This big meal was refreshing, and all kinds of treasures came to the dining table in an endless stream, and entered the stomachs of Han Hui and Song Shixiong.

What is enjoyment?This is the enjoyment, the supreme enjoyment!

When he was on the earth, although Cui Hanhui was the king of the underground, he never felt as satisfied as he is today, with a big appetite.

The meals here are jointly cooked by alchemists and chefs. Not only are they delicious, but they are also very helpful to the human body. If you are in the early stage of the embryonic stage, follow this meal.

Although the Pentium Realm does not have such an immediate effect, it must eat more than the Germinal Realm. After returning, there is also a chance to hit the next realm.

Even Song Shixiong, who is at the peak of the Pentium Realm, is full of regret: "It seems that the Qi Bu Pill is the real king. If I have enough Qi Bu Pills, I will live in the Yaoyue Building. There is hope for the Constructive Realm! "

Han Hui smiled: "Of course, when wealth reaches a certain level, personal bravery will have little effect."

Song Shixiong smiled wryly: "If it's not for personal bravery to a certain level, how can wealth reach a certain level?"

Only then did Han Hui wake up, this is not the earth, there is no personal bravery to speak of on the earth, there is no force here, even if you are given so many pills, you cannot keep them.

The two of them were full of wine and food, and walked down the Yaoyue Tower.

At this time, the moon hangs in the sky, and lanterns rise up from the [-]-acre building complex on Yaoyue Building, lighting up the ground like daytime.

Seeing the two of Han Hui, all the waiters and shopkeepers bowed to salute, this is the treatment of the supreme seat!

Little did they know, after the two left, a pair of angry eyes stared at them closely.

Leaving Yaoyue Tower, enjoy the night view of Mocheng on the street, sit in the courtyard, the ancient streets, the scenery is completely different from the earth, Hanhui is new here, there is no place to stay, Song Shixiong has been hiding from the Liu family's search, There is no fixed residence.

Qi practitioners like them generally like places with few people. One is where the air is good, and the vitality between the heaven and the earth is also sufficient.

Another one is that they are afraid that someone will mix in the crowd and assassinate them. If there is a fight, innocent people will be hurt.

Under the leadership of Song Shixiong, the two galloped towards the sparsely populated urban area. After Han Hui sealed his meridians, everything in his body was no different from the state of initiation, and he would not break the seal just to hurry.

Song Shixiong took care of Han Hui, but didn't use his full strength. Even at the peak of the initiation stage, he was much faster than the top sports cars on the earth.

Gradually, the number of human eyes became less and less, Song Shixiong suddenly frowned, standing on the spot, Han Hui stopped in doubt.

He is now in a complete embryonic state and cannot feel what is happening outside at all.

"You two want to leave after drinking and eating?" A sinister voice sounded.

Han Hui was taken aback for a moment, and the voice came from Qi Zhentao in an instant. Unexpectedly, this guy really came to the door, and it seemed that he could get some qi invigorating pills again.

"It's me you're looking for, it has nothing to do with him, let him go!" Song Shixiong turned around and saw six black shadows appearing behind him.

Qi Zhentao laughed and said: "Unexpectedly, you, Song Shixiong, are really promising. You can kill Liu Lang. If you can hand over that soft sword, I will let you go! As for this little brother? I just need to borrow him." Anything works!"

"I said before that you hate me and it has nothing to do with him. We will solve our problems by ourselves!" Song Shixiong also saw that Han Hui's strength was weak. At first he thought that Han Hui was hiding his skills, but along the way, Han Hui Hui's performance is no different from that of the Infant Realm.

When the next few people started to get close, he didn't feel anything, and even after he stopped, he still looked puzzled.

What does this mean?It can only show that he is not a master of Pentium Realm at all, at least not a master of Pentium Peak.

The six people on the other side knew that Song Shixiong dared to attack after beheading Liu Lang, so they must have something to rely on. With Han Hui's cultivation, he would die here if he was not careful.

"Song Shixiong is Song Shixiong. He is a great hero, but why should I fulfill your hero? Do you think you are the only hero in the whole world, and we are all scum? Let me tell you, I don't like you. My fortune has ruined my reputation, I will find my way back today, leave this kid and that sword behind, and you can leave!" Qi Zhentao said viciously.

"You guys are really overreaching! Can you do it with just a few of you? Liu Lang dispatched more people than you to surround and kill me. What happened? Was it successful?" Song Shixiong said proudly.

"I really don't know how to live or die!" A sharp voice sounded, the man shook his palm, and a spear appeared, and the murderous aura swept across the surroundings instantly.

"Don't think that you can do anything with a two-star treasure, you will definitely die today!" The aura of the gunman rose instantly, and gradually climbed to the top, like a giant standing upright.

He is also a master at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and the spear in his hand is also a treasure. As long as he does not fight, he will definitely not accept Song Shixiong.

Everyone is also at the peak of the Pentium Realm, what are you awesome about, we have six Pentium Realm here, even if you have a two-star treasure, you have to keep it for me.

Song Shixiong was fearless, with this two-star treasure, he could definitely get away safely, even the six opponents were useless.

However, Han Hui can't do it, he couldn't help but glance at Han Hui, seeing Han Hui's indifferent face, he was puzzled for a while.

Does this kid not know how to be afraid, or is he used to being arrogant by his elders in Jianzong?Not scared at all?

"You guys want me to borrow something from me?" Han Hui asked.

"I want to borrow your heart, you won't object!" Qi Zhentao said with a smile.

"You use human beings to make alchemy, and if you kill them, you can be regarded as doing justice for the sky!" The corners of Han Hui's mouth turned up, revealing a sarcastic smile.

The faces of several people changed at the same time, this kid is really reckless, he is still so arrogant at this time.

Song Shixiong couldn't help but look around. Could it be that there are powerful masters around Han Hui as bodyguards?

"Brother Song, these people want my life, use me to make alchemy, and if a sum of hi is returned to him, I should take their life and take their elixir!" Han Hui said to Song Shixiong.

"Boy, you're courting death!" The big gun-wielding man couldn't bear it first, spinning the spear in his hand, the world seemed to collapse in an instant, Song Shixiong's body trembled, the air was stirred by the spear, and the air flow scattered and splashed like a mountain It collapsed in an instant, and gravel flew across.

Han Hui instantly felt the threat of death. This is a long spear that can tear everything apart. At the peak of the Pentium Realm, he activated a one-star treasure and fired it with all his strength.

This shot was not only to kill Han Hui, but also to show his power to Song Shixiong. He knew that Song Shixiong would definitely rescue him.

As long as they help each other, they will have a chance. After all, this will distract Song Shixiong's energy.

Although Song Shixiong also knew that as long as he made a move, he would receive a series of blows, and everyone's attacks would fall on him, but he couldn't let him abandon Han Hui and run away. After all, Han Hui belonged to Chi Yu.

With a flick of his palm, Han Hui moved just as he was about to strike.

Taking a step forward, the palm of the hand ran against the wind, and grabbed the tip of the spear.

The big guy with the gun didn't understand what was going on on the spot. Is this kid really out of his mind?How can one still cultivate to the Emerging Stage with a brain problem?

The tip of the spear has the greatest power, not to mention the initiation stage, even Song Shixiong, if he didn't have a two-star treasure in his hand, he would definitely not dare to block it head-on, and could only avoid the real and attack the weak.

And Han Hui grabbed the tip of the spear with his hand, Song Shixiong sighed secretly.

Just as the disappointment in his eyes rose, it instantly turned into shock, and he stared at Han Hui in disbelief.

Han Hui firmly grasped the tip of the gun with his palm, and looked at several people with a smile on his face. The big man with the gun, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was flushed. Obviously, he had exerted all his strength, but he still couldn't move the gun.

The figures behind him who were ready to pounce like hungry wolves at any time did not pounce after all, and stood there dumbfounded.

This thing is too shocking?

Grabbing the tip of the spear with his hand, it is still so calm, is this still a state of initiation?

"No, he's not in the Emerging Realm!" A person stared at Han Hui, his pupils shrank instantly.

When everyone focused their eyes on Han Hui, they realized that he was indeed not in the Infant Realm, and had become a realm that even they couldn't figure out.

There is no sound of Jing yuan running on the body, and the sound of the river rushing, so what does that mean?It shows that Han Hui has surpassed the Pentium Realm.

Oh my god, everyone wanted to kill Qi Zhentao, but he even led the crowd to rob a master of construction, and wanted to use his heart to make alchemy?

Qi Zhentao even has the heart to hit the wall. A Song Shixiong, although he can exert his strength at the peak of the Pentium Realm, is not in the joint construction period after all. Three of the six of them are at the peak of the Pentium Realm, and the other three are at the peak of the Pentium Realm. In the mid-term, all six of them have treasures in their hands, and they are absolutely sure of winning together.

However, now that a master of co-construction really appeared, the situation changed instantly. Just relying on the strength of his bare hands to grasp the tip of the gun, they were not something they could resist.

Han Hui turned his palm lightly, and the spear stopped bending for an instant.

With a "snap", the handle of the gun was released from the man's hand, and it slammed into his chest like a whip.

With a "click", the chest was sunken, and the person was also beaten upside down and flew out, falling to the ground without breath.


Before Qi Zhentao and the others realized what was going on, Han Hui's figure moved, swaying around them, they lost consciousness before they even had time to feel fear.

Like a devil, they twisted all their necks, and at the same time, with the other hand, they took out all their storage bags.

"Brother Song, we made another small fortune today. After you have completely refined what you ate today, I will invite you to invite Yuelou!" Han Hui said to Song Shixiong with a dull face.

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