forbidden place

Give me palm 58

Standing behind the crowd, Han Hui frowned as he watched Hua Shao charge towards the two golden pythons with the black inkstone in his hands.

Because he saw that the two golden pythons, which were originally fierce and fearless, had a tendency to retreat.

Especially the injured golden python, there was a hint of fear in its fierce eyes, its body bounced, and instead of rushing desperately, it tended to retreat.

Weird, really weird, Han Hui didn't feel the slightest terrifying aura from this black inkstone-like thing.

Why is the golden python afraid?Could it be that this boa constrictor is more sensitive than himself, able to feel the horror of this thing?

The bald old man followed closely behind Young Master Hua, guarding nervously, ready to protect her when the giant python rushed over.

The uninjured giant python suddenly showed its might, its body hit the ground suddenly, the ground roared, its tail flicked up instantly, and it lashed towards a person.

The weapon in the man's hand collided with the giant python's tail.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and the person's body was shaken so that he flew more than three feet into the air, and the long knife in his hand was dropped immediately.

The giant ax in the hand of the co-builder who flew out from behind Young Master Shrinking suddenly swung the huge ax in his hand, stepped forward, his body rubbed against the air, and pulled out a flame, the giant ax slashed towards the big python.

The person who was blown away just now is a master of Xu Ziheng's family, and he is in the same group as the shrunken son Yang Yuzhi. The two families have a good relationship, so he will definitely follow him.

The giant ax slashed at the boa constrictor all at once, and the sound of "ding dong" and "ding dong" kept coming.

The flames overflowed, and the golden scales on the golden python's body were chopped off all over the place, but such a fierce attack only cut off some scales.

The middle-aged man next to Young Master Hua faced the injured giant python alone, but he was not afraid. With a long howl, the true energy in his body surged, and palm shadows flew all over the sky, covering the giant python.

The injured python neighed, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed towards the middle-aged man.

The palm shadows all over the sky were restrained, and they were swallowed by the giant python all at once. The clothes on the middle-aged man trembled, as if they were about to be torn apart.

Sure enough, the giant python can't resist the power, even if the middle-aged man is a master of the Pentium Realm, but he is only fighting against the big python alone in the early stage of the Pentium Realm, and his strength is insufficient.

After devouring the palm shadows all over the sky, Young Master Hua also came in front of the giant python. The eyes of the old man behind him suddenly widened, and the precious knife in his palm shot out a huge light.

This treasure does not belong to him, but was given to him by the head of the family for him to protect Huashao, for fear of any accident.

Who knew that before he could make a move, the boa constrictor trembled and was about to retreat backwards, Hua Shao raised the inkstone in his hand.

The erect body of the giant python convulsed, its eyes almost protruded, and the joints of its whole body seemed to be shaken off.

"click" "click" "click" "click"

The sound of bones breaking came from the giant python, and at the same time as the sound came out, the blood on the python's body spurted out like a fountain.

A golden fountain flew towards the matching inkstone.

Everyone was stunned, including Han Hui, even the two Pentium masters who were fighting with the other giant python were stunned, and their hands were much slower.

Not only did the crazy python not take advantage of the slowing down of the two subordinates to attack, but its body trembled, and it retreated towards the rear like a swimming dragon.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the golden desert, and there was no trace of it anymore.

And the injured boa constrictor's body shriveled up in just a short time, and gradually turned into a huge snake skin.

Something the size of a fist struggled suddenly in the snake's skin, as if it was a human fist constantly waving.

"Boom" sound.

The golden light shone, and the snake pill flew out of it.

Han Hui narrowed his eyes, and saw that the fist-sized snake pill was round and emitting a vigorous breath, and flew into the pitch-black inkstone with a golden light.

But in the blink of an eye, two golden pills formed in the inkstone, one is smaller and the other is bigger, but the aura emitted by the bigger one is not as powerful as the smaller one .

There was an exaggerated smile on Young Master Hua's face: "Hahahahaha! Now you see it? What's the point of killing the golden python? I'm going to advance to the Pentium Realm today! Just watch!"

As he spoke, he reached out and picked up the smaller pill, opened his mouth and thrust it into his mouth. At the same time, with a movement of his palm, he took out a pill exuding a strong medicinal fragrance from his bosom, and put it into his mouth.

After the two pills were like belly, Hua Shao's body seemed to be on fire, his skin glowed red, as if the blood on his body had exploded.

White smoke also came out from the top of his head, Hua Shao flipped the palm of his hand, and the inkstone in his hand disappeared, and he just sat cross-legged on the ground.

The bald old man slashed the sword in his hand, exuding a fierce aura, and guarded Hua Shao. The middle-aged man seemed to be shocked, and it took him a long time to react. He also stood beside Hua Shao, looking at Xu Ziheng and the others on the opposite side protected Hua Shao.

Everyone stared blankly at Shao Hua who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and Han Hui's heart suddenly became hot. This fucking thing is better than a four-star treasure, is it a five-star treasure?

He didn't even have a five-star treasure, yet it appeared here. How could it appear in the hands of a waste like Hua Shao?

It wasn't just Han Hui who was itchy, Xu Ziheng and the shrunken Yang Yuzhi were also hot in their hearts. They looked at each other, and they could see each other's thoughts.

But can you grab it?

Aside from the fact that the Hua family is the first in Mocheng, the other party is guarded by two Pentium-level masters, and there is also a treasure.

After all, greed did not suppress reason, the two shook their heads and smiled wryly at the same time, looking at Huashao who was covered in smoke.

The middle-aged man standing next to Young Master Hua also had ups and downs in his heart. He is a master of the Hua family, but he didn't know that the Hua family had such a thing.

In fact, not only the spectators were horrified, but also the bald old man of the Hua family who knew that the head of the Hua family trusted him the most and even gave him the treasure to use.

He knew that Hua Shao got a treasure by chance, at that time Hua Shao didn't think the inkstone was a treasure, so he put it in the storage bag.

A few days ago, Hua Shao entered his elder brother's training ground. At that time, there was a wounded golden python in that yard, which was taking blood. For some reason, the big python broke free from its bondage and attacked Hua Shao.

Seeing that Young Master Hua was about to die on the spot, Young Master Hua panicked and took out the inkstone from the storage bag. Of course, he originally wanted to take other weapons.

In a panic, he took the wrong one, and when Hua Shao's complexion changed drastically, and a little life was in danger, the bones of the giant python were instantly shattered, and all the blood and inner alchemy on his body were sucked out, turning into pills.

The effect of Danwan was also tested by Biehua's family later, and the bald old man was not there at the time, after all, the golden python had been restrained by the master, and such a trivial matter as bloodletting could not be done by a master of Pentium Realm.

He also only heard, and even heard a rumor, that it was not accidental that the giant python escaped at that time, but was calculated by someone, involving a family dispute.

In order to show off in front of Ma Xiner, Young Master Hua brought him out today, and his father also agreed to let him dismount Ma Xiner and win over Ma's family, so he agreed to come here today to capture the golden python on the spot, and even sent experts to protect it with treasures. .

Unexpectedly, meeting Xu Ziheng and revealing the secret of this treasure all at once.

A full hour passed, and everyone looked anxiously at Xu Ziheng who was sitting cross-legged. During this period, several people's eyes fell on Han Hui.

This kid was really excited, he was able to come out of it alive, and he also attracted two golden pythons at once, which has never happened before.

However, the things about Hua Shao are obviously more attention-grabbing. Even Ma Xiner, who appreciates Han Hui's talent, did not speak to Han Hui. Hua Shao was steaming white.

Suddenly, Hua Shao opened her eyes, which had been closed all the time, and the steaming breath on her head disappeared instantly.

The sound of surging waves resounded in everyone's ears.

Pentium Realm!

All of them had horrified gazes in their eyes, looking at Huashao standing up in disbelief.

"Haha, I see, today I have advanced to Pentium Realm!" Young Master Hua waved his fist twice in the air, and then said to Xu Ziheng proudly.

He has the qualifications to be arrogant, and the two sides are no longer on the same level.

On this day, Hua Shao also stepped into the ranks of real masters. In Mocheng, Pentium Realm is definitely a master, a real master.

The nine levels of Qi training, the first level and the first level, Hua Shao is already at the Pentium level, but Xu Ziheng and the others are just at the embryonic level, the two sides are very different.

Seeing Hua Shao's eyes and listening to his complacent performance, Xu Ziheng seemed to have swallowed a dead mouse.

But there is no way, they are not at the same level now, if he dares to be rude in words, people can teach him at any time.

"Xiao Xu, be more respectful when you meet me in the future, but I won't care about you, the gap is too big!" Hua Shao looked at Xu Ziheng's mournful expression, feeling very happy.

For many years, only Xu Ziheng and Yang Yuzhi dared to confront him among his peers in Mocheng. Now, he finally put them under his feet, how could he not be excited, how could he not be excited?

Ma Xin'er withdrew her horrified gaze, cupped her hands and said to Young Master Hua, "Congratulations Young Master Hua, you have advanced to the Pentium Realm!"

"It's easy to say, Xin'er, after you take this pill, you will be able to consolidate your realm immediately, and you can even start trying to hit the middle stage of Pentium Realm. I will also consolidate my realm soon. Follow me, and the whole Mocheng will look up to us! The whole world will Look up at us!" Seeing the shock in Ma Xiner's eyes, Young Master Hua felt even more proud, isn't this the purpose of his visit today?

Before Ma Xin'er could speak, a lazy voice sounded: "Okay, give me that thing!"

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