, is naturally the best candidate, after all, he has the highest realm.

As soon as the first disciple of Jianzong said that strength determines everything, a smile appeared on Zhang Shouli's face. As a result, he would definitely not be selected.

"However, we can't break the seal, and if we can't break the seal, how can we use our strength to tell the winner?" Qi Jun said.

If strength really decides everything, he has a great chance of being selected. Hanhui is not easy. He has a long sword with three stars in his hand, and armor with strong protection. The fog of the magic door on his body, if he accidentally lost, he would regret it.

"It's simple. Practicing Qi is layer by layer. Those who are present will compare the realm first!" Zhang Shuli said, "You don't think that some of you can surpass the realm to win?"

With a gloomy expression on Qi Jun's face, he also took himself in: "You are all seniors and Qi trainers during the co-construction and pulse-fixing period, so naturally I am not able to challenge it. The Pentium Realm present is only me and Junior Brother Hanhui , Han Hui is a junior who has just started for a long time, he is definitely not my opponent, we are all seniors, if strength decides everything, it must be junior Han Hui who has gone!"

The other person nodded and said: "It seems that it is most suitable for Junior Brother Hanhui to go!"

"Fart!" Han Hui scolded.

"Just a few of you onions, I can kill you with just raising my hand, how can you say that everything is determined by strength?" Han Hui looked at Zhang Shouli and others and scolded unceremoniously.

Everyone stared and stared at Han Hui in disbelief. At this moment, he should be afraid and beg for mercy. How dare he do this? Could it be that his brain is out of training?

The only one with a smile on his face was Qi Jun who was directly scolded by Han Hui. Han Hui is looking for death, no one can blame him.

"Hmph, what a bastard! When our seal is opened, I will teach you a lesson. If you say this, even if we kill you, the law enforcement elders will not blame you. There is no distinction, no size!" A co-builder The disciple reprimanded.

Han Hui didn't even look at the few people, Shi Shiran walked out, not because he did it deliberately, but because there was no other way, these people must be inclined to let him go, it's useless to beg, it's better to scold.

He could easily break the seal and kill these Sword Sect disciples, even if Zhang Shouli had the life-saving talisman painted by Gongsun Tianya on his body, it would be useless. He had two masters at the peak of ecstasy in Mount Mangdang.

When these two join hands, what is a talisman?

But what he is worried about is the so-called mountain axe, the so-called Kunlun, there is also a Kunlun on the earth, known as the Dojo of the Queen Mother of the West.

It has always been a mysterious place, and there is another Kunlun here, and he doesn't know what's going on inside, but he has seen the arrogance of these two women.

He didn't care about indiscriminate actions, and he just killed Elder Jun's magic talisman, and he still didn't pay much attention to super sects like Natural Gate.

Even if he can kill himself, be promoted by these people, or be noticed by such a mysterious sect, I am afraid that the future will be even more difficult.

Now he must find a way to quickly refine Mount Mangdang and advance to the state of ecstasy, only then can he reveal his identity.

Soon, it will be night.

Shen Hu brought dozens of people to the side hall where they lived again: "How is it? Has anyone been elected?"

Zhang Shouli cupped his hands and said, "All junior brothers hope that Junior Brother Han Hui will make a move. Junior Brother Han Hui is only in his 20s and has achieved such an achievement. He is a genius among geniuses. If he takes the shot, he will have greater grasp of Hui."

"However, this is still risky after all. I can't bear to let Junior Brother Hanhui make a move, so we decided to use strength to decide everything. Among us, Junior Brother Qi Jun is the only one who has the same realm as Junior Brother Hanhui. Therefore, we implore Brother Shen , Unseal the seal of the two of them, let them duel, and use their strength to decide their own fate!" Zhang Shouli hadn't forgotten to realize that he should shirk responsibility by this time.

Everyone said to let Han Hui go, and he also said to let Han Hui, after returning, how to explain to the law enforcement elders?Law enforcement elders think everyone means?

If you don't agree, they even suggest a fart?

If it was decided by everyone, and then decided by duel and strength, the law enforcement elders would have nothing to say.

After all, although he couldn't let Han Hui die, he also couldn't order other Jianzong disciples to die for Han Hui.

Strength determines destiny!

"Oh? Destiny is determined by strength? That's not bad!" Shen Hu looked at Han Hui and Qi Jun, and the candidate should be selected from these two people.

"Okay, I will beg Grandpa to let him undo the seal between you two, and use your strength to decide your fate!" Shen Hu said.

After finishing speaking, Shen Hu waved his hand and led the crowd out of the side hall. Han Hui and others followed behind him, and came to a high wooden platform with a lot of twists and turns.

This high platform is more than ten feet high, and it is made of wood of various colors. The top is several feet wide, and sitting on top of it is a man wearing animal skins and three colored bird feathers on his head. .

The man's arm was exposed, with protruding muscles and weird tattoos. He was holding a three-foot walking stick in his hand.

The old man with his arms around his body was sitting on a big chair at this time, and the two women in green and red were sitting beside him.

Shen Hu walked up to the old man and bowed lightly and said: "The two of them want to compete and decide who will go down!"

With that said, Shen Hu pointed at Han Hui and Qi Jun, who both nodded when they saw the old man's gaze.

The woman in green snorted coldly: "There is no competition here. Whoever goes down doesn't have to go down. It won't work if one person goes down. Just send another person down. It's just the difference between early death and late death!"

Including Zhang Shouli, the faces of all Jianzong's disciples changed. If one of them died, they would send people down again.

If the old man is in such a realm, if he is not sure about going down, they will all go down to a dead end.

The old man nodded and said: "It's unpredictable, it has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation. Of course, the realm is too low, and it is difficult to move an inch after entering. The Pentium realm is basically fine."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed, Han Hui felt that the weird ax sealed above his dantian was instantly opened, and the essence in his whole body could swim away at will again.

The same is true for Qi Jun, who turned around abruptly, looked at Han Hui coldly and said, "Junior Brother Han Hui, I'm going to be sorry today, there are many seniors here, even if I miss, I won't hurt anyone." Come to you, please rest assured, Junior Brother."

Han Hui smiled slightly: "Brother Qi, don't worry, I won't hurt you, after all, after hurting you, you won't be able to get out of the hole."

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