forbidden place

Chapter 465

() Of course, this cave is even comparable to the richness of aura in Mangdang Mountain. However, people who practice in Mangdang Mountain do not need to absorb the aura of heaven and earth at all. Slowly absorbed, a hard accumulation, the gap is big.

Han Hui sat quietly in the top-grade cave, scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and found that there was no spiritual prying, but this did not mean that absolutely no one was peeping.

There are some magic weapons like mirrors, and it is impossible to detect Tuo Ying from the nine heavens, but Treasure City should not do such boring things. If someone finds out, the brand image will plummet immediately.

Even if you spy on the guest's body, even if you see the guest's cultivation, can you still imitate it?Can it be deduced just by looking at it?This is simply not possible.

Han Hui's body trembled, surrounded by clouds and mists, and as soon as he reached the east bank, the light of blood flickered, and the thunder was caught in the light of blood, as if he was practicing an extremely powerful secret technique.

In fact, the moment Lei Ting's blood flickered, his body entered the Mangdang Mountain, and began to retreat and study.

Ten days passed by in a flash, Han Hui opened his eyes, and his eyes showed a light of joy. The saint also has sorrow, joy, and emotion.

Stretch out your hand and point to the sky, a particle is formed, and the particle instantly expands to the size of a walnut. At this time, you can clearly see that there are veins on the walnut. The veins are nothing but lightning bolts. A condensed dragon.

One by one came alive, and even spit out all kinds of weird things, such as light, lightning, thunder, sea of ​​fire, poisonous, vitality, ??????

Everything proves that this walnut possesses unfathomable power, capable of destroying everything and exploding everything.

Han Hui suddenly opened his mouth to vomit, and the patterns on the walnuts changed like a revolving lantern in an instant, turning into majestic figures with towering bodies, slender arms, and oscillating fingers, depicting mysterious patterns.

This is a great saint who created Wenmin, surpassing ordinary saints, and is a saint among saints. Every movement of his finger forms a special restriction, expounding the truth of heaven and earth.

With the saint's fingers, real patterns appeared one by one, vivid, and the animals drawn by the saint's fingers were even full of vitality.

A dog, drawn by the sage, even opened its mouth and barked.


The sound was transmitted from the walnut picture to the outside, vibrating in the cave.

However, with this bark, the walnuts shattered, the saint's body split open, and all the patterns were wiped out.

Han Hui laughed loudly: "That's it, that's it, everything between heaven and earth can be created with vitality, vitality is the foundation of the world, vitality has changes in five elements, gathering vitality of five elements, practicing earth, water, fire and wind, can be reopened Qiankun, recreate the world!"

"However, I'm too far behind now. It's still too early to create a world. Even if I can create a dog, I can try to create a new world as long as I master the essence of the five elements' vitality!"

As he spoke, Han Hui opened his mouth and spit out, earth, water, fire and wind spewed out from his mouth, a personal shadow and animal shadow appeared, just like the real world, from being pale at the beginning, in the blink of an eye, it became alive, and then, everything collapsed, Disappear.

"If you use the magic method of upside-down, blurred and dreamy, and use this method of creation, you will definitely be able to confuse people's spiritual exploration and deceive people!"

This is a remarkable achievement, it can't deceive people's eyes, but it can deceive people's consciousness. For a true master, consciousness is far more important than eyes.

How far can the eyes see?It will be blocked by buildings, and the consciousness is like water, flowing between, covering everything, not being blocked, and being able to see countless things.

The way of prohibition that Hanhui realized from the ancient treasures, combined with the upside-down and confusing magic of the way of dreams, can completely confuse people's spiritual consciousness, making people think that what they see is real.

A single thought is a kingdom. Of course, the whole country and the whole world are illusory now. As Hanhui's realm deepens, the illusion can be reversed and transformed into reality. At that time, he will be the god who created the universe, he said God.

All of this is still very far away, but it doesn't matter, now it is a path of the devil, as long as it is comprehended for a long time, it can be realized.

Even now, Hanhui's combat power has been improved without limit. There has never been such a unique skill in the world. Even illusion is just to affect other people's eyes, or directly affect other people's brains. There is no such kind of real creation.

Because there are illusions, there are countless supernatural powers in the world that break the illusions. Illusions are not elegant after all.

Han Hui is not an illusion. When two people fight, they must release their spiritual consciousness, except for those who have no spiritual consciousness, and even the spiritual consciousness has not been condensed. Han Hui can kill thousands of people in one breath, and there is no need to use this upside-down blur ,Law.

When fighting against Sanxian masters, Sanxian must use his spiritual sense, but he can't keep up with the speed with his eyes. After turning off his spiritual consciousness, no matter how clever Sanxian is, he will be killed by others with one blow.

Because the imaging principle of the retina determines the limitations of the eyes, you see that person is still standing in the distance, but in fact the person has already reached the top of your head, giving you a fatal blow, you don't even know how to die.

Relying on your spiritual sense, Han Hui can deceive you, letting your spiritual sense see that Han Hui is still standing in the distance, but in fact has come to your back, launching a decisive blow to you.

Now, this supernatural power condenses the real pattern of Jinhui, which can only last for a moment, not even a moment is enough, killing people is only a matter of a moment.

In the past, he could make people experience life again, but that was only possible because his realm was higher than others, and he had to rely on the power of the fantasy kingdom.

Now, without relying on the power of the fantasy kingdom, he can still deceive the Sanxian masters whose realm surpasses him.

"Five elements open the sky, peek at the source!"

Han Hui suddenly swiped his finger, and two golden lights shot out from his eyes. His consciousness shot out along with the golden light, and he looked towards the depths of the seabed.

His spiritual consciousness broke through layers of sea water, layers of restrictions, and traced the past along the direction where the five elements' vitality poured in.

As you can see, a huge formation is arranged deep in the seabed. This formation can transform the vitality of the seabed for its own use, and there is vitality in the water.

The vitality of the five elements can create everything, and everything cannot be separated from the source.

The vitality in 10,000+ miles of seawater can be evacuated at one time and transported up, creating a vacuum of vitality in the water molecules, and then the sea is oppressed, and the vitality in the rest of the place is instantly replenished, filling the vitality in the water molecules, and then a large formation Running, the vitality is emptied again, and the cycle goes on like this, resulting in an amazing scene of rich vitality on Wuji Island.

Vitality is wealth, this is a formation that can condense wealth and primeval stones.

Just being able to steal vitality from the water?

Han Hui looked at this big formation, and had another idea, there is vitality in the water molecules, isn't the vitality in the air more intense?

"Set up a large formation to attract all the vitality in the air. Under the pressure of the sea, it can be replenished instantly. The sky is bigger than the sea!"

"However, I have Mangdang Mountain and the Spirit Gathering Formation, so I don't need to build such a dojo at all. If Mangdang Mountain and Bing Dao Shengtu are the main body of Dream Talk Kingdom bordering the void, when guiding vitality, I will use this formation , will definitely enhance the strength of the fantasy kingdom again." Han Hui kept analyzing.

Although this large formation that extracts the vitality of seawater molecules is miraculous, with a sweep of cold brilliance and spiritual consciousness, it can still be copied to the Eternal Cauldron through the technique of fantasy duplication. But it can fit into it.

The image flickered in the cauldron, and each block was like a data stream on a computer, passing by continuously, and the entire array was quickly copied.

With the movement of the consciousness controlling the Eternal Cauldron, the formation began to change. According to Han Hui's idea, it changed into a brand new formation that could extract the vitality in the air molecules.

"It's a pity that the current realm is not enough. We can't set up a powerful formation to extract the vitality in the void. Otherwise, the vitality in Mount Mangdang will be more abundant." Han Hui sighed.

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