forbidden place

Chapter 470 Seeing Self Explosion Again

() Han Hui naturally agrees, he doesn't want to go on a killing spree, it's rare to have such an opportunity to see ancient treasures, if you miss it, you will miss it forever.

Young Master Haisheng angrily brought the blood-robed ancestor into the magnificent palace first, and there were already several people waiting in the palace.

Without exception, they are all Sanxian masters, each of them is holding a treasure in their hands, and they are tasting and appreciating it. When they see Princess Changping bringing people in, they all stand up and bow to salute.

At this time, you can see the majesty of the royal family. Sanxian masters can't forget the etiquette when they see the princess. Of course, this is also determined by Princess Changping's realm. So respectful.

"Everyone, don't be too polite. We are all Accord members, and we all share the same path. Today I brought another master, a genius who breaks the ban. Everyone who is here today will gain a lot!" Princess Changping said with a smile.

Several people looked at Han Hui, with suspicion in their eyes.

Mr. Haisheng snorted coldly, and said eccentrically, "I've never seen anyone who can appreciate tens of thousands of ancient treasures in one day. This is not only a genius, but a monster!"

Han Hui didn't seem to have any reaction, and walked slowly in front of an ancient treasure. It was a square object with a bronze color, cold tentacles, and green moss on it.

"I got this from an ancient site. The restraint is intact. Fellow Daoist Han, see if you can crack it. I have cracked it for several years, but I only understand a few symbols!" Princess Changping introduced.

Seeing Princess Changping attaching so much importance to Han Hui, Mr. Haisheng became even more annoyed, and also walked to that thing.

Han Hui flipped his palm and sent the thing into the Eternal Cauldron. The Eternal Cauldron is controlled by his divine sense. His vision of cracking the restriction is the same as his, and his accumulation is higher than his, and his calculation ability is even stronger. .

The fire in the cauldron flashed, a large amount of primordial liquid was consumed, and the prohibition was deduced, not only deduced, but also rearranged.

The deduction of the Eternal Cauldron is so wonderful that it can be deduced. According to a piece of article, deduce the laws of language, writing mode, and the arrangement and combination of words, it can be divided into more prohibitions.

All of this was done in an instant. It would take at least thousands of years for others to fully understand the prohibition of an ancient treasure and draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

Han Hui turned over his palm, put the square bronze vessel there again, just like in the treasure market, and walked towards the next treasure vessel.

Princess Changping spoke: "Fellow Daoist Han, please comment and criticize!"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Han, we have seen ancient treasures here, so we must exchange our experience. If we have experience, we can exchange it for Accord coins. If we don't have experience, we must exchange ancient treasures for Accord coins, even if it is someone brought by the princess. No exception." A white-haired old man said while stroking a strange-shaped stone in his hand.

"What exactly is the Accord coin?" Han Hui asked lightly.

"Crack one rune, one Accord coin, one Accord coin and 1000 Yuan stones! Arrange a combination, ten Accord coins!" Princess Changping said.

"The clay doll I gave you is only worth two hundred Accord coins. If you donate that thing, you can enjoy the ancient treasures here for a year. Of course, this is a metaphor. The value of an ancient treasure is not what you said Forget it, it's not Baoshi who has the final say, but our people who have learned from the past and Yage." Princess Changping explained with a smile.

Han Hui's heart was shocked, it was several 10 yuan stones, but in exchange for watching ancient treasures here for a year, if you want to watch other people's new ones, you must pay another yuan stones. Stone is impossible, some restrictions must be broken in exchange for Accord coins.

"Let me take a look!" Mr. Haisheng stretched out his hand to grab the bronze cube, his eyes shone with blue light, and the several old men in the hall all put down their things, their eyes straightened, shining with excitement, Looking at Young Master Haisheng.

"Mr. Haisheng made another move today. At least he can comprehend dozens of runes, and maybe even arrange a combination." The old man touching the strange-shaped stone put down the precious stone in his hand, and said with a sigh.

"The Promise God's Eye is really an ancient and unparalleled supernatural power, but every time it is used, the loss of consciousness and vitality is too far away. Mr. Haisheng has survived four thunder disasters, and he can only use it once in seven days. If you use it too much, I can't recover at all." Another old man sighed.

"Being able to perform it once in seven days is not enough to defy the sky. Every time you perform it, you will get something. It's not like us. It's normal to hold one thing for half a year and not see anything."

"That's true, but if Mr. Haisheng can go one step further and survive the fifth thunder tribulation, I'm afraid he can use it once a day. I don't know how many things can be cracked by then. I think we should invite Mr. Haisheng will be our great offering!" said an old man.

Hearing these discussions, Han Hui couldn't help taking a few high glances at Mr. Haisheng, and his fear of Patriarch Wuji deepened a bit.

The Promise God Eye can break the restriction, and it is the restriction of ancient treasures, which is not bad. The understanding is deepened day by day, and it will be much easier to pass the thunder disaster.

"Shua" the light faded, Mr. Haisheng retracted his exercises, his face was pale, the blood-robed patriarch put his hand on Mr. Haisheng's shoulder, a wave of true energy was released, entered Mr. Haisheng's body, and gave Mr. Haisheng Supplement consumption.

"Hmph, my son's Promise Eyes can only be used once in seven days. Today, I used it twice a day in a row. It's all because of you kid. If I don't kill you, I won't be able to get rid of the hatred in my heart!" Said to Han Hui.

"Blood-robed boy, speaking like this to my master has already doomed your death. I'm going to kill you now! It's not that I didn't give Princess Changping face. After killing you, I will commit suicide to make atonement. Let those who insult my master live in this world!" As he said, Cui Zhongqing's body rushed over.

"Don't!" Han Hui stretched out his hand and imprisoned the birth here. Before the blood-robed patriarch could react, Cui Zhongqing had already arrived in front of him. He wanted to retreat, but was blocked by Han Hui's forbidden place.

However, there was anger in his eyes, blood glistened on his body, and he pushed his skills to the extreme, wanting to kill Cui Zhongqing on the spot.

There was mockery in Cui Zhongqing's eyes, and the palm of the blood-robed patriarch had already slapped him on the chest. Seeing the mockery, he immediately felt bad, and just as he was about to pull back, a great change happened.


With a loud bang, the heavens and the earth collapsed, the seas moved, the stars fell, and the hell was turbulent. No one can describe the power of this blow.

Cui Zhongqing blew himself up!

The huge power formed a black hole, instead of spreading outward, it solidified in the middle, and if it spread outward, countless ancient treasures would be damaged, and even Palace Master Changping and others would be killed.

Collapsing inward is different, not only will it not reduce the consumption of power, but it will not cause the slightest damage to the external environment.

Although the blood-robed patriarch had great powers, he still couldn't resist Cui Zhongqing's self-destruction, especially this kind of self-destruction on a small scale, which would collapse his power into himself.

Han Hui let out a long sigh, flicked his sleeves, and the light disappeared. Cui Zhongqing and the blood-robed patriarch were both in the past, and there was no trace of the scene.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Mr. Haisheng was dumbfounded.

Not only Mr. Haisheng was dumbfounded, but even Princess Changping and those old men were dumbfounded. A top Sanxian, a Sanxian whose realm is higher than them, blew himself up just because of one sentence?

"Fellow Daoist Han, what's going on here?" Princess Changping asked with a pale face.

"My master gave me three thousand Dharma protectors and one hundred thousand elite soldiers, all of whom are loyal and loyal. He doesn't want me to suffer a little bit of grievance. No, he thought that even if he killed the blood-robed patriarch, he would bring me trouble, so he took the initiative I blew myself up, I have encountered this kind of thing several times, so under normal circumstances, I don't let them out." Han Hui shook his head and sighed.

This is of course bragging, there are [-] elite soldiers, all of them are in the realm of Jindan real people, but the three thousand guardians are just bragging.

"Three thousand protectors are all Sanxian masters?" Princess Changping felt her throat itch.

"Yeah, three thousand loose immortal masters, but in my realm, do I still need other people's protection? Killing this blood-robed patriarch is just a matter of hand, and I endure it because I give the princess a face. I know that my guardians can't Be patient." Han Hui regretted again.

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