After returning, Han Hui hid in the secret room and began to practice in seclusion. Before the retreat, he told the people of the Rain Point League to go to Caifengmen directly if they had something to do, and to come to him if Caifengmen couldn't solve it.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Han Hui had a peaceful face, and the sound of true essence rushing and flowing in his body could be heard faintly, as if there really was a great river inside his body.

At this time, he mobilized his true essence, absorbed the vitality from the heaven and the earth, and nourished his meridians continuously. This was equivalent to widening the river channel, strengthening the embankment, and preventing the flood of true essence from breaking the embankment.

This retreat lasted for half a month, and for half a month, Han Hui kept mobilizing his dantian's true essence to wash away his meridians, making his meridians more solid.

Surrounded by looming yellow sand around his body, this is not the real yellow sand, but the wild sand formed by the condensed true essence.

It’s just that there is nothing like the yellow sand, just like the rushing sound of the true essence in his body. If there is, it must be there. If you listen carefully, it seems that there are long waves going out to sea, rushing rivers, and if you say nothing, ordinary people can’t hear the sound at all.

The same is true for the yellow sand, ordinary people can't see it with their right eyes, only Qi practitioners can see yellow sand flying around his body.

At the peak of Qi Condensation, the emptiness can be condensed into reality, but it is only at the realm of combined construction that the condensed essence can be formed, combined with the whole body's true essence to form a real shape.

The realization of the peak of Qi Condensation is just to solidify the true Qi, as if it is real, you can touch it with your hands, but you can't see it with the naked eye. For example, the condensed true energy becomes a long spear, but it's the shape that others can't see.

The invisible long spear can truly penetrate the human body and kill people, just like the long spear, this is the condensation of air flow.

When he reaches the joint construction stage, the condensed essence can become a real form, and Hanhui is only at the peak of the galloping state. If he reaches the joint construction stage, others will really be able to see when he makes a move. The grains of yellow sand are all condensed true essence, which is countless times stronger than real yellow sand, and can easily pierce through innate masters.

The masters of the combined construction state can kill a group of warriors in the innate state with a wave of their hands, which is easier than killing ants.

However, entering the Hezhu Realm from the Pentium Realm is extremely dangerous!

Entering the Emerging Realm from the Qi Condensation Realm, as long as the chance and talent are sufficient, the same is true for entering the Pentium Realm from the Germinal Realm.

However, from the Pentium Realm to the Hezhu Realm, it is different. If you are not careful, you will fall, and the whole body's true energy will explode due to the failure of the condensate.

At this moment, there was a sound of knocking on the door. The door of the secret room was made of steel. The sound transmission device was an iron pipe. The sound could be transmitted by knocking on the copper ring outside the iron pipe, or it could be directly pointed at the copper ring. If the ring speaks, the voice of the speech can also pass through.

When the voice came, Han Hui opened his eyes, and the divine light in his eyes flickered away, and he regained his clarity and calm: "What's the matter?"

"Report to the lord, Fairy Qingyun asked her subordinates to inform the lord that there is something important to discuss!"

A voice came from outside.

Han Hui sighed and stood up quickly.

It's just that there is not enough time. If he is given another month, he will almost be able to break through the joint construction, and then he will have an extra chance of saving his life.

Before he reached the main hall, he heard the commotion in the main hall, Han Hui frowned, because many of the voices were not from the middle-earth accent.

The people in the desert don't give face to the natural gate, and the appeal of Caifengmen is worthless in front of them, and it is even a delicious piece of fat.

As soon as Han Hui stepped into the hall, the commotion in the hall stopped abruptly.

There was a young man sitting on the tiger leather chair in the middle of the main hall. This young man looked about ten or nine years old. Although Qi practitioners usually couldn't tell their age from their appearance, there was no sign of vicissitudes on this man's face. se, the complete appearance of a young boy.

Seeing Han Hui coming in, the faces of those people wearing desert costumes changed, and even the young man sitting on the tiger leather chair was startled.

"Everyone came from afar, Han complimented the master of Evil Tiger Mountain, but he couldn't meet him from afar, and hope to forgive him!" After entering the hall, Han Hui cupped his hands and said.

Senior Sister Qi, Caifengmen and Jianzong disciples were sitting on the seats at the side of the main hall, and they were obviously relieved to see Han Hui coming.

Although, like Senior Sister Qi, Han Hui is also at the peak of the Pentium Realm, but he has various hidden means. It has been proved by beheading the three peaks of the Pentium Realm when he saved Senior Sister Qi. He is full of confidence.

The young man raised his eyebrows: "Are you the leader of the Raindrop League?"

Han Hui nodded and said: "That's right, did you dare to ask Your Excellency for your name?"

"I am Li Fei from the Li family. This Evil Tiger Mountain is owned by me in Damo. If you want to talk about the master, my Li family is the master. Why can't it be your turn to be the master here?" the young man said.

It was only then that Han Hui understood why the eyes of everyone in the desert changed when he came in. It turned out that he knew the ins and outs, and he was the one who drove the scorpion puppets to kill all directions and wiped out the Li family.

"Really? Since the desert belongs to the Seven Sects and the Six Bandits, why can people from the Twelve Sects of Middle Earth look for treasures here, but you don't see them all driving them out?" Han Hui said with a sneer.

It's useless to show weakness at this time, Han Hui is ready to kill, no matter what, let's talk about it after today.

"That's a matter for the elders, and it has nothing to do with us. The ownership of the Evil Tiger Mountain is not determined by words, but by fists!" Li Fei said coldly, his eyes shining brightly.

"Could it be that you came here to prove the ownership of this Evil Tiger Mountain? I am willing to obey the orders of the elders of the master and not violate the river water with the seven sects and six bandits. However, if you insist on doing it, I don't mind killing it!" Han Hui The sound is very calm.

There was a sense of self-confidence in the calmness, as if completely ignoring the dozens of desert masters in the hall.

Qingyun now has a smile on his face, this man is always like this, when he was sealed in his meridians, he was powerless, standing on top of the hall facing Xu Zhe and Zhang Guang, he didn't have the slightest fear, he was also so calm.

Hearing Han Hui's words, a drooping pair of eyes standing behind Li Fei suddenly opened, and an electric light flashed in the eyes.

Han Hui was startled, this old man should not be underestimated, he might be a master beyond Pentium Realm.

The atmosphere above the main hall froze in an instant, and the sound of the rushing river came and went, as if it was really on the edge of the Yangtze River.

This is the effect caused by many Pentium-level masters raising Qi and running their true energy at the same time. A Pentium-level master does not have such power at all.

Except for the mysterious old man, there are more than a dozen Pentium-level masters below!

This kid from the Li family in the Seven Sects of the Desert is probably not an ordinary person, but his status is respected.

Faced with the sudden explosion of these masters, Senior Sister Qi couldn't help but change her face, Fairy Qingyun and the others were even more unbearable, each of them was terrified, and their bodies trembled slightly.

There are nine levels of Qi training, and one level is one level, which is not just for fun.

They are very different from others!

Han Hui couldn't care much at this time, he palmed, and the scorpion puppet came out, changed "click" in the air, grew to the size of three feet, and fell to the ground silently.

Having suffered a loss from Xu Zhe once, Han Hui didn't dare to take it too seriously. If the old man makes a move, it's hard to say whether he has a chance to resist.

Sacrifice the scorpion puppet first, and if the old man dares to make any changes, kill him first. As long as the old man loses to the scorpion puppet, the rest will be no problem.

Seeing the scorpion puppet, the old man's expression instantly became exciting, and Li Fei also widened his eyes, which shone with an incredible light.

"Hahahaha, it's really hard to find anywhere, and it's easy to get here. I'm afraid my cousins ​​would never have imagined that I made such a contribution when I just came out!" The young man heard Han Hui's words. , not only didn't get angry, but laughed, and there was no more tit-for-tat just now.

This sudden change of face caused Han Hui to be taken aback, what happened?Are you scared silly by the scorpion puppet?

"Brother Han, everything is a misunderstanding!" Li Fei stepped down from the tiger leather chair, and the old man saw Li Fei go down, followed him nervously, and stood by his side.

With a thought of Han Hui, the scorpion puppet blocked in front of him with a "shua".

Caution is the boat.

This old man is unpredictable, if he breaks through the Pentium Realm, it's better to be on guard, don't accidentally let someone give him sex.

Seeing the scorpion puppet standing in front of him, Li Fei suddenly stopped in his tracks, and with this embarrassing smile at the corner of his mouth, he said awkwardly: "Brother Han, don't worry, brother Han, it was really a misunderstanding, it must be Li Fei who started the killing ring in the ancient tomb of Scorpio. Bro?"

"I didn't come here to seek revenge from Brother Li. Li Kai is just a branch of the Li family. If he offends Brother Han, he deserves to die. Our Li family doesn't care about it!" Li Fei continued to explain.

Han Hui didn't answer, he was also at a loss now, the trick became strange, he stood there guardedly waiting for Li Fei to explain.

Li Fei glanced at the scorpion puppet lying in front of him, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes, the greed flashed away, but it didn't hide from Han Hui's eyes.

"Brother Han also knows that the sudden appearance of these scorpion puppets in Yudian State has shocked the world's monastic forces. So far, countless elders have come here, but no one can break the restriction of the scorpion puppets!"

When Li Fei said this, Han Hui already understood why they had such an expression when they saw the scorpion puppet, and why they didn't pursue Li Kai after they killed him.

It turned out that it was all caused by this scorpion puppet.

They couldn't open the restriction of the scorpion puppet?

It shouldn't be, I was only able to break through the scorpion puppet at the Qi Condensation level, but the elders must at least be in the trance level to take on it, can't even the trance level characters break through?

"Most of these scorpion puppets came from the ancient tomb, and there are many restrictions in the ancient tomb, and the elders can't break it. In fact, many sects don't need these puppets, but want to understand why these things appear in the ancient tomb. The remote raindrop state!"

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