forbidden place

Chapter 446 Landing on the Island

Han Hui didn't expect Zuo Chanying to bring Xing Yifei's head back to di du and hang it at the gate of the city. This was just a humiliation, a humiliation to the six gates.

After this incident got out, it would be a great blow to the six doors. If Zuo Chanying didn't take his head back, Han Hui would have another excuse to attack the six doors.

After arranging everything, Han Hui and Nanhai Sanren went fishing and islands with Nanhai Yusou, a fisherman in the South China Sea.

Despite the small size of the two boats, the speed was extremely fast, they kept breaking through the space, and after an hour, they arrived at a deep blue sea.

Where is there a small island? Looking from a distance, the scenery on the island is beautiful, but it faintly reveals a terrifying murderous aura.

"This is the legendary Diaoyu Island? The most dangerous place in the South China Sea?" Nanhai Sanren looked at Diaoyu Island and said.

"Haha, there is no such thing as a dangerous place? It's just a gathering place for us, and in order to prevent unrelated people from breaking in, we set up restrictions." Nanhai Diaosen said with a smile.

Han Hui's heart moved, there was something in Nanhai Sanren's words, this is to remind him, because of the kindness of saving his life, tell him that fishing in the South China Sea and islands are not good places?

Now is not the time to ask questions, the group of people soon landed on the island, and the moment they landed on the island, the South China Sea Fisherman and the South China Sea Fisherman showed excitement in the depths of their eyes at the same time.

However, this excitement disappeared in a flash, and he didn't notice it, even Han Hui didn't notice it.

When he set foot on the fishing island, Han Hui suddenly felt a sudden rush, and an extreme danger rushed to his heart.

Practice the way of fantasy, condense the door of illusion, and also detect all illusions, and be able to perceive the danger hidden in the illusion.

He silently operated the Dao of Dreams, and his eyes instantly turned red. It was really Hanhui's use of the illusory river of time to peek into the future.

After all, it is different from the real long river of time that flew over last time. The illusory long river of time is just a deduction of the long river of time with the help of rules and comprehension of the Dao.

It is not absolutely true, nor does it feel clear. It can only roughly deduce the future trend.


After seeing red and blood everywhere, Han Hui looked at the South China Sea fisherman and the South China Sea fisherman, and sighed deeply.

It was another massacre of corpses and seas of blood. He looked at the scattered people in the South China Sea and didn't know what to say. Is this person a member of the Fishing Alliance?

"Hahaha, it's such a joy to have friends from afar, and Captain Han is here. It's a great honor to go fishing and to the island!" The voice was rough and rough, mixed with a hint of drunkenness.

Han Hui smiled: "The Guidao expert is really clever, he can know in advance that I'm coming."

Nanhai Diaosen smiled and said, "It's just that I informed you in advance!"

"Leader Han, please!" Nanhai Diaosou pointed to a large hall in front of him and said.

Han Hui didn't hesitate any longer. Regardless of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood in front of him, he had to pass. With the power of Mount Mangdang and the power of the rules of the Holy Map of the Way of War, he didn't believe that there were still people in this world who could suppress him.

After this battle, he will gain a lot. The South China Sea Fishing Alliance is the richest place in the South China Sea. Whether it is the Yunmo Black Market or the Treasure Market, they will buy a lot of supplies from them. How rich will they be?

After entering the main hall, I saw a dozen people standing in the main hall, one of them was holding a wine jar, drinking like no one else was around.

"Fellow daoists, this is head Han of the God's Whip Mercenary Group, head Han, these are all fellow daoists of our fishing alliance," Nanhai Diaosen said.

Han Hui smiled slightly, and cupped his hands at everyone: "Han has seen everyone!"

"I have a friend who also yearns for fishing and islands. I'll ask her to come out and have a look!" When Han Hui saw these people, his heart moved and he released Lian Er.

Lian Er has a special physique, holding her hand, she can sense all dangers, at least much more accurate than the Dao of Dreams he is currently practicing.

When his palm touched Lian'er's, Han Hui's perspective changed, and he clearly felt several dangers. There were two people hidden in the darkness, and one of them was the ghost boy.

Han Hui almost understood when he saw the ghost boy.

The other person's aura is even more terrifying, as if he could shatter the earth with one movement, and pick off the sun, moon and stars with one hand.

"Hahaha, I really don't dare to come here to welcome you. I don't know what advice you can give me on the island? Fishing, what restrictions are there on the island, you can't break it, even the ghost boy and daoist friend can't break it? I am the head of this little mercenary regiment?" Han Hui said sarcastically.

Hidden in the dark, the ghost boy who was ready to give Han Hui a fatal blow at any time was startled. He didn't expect Han Hui to be able to detect his existence.

With a sway of his body, he appeared from the darkness, with a ferocious smile on his mouth, and his palmed face looked extremely weird.

"Header Han is indeed Header Han. With the power of one person, he suppressed all major forces in the world. His foresight is indeed brilliant. I admire him!" the ghost boy said in a toneless tone.

"Okay, now everything is open. We want Head Han to break a restriction. If Head Han can break it, I will definitely be grateful!" Nanhai Diao Sou said.

"What restriction?"

"Look!" As he said that, Nan Hai Diao Sou stretched out his hand, and the void opened up, and a dilapidated stone tablet appeared in front of Han Hui, with thick blood seeping on the stone tablet.

Because he was holding Lian Er's hand, Han Hui saw behind the stele, there was a shocking sea of ​​blood, and in the boundless blood water, there were countless hell-like devils with bones roaming around, and even, Han Hui saw the blood river old man Zu, who was tied to an iron chain, was dripping with blood.

"Blood Hell?" Han Hui gasped.

"What blood hell? Does Captain Han know what it is?" Nanhai Diaosou asked.

"You'd better not break this stele, otherwise, everyone will die, not only you, but the entire South China Sea will become a sea of ​​blood!" Han Hui warned indifferently.

After finishing speaking, Han Hui cupped his hands: "Han is leaving!"

As he said that, he was about to step away. The South China Sea fisherman kept talking all the time: "You can leave when you want, and come when you want. Where do you think we are fishing and the island?"

Han Hui turned around abruptly, the brilliance of his body flowed, one after another, a big hand descended on the top of the fisherman's head in an instant, and with one big hand closed, he brought the fisherman from Nanhai into Mangdang Mountain.

Then, he didn't stop attacking, with a sway of his body, a saber light shot out from the phantom of the portal in his hand, and bombarded towards the South China Sea fisherman hidden in the void.

While attacking the fisherman in the South China Sea, he took Lian'er into Mangdang Mountain, and slammed his palm at the ghost boy.

This series of movements is extremely fast, like thunder and lightning, which makes people unable to cover their ears.

The Ghost God Boy let out a loud roar, and swung out his palm. This palm was like a child's, very pink and tender, but it exploded with earth-shattering power that broke everything.


The four seas trembled, and the heaven and earth collapsed.

The ghost boy's body was violently knocked out, and the two faces changed in the air. For a while, the old face turned into a boy's face, and in a moment, the boy's face turned into an old face.

More than a dozen rays of light bombarded Han Hui at the same time, and a portal around Han Hui faintly appeared, hiding him under the Nine Grounds.

All the attacks couldn't get close to his body, and his fist hit the ghost god boy fiercely through the Nine Heavens Gate again.

With the help of the power of Mangdang Mountain, this is an unparalleled eleven-star treasure in the world. With a howl from the ghost and god boy, the birth point of his body was smashed to pieces.

"Dharma Guardian Vajra, a boy of ghosts and gods, follow the law as you say, the way of the emperor!"

The ghost and god boy spit out words one by one. Han Hui has seen this attack method before, it is the secret method of Kunlun.

"So you are from Kunlun, I can't let you go, I have to kill you today!" Han Hui stepped forward and chased after him.

A finger in the void pointed at it fiercely. The texture on the palm was clear, as if it were real, but it was tens of thousands of times larger than the real finger. It touched Hanhui's back and was blocked by the gate of the Nine Earths.

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