forbidden place

Chapter 39 Six Puppets

Hearing Li Fei's explanation, Li Shanyuan nodded numbly. As a master of ecstasy, he naturally has a different mentality from Li Fei.

People in the Pentium Realm rushed to deliver the things they liked, and there was no one like Han Hui who charged fees in a big way, and even asked for interest.

What's more, he also collected a treasure that he had used for a hundred years, and his heart trembled when he thought about it. He wanted to understand the method of cracking the scorpion puppet's restriction, but Han Hui's cracking speed was too fast, which made him confused.

However, when he doesn't care about Han Hui now, although Li Fei respects him very much, and his strength is also very different from him, he is the son of the contemporary Patriarch, so he has to give some face.

What's more, this time, Li Shanyuan was able to control the scorpion puppet, and it was all thanks to Li Fei. If Li Fei disagreed, he had no choice but to hand over the scorpion puppet to the family.

He had already boarded Li Fei's boat, so he naturally wanted to give Li Fei face. If Li Fei wanted to win over Han Hui, he would not take it seriously and would not obstruct it.

Han Hui naturally knew what the two of them were thinking, so he smiled and left.

Strength determines everything, even if it's because of asking for him, the contempt in Li Shanyuan's eyes can be seen faintly, because he is a small person in the Pentium Realm, a little guy who can be crushed to death with just one finger.

Han Hui had just entered the secret room, and within five days, he was called several times, and the elder master of Lei Ting Kou arrived!

Although Yan Kai came to invite Cui every day, Han Hui still left the customs after five days. The situation became more and more serious, and he had to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Opening the door of the secret room, I saw Yan Kai pacing anxiously at the door, and when Han Hui appeared, the anxiety on his face instantly turned into surprise, and his eyes shone with excitement.

"Leader Han has finally left the customs. Elder Sun of our Lei Ting Kou has arrived. I have been wanting to invite the leader these days."

"Hehe, brother Yan, forgive me, I really have reached a critical juncture in retreat, I can't, I can't!" Han Hui quickly explained.

He doesn't have any foundation, so he can't offend elder-level masters no matter what, so he has to lower his posture at this stage.

Side by side with Yan Kai, he came to the small courtyard where Lei Ting Kou lived. Lei Ting Kou was one of the six bandits in the desert. After countless years of fighting in the vast desert, the seven forces that survived were the seven great families of the desert.

However, the desert is vast and boundless, and it is impossible to become a country like Middle Earth, so there are always rogues.

The biggest ones are the so-called Six Bandits of the Desert, and the Thunder Bandits are one of them!

The courtyard is very ordinary. It used to be the place where the leader of the Evil Tiger Gang lived, but it can barely accommodate the Thunder Bandits.

After entering the hall, I saw two people with very similar looks sitting on both sides of the ancient wooden table in the middle.

Although he looked weird, Han Hui still bowed his hands respectfully and said: "I have seen the two elders!"

On the way here, Yan Kai had already told him that there were two elders from Lei Ting Kou, they were twin brothers, surnamed Sun.

A fierce light flashed in Elder Sun's eyes: "Could it be that this is the leader of the Han alliance? Sure enough, the airs are amazing!"

After inviting for a few days, they couldn't invite a little guy from the Pentium Realm. These two elders were full of anger. Now that they saw the Lord, they naturally wanted to spread their anger.

"It's not that Han is arrogant, but it's that at a critical moment in his cultivation, he really can't get away. I hope Elder Sun can't be blamed!"

"Hmph, I heard that you can crack the scorpion puppet?" Elder Sun Er snorted, holding the scorpion puppet in his hand and playing with it.

"That's right, Han can indeed break the restriction of the scorpion puppet!" Han Hui said to the two elders with his hands behind his back.

If other people's attitudes are not good, he will naturally not blindly respect them. His respect for elder-level masters is limited, and he will not take the initiative to provoke. The etiquette that should be observed must be kept, and there is nothing else.

Blindly respecting and being weak, others will kill him even if they want to, it is useless.

Seeing Han Hui with his hands behind his back, Elder Sun couldn't bear it anymore.


The ancient wooden table between the two burst into pieces in an instant.

"A mere little guy at the Pentium Realm dares to be so arrogant in front of us. Could it be that he can look down on the master of ecstasy with some means? How childish!"

The aura of a master of ecstasy gushes out, like a high mountain, towering, tall and extremely sharp, the mountain peak is like a sword.

Han Hui felt that his entire body was locked, oppressed by invisible pressure, and there was no one else in his eyes except Elder Sun's body, not even Elder Sun Er.

A bead of sweat protruded from Hanhui's forehead, and the real energy in his whole body was surging, like the Yangtze River catching up with the flood season.

But even with such a violent movement of his true energy, he couldn't move his body, the clothes on his body were bulging, and the true energy was suppressed in it, and he couldn't let it out.

The whole person is like a rubber ball, and the snakes in the ball are struggling. From the outside, his whole clothes seem to be exploded at any time.

The brow was dripping even more, and Yan Kai, who was standing beside Han Hui, also obviously felt the pressure, but Elder Sun didn't target him, and he could still calm down in front of him.

The elders are so powerful!

Yan Kai also felt a bitterness in his heart. There are nine levels of Qi training, and one level is the first level. As expected, this Elder Sun suppressed Han Hui to death just by relying on the aura emanating from his body.

The atmosphere was extremely dignified, and the whole room seemed to be sealed by the aura. Even the sycamore tree in the courtyard outside was motionless, not even shaking its leaves.

At this moment, a heavenly voice came: "Two elders, this is Ehushan. I'm afraid it would be bad for you to deal with the owner of Ehushan?"

This sound was like the sound of heaven, and also like the warm sunshine. Once it appeared, it would instantly melt the aura that sealed the entire courtyard and the entire hall like ice and snow.

Caifengmen Rain Fairy has made a move!

First Elder Sun and Second Elder Sun changed color at the same time.

"Does Caifengmen want to get involved too? This is the desert, not Middle Earth!" Elder Sun Er's voice was sharp, piercing the void like an iron cone.

"Is there no justice in Damo? You come to other people's land as guests, but oppress the master. Is this Damo's way of being a guest?" As soon as Fairy Yu's voice fell, people had already appeared in the yard.

A warm current rose in Han Hui's heart. All the sects lived nearby, and there was no movement in the Li family. Instead, the Caifeng sect, which he had always been suspicious of, came to help.

In the desert, Fairy Yu dared to stand up against the Thunder Bandits, her arrogance undeniable.

As soon as Fairy Yu appeared, Li Shanyuan's figure also appeared at the same time, with black and white hair fluttering, he cupped his hands at Fairy Yu and said, "Even though I'm far away in the desert, I've heard the name of Fairy Caifengmen before, I'll see you today." It really lives up to its reputation.”

Han Hui's anger surged up, and his tone clearly showed that he was molesting Fairy Yu.

"Elder Li, you're being polite. The Li family is the number one family in the desert. Who in the world doesn't know that it is a deterrent to the Middle Earth?" Fairy Yu said indifferently.

The Li family in the desert has the longest history and has produced countless legendary masters. The most important thing is that the Li family is considered a prominent family in Middle-earth. It once established an empire, but was later driven out of Middle-earth, and fled to the desert to survive.

The implication of Fairy Yu is that what's the big deal with your Li family?Wasn't it driven out of Middle-earth?

Seeing the change on Li Shanyuan's face, Han Hui said, "So it's Elder Li. Could it be that the treasure arrived and Elder Li came to pay off the debt?"

Li Shanyuan's face was instantly livid, he never dared to think that Han Hui dared to provoke him at this time, it was really bold and reckless.

As soon as the body moved, it was necessary to make a movement, but Han Hui moved a step ahead of him, flipped his hand lightly, and six rays of light shot out in the sky.

"click" "click" "click" "click" "click" "click"

With a clicking sound, six scorpion puppets landed in the courtyard, filling the entire courtyard to its fullest.

"Everyone, as a guest, you should have the consciousness of a guest. The state of trance is not invincible, and you will still die!" Han Hui said coldly, feeling the killing intent of the scorpion puppet.

Everyone's expressions changed, even Fairy Yu from the Caifengmen who was standing on Hanhui's side widened her eyes.

Six scorpion puppets!

At this time, all the Qi practitioners on Evil Tiger Mountain were paying attention to the movement here, and Li Fei also wanted to jump out to support Han Hui.

However, the Seven Sects and the Six Bandits formed an alliance, and he dared not risk the displeasure of the world.

Besides, he didn't have the strength to stop him from daring to take risks. In front of the elders, apart from his noble status, he had to take care of his father's face when he was touched. Others were similar to Han Hui, who could be crushed to death by his aura. he.

Li Shanyuan went over and stood on Lei Tingkou's side as soon as he opened his mouth. Li Fei was naturally displeased, but he realized the value of Hanhui.

Just after Li Shanyuan was refuted by Fairy Yu, Han Hui asked for the treasure, and Li Fei's face changed completely, which completely offended Han Hui.

Han Hui's character is really strong, he is not afraid of their Li family at all, so what about Li Shanyuan?What about ecstasy?

What you owe me must be returned!

I help you crack the scorpion puppet and make you owe debts, and turn around and want to bite me?

Li Fei sighed, Han Hui must suffer, he knew Li Shanyuan's temper.

Who knows, at this moment, Han Hui threw six scorpion puppets, a total of six scorpion puppets.

He controlled a scorpion puppet, and he knew the difficulty of controlling a scorpion puppet. If he didn't have that life-saving talisman, he would have died long ago.

Even if there is another life-saving talisman, it is impossible for him to control another scorpion puppet, the soul strength is not enough!

Han Hui is in the same realm as him, and six scorpion puppets flew out at once?

Fairy Yu's face changed drastically because he never thought that Han Hui had so many scorpion puppets in his hands, and there were not so many in that sect!

Who is the mysterious existence behind Hanhui?

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