forbidden place

Chapter 26 Raid

Sure enough, Han Hui's yelling had an effect, and the Caifengmen fairies all looked excited. Seeing their posture, they wished they could fall into Han Hui's embrace on the spot.

Look at them, they are desperately protecting us, not to mention that the two sides have no intersection, and there was an unpleasant incident just now.

Han Hui swung the long sword, the treasure in his hand, and kept attacking the Kuang Shamen. Under Han Hui's intentional guidance, the bodies of the two gradually moved down the mountain.

What methods to use on the mountain are mostly the same. Originally at the peak of Pentium, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to deal with a mid-stage Pentium, just kill it abruptly.

This man with two knives from Kuang Shamen is called Wang Gong with two knives. He has practiced Kuang Sha Knives in one hand, and when he uses it, he is as cool as two giant dragons, stirring up a whirlwind in the sky, forming a destructive wind and sand, and wanting to completely cover the coldness in the natural disaster. among.

Han Hui didn't have such superb swordsmanship, so he could only rely on his strong true energy to overwhelm Wang Gong, vibrate his long sword, raise a strong wind, and fight against Kuangsha's swordsmanship.

Wang Gong was very worried at the beginning, this person showed his strength at the peak of the Pentium Realm with a single strike, and he was indeed no opponent in the middle of the Pentium Realm.

His idea is to fight with Han Hui and wait for the arrival of the four senior brothers. Three of the four senior brothers are at the peak of the Pentium Realm. As long as they come, Han Hui will not be afraid.

Unexpectedly, after fighting for a while, I found that this was not the case at all. The strength of this shot was indeed at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and the real energy in his body was surging. The strength of each blow was unmatched, but there was no trick.

Unlike his own Kuangsha knife technique, which takes the desert Kuangsha as an imitation object, and when practiced to the highest level, he can truly summon the sky-filled Kuangsha.

Han Hui was slightly at a disadvantage, and his true energy began to weaken. He had just advanced to the peak of the Pentium Realm, and he hadn't warmed and nourished his meridians, so that the meridians became strong enough under the warming of the Pentium Realm's true essence, and this confrontation took place.

Although the true energy in his body was at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and the amount of true energy output at one time indeed surpassed Wang Gong, he couldn't last long.

If he can sustain the attack power at the peak of the Pentium Realm, he can prepare to enter the next realm.

Han Hui's body kept moving down the mountain, Wang Gong naturally wanted it, the upper part was his territory, so he would be timid to kill him recklessly, not to mention that the opponent was at the peak of the Pentium Realm.

It was his idea to be able to walk to the foot of the mountain. The brothers would naturally catch up after capturing the two Fairies at the Pentium Realm, but he didn't know if the women on the mountain would take the opportunity to escape.

No matter, anyway, since I was haunted by a peak of the Pentium Realm, my brother would not blame me for chasing and losing someone.

When he was halfway up the mountain, Han Hui's breath became more and more heavy, he was already a bit overdrawn, his meridians had not been warmed, and the fast state also had disadvantages.

The body suddenly retreated, and the palm of the hand was thrown like lightning.

"click" "click" "click"

The voices kept ringing, and a bronze scorpion about three feet in size appeared in front of Wang Gong. The palace complexion changed, and the two knives were flying, protecting his body and about to flee down the mountain.

Although he knew the power of the scorpion puppet, he also knew that it was really weird that Hanhui still produced one at this stall.

When the bronze scorpion moved, it was silent, but its speed was as fast as lightning.

With a flick of the tail, he arrived behind Wang Gong who was running down, flicked the tail, and with a "snap", Wang Gong's body was shredded.

Flesh and bones scattered all over the sky and shot out.

Han Hui was also taken aback, when did this scorpion become so cruel?

In the past, it was enough to kill the opponent when attacking, but there was no such cruel scene of blood and flesh flying all over the place.

He didn't know, it wasn't because the scorpion puppet had become cruel. The puppet was not human and had no emotion at all. When he manipulated the scorpion puppet to attack, Wang Gong was using the power of the Pentium Realm to escape, and the meridians and vital energy in his body were rushing like the Yangtze River.

The scorpion puppet swept out its tail, and Wang Gong's body was cracked, and the meridians in his body burst, and the true energy in the Pentium state suddenly lost control, and all the bones and muscles in his body were blown away.

Looking at the double knives on the ground, Han Hui's eyes lit up, these two knives are also treasures, although the explosion just now was too violent and destroyed Wang Gong's storage bag, the treasured double knives are fine.

Treasures, the general sect must be in the Pentium state to be awarded, and generally have to perform well, and the sect has made contributions.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, two long knives flew into his hands. They were not stained with the slightest bit of blood, and the brilliance was still flowing on the treasure.

Han Hui had played with the treasured long sword before, and knew that the brilliance projected from the treasure was not only beautiful, but also an extremely subtle formation, which could enhance the attack power of the treasure.

These brilliance can also add a layer of protective film to the body of the treasure. Ten thousand catties of force cannot damage the body of the treasure, let alone the blood spilled by mere Wang Gong.

Putting the double knives into the storage bag, Han Hui felt a little relieved. He traveled from the earth, but he really knew the importance of wealth.

Those disciples of Caifengmen and Jianzong stayed on the back mountain, they didn't rush over, not because they were greedy for life and afraid of death, but because of their cultivation, rushing over would only be of no help.

The disciples of Caifengmen lowered their heads and didn't know what they were thinking, maybe they were still immersed in Han Hui's words of fighting to the death for them, maybe they were worried about the next battle.

The disciples of Jianzong had almost the same thoughts.

How could an ordinary one-strike disciple become so powerful in a short period of time, could it be that the Nine Star Treasure really existed, Zhang Guang's death was wronged?

This was a battle that none of them could participate in. A newcomer disciple like Han Hui went to fight instead. It would be nonsense to say that the disciples of the Sword Sect were not jealous.

People are like this, before they are completely out of danger, they begin to doubt the benefactor who saved their lives.

Han Hui looked up at the sky, and found a place to stand at the foot of the mountain, he was going to wait for the Kuang Shamen's people to come.

There are five people in total, and they must all be resolved. Life is like a jungle, where the weak always prey on the strong. If he doesn't make a move, those people will kill him when they come.

Not many exercises, a long howl came, and the sound of the west howl shook the mountains and forests.

"Brother Wang Gong, have you caught those people? You can't be the first to attack, you have to wait for the senior brother to choose first before it's your turn!"

Hearing this sound, Han Hui's body tightened suddenly, and the scorpion puppet in his palm gripped even tighter. As long as he was not a member of the Hezhu Realm, he would always have a chance to use the scorpion puppet.

Similarly, the people from the Caifengmen who were far away in the back mountain also heard this, and their faces turned pale, their silver teeth were gritted, and they wanted to rush over and do their best.

Wherever they Caifengmen disciples go, aren't they called fairies?

Young talents competed to flatter each other, and these bastards who were crazy monks treated them as playthings and humiliated them at will.

There were three people who came, and the one who shouted loudly appeared to be in his forties, with a weathered look on his face.

Of course, Qi practitioners, especially Qi practitioners above the initiation level, cannot judge their age by the surface. Xu Zhe has been practicing for a hundred years, and he looks like he is only thirty years old.

This person is at the peak of the Pentium Realm, his body breaks through the air during the flight, and his speed is extremely fast. There are three people following him, and the person at the end is carrying a woman on his shoulders.

The woman's attire was very similar to that of the Caifengmen. It seemed that one of the two Pentium Realm senior sisters of the Caifengmen had already been captured, and the other might be in danger.

Han Hui stretched out his hand and pointed, the scorpion puppet quickly became in the sky, and rushed towards the person in front like lightning, as fast as lightning.

Everything was too sudden, one person and one bronze scorpion collided together without fancy.

With a "click", the man fell from the sky before he even had time to scream.

Han Hui was overjoyed, with his toes on the ground, his body was like an arrow leaving the string, and he rushed towards the last person.

These four people must not run away with one, because running away with one will reveal his background, and when someone comes again, they will be targeted.

After killing one, the scorpion puppet didn't stop at all. With the help of the force of the collision just now, it swung its tail and rushed towards the second person.

Although it is now at the peak of the Pentium Realm, Han Hui has no confidence in dealing with opponents who are also at the peak of the Pentium Realm.

The fight against Wang Gong just now proved that he is no match even against people in the middle stage of Pentium Realm. Of course, if you give him a little more time to warm up his meridians, even if he doesn't have any clever moves, he can deal with the first person in the small realm. Still barely able to do it.

Now, although his true energy is also at the peak of the Pentium Realm, but he doesn't have great skills, he will use all his strength, and he will be exhausted after a short period of persistence.

The second person was obviously prepared, seeing the bronze scorpion puppet rushing towards him, its body moved sideways in the sky in an instant, and avoided it all at once.

At the same time, the three of them saw that Han Hui's body was like a sharp sword thrown out, and a shining treasure in his hand rushed towards him.

This is just a matter of lightning and lightning. One figure at the peak of the Pentium Realm has already fallen, and the second one is not entangled by the bronze scorpion puppet.

The bronze scorpion puppet can't fly, and can only fly out with the help of the ground's elasticity. It should have landed on the ground after killing one just now.

It's just that Han Hui knows too many mechanical principles, and with the help of the collision just now, he launched an attack on the second one again.

There can't be any delay, and I don't know what trump card these three mad monk disciples have. If they come up with a life-saving talisman like a talisman, it will be really troublesome, and I don't know if the scorpion puppet can resist it.

However, because the second guy was prepared and didn't know what method to use, he moved sideways during the flight and avoided it.

The power of the scorpion puppet was exhausted, so it had no choice but to fall down from the sky.

How fast did the three-foot-long bronze puppet land, not to mention Han Hui's deliberate manipulation?

In just one breath, he landed on the ground. After landing on the ground, his tail suddenly stood up, and a ray of light shot out, facing the guy with a shocked face and cold sweat all over his head.

He had just escaped the call of the god of death, and before he had time to rejoice, his body felt cold, his eyes gradually blurred, and his head fell from the sky.

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