forbidden place

Chapter 166 Advantages of the Refining Family

In Kunlun, the Lu family is special because they are proficient in refining weapons and have a detached status. The other relatively large families generally give them some face. Even the most powerful Hong family in recent years respects them. At such a long age, when was he scolded face to face by a junior like this?

"Bold, Lu Wubian doesn't dare to talk to us like this, you little girl dares to be so disrespectful because of the favor of the elders in the door?" The two old men turned around at the same time and shouted at Lu Ying.

The Green family's influence in Kunlun is not too great, far inferior to the Hong family's. This is why although the green shadow is equally talented, the realm has not been able to catch up with the red shadow.

Cultivation is all about family background, without powerful skills, endless elixir, and clever guidance, wanting to aspire to the pinnacle of Qi training with talent is simply wishful thinking.

There was a lot of noise here, but Han Hui stood on the side leisurely, he could taste the misunderstanding just now, the red shadow and the green shadow knew how powerful they were, and they did that in order to protect Lu Yiqun. For the two of them, it felt perfectly normal.

However, Lu Yiqun didn't think this way anymore, the two who were very proud in Kunlun actually treated Han Hui like this, showing that they had an affair.

Misunderstanding together, it became the real thing, Lu Ying trembled angrily: "My grandfather's name is also what you can call? You bastard old thing."

The old man on the left smiled angrily, shook his sleeves, and the vitality flowed on both sides of his palm, and he grabbed at the green shadow.

"It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, I'll take you down today and send it to Lu Wubian to see what he says!" the old man roared.

The old man's ecstasy master, with a wave of his palm, drove an endless gust of wind, and swept towards the green shadow. The green shadow was only in the early stage of Yuyue realm, how could he resist it?

Hong Ying was furious when he saw it, flipped his hand over, and a jade tablet flew out. The jade tablet instantly became larger in the sky, becoming the size of a stone tablet, and bombarded towards the old man.

The old man raised his eyebrows, his figure shook, and he punched out, hitting the jade tablet. The jade tablet neighed for a while, hovered in the sky, and fell into Hong Ying's hands again.

Hong Ying's face was pale, her breath was heavy, her body trembled and she took two steps back, just now she urged the treasure weapon to hit with all her strength, but was unexpectedly blocked by a fist.

"You dare to fight with me, it's the wrong way! It's the wrong way! Is Kunlun still inferior?" The old man roared angrily.

Lu Yiqun let out a smirk: "Little wave hoof, let's see how I punish you today! And you little boy, I want to play with these two sao bastards in front of you!"

Hong Ying and Lu Ying were trembling with anger, they never expected Lu Yiqun to suddenly become like this.

With a movement of Lu Yiqun's body, his palm moved towards Han Hui Shena, Han Hui's body trembled wildly, and his body turned into yellow phantoms, dodging Shena instantly.

"Huh? It's interesting. No wonder these two Xiaolang and Huo are attracted to you, but you have no room for me to use your means!" Lu Yiqun sneered.

"I'll save face for Kunlun. If you hit my maidservant, I won't care as much as you. I will kowtow and admit my mistake immediately. I will spare your life. If not, today will be the day of your three deaths!" Man Tian's figure disappeared, and Han Hui appeared come out.

"Arrogant, obediently kneel on the ground and admit your mistake to me, otherwise I will let you live or die!" Lu Yiqun said.

With a turn of Han Hui's body and a flick of his sleeves, twelve formation flags shot out from the sleeves, covering twelve directions, suppressing the void.

"So you were counting on a set of formations? I really don't know how to live or die. I was in your formation and killed these two little bastards!" Lu Yiqun snorted coldly, moved forward, and grabbed Han Hui over here.

With this grab, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and the near-substantial murderous aura around him was forced away, and the airflow condensed by bursts of murderous aura was shaken and swept towards the surroundings.

Han Hui's face changed, this guy really approached the Guihai Realm infinitely, no wonder he said so arrogantly that he wanted to find an opportunity to advance to the Guihai Realm.

The other two old men also showed smirks. Although they felt the murderous aura of the iron-blooded formation, and even suppressed them, they watched like a cat playing with a mouse.

A qi trainer who is in the realm of diving, trying to provoke three masters who are at the peak of ecstasy, is simply a joke in the world.

Hong Ying and Lu Ying showed mocking smiles on their faces, what state is Han Hui?The existence that Kunlun's headmaster must pay attention to, how dare the three of them make such a gesture?

Suddenly two figures appeared beside Han Hui, one of them with fluttering sleeves reached out and slapped each of the three of them.

One against three!

The three of them also didn't see Cui Zhongqing's state clearly, and they jumped up violently as if they had been greatly insulted.

However, this kind of rage turned into fear in a short time, and a huge and unparalleled force came to oppress them.

I can't resist!

The power that makes even masters in the ecstasy realm feel desperate, comes overwhelmingly oppressive.

Precious lights flashed on the three of them at the same time, Lu Yiqun was the first to bear the brunt, and a green bamboo stick suddenly appeared in his palm.

This bamboo stick is very green, and when Lu Yiqun waved it, it produced a force that would overwhelm the sky and sea, breaking the surrounding void, and the twelve banners were scraped and rattled.

Cui Zhongqing's earth-shattering palm was blocked unexpectedly!

A shield also automatically appeared on the two old men behind him. The two shields were exactly the same, with simple patterns carved on them. As soon as the shield appeared, it blocked the phantom of Cui Zhongqing's palm.

There were two loud bangs of "Boom" and "Boom", and ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on the shield, releasing the power to the surroundings.

The huge force rushed towards the twelve formation flags again, and the surrounding void began to collapse, and the formation flags creaked into cracks.

Han Hui marveled in his heart, Kunlun was indeed Kunlun, in a state of ecstasy, with the treasure in his hand, he was able to resist the peak return to the sea like Cui Zhongqing.

Cui Zhongqing also frowned, he didn't expect these three people to have such treasures, one of the three of them just caught them casually, who knew that all his attacks were blocked.

"There is an expert in Guihai Realm, let's go! Go back and find Natural Gate to settle the score, Natural Gate is trying to destroy the gate!" An old man yelled.

Although he has a treasure weapon, he doesn't have the slightest confidence to really resist a master who is at the peak of Guihai.

Lu Yiqun's expression also changed, and with a shake of the bamboo stick in his hand, he was about to break through the void and smash the formation to escape. Three scorpion puppets appeared behind the three of them without a sound.

All three of them were masters in the state of ecstasy, and they immediately sensed the danger. With a flick of their bodies, they were about to resist. The speed of the three rays of light exceeded the limit of the reaction of the original state, and they bombarded them.

There were two "clicks" and "clicks", before the shields in front of the two old men had time to protect them, a blood hole was blown out of their heads and they fell to the ground.

This time it was a sneak attack, and the two of them didn't even have time to resist, mainly because they put their main energy on Cui Zhongqing.

A master who was at the peak of Guihai, they couldn't help but be careless, but Han Hui succeeded in sneak attacking him.

Lu Yiqun felt much better, the green light of the bamboo stick in his hand blocked the attack of the scorpion puppet.

At the same time, he opened his mouth, and a flying sword flew out with a lot of murderous intentions. This flying sword turned out to be his natal weapon!

Although the scorpion puppet can kill ecstasy masters, it also has many weaknesses. For example, the body is not strong enough, and a scorpion puppet can be destroyed with one blow from a ecstasy master.

Surprisingly, the three scorpion puppets were all clad in armor made from desert purple gold python scales. The flying swords turned into three in the sky, and the three sword lights bombarded the scorpion puppets.

The three scorpion puppets were immediately blown away, and flew far away from the formation. With the treasures on his body, Lu Yiqun could definitely leapfrog the challenge!

His treasure turned out to be a five-star treasure!

It far surpassed the four-star treasure in the hands of ordinary trance masters!

This is the advantage of the refining family!

Cui Zhongqing let out a long cry, and suddenly a sword appeared in his hand. The sword shone with brilliance and shrouded Lu Yiqun.

The sky is full of brilliance, every ray of brilliance seems to be able to cut the space, it wants to cut Lu Yiqun to pieces!

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