forbidden place

Chapter 475 Gamble again

() Han Hui holds a spear in his hand, full of praise in his heart, the strength of a treasure is not only due to the carved runes, but also the strength of the carcass.

I don't know what kind of material this spear is used as the carcass. It is so powerful that Han Hui has an urge to own it.


Flipping his palm, he pointed the spear at Mr. Haisheng, and said indifferently: "Mr. Haisheng, how about this spear? How well did I break it? If you can crack them all and use these two treasures, we will continue to compete." How about going down?"

"You!" Mr. Haisheng was almost dumbfounded, his eyes widened, his mouth grew wide, and he couldn't speak at all. This was too shocking. He tried his best to swallow a purple gas Dan, who thought he could regain face, was slapped hard by Han Hui.


The blow was so severe that Young Master Haisheng spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You all unite to plot against me?" After vomiting blood, Mr. Haisheng showed anger on his face, and stared at Princess Changping with murderous eyes.

He loves so much and hates all of this. Mr. Haisheng is really angry. He likes Princess Changping very much, but Princess Changping even joins hands with Han Hui, his love rival, to seduce him.

Mr. Haisheng, who has been well-off since he was a child, couldn't accept this fact at all, and his eyes were red with anger.

"Don't talk nonsense! Fellow Daoist Han and I just met today. In the treasure market, we saw an ancient treasure appraised. We were curious for a moment and made friends with him. We also gave him an ancient treasure. We strongly invite Yu He, being rejected by him, this matter has spread throughout the treasure city, haven't you heard of it?" Princess Changping said sharply.

Like a pot of cold water poured down, it quenched the anger in Mr. Haisheng's heart.

The reason why he said that Princess Changping and Han Hui teamed up to seduce him was because he never believed that there was such a god-man in the world, who could crack a treasure that he had never seen before just by reaching out and grabbing it.

Since there is no such possibility, only Princess Changping plotted against him.

However, after hearing what Princess Changping said, he realized that the reason why he came here today was because Mr. Haisheng was a little jealous of what happened in the treasure market.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper, the princess forgive me!" After Master Haisheng understood, he quickly curbed his madness, and respectfully apologized to Princess Changping, fearing that the beauty would be angry.

After apologizing to Princess Changping, Young Master Haisheng looked at Han Hui and said, "I don't believe that the world has such a brilliant skill in breaking the ban. This is simply a miracle."

Mr. Haisheng said this, and just about to open his mouth to continue, Han Hui interrupted his words: "I didn't come to listen to praise, why? If you can't afford the bet, you frame me and the princess? If you admit that you are a loser Great villain, I don't want your 3000 million yuan stone, you don't make so many excuses!"

"You, you bastard!" Mr. Haisheng's face, which had just calmed down, became ferocious again.

"It's just 3000 million yuan stones, so what's the point of giving it to you? Only people like you who have never seen anything in the world think that 3000 million yuan stones are a lot!" Mr. Haisheng said, shaking his sleeves, and the sky filled with primordial stones descended , and threw it towards Han Hui.

Han Hui stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void, all the primordial stones landed and entered the Mangdang Mountain.

"Do you dare to bet with me again?" Mr. Haisheng said.

"I have more than a dozen ancient treasures here, as long as you can decipher them all, all these ancient treasures will be yours!"

Han Hui frowned: "Why should I bet with you?"

"This can prove your innocence. If you can control my collection, it will prove that you are indeed a master of prohibition, and you haven't cracked these things before." Said Mr. Haisheng.

"I've already won. There's no need to prove my innocence. I've always done things like this. I can do whatever I want. If I don't want to do something, I won't do it. It's useless for others to force me." Said indifferently.

"Hmph, I think you are scared!" Said Mr. Haisheng.

Not to mention that Mr. Haisheng thinks this way, Princess Changping and others also think this way. This is not a human method at all. It is justified that he happened to have broken the same prohibition or seen the same ancient treasure.

Han Hui's performance made everyone feel that he was timid and dare not continue to compete. After all, if he really had such means, how wonderful would it be to get a dozen ancient treasures in an instant?How could it be refused.

"Fellow Daoist Han, since Mr. Hai is not convinced, why don't you compete with him again to convince him and let us see your magical skills." Princess Changping said at this time.

"I feel that your methods are too unimaginable. To tell you the truth, fellow Taoists, don't take offense. I dare to believe it. It's like a dream." Princess Changping spoke at a very high level.

He wanted to test Han Hui's background, this kind of ability to identify and decipher ancient treasures was also one of his secrets.

If Han Hui really possessed such a means of appreciating treasures, Princess Changping felt that it was necessary for her to persuade her royal father to recruit Han Hui, so that such a god-like figure could not be offended.

"I said that if I don't want to crack it, I won't make an exception. Besides, I don't like those ancient treasures of yours. With my means, how many ancient treasures can't be obtained? Why should I bet with you on these dozens of ancient treasures? Such a petty person .” Han Hui remained unmoved.

"Haha, I'm really scared. The 3000 million is a reward!" Mr. Haisheng didn't dare to be too arrogant. If he wanted to kill Han Hui, he could only use words to win over Han Hui.

Sure enough, Han Hui's face darkened: "Mr. Haisheng, I just won 3000 million yuan. How about we bet 6000 million yuan on stones this time? If I can crack all your ancient treasures, not only your ancient treasures will belong to me, but your ancient treasures will belong to me." Hand over another 6000 million yuan stone!"

The deliberate sneer on Mr. Haisheng's face suddenly froze, and he bet 6000 million yuan!

"Didn't you say that these primordial stones are nothing? You can't get 6000 million?" Han Hui said disdainfully.

"Who says I can't get it out? You, go get the primordial stone, go get the 5000 million yuan stone, I still have 1000 million yuan here, I don't believe it, you can win this time!" Mr. Haisheng said angrily.

Han Hui shook his head: "I don't want to win you, but you just want me to win, and I have no choice but to go and get the primordial stone." Then, he turned around and said to Princess Changping: "Princess Changping, just let me win." Let me see these ancient treasures? You invited me to come, but those who appreciate ancient treasures are not betting against this Mr. Haisheng!"

Princess Changping forced a smile, stretched out her hand as a gesture of invitation, and there were many ancient treasures beside her for Han Hui to take care of herself.

"Thank you, princess!" Han Hui let out a long laugh, and walked towards those ancient treasures. Under everyone's skeptical eyes, he turned his palm and finished one of them.

Some of these ancient treasures were very powerful, but Han Hui was not tempted. After comprehending the fantasy kingdom, he knew that restraint is the kingly way. No matter how powerful the so-called ancient treasures are, can they still surpass his Mangdang Mountain?

Mr. Haisheng stood there, with anger in his eyes, looking at Han Hui who he thought was putting on a show, the old man behind him flew out of the palace with a sway, turned into a long rainbow, and left the Dark Demon Castle far away , to fetch primordial stones.

In less than a cup of tea, Han Hui read all of hundreds of ancient treasures, and dozens of incomplete restrictions gathered in the Eternal Cauldron were also deduced.

There are ancient treasure restrictions here, which are from the same era as those fragments, and have similarities, and some runes are even the same.

Seeing Hanhui's unrequited expression, Princess Changping smiled: "Fellow Daoist Han really has amazing skills. We don't know how many hours we have studied these ancient treasures. After Fellow Daoist Han came, he saw them all in an instant, which is embarrassing. .”

The man from Lingjiu Mountain grinned at Han Hui and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, I still have a lot of ancient treasures. As long as Fellow Daoist Han is willing to crack it for me and give me the broken restrictions, I am willing to dedicate all the ancient treasures to you." Fellow!"

Han Hui laughed: "Fellow Daoist Vulture is joking, this Mr. Haisheng obtained hundreds of millions of primordial stones by breaking the restriction. Could it be that I only obtained a few ancient treasures?"

"If Fellow Daoist Han wants primordial stones, I have quite a few here too!" said the man from Lingjiu Mountain.

Just as Han Hui was about to speak, a strong aura rushed towards his face, directly descending from the sky into the Black Demon Castle, and with a flicker, he arrived in the palace.

The one who came was a tall middle-aged man, with a bloody smell on his back, which was caused by too many killings, and the blood was hard to disperse.

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