forbidden place

Chapter 413 Prestige King

Whether it's Baoshi or Kunlun, there won't be any major problems in getting this girl. They have enough hands on both sides. Because they don't have enough strength in Yunmo Black Market, they have to give up what they got.

Hanhui is mysterious, does the queen have the power to make Baoshi and Kunlun jealous?If not, coupled with this person's arrogant attitude, how can a big battle be avoided?

Soon, under the leadership of Elder Yin, Han Hui and the others came to a huge underground palace, where there were countless things on display.

With a sweep of consciousness, what is the concept of a hundred-mile underground palace full of things?

Countless treasures, countless refining materials, countless pills, countless alchemy materials, Han Hui showed joy on his face.

At this time, he also knew that Yin was always called Yin Wujiu, and he was also a well-known figure ten thousand years ago, but for ten thousand years now, he has been hiding in the black market of Yunmo, not showing up often, and he is only thinking about the way of heaven.

An old man with a slightly fat body walked up quickly, seeing Han Hui hidden in the black mist, and Yin Wugui leading him, he naturally knew that he was a big shot at this auction.

"I've seen yin offerings!" The fat old man bowed and saluted.

Yin Wujiu waved his hand and said: "Where is Chang San? Where is Mrs. Qiong? This is fellow Daoist Han and an honored guest. Let Chang San and Mrs. Qiong personally receive him!"

When he was talking, Yin Wujiu showed displeasure on his face, he felt that he was honorable and brought people here himself, but Chang San and Mrs. Qiong didn't even show up.

"Forgive the yin priest, the mighty king of the empire is here, and Boss Chang and Mrs. Qiong are personally accompanying him!" The fat man smiled awkwardly and lowered his head to explain.

"Prestige?" The Yin priest nodded.

"This majestic king is one of the most beloved sons of His Majesty the Emperor. His supernatural powers rank first among all the princes. He is so powerful that he can even stand against the prince. Please forgive me, Fellow Daoist Han." The famous prestige king has arrived, and it is understandable that Chang San and Mrs. Qiong did not come to greet him.

"Hehe, it's okay, anyway, it's just buying and selling something, I think this one can be the master." Han Hui smiled, and he didn't care about these vain gifts.

"I'm Bai Min, I've met Senior Han!" Although this Bai Min has a big beard, he is extremely respectful to Han Hui, calling him Senior.

Qi practitioners can't judge by age, but by realm. Han Hui asked Yin Wujiu to call him a Taoist friend, that is, the like of Sanxian, an absolute senior.

Yin Wujiu nodded and said: "Baimin can make decisions about the small matters of buying and selling things. Fellow Daoist Han, please do your own thing. I still have an ancient prohibition that I haven't researched to understand, so I will leave first."

Han Hui nodded: "Yin, fellow daoist, since you have something to do, don't stay here with me, an idler. I'm just buying some common materials anyway."

Yin Wujiu nodded, turned around and disappeared in a burst of light.

After disappearing, he was still muttering in his heart, haven't you heard of any senior Sanxian with the surname Han?Is it a new master?

Han Hui just told him that his surname was Han, but he didn't tell him that his name was Han Hui, and that he was not a master of Sanxian, but a real Jindan.

Because of Han Hui's sigh, Yin Wujiu was completely shocked, and he believed that Han Hui was a senior Sanxian who couldn't hide.

Han Hui stretched out his hand and pointed at the void, and a light curtain was formed out of thin air. These light curtains squeezed towards the middle and landed on a small jade slip.

"How many things are there?" Han Hui stretched out his hand and flicked the jade slip.

Bai Min stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, with a professional smile on his face, his spiritual sense swept towards the jade slip.

With just one glance, his complexion changed drastically, his eyes turned round, he raised his head to look at Han Hui, and then immersed himself in the jade slip again.

The materials in Hanhui are not particularly scarce, the key is that the quantity required is too terrifying, all of which are in the order of tens of thousands of tons.

For example, Snake Eye Grass, this kind of grass is very flexible, but very tender. It is a precious refining material, and it is usually bought by plant. Exchanges between chambers of commerce.

Han Hui impressively wrote [-] tons behind the snake's eye grass!

What is the concept of [-] tons?Bai Min never imagined that the snake's eye plant was just one of them.

For example, [-] tons of deep-sea pearls, this kind of thing that is sold on the basis of one piece, is also sold on the basis of tons. The value of this thing is not high, the key is that there is no such method of measurement.

Just like people on the earth spend money, it is tens of thousands, and how many billions are spent, who has ever seen a few tons of money at every turn?

After watching it for a long time, Baimin, who was convinced that he was not mistaken, raised his head and asked bitterly, "The snake's eye grass needs [-] tons?"

Han Hui nodded, but he didn't know that the snake's eye grass is very light. Seeing the huge black market in Yunmo, he made a big order. Anyway, these things can be refined into treasures. Compared with primordial stones, treasures are more It is hard currency, but no one trades it with treasures.

"We have emptied the entire Yunmo black market, so we don't have so many things?" Bai Min couldn't believe that Han Hui really needed so many things.

"That's okay, as long as I want!" Han Hui said.

"This, this, I really can't decide, go back and ask Mrs. Qiong and Boss Chang for instructions!" Bai Min said with his body bowed.

"Okay, I'll wait here!" Han Hui said indifferently.

If Yin Wujiu hadn't brought Han Hui in, and he couldn't see the reality of Han Hui clearly, Bai Min would definitely have thrown Han Hui out.

This is not for buying things at all, but for smashing the market. Who buys things by tens of thousands?How many primeval stones do you have?

In the depths of the underground palace, in a space created by Sanxian's rules, the three of them were watching a guqin. There were nine dragon heads on this guqin, and there was a dragon head at the end of each string.

This faucet is not big, it is the size of someone's finger belly, very realistic, golden and yellow, and you can even see the water vapor contained in the dragon's eyes.

"It's really a treasure. I didn't expect such a treasure to exist in the Yunmo black market. This is the legendary ancient nine-stringed qin with a dragon's head. It can be called a world-class treasure. I'm afraid that even the lotus flowers outside the world can't compare to this thing!" Wearing a purple robe, with a square face, the young man who was not angry but mighty stroked the body of the piano and praised.

Standing on both sides of the man, the eyes of the two people were equally fascinated. One of them had white eyebrows, black hair, and piercing eyes, naturally exuding an aura.

The remaining one is a lady with all kinds of manners and styles, her pair of red phoenix eyes shines charmingly, her hair is all pulled up, and a jade hairpin is inserted.

While the three were admiring the piano, Bai Min came in, bowed and said, "Bai San has met King Wei, Mrs. Qiong, and Boss Chang. There is a small business out there that dare not make decisions!"

"Hmph, don't you know that I am here to entertain King Wei? What kind of business do you dare not decide? Wouldn't you let him wait outside if you dare not decide?" the white-browed middle-aged man said coldly.

Bai Min smiled ingratiatingly: "The little one didn't dare to get up and disturb, but this guest was delivered by the Yin priest himself, and, and"

Bai Min said a few mores, but didn't say anything. Madam Qiong waved her hand and said, "And what? There are no outsiders here!"

"Yes, yes, of course the little one knows that there is no outsider, and that person is following Miss Lian Er!" Bai Min said.

"That Miss Lian'er? What Miss Lian'er?" Mrs. Qiong's eyes widened instantly.

Chang San's eyes widened too: "Miss Lian Er is with him? Willing or not?"

"Boss Chang, you also know that if Miss Lian'er disagrees, no one can force her!" Bai Min said.

"Who is it? Who is that person? Tuobayu from Kunlun? Or Gu Yuanwang from Baoshi?" After being surprised, Madam Qiong was left curious.

"Neither of them, but another mysterious person. I don't know his origin, I only know that the Yin priest called him Fellow Daoist Han." Bai Min said.

"Fellow Daoist Han? It turned out to be a loose fairy. No wonder you can't be the master. Could it be that he wants to buy some of our treasures?" Mrs. Qiong said.

"No, the things he bought are ordinary, but the quantity is too surprising." Said, Bai Min stretched out his hand to hand over the jade slips.

Mrs. Joan glanced at her, and her beautiful eyes shone with shock again: "Are you sure you're not joking?"

Chang San's eyes showed curiosity and doubt, and he reached out to grab the jade slip in Mrs. Qiong's hand, and his facial expression changed drastically after a sweep of his spiritual sense.

The expressions of the two of them suddenly aroused Wei Wang's curiosity, he couldn't figure out what quantity could make the two in front of him change color.

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