forbidden place

Chapter 191

The old man Huang He looked at Hui with complicated eyes, and all kinds of thoughts rushed into his mind for a while, he didn't know what to say. What he saw and heard today is also a kind of supreme for him, the master of the Guihai Realm Restriction who has lived for an unknown number of years. shock.

Although Yushan was destroyed, everyone witnessed all the restrictions being lifted. Even Prince Hildo did not dare to mess around. After all, the witness is the old man Huanghe.

"How is it possible, how is it possible? How can you crack it?" Hildor suddenly came from heaven to hell, and was almost disturbed by the stimulation.

Right now, Lian and Fairy Xiang only felt numbness in their backs, and an explosive air flow seemed to fill their chests, and this air flow hit their minds one by one.

If you don't vent out this air flow, you will be stagnant in your heart, and even the excellent heartbeat that is usually controlled has completely changed.

The middle-aged man watching from below, who was almost taken in by the old man Huang He, opened his mouth, suddenly felt that he had lost his voice, and barely uttered a word, his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear it.

Others also felt as if thunder was constantly ringing in their minds, all outside sounds disappeared, and blood rushed to their heads one by one.

"Is the wisdom aperture very powerful? Is having a wisdom aperture considered a genius? No! Absolutely not, genius is one percent inspiration, plus 90.00% sweat!"

Han Hui resolutely plagiarized the words of a great scientist on the ground, packaged himself as a magic stick, and continued: "Don't think that you can become a superior person if you have an aura of wisdom. Depravity, God gave each of us equal, no relatives, no preference for others, as long as we work hard, there will always be a moment to reach the peak!"

Han Hui's words, like bolts of lightning, flashed across everyone's hearts and minds. These people used to think that they were exceptionally talented, that they were geniuses picked out of ten thousand. Disciples with mediocre qualifications feel that they have been favored and gifted by God.

Today, when I saw Prince Hildor who possessed the aura of wisdom, I suddenly realized that Prince Hildor is the real genius. Compared with Hildor, they are ordinary like a grain of sand in this desert.

Although Prince Hildor didn't hit them directly, he planted a seed of failure in their hearts, making them absolutely sure that they would never reach Hildor's realm forever.

Just like the middle-aged man, he thought that he would never be able to reach Xilduoyi in his life. As long as a person sets a limit for himself in his heart, the limit will really exist.

However, Han Hui violently tore apart this invisible boundary with naked strength, allowing them to see the light again.

"Genius is 90.00% hard work, plus [-]% sweat!" The middle-aged man murmured as if struck by lightning.

Following his words, everyone's faces showed excitement. Of course, Xilduo and Wanyan Lie were not excited, their faces were full of ferocity, and their eyes were full of hatred.

The old man Huang He let out a long breath, as if he wanted to spit out all the stagnation in his heart. As the stagnant vitality was spit out, his white hair miraculously turned black, and even the skin on his body reappeared like a baby. of gloss.

"How is it possible, look at the old man Huang He, is this really all right?"

"Impossible. Human longevity is the law of heaven and earth. How can it be reversed? No one can reverse time. What is the difference between rejuvenating and reversing time?"

Han Hui's eyes also showed shock. With the strength of his consciousness, he realized more and more the rules between heaven and earth.

The lifespan of a person is the law of heaven and earth, just like time, flowing forever, no one can shake it a little.

After coming out of the Devil's Plain, his spiritual consciousness increased greatly, and he could even clearly feel the passing of his own lifespan. Although his body did not show any signs of aging, this passing was real.

In the qi training world, whether a person is a genius can be judged not only from his cultivation aptitude, but even from the surface at a glance.

People of the same realm, the younger they are, the more geniuses they have, which proves that the time it takes him to cultivate to this realm is shorter.

No matter you practice the above heaven-defying exercises, the passage of life and the aging of your appearance cannot be changed. If you want to delay this aging, you can only rely on continuous practice to improve your realm step by step.

The higher the realm, the longer the longevity.

Human beings are doomed to die from birth!Just like a fish thrown into the frying pan, it is inevitable to be cooked. The only difference between a stronger fish and a weaker fish is the length of time it takes to cook.

In the past, when he was on Earth, Han Hui felt the greatest helplessness in life. At that time, no matter how talented you were, it was of no use. It is also the reason why he ignores life and death and chooses soul travel.

Now, coming to this Qi training world, seeing Mr. Huang He's white hair slowly turning into black hair, touched the deepest string in his heart.

It turns out that life is not about to die from birth, and it can also reverse growth and rejuvenate, so can you control time, return to the earth that is gradually forgotten, and regain what you have missed?

Old Man Huang He's eyes closed slowly, and the endless vitality in the sky was roaring and roaring, pouring into his body from the sky like a great river and sea.

"Could it be that he wants to form an alchemy?" Wanyan Lie's divine sense was much stronger than those of the prohibition geniuses watching, and he could feel the change of vitality in the sky.

"Impossible, my uncle hasn't successfully formed the alchemy yet, how could he form the golden alchemy? My uncle said that although this old man of Yellow Crane is quite talented, he has no possibility of forming an alchemy in this life!" Prince Hildor's face said twistedly.

After a full cup of tea, the old man Huang He's eyes suddenly opened, like a lightning strike in the void, Han Hui felt that at that moment, his mask could no longer cover his face, and the old man Huang He could no longer hide his face. See through all falsehoods.

"Thank you for your help today, I can try alchemy too, haha, from Guihai to Jindan, it's a step away, the world is different, I didn't expect that I will have a day of alchemy, this is my token, If there is anything to do, my little friend will order it alone, and the old man will die!"

As he said that, a golden talisman appeared in the hand of the old man Huang He. This talisman seemed to condense a large amount of golden gold, and the pure yellow color made people dare not look directly at it.

"This is what my friend won. This is my rubbing of the magic scorpion. I will give it to you. The method to open it has been attached to it. If you have time in the future, you must come to Crane Valley as a guest. We need to retreat, let's take a step first!" As he said, the old man Huang He gave Han Hui a deep salute.

Then, a crane sounded, and the yellow crane came from the sky. The sound of the crane was full of excitement, as if it knew that its owner was about to be promoted.

The old man Huang He jumped up and flew onto Huang He's body. The yellow crane's wings vibrated and turned into a golden light, disappearing into the distant sky.

"Everyone, the restriction has been broken, and it's gone!" Although the old man Huang He disappeared, his voice came from the void.

"Thank you for your great kindness, senior. If this junior makes any progress, it's all thanks to senior's enlightenment!" The middle-aged man is also in Yuyue realm, but he calls himself a junior to Han Hui, and he acts like a teacher. This is the kindness of enlightenment.

Under the agitation of the rest of the people, they also knelt down and kowtowed one by one. Han Hui waved his hand lightly, and his body rose into the air and said: "Everyone, let's go, see you in the future!"

Only then did Fairy Lian and Fairy Xiang recover from the shock. They looked at each other and saw the horror and regret in each other's eyes.

They actually missed the opportunity to make friends with such a peerless genius. Even if they just become friends, it is a great wealth, which is enough to greatly improve their status in the sect.

Now, they are still strangers.

With the departure of the old man Huang He and Han Hui, this incomparably beautiful desert mountain villa gradually melted into the sunlight, but it took only a cup of tea to disappear, and it became a place full of yellow sand again.

The crowd outside the villa didn't know what happened. Seeing the villa disappear and the ground turn into yellow sand again, they were inexplicably horrified.

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