"Brother Qi, what's going on here? This is the Supreme Desert Seat. He can eat the Desert Supreme Seat at the Pentium Realm, and you still encourage us to offend him?" A man who just showed disdainful expressions towards Song Shixiong and Han Hui People, seeing Han Hui and the two of them ignoring them and going upstairs chicly, immediately changed their faces.

Qi Zhentao cursed inwardly, when did I encourage you to offend him?It was you who rushed to offend, okay?

But he couldn't say that, and he couldn't afford to offend these people, so he said with a smile on his face: "This person has a feud with me, but he is a mercenary leader in the desert city, who spent his life in the desert. They are also extremely opposed to our business, saying that we are so contemptible, that we will be punished by the gods, and that we will surely die, and we will have no children and grandchildren!"

Hearing this, the faces of those people were so dark that they could stand in the water: "The mercenary leader is amazing? It's just a Pentium Realm, so fuck him! Say we die? Let's let him die!"

The person who changed Qi Zhentao's face just now snorted coldly. He didn't know whether Qi Zhentao's words were true or not, but the business they did was really despicable, which was to capture pregnant women and make medicine for alchemists.

Of course, it's not just pregnant women, even some babies, and some Qi practitioners will be captured by them and used to refine medicine.

Such a thing, even in the world of qi training where the law of the jungle is the truth, is too despicable, such people are too frenzied.

It's just that no one specifically pursues this kind of thing. As long as you don't offend those big forces, who will stand up for people who are indifferent?

"I don't know how he became so rich. It is possible that he got the treasure in the desert, or killed other Qi practitioners to snatch it. Anyway, no matter what the situation is, it can only mean that he is now rich. !” Qi Zhentao said in a low voice.

Several people's eyes lit up at the same time, the meaning of Qi Zhentao's words couldn't be more obvious, the person who can afford the Desert Supreme Seat is only at the Pentium Realm, if he snatches it, won't he reach the sky in one step?

"Use your relationship in Mocheng to find out what is going on with this mercenary leader, and whether his power has changed compared to before. Robbery is a good thing, but if you rob the wrong person, even our lives will be lost." We have to catch up!" One of them was also calm.

"That's no problem. Qi is still quite popular in Mocheng. I'll find someone to find out the truth immediately. I want to see why this kid dares to be so crazy in front of us!" Qi Zhentao nodded and said.

"Brothers, go and enjoy the delicacies in Yaoyue Tower first, and I'll come as soon as I go!" After speaking, Qi Zhentao cupped his hands and walked downstairs.

Hearing Qi Zhentao said to let them enjoy the delicious food in Yaoyuelou, the old faces of several people turned black. It was the first time for them to come to Mocheng, and they were invited by Qi Zhentao. What I and the others laughed at just now ran to the fourth floor, where I enjoyed the Supreme Desert Banquet.

Let them eat ordinary meals under other people's buttocks, can it still be regarded as enjoyment?

"Boss, this person is not simple. We must not be caught by Qin Zhentao! The Great Desert Supreme Banquet is the banquet of the Great Desert Supreme. You can eat [-] qi pills once. If it's just a chance encounter, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for him. Let him steal all the meals here, and now he can eat here in a big way, isn't there any support?" The first one of them turned his face and said.

The first person to turn his face was the third child, who had always been known as a think tank among the brothers. Hearing his words, the eldest brother nodded and looked towards Lou.

After several people walked towards the private room with serious faces, the third child came out again quietly. He wanted to inquire about Song Shixiong's background in person, so don't be fooled by Qi Zhentao because they were all brothers in Mocheng.

Putting aside the incidents under them, Han Hui knows what it means for a bumpkin to enter the city and what it means for Grandma Liu to enter the Grand View Garden.

"No wonder this desert seat is worth [-] qi invigorating pills!" Han Hui muttered to himself, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

In fact, we can’t blame Hanhui for losing his composure. Even Song Shixiong was shocked. The moment they walked to the fourth floor, the buildings with a radius of [-] acres changed. down the waist.

That's right, bent down.

Going to pay their respects to the Yaoyue Building in the middle, a dozen beauties of characters knelt on the red carpet to greet them both. Every one of these beauties could be called characters, prettier than those so-called stars on earth. The beauties were all naked, and they just knelt on the ground like slaves to welcome the two of them.

To put it bluntly, Han Huiqiang suppressed the shock in his heart, stepped towards a big chair and sat down, but he was a country bumpkin, and he had never seen such a scene when he was the king of the underground on earth. The star, kneeling naked in a hall of thousands of square meters, waited for him to eat.

He was looking at the sculptures around the wall and the beautiful scrolls hanging on it. From the perspective of a person on Earth, the scrolls around were considered national treasures.

Absolutely no hotel on the earth has such a handiwork. When he was looking at the scrolls around him, two beauties stood behind him and gently massaged his body with their palms.

An indescribable sense of comfort spread to the depths of the soul, making the soul quiet down, as if the whole world had stopped.

In many cases, the more people who have never seen the world, the more calm they can be. For someone who has never seen a car, if he comes to a minibus and a Rolls-Royce, he may feel that driving a minibus is arrogant. How big is the car!

Han Hui was basically like this, seeing Song Shixiong standing there with a dull face, frowning, how could he lose his composure in front of so many beauties?

"Brother Song, we are here for dinner. The massage skills of these beauties are good, which makes people feel at ease. Come and enjoy it too!"

Only then did Song Shixiong come to his senses, a blush of excitement appeared on his face, he walked to the opposite side of Han Hui, sat down on the seat on the other side of the table, looked at the big red table in front of him and sighed: "The Yangshenmu, how could it be It’s the Yangshen Tree, and the Great Desert Supreme Seat in the Yueyue Tower really lives up to its reputation!”

Han Hui's eyes lit up and he asked, "What is Yang Shenmu?"

"Shenyang wood can nourish the soul. This kind of tree is very rare. I have been a mercenary for so many years, and I have only seen one as thick as a thumb. I can't imagine that a whole set of tables and chairs can be made here. The Hua family is really worthy of our desert city. The first to practice Qi!" Song Shixiong said in shock.

"Brother Song, why should you underestimate yourself? Your strength at the peak of the Pentium Realm, after stepping into the Constructive Realm, must be an existence that the entire Mocheng will look up to. What if you live in this Yaoyue Tower for a long time?" Han Hui said with a smile .

"How can it be so simple, it is difficult to build a realm together!" Song Shixiong came back to his senses and said with a sigh.

"Brother Song, I wonder if I can ask you something." Han Hui said with embarrassment.

"What can you say? All the brothers who followed me are dead. Today, you are the only one who supports me in a clear-cut manner. We are brothers. What else can we not say?" Song Shixiong said boldly.

At this time, a beautiful woman put an exquisite jade wine jug and two wine glasses carved with dragons and phoenixes on their table, pouring wine into the two wine glasses with slender jade fingers.

A fresh fragrance came out, the wine turned out to be emerald green, although it was poured in the blanket, it was like an endless sea, making people's eyes intoxicated.

"This is Qingtian Green Liquid Wine, please taste the master!" the beauty said.

"Master! Are we your master?" Han Hui was obviously sensitive to these two masters.

"That's right, the guest who came to the fourth floor is our master. He can make our sisters do anything, including taking our lives!" When she said this, the beauty still had a smile on her face, as if she didn't care at all. own life and death.

"Qingtian Green Liquid Wine, so it looks like this!" When Han Hui was concerned about the issue of the master and the female slave, Song Shixiong looked dull again.

Han Hui said with a bitter face: "I said Brother Song, you don't want to be like this? You made the beauties laugh!"

Song Shixiong shook his head and said: "You don't know how rare this blue sky green liquid wine is. It is said that it was brewed by a generation of Dionysus in Mocheng 500 years ago. It can cleanse tendons and cut marrow! It can make an ordinary person's body instantly become The body of an innate warrior!"

Han Hui's eyes couldn't help but stare, darling, it's no wonder that the [-] qi invigorating pills are all such heaven-defying things.

Not to mention the efficacy of Qingtian Green Liquid, what price is it worth just for the 500-year-old fine wine?

The two picked up the wine glass at the same time, slammed it in the air, put it on their lips and licked it, and swallowed it down, the eyes of the two showed blurred colors at the same time.

With a "squeak", the wine glass was dried up.

It took a long time for the two of them to open their eyes slightly. In just a moment, they were extremely comfortable from the soul to the body. Although they didn't need this wine to wash the meridians and marrow, the massage on the meridians and bone marrow still made them feel extremely comfortable. .

Think about it, people usually feel very comfortable when they are massaged, and that is only on the outside of the massage. This time, the meridians are massaged, and the bone marrow is massaged.

"This wine alone is worth it! I'll treat you next time!" This time just started, Han Hui began to think about the next time.

Song Shixiong wasn't surprised at all. Han Hui could throw out [-] qi-boosting pills at will, so he probably wouldn't have a problem if he asked for it ten or eight times.

"Brother, what did you want to ask me just now?" Song Shixiong asked.

At this time, Han Hui has already confirmed that the things in his storage bag are not interested in Song Shixiong's treasure, but in his people.

Song Shixiong appeared on the ring, so far away, the inkstone was cheering and jumping, but now it became quiet beside Song Shixiong.


This thing changes with Song Shixiong's mood. When he first met Qi Zhentao, Song Shixiong showed his arrogance, and the inkstone was beating endlessly.

When Song Shixiong lost his momentum, the vibration of the inkstone became much weaker, and when he drank the fine wine, the inkstone completely lost its sound.

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