forbidden place

Chapter 198 Breaking the Formation

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Three loud noises sounded at the same time, and Mangdang Mountain hummed, bursting with golden light, turning into a boundless and majestic mountain, suppressing the ancient times.

Cui Zhongqing's last skeleton, including the head, was all shattered, and Han Hui couldn't even feel the existence of Cui Zhongqing's soul and consciousness, and suddenly turned pale with shock.

However, as soon as this shock appeared, it turned into surprise. After the thunder light disappeared, the boundless blood mist suddenly condensed, and Cui Zhongqing's soul wave also reappeared.

Cui Zhongqing's soul was wrapped in the blood mist and said to Han Hui: "Master, I'm fine, I got a great chance this time, a chance that is even greater than becoming a real demon king, hahaha I never thought that I, Cui Zhongqing, would also have this One day, all of this is a gift from the master!"

The red mist in Cui Zhongqing's cave suddenly condensed and then dispersed, constantly changing various shapes, until finally it slowly condensed into a human shape.

And that big light blue hand released a trace of electric light and flew towards Han Hui, like a kid showing off his beautiful clothes to his parents.

Han Hui felt that there was no malice in this palm, and stretched out his hand to gently grasp this palm in his hand, feeling that this palm was also a treasure, just like the Bending God Awl.

However, there is no prohibition rune on this treasure, just like a treasure embryo, as long as it is engraved with runes, it can immediately exert earth-shattering power.

Han Hui couldn't help but be overjoyed, now that there are many powerful enemies outside, to be able to obtain a powerful treasure is naturally worthy of joy.

It's just that at this moment, he has just been promoted to a ecstasy, and he has not yet fully controlled his own power. It is too late to carve the runes, so he must first take care of his body and comprehend the laws.

It took a full half a month before Han Hui opened his eyes again, and pointed his fingers in the void. Every time he pointed, a living spirit snake seemed to be born in the void, twisting with his fingers.

The void is forbidden!

This is the means of restraint in the air, a super restraint method that can only be possessed in the state of ecstasy.

Han Hui's gaze pierced through the void and looked at the high platform. The Master of Sanwu Zhai had stopped playing the piano at this time, and sat firmly on the platform, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"I was worrying about how to refine the Earth Fiend Sword Formation, and once again condensed twelve vortexes in my mind. Now the opportunity has come. After killing so many people, I will use the method of void life ban to transform them all into Absorb the murderous aura!" Han Hui sneered.

When others wanted his life, he himself would not submit obediently. In his eyes, these people had all become materials for refining the sword array.

Now, Mo Bailian and the others already know their situation, and know that they are all staying in Hanhui's treasure, but the cultivation speed here is ten times faster, and there are even higher realm masters guiding them to practice, one by one. No complaints either.

They have once again created twelve purple gold swords for Hanhui!

It is no problem for the outsiders to kill some of them and refine a sword formation, but it is difficult to use the evil spirit of the earth to explode all twelve swords, turn them into divine consciousness, and enter your own sea of ​​consciousness After all, the murderous aura formed by these people's screaming souls and resentment is incomparable to the fierce place generated by heaven and earth like the Devil's Plain.

However, Han Hui still decided to try it. If the Earth Demon Sword Formation is completed, his combat power will be even stronger. At least, he feels now that if Hildo comes driving a chariot again, he can bombard him with a spiritual sense. Destroy the crystal ball on the chariot, and kill all the people on it.

How terrifying would it be if the Earth Fiend Sword Formation really gathered?Maybe he can really fight against Daoist Jindan, and then he can really sit back and relax.

Here, Hanhui was making preparations, and on the high platform outside, Master Sanwuzhai suddenly stood up and shouted coldly: "Start!"

As he said that, many masters of the sect looked up to the sky and shouted at the same time, and the shouts shook the sky. With the shouts, Han Hui felt the earth move.


This is a real earthquake feeling, not caused by violent shocks, but a real earthquake, coming from the depths of the earth.

In the depths of the earth, like an angry dragon rising up, countless rays of light shone from each of the restraining formations.

What followed was the collapse of the sky, and Han Hui felt the invisible pressure sweeping over, and the restrictions between the heaven and the earth began to dissipate one after another.

This is the impact of the sky and the earth. The aura of the earth with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, or even 10,000+ miles, is mobilized, and it is directed towards the forbidden impact formed in the void.

Master Sanwuzhai's method of breaking the formation is very simple and brutal, which is to use the power of the earth to fight against the power of the gods, and destroy some of these prohibitions.

A large formation, as long as a hole is torn open, it will no longer be perfect, and these people can enter and exit freely along the hole.

The destruction is completely brute force, and it is impossible to control the destruction at all. The elders of many sects obviously did not expect that the method of Sanwu Zhaizhu to break the formation is so simple and rude.

One by one scolded angrily: "Master Sanwu Zhai, you actually cracked the formation like this. You know, there are people trapped in the ancient tombs of the seven sects and six bandits of your desert. If you do this, you will even hurt them!"

"Om" "Om" "Om"

One after another, black chariots suddenly appeared from the army formation, turned into streaks of black light, and flew towards the formation along the gaps in the formation.

At the same time, the masters of many sects stopped shouting and cursing, one by one stretched their bodies, found the break in the formation, and flew towards the direction of the ancient tomb.

Seeing the chariot, Han Hui felt a thing in his heart. The last time he killed a few people who jumped into the realm of Yuyue, it was because of the chariot that he suffered a lot, but he didn't know if there was any restriction on the chariot that could block the attack of spiritual consciousness.

Han Hui touched the light blue palm formed by the three beads. He had simply carved a few prohibition runes on the palm, and he could still manipulate the palm. The power contained in the hand made him feel palpitations .

Hiding in Mangdang Mountain, Han Hui seemed to be hiding in a different dimension, no one could find him, a black vortex in his sea of ​​consciousness suddenly spun up, turned into a sword of consciousness, and moved towards a battleship The car beheaded and went away.

With the experience of last time, he has spare strength in his shots, and he will go all out at every turn. If he is counterattacked, he will not even have the strength to resist.

With a sound of "Boom", it was as if a long sword had slashed onto a boulder, and Han Hui frowned, for these black show cars were actually restrained from attacking by divine consciousness.

However, this restraint is obviously worse. The long sword will not be broken when it is cut on the boulder.

Hanhui snorted coldly, and the 24 vortexes were running at the same time, strangling towards the black chariot. A partial general standing on the podium of the chariot felt that after the first strangling, the battle flag in his hand With a sudden swing, he shouted loudly: "Someone is attacking with consciousness, and the target is hiding here!"

Before he finished speaking, his body fell from the sky like a wooden stake, and Han Hui punched the chariot like a demon god walking out of the void.

Without the center of the Yuyue realm, the rest of the people are only in the pulse-fixing stage and the combined construction stage. How can they resist the full blow of Han Hui, the powerhouse at the pinnacle of ecstasy?

With a sound of "bang", dozens of people spurted blood at the same time, and flew out of the chariot. Han Hui laughed wildly and said, "I'm right here for your grandfather, San Wu, you old man, today I must kill you!" You! Not only will you be beheaded, but your desert country will also be destroyed!"

"Zheng" "Zheng" "Zheng" "Zheng"

The sound of the zither came from the void, and the air of killing and cutting immediately filled the world. When Gongsun Tianya heard Han Hui's voice, his face shook and he stabilized his figure.

Ximen Mingyue, who was beside him, also stopped and asked, "But that little bastard?"

"I heard that it is indeed him, but how could he have such a high level? Even if the Sanxian seizes the house, it is absolutely impossible to improve to this level in just a few decades!" Gongsun Tianya said puzzled.

"Maybe it's intentional to confuse us, maybe we don't make a move for now, let San Wu boy fight him, and we will reap the benefits of the fisherman." Ximen Mingyue said.

"That's exactly what I mean. This kid is very evil. Let Sanwu try his methods, so that we don't accidentally capsize in the gutter." Gongsun Tianya nodded and said.

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