forbidden place

Chapter 417 Crazy Price

This is like the land, the nine-star treasure is China, the four-star treasure is the Vatican, and the four-star treasure is refined into a magic weapon, just like the status of the Vatican in the world.

The gap between the international status of the Vatican and China is definitely not as huge as the territorial gap.

No matter how the Vatican is built, it is still limited. China's development is unlimited, and the vastness of the territory determines everything.

"The value of the lotus flower outside the sky is immeasurable, and everyone wants to get this thing so much, it must be sold at a sky-high price. Therefore, this auction will not only collect primordial stones, but also collect treasures, magic treasures. It's easy to estimate the price!" Yin Wujiu said.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that it is difficult to estimate the price. If there is no agreement on the price, it will cause disputes.

Another one is that there are loose immortals in the black market in Yunmo. It is best to refine the magic weapon yourself. Building a house on the vast and boundless land of China is better than buying a Vatican to live in comfortably?

"Everyone, you can first think about the price you can afford, and see if you have that many yuan stones on your body. If you don't have enough, you can come and sell the treasures now. Of course, we don't have so many yuan stones to pay. Our Yunmo black market A receipt will be issued, and with the receipt, you can buy back your own treasure or exchange it for primordial stones at the end of the auction!" Yin Wujiu said.

Han Hui understood in an instant that he had stolen millions of yuan stones from the Yunmo black market at once. If everyone present took out millions of dollars, he would definitely be able to completely empty him out.

Therefore, they came up with an idea of ​​issuing a bill, asking everyone to mortgage the treasures first, and if the Tianwai Lotus was bought, they could still get some treasures.

Possessing a large number of high-level treasures is also a great improvement to the strength of Yunmo Black Market, and has more capital to survive freely in the dark world.

Now, the name of the empire was changed, the emperor called himself Emperor Jiyuan, and there was a sense of danger in the black market of Yunmo.

You know, they are a black market with several loose immortals sitting in town. The reason why the ancestor Heitian didn't retreat, but collected medicinal herbs in a dangerous place outside Gouji City, was to refine the elixir and improve his cultivation.

"Okay, I don't have a lot of primordial stones, and I have a few treasures that are useless, so I'll sell them to you!" The ghost boy was the first to speak.

Then there is Gu Yuanwang of Baoshi, he is the vice president of Baoshi, and he has a lot of treasures, so he has to sell some of them.

Then there was the young master of Kunlun and King Wei, and then there was the mysterious figure playing with the skull. Everyone bought and sold treasures.

Han Hui also decided to buy another batch of treasures. Anyway, if the Tianwai Lotus cannot be purchased, these treasures can be redeemed with notes.

If Zhen bought the Tianwai lotus, these treasures would not matter, this is what everyone thinks.

Han Hui had a different idea, he must buy the Tianwai Lotus, and if he couldn't buy the Tianwai Lotus, Lian'er would leave him again.

The little girl was in a daze, but she couldn't guess her supernatural powers. If she was fooled by her opponent and used against herself, it would be too scary.

"What kind of treasure is Daoist Han going to sell? Our Yunmo black market will definitely give you the most reasonable price." Mrs. Qiong said respectfully standing in front of Han Hui.

He was frightened by Han Hui, this man is vicious, and his status in Madam Qiong's heart is much higher than that of Tuoba Yu and Gu Yuanwang.

Although those two people have shocking backgrounds, their own strength may not be very good. Give them the courage to do so, and they would not dare to imitate Han Hui in the Yunmo black market and kill the Sanxian master.

Han Hui did just that, and wanted to break the ban on blood-colored skeletons. He was extremely overbearing, and he was still arrogant and unrelenting in the face of the ancestor Heitian.

This time, in order to express his sincerity in apologizing, Patriarch Heitian specially asked Mrs. Qiong to come to Hanhui's box.

"Well, take a look at these treasures!" As Han Hui said, hundreds of five-star treasures and thousands of four-star treasures flew out from his sleeves.

Madam Qiong was not too surprised because she had already seen the scene where Hanhui used all kinds of treasures. She counted them, and there were a total of 420 four-star treasures with a price of [-] million yuan.

Three hundred pieces of five-star treasures, worth 150 million yuan stone, these Sanxing treasures were all snatched from the gold core masters he killed.

Mrs. Joan immediately gave the price: "These treasures are 570 million in total!"

"Well, do you want these soul-suppressing beads? I have dozens of them here!" Han Hui asked.

Mrs. Qiong's expression turned pale immediately. The Soul Shocking Orb is a priceless item. They also have two in the Yunmo Black Market, which can allow Jindan masters to rebirth and retain their original memories.

"Do you have dozens of them here?" Mrs. Joan felt that her throat was a little dry.

She didn't know in her heart whether Han Hui was a devil or an angel, and the [-] top-notch four-star treasures gave them further hope in the Yunmo black market.

Now, Han Hui actually said that there are dozens of soul-suppressing beads, how could Mrs. Qiong not be excited?

This means that they will have dozens of masters, and these dozens of masters can be reborn and protect their Yunmo black market forever.

"I have forty Soul Shocking Orbs. I can either use all of them or none of them!" Han Hui said lightly.

"We want them all, 1.5 yuan stone per [-] meters!" Mrs. Qiong said.

A stone of 5 yuan is already a sky-high price. If one or two stones doesn't make her so excited, the key is forty stones.

A six-star treasure that is almost equivalent to a top-grade treasure, it can empty the storage bag of a master of gold core.

"Refreshing!" Han Hui said.

After the delivery was over, Mrs. Qiong turned around and went out, and after a while she appeared in Hanhui's box holding a thin piece of gold foil.

Impressively written on the paper is 770 million yuan stone, Yunmo black market!

The figure of Patriarch Heitian looming on the paper is Guaranteed by Patriarch Heitian himself. If the black market in Yunmo cannot be fulfilled, he can rely on this aura to find Patriarch Heitian. Can't hide.

Han Hui took the gold foil paper, waved his hand, and let Madam Qiong back down.

At this time, the auction officially started.

Yin Wujiu had a smile on his face, obviously he also knew that the crowd had exchanged a lot of primordial stones, and a lot of these primordial stones would be taken away by them.

"We use the price of the eight-star treasure as the base price. The base price is 100 million stones, and each price increase must be 1 stones, which means the price of the worst six-star treasure!" Yin Wujiu said.

Every six-star treasure can make the masters of Guihai Realm crazy, and make the hearts of Jindan masters.

"110 million!" As soon as Yin Wujiu's voice fell, Tuoba Yu asked for the price.

"120 million!" Gu Yuanwang shouted.

"120 million fifty thousand!"

"120 million!"

"120 million!"


"210 million!"

The Nanhai fisherman who had been silent all this time finally spoke.

He had just opened the door, and the mysterious man who was playing with the skull also made an offer: "300 million!"

Everyone was shocked.

There were only dozens of people at the scene, and most of these people came to the auction with the mentality of giving it a try. There were only a few people who could pose a threat to Han Hui, and when Hei Tian attacked him, Lian Er appeared in front of him.

At this time of the auction, it also showed the strength and background of these people.

As soon as the 300 million yuan came out, there was no answer for a long time. Yin Wujiu said with a smile on his face: "The fellow daoist in the No. 13 room offered 300 million yuan stones. If there is no higher price, the lotus flower outside the sky will belong to this fellow daoist." Already!"

"320 million!" Tuobayu clapped his fan together and ruthlessly quoted a price.

When he came, he brought 300 million yuan stones from Kunlun. The materials purchased by these primordial stones are enough to refine ten eight-star treasures.

Of course, it takes a very long time to refine an eight-star treasure, and success cannot be achieved when the materials come.

The wealth of ten eight-star treasures is also wealth that makes a sect like Kunlun feel heartache.

"350 million!" Gu Yuanwang said.

"380 million!" Nanhai Diaosou said.

"500 million!" The mysterious man playing with the white skull spoke again.

"600 million!" Nanhai Diaosou continued to increase the price.

"700 million!" the ghost boy said.

As soon as they opened their mouths, Tuoba Yu and Gu Yuanwang opened their mouths but did not answer.

It is enough to buy seven finished eight-star treasures, and they have at most one eight-star treasure, even if they are sold to the black market in Yunmo, it is not enough.

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