forbidden place

Chapter 451 Dreamland

Tens of thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles of sea of ​​blood were sucked away, large areas of the ocean saw the blue color again, but the blood rain in the sky didn't stop, the blue color didn't last long before it turned into blood color again.

At this moment, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and bloody ghosts appeared one by one, and the blood absorbed by Han Hui also turned into various ghosts and ghosts. Dangshan's power crushed down, and all the ghosts were shattered.

More and more ghosts gathered outside, and finally a figure galloped from Yuanfeng. This person was dressed in a black robe with hibiscus flowers embroidered on it.

Han Hui's expression changed, could it be that Mujinyuan was responsible for this hell?Mujinyuan can even control hell?

Because Han Hui saw that as the master of Hibiscus Academy galloped, the endless sea of ​​blood behind him churned endlessly, pouring power into that person's back continuously.

This person is holding a bloody spear in his hand, drops of blood are dripping from the spear tip, the spear rotates, forming a bloody vortex, stabbing fiercely towards Han Hui's chest .

Han Hui let out a cold snort, and a blade of light flew out of Mount Mangdang, under the control of the Nine Heavens Gate, it fell on the man in an instant, splitting the man in two like lightning.

Boundless blood sprayed out, and the man's upper body flew out. The sea of ​​blood was roaring, and a large amount of blood shot up into the sky, condensing and wriggling on his two halves.

In the blink of an eye, the upper body regained the lower body, the lower body regained the upper body, and one person became two people.

Both of them exuded a ferocious aura, and the bloody aura swept across the sky, and Han Hui could feel the gravity of the blood, making people feel suffocated.

"Blood hell, endless reincarnation!"

Two identical people performed the same moves, and their combat power doubled unexpectedly.

The corner of Han Hui's mouth sneered, Mangdang Mountain moved, and two sword lights slashed out, cutting off the two approaching people at once.

How majestic is the strength of the soldiers composed of experts in the Guihai realm with the help of the Nine Heavens Gate?

Even Bing Sheng had never owned such an army, cutting off both of them in an instant. ..

"I want to see if you can regroup!"

Han Hui also felt that something was wrong at this time, this person did not have the slightest smell of a strange snake, unlike the enshrinement of the Hibiscus Court, but full of the bloody smell of the Blood Hell.

Could it be that this person was made by a master in the bloody hell?

"Boom" "Boom"

There was a loud noise, a large amount of blood evaporated, and the favor condensed, and the four parts of the body became four complete people.

The four roared at the same time, attacking Han Hui, this time, Han Hui's face changed completely, the more he killed, the more powerful he was.

How can there be such a reason in the world, the four figures are scattered around, each of them hits the fist of destruction together, and they all have blood-colored spears in their hands.

The spear is blood condensed, and all kinds of wronged souls are wriggling on it, which seems to be able to bring people's souls directly into eternal hell.

"Hahaha, humble human beings, since our blood hell broke out of the seal, the whole earth will turn into blood, no one can stop it!" The four spoke at the same time, their voices shaking the sky.

The four spears formed a heaven and earth net, covering Hanhui, Hanhui let out a long whistle, flicked his hands again and again, four saber lights shot out, and four heads soared into the sky.

Boundless and endless blood rushed out of his body, the whole sea was roaring, and the blood of thousands of miles around was condensed here, eight figures in the sky, holding a blood-colored spear, dripping hell on the spear The fresh blood, like the eight ancient gods of the underworld, descended and surrounded Hanhui.

"Boy, in our blood hell, there is only one will, and that is the will of the king of hell. I was born following the will of the blood king. It is impossible to destroy it. As long as there is blood, it can be reunited!"

The eight spears attacked at the same time, the world was turned upside down, the world was shaken, and Han Hui felt a little unable to resist.

"The road is the same as the sky, life is like a dream!"

After several months of practice, Hanhui has a deeper understanding of the way of dreams, and the avenue of heaven and earth seems to be moved, and eight people enter the world created by Hanhui.

Here, Hanhui is the ruler, the way to transcend the heaven and the earth.

In the place shrouded by the Dao of Hanhui Dream, the Dao is excluded. This is the mystery of the kingdom that the saint must comprehend.

The reason why saints do not experience thunder calamity is because of this reason. They comprehend the power of the kingdom and create their own kingdom. If the Dao cannot be reached, there will be no thunder disaster.

At this time, Han Hui has completely stepped into the way of saints, but he has not condensed his own country. In other words, the combination of Mount Mangdang and the holy map of the way of soldiers is his country.

"Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wow" "Wow"

The invincible bodies of the eight gods holding spears and attacking Hanhui collapsed instantly, like ice being thawed instantly and turning into water.

"Fantasy turns, kingdom descends!"

Han Hui flicked his sleeves, his whole body curled up and heaved like a dragon, and at the same time, green aura emanated from the top of his head. In the green aura, there was a dream lingering in it.

A Qi practitioner who doesn't comprehend the rules, even if he is a real person, will perish forever just by looking at him.

I can't tell which is life and which is a dream, and I take the initiative to surrender to Han Hui, and even feel that my previous experience is just a dream, and I just woke up now.

This is the power of the dream way.

"From today, I have officially stepped into the realm of a saint and started to condense my own kingdom. You are the witness of the birth of my kingdom and the first devil that my kingdom suppressed!"

Han Hui's voice was ethereal like a dream, and the power rushed into the man's body, vibrating on every particle of blood in his body.

This blood hell devil's body is made up of blood, and Han Hui doesn't know if he has a soul, so he can only rely on his powerful consciousness and cooperate with the way of dreams to scour his blood particles fiercely.

"Crackling" "Crackling"

Chi Chi strangely wanted to sound from the sea of ​​blood shrouded in the fantasy kingdom, and Han Hui felt countless weak wills collapse and die.

A shriveled corpse floated in the sky, it was the enshrinement of the Hibiscus Courtyard, judging from the way he was floating in the air, I don't know how long he had been dead.

"Sure enough, it's a seizure!"

Han Hui said coldly: "I see what else you can do to regroup!"

"How is it possible! How is it possible for you to cut off my connection with the sea of ​​blood, a voice roared, and a mad will condensed, and the sea of ​​blood in the fantasy kingdom began to squirm again, trying to gather.

The cold light shook Mangdang Mountain, and the huge force surged down, breaking up the figures that had just gathered, and the will had to return to the body of the priest.

With a "swish", the priest opened his eyes again, with snowy lights in his eyes, looked at Han Hui and said incredulously: "You have reached the realm of the kings, even the kings are not so stalwart! Power, who are you? Which great emperor descends? Our blood hell is born, even the great emperor can't stop it!" The priest roared frantically.

"Lonely and ignorant, what is the blood hell? I have been to the bone hell, but I can't do anything!" Han Hui is like a master in the dreamland, and every word is like the pronunciation of the Dao, possessing supreme majesty.

The devil didn't even know doubts, and immediately roared: "Impossible, you can't do anything to the Bone Hell? Who are you? Could it be that you are a god?"

"That's right, I am a god, a great god, a god who completes the beginning and the end!" Han Hui said.

"Impossible! Impossible! I was born in hell, the blood covered the earth, the bones pierced the sky, the avenue fell, the universe was destroyed, hell surpassed everything, all the wills of hell condense into the body, and achieve eternal life! This is an ancient prophecy, which cannot be wrong , you must die!" The devil from the blood hell roared frantically, grabbed his palm, and a large amount of blood condensed to form a spear.

However, now in Han Hui's fantasy kingdom, where is he to spread it? The spear that was just formed, Han Hui's thought completely collapsed and turned into blood again.

"Desecrate the Dao, those demons abandoned by gods in hell will die!" Han Hui raised his foot and stomped suddenly, the sea of ​​blood circled under his feet instantly poured into the interior of Mangdang Mountain, fell into the black inkstone, and turned Make a pill.

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