Han Hui sighed and said: "They are just ordinary people, let them withdraw, we are fighting in the palace!"

The man holding the big knife on the door panel was not afraid when he saw Han Hui, but he was afraid of hurting the innocent, so he asked his subordinates to withdraw, and his mind was spinning.

"Our brother can't die in vain. You have to give an explanation. You can't take this woman away. You have to show something. Otherwise, you won't take me seriously!" Over the shoulder, staring at Han Hui coldly.

Hearing this, Qin Qing almost collapsed on the ground. When faced with a force far beyond his understanding, she was no different from an ordinary woman.

Originally, she thought that it was absolutely impossible for Han Hui to fight against many Qi trainers for her, but these Qi trainers had a background so strong that Han Hui himself could not resist.

I even tried to kill him, can he die for himself?

In the end, Han Hui really did this!

Looking at Han Hui's back, she felt that Han Hui was infinitely tall, like a mountain that could shelter the wind and rain, and would be absolutely safe behind him. For a moment, her heart was like a deer bumping, and a strange feeling was born.

Han Hui didn't think about it, he couldn't back down at this time, if he backed down, others would guess that he didn't have much strength, and hiding the aura of a Qi trainer was just pretending to be a ghost.

As soon as he got tough, the other party really softened, no longer talking about taking Qin Qing away, but just asking for compensation, let's see how Han Hui responds.

Han Hui didn't have anything of value on him, how could he compensate him?After pondering for a moment, he stretched his hand into his bosom and took out the controlled scorpion puppet, saying: "How about I give this thing to you!"

Seeing the scorpion puppets, the big man's eyes lit up. When he came, he knew that their goal was these scorpion puppets full of restrictions.

The Li family let them see the picture, and the person they came riding the wind was not headed by him, but a great master of Yuyuejing.

Only such a person can break the restriction. He was just sent to inspect the surroundings, and let the major forces in the Rainpoint State cooperate to see if there are any new discoveries. Naturally, these local snakes are more clear about the affairs of the Rainpoint State.

The only thing I didn't expect was that when I came to the Evil Tiger Mountain, I encountered a cold glow, hidden in the black robe, so that people couldn't tell the depth.

Seeing Han Hui take out those word puppets, he almost couldn't help but do it. Any Qi practitioner who saw it should be able to feel that these puppets are unusual.

Would Hanhui give up such a treasure?

If such a treasure is given up, it can only show that he is guilty. The little leader of this Mahayana wind bandit is called Ximen Ba, and he has killed countless masters with a steel knife in his hand.

The change in Ximenba's expression naturally couldn't be concealed from Han Hui's eyes, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he gently threw the scorpion puppet in his hand, and the scorpion puppet suddenly became bigger.

With just a sway in the sky, it turned into a bronze puppet several feet in size, exuding a fierce aura, staring at Ximen Ba fiercely.

Ximenba felt that he was locked, and there was no room to hide. The scorpion puppet could rush up at any time and tear him to pieces.

"Senior! It's really a misunderstanding! We have no eyes! Damn it, we hope that senior will let us go!" Ouyang Ba changed color on the spot, threw the big knife in his hand to the ground, and knelt down.

This sudden turn of events stunned everyone. Those who ride the wind are better. They are familiar with the character of Ximen Ba, and if they become bandits, they don’t have to be tyrannical and risk their lives. They must also be smart and aware of current affairs. , being able to control this kind of puppet can only show that Han Hui is not someone they can provoke.

Han Hui coldly swept over the Chengfeng bandits, some of these people were not in the same realm as Han Hui, and when they felt Han Hui's gaze, they felt chills for no reason.

"Raindrop State is not as simple as you imagined, even I have to be careful, unless Ye Chengfeng comes, otherwise, you'd better keep a low profile, except for the masters from Middle Earth who will come, there are also many hidden masters in Raindrop State itself! "Han Hui said.

Is there a hidden master in the rainy state?

This is Hanhui talking nonsense, but everyone believed it, not only Ximen Baxin, but also the three giants in Yudian State. Will Hanhui deceive them when they reach the realm?

Besides, Han Hui is an example. They have never heard of Han Hui, but he was born out of nowhere like a god.

"Go back! I don't want anyone to disturb you!" Finally, Han Hui waved his hand.

If the Chengfeng bandits were granted amnesty, they stood up one by one and were about to run away, but Ximenba said flatteringly to Han Hui: "Senior's great kindness, we Chengfeng bandits have recorded it, this time we will take the wind to Yudianzhou If seniors have small matters that are inconvenient to come forward, we Chengfeng Bandits can be regarded as seniors to do it for you!" Said, Ximen Ba took out a small piece of wood from his arms, raised his hands above his head, and handed it to him respectfully. cold glow.

"This is our Chengfeng Bandit's communication wooden amulet. If you have anything to do, senior, just say hello!" Ximen Ba's flattering expression made Han Hui very satisfied.

Being able to bend and stretch is the kingly way. This Ouyang Ba has a future. At this time, he did not forget to recruit masters for the Chengfeng bandits, and he is considered a figure.

Reaching out to take the wooden messenger talisman, Han Hui waved his hand expressionlessly.

Seeing Han Hui accepting the wooden talisman, Ximen Ba was full of joy, bowed deeply to Han Hui, turned around and led his men to gallop away.

When all these disappeared completely, the three giants in Yudian State heaved a sigh of relief, especially Qin Tianhu, who knelt down on the ground with a thud: "I thank the lord! If the lord hadn't given me a helping hand just now, my subordinates might have died a long time ago." The corpse is here!"

Han Hui stretched out his hand and lifted it up, and a powerful force came out to help Qin Tianhu who was kneeling on the ground: "There is no need to do this, since I am the leader of the Raindrop League, when you don't feel rebellious, I will naturally protect you! "

As soon as these words came out, the three of them shuddered at the same time. Han Hui's words implied that he was beating them, and the three of them did not really surrender, but they made a choice due to the situation.

At the beginning, Huxian Valley was the first to support them because they were all poisoned. If they didn't find Han Hui as a backer, they would all die after Han Hui left.

After Huxian Valley took refuge in Han Hui, Jiuhuanshan and the Evil Tiger Gang had no choice but to take refuge in Han Hui, otherwise, Huxian Valley would really be the only one, and the two of them might be wiped out.

Under the circumstances at that time, there was really no way to choose. The only choice for the three families was to seek refuge with Hanhui and support Hanhui as the leader of the Raindrop League.

This kind of inability to choose refuge, the three giants must be upset, and they will not be really convinced. Although the three alliances are still in charge of each other, Hanhui doesn't even have a single subordinate.

The three of them trembled at the same time, and they were about to kneel down. Han Hui waved his hands, and the emptiness became solid, forming a wall of air that blocked the three of them, making them unable to kneel down.

"I said that there is no need to be like this. You just need to be loyal and loyal. I can give you benefits, and even make you a Qi trainer. You should be able to guess the fate of betraying me!" After finishing speaking, Han Hui folded his hands and walked away.

This time, everyone was shocked by Han Hui. They didn't know the power of that puppet, but they clearly flattered Han Hui after seeing so many leaders of Qi practitioners.

The three gangs of giants were even more pleasantly surprised. They were extremely grateful for their original choice. Looking at Han Hui's posture, he did not take the Qi trainers seriously. The leader of the Qi trainers respected him so much, and it was impossible for them to become Qi trainers not difficult.

For a while, my heart was hot, and each of them was full of energy, shouting at his subordinates, and he no longer looked like he was doing his own thing in the past.

Being able to break through the shackles, become Qi practitioners, and make their dreams come true. Now that the dreams have the hope of being realized, what else is there to care about?

Han Hui didn't go to the back mountain to explore these few days, he kept practicing, and after reaching the peak of the Initiation Realm, he once again felt the possibility of a breakthrough.

These days, I have been continuing my strength. Only when I become a Pentium state can I be regarded as a Qi trainer, and I can be regarded as different from ordinary warriors.

A master in the Pentium Realm has infinite vitality in his body, once used, he is like a huge wave rushing, with the potential to overwhelm mountains and seas.

With the support of inexhaustible vitality, Qi practitioners can truly fly, instead of using the means of condensing emptiness into reality to constantly perform lightness kung fu.

The flight of a Pentium Realm master is real flying, the true energy in his body surges, urging people to fly, then Ximenba is a Pentium Realm master, he can be regarded as a fairy in the eyes of warriors.

Become a fairy-like figure.

Han Hui carefully pondered the meridians in the body, and there were endless innate seals in the meridians. Of course, in Han Hui's eyes, these innate seals were like locks one by one, completely locking the meridians of a person, making it impossible for people to break through.

If all the locks of these meridians are unlocked, his efficiency in absorbing the vitality of the world will be increased by tens of millions of times. In that way, the vitality absorbed by one breath will be more than that of a day of hard work.

What a terrifying thing this is, Han Hui basically understands now that breaking all these restrictions in the body is the key to cultivation.

As long as he can break all the restrictions in the meridians, he can stand at the pinnacle of cultivation. As for the unstable state in the novel, it doesn't exist at all.

At least it doesn't exist when you are practicing Qishi. When the restriction is opened, there will be strength, and the realm can be improved!

While Han Hui was in seclusion, Qin Qing was also practicing in seclusion. However, she did not practice in her courtyard, but descended to Ehushan.

These two disputes have greatly stimulated her, she does not have enough strength, not to mention the proud girl of heaven, even an ordinary girl is inferior, anyone can want her body, and others only value her skin.

She had already reached the threshold of Qi Condensation Realm, and she was fortunate enough to see so many Qi practitioners' methods, including Lei Hong, who had just broken through as a Qi practitioner, and Han Hui, a master of Qi practitioners. I believe that I will soon break through the realm and become a Qi trainer.

The update is not good these days, because I am signing a contract, and another one, my buddy is a farmer, and I am afraid that the crops will be flooded when it rains, so I am quite busy.Don't worry, it will explode after signing the contract. The first book is nearly 190 million words, and this book will not be eunuch.

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